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BELMONT PARK NEW YORK, N. Y.F MONDAY, MAY 29, 1933. Belmont Park 1-2 miles. 6 1-4 fctt. Second day. Westchester Racine; Association. Summer meeting of 18 days. Waite Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Stewards of Meeting, J. E. Widened W. Woodward and G. H. Bull. Associate Steward: of The Jockey Club, W. S. Vosburgh. Steward Representing the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association, A. C. Bost-vvick. Judges, E. C. Smith and C. Cornphlson. Starter, George Cassidy. Racing Secretary, V. E. Schaumburg. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds: 7 pounds: 10 pounds. Qg Q-g - FIRST RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs Widener course. Orissa, June 4, 1928 :5 12 119. M,u9oDii Forest Hm Purse- Purse S600- 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner S450; roay---Bei second, 00; third, 0. Claiming price, ,000; if for ,500, allowed 3 lbs.; ,000, 5 lbs. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C I B S1584R. PINCHOT . yta 118 4 4 1" 14 14 HornF Mr T J Lewis 3-5 3-5 11-20 out out 81429:DESSNER w 113 5 2 2 24 23 PascumaA J J Robinson 13-5 16-5 3 1-2 1-5 B1300"IMPROMPTU wb 107 1 3 41 4s 3" BalzctteW K E Hitt 15 20 20 6 1 COOLEY w 114 3 1 3 3" 4J JoncsR Mrs J H Whitney8 8 7 8-5 1-2 TATANNE w 103 2 5 5 5 5 SmithD G D Widener 20 40 30 8 21 Time, :53. Track muddy. Winner Ch. c, by Chatterton Hurry Home, by Omar Khayyam trained by C. Buxton; bred by Mr. A. B. Hancock. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:36. AT POST J minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. R. PINCHOT showed speed and, racing true all the way, shook off the others in the stretch and drew clear at the finish. DESSNER, in close quarters near the quarter post, responded well and finished gamely. IMPROMPTU raced well on the inside, but tired near the finish. COOLEY moved up when called upon, but tired in the closing eighth. TATANNE was outrun. Scratched Huntsman Dornin, 109. Q-fl Q"2 SEC0ND RACE About 2,Miles. Fairmount, May 29, 19263:405147. Westbury Stee-? plechase. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner May-29-33-Bel 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses EqtA Wt PPSt 3 6 1 12 Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 81532"ST. FRANCIS w 5 138 1 2 62 5 lk l4 1T BallW Mrs T W Durt 5 7 6 21 6-5 81076INDIGO wb 7 154 2 6 1 Is 31 2s 24 McKyMrRNorthwood Sta 2 2 8-5 3-5 1-3 80986CREEK w6 145 8 3 8T3 5 34 35 ScottA T Hitchcock 4 7 6 21 6-5 81166DANIEL SOOT w5 145 7 10 10 7l 2" 4l 45 SimsM Mrs F M Gould 6 6 6 21 6-5 81531"CAWVOGE wi 8 147 6 1 5 61 7s 54 52 EaganC Mrs J H Whity8 10 8 3 8-5 81529PLUNDER w 4 139 4 8 21 4" 44 6 64 LambertJ Greentree Sta J6 8 7 21 6-5 81031 FORAGE CAP w 7 145 3 5 34 84 8s 7 T BaumanA Mrs J H Whity 8 10 8 3 8-5 809302ICICLE w 6 147 9 9 91 9!0 99 8s 8" YgMrRB K E Hitt 5 7 6 1 21 6-5 81531 BERET w 4 134 5 7 4 2" 61 9,0 9,50CoilinsW Greentree Sta :6 8 7 21 6-5 "HAPPY WINGS . wb 7 135 10 4 7l 10 10 10 10 MurdockH Mrs A Potts 30 40 40 15 8 tCoupIed as Mrs. J. H. Whitney entry; JGreentrec Stable entry. Time, 3:47. Track muddy. Winner Gr. g, by Stefan the Great Franconia, by Sweep trained by C. H. Douglas; bred by Mr. J. E. Widener. WENT TO POST 2:59. AT POST 1 J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third the same. ST. FRANCIS, under restraint until midway of the second turn of the field, moved into command and drew away. INDIGO, a factor all the way, saved ground and finished well. CREEK jumped well and finished resolutely. DANIEL SOOT moved up with a rush, but went wide turning for home and tired. CAW- VOGE tired in the last half mile. PLUNDER showed speed for a turn of the field. FORAGE CAP jumped well. ICICLE was outrun. BERET quit and was not persevered with. Scratched 81531 Spar, 145 r 81761 Berrilldon Flash, 138. G-i O THIRD RACE About 7-8 Mile Widener Course, 165 feet less than 7-8 mile. High JuT oo?i b i Strung, Sept. 15, 19281:192122. Greenlawn Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. May-Z9-33-Bel Maidens. Special weights. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0.. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Vi Y2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H. C P S 81629 NIMBUS wb 115 1 1 24 34 2 11 LongJ Marshall Field 21 3 13-5 1 13 81629 UNION wb 115 2 4 - 62 6s 41 21 CoucciS M L Schwartz 4 5 5 8-5 4-5 80558 DARK CONQUEST wb 115 7 6 4s 1" 3l 3" RobtsonA W S Kilmer 10 15 12 5 21 81629MOVIUS wb 115 3 5 . 51 51 52 41 MalleyT Bclair Stud Sta 21 31 16-5 6-5 3-5 778543THE END wb 105 4 2 11 21 1" 5s BayleyA Glen Riddle F S 8 15 15 6 3 81121:COLIGNY wb 115 6 3 31 4l 610 65 WorkmanRE T Simpson 3 - 31 3 6-5 3-5 81296 PRESAGE wb 115 5 7 7 7 7 7 RichardsH G B Parsons 30 60 50 20 10 Time, 1:22. Track muddy. v Winner B. c, by Stimulus Nimba, by War Cloud trained by G. M. Odom; bred by Mr. Marshall Field. WENT TO POST 3:30. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. NIMBUS raced through on the inside and responding to urging, shook off the leaders in the closing eighth and held UNION safe. The latter, slow to start, improved his position gradually and finished fastest. DARK CONQUEST showed early speed. JOVIUS raced evenly. THE END quit. COLIGNY tired badly. PRESAGE was outrun. Scratched 81670Slewfoot, 105; 80667 Sun Apollo, 115; 81387 Becteach, 115; 81669 John Bull, 115. C-fl Q-fl A FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Jack High, May 24, J930 1:35 4 110. Third Running S? n,o4r. ACORN STAKES. ,500 added. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to win- May-29-33-Bel ner 0,650; second, ,500; third, 50; fourth, 75. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt i ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 81545 ISEULT w 114 4 2 1" 2 1 14 14 MillsH Wheatley Sta fl-3 2-5 2-5 out out 81545EDELWEISS wb 114 5 5 42 3 31 24 22 GilbertJ Wheatley Sta fl-3 2-5 2-5 out out 813922ILLUSIVE wll4 1 3 3M 44 3l 31 JonesR Miss M Corning 4 5 41 1 1-3 81545 EASY DAY w 121 2 4 5 5 5 5 41 CoucciS Greentree Stable 10 12 12 3 1 815453DARK LOVE w 114 3 1 2s 1" 2 4" 5 WorkmanRW S Kilmer 10 1515 4 6-5 Coupled as Wheatley Stable entrv. Time, :23, :47, 1:12, 1:40. Track muddy. Winner B. f, by Sir Gallahad III. Swizzlestick, by Broomstiqk trained by J. Fitzsimmohs; bred by Whcatlev Stable. WENT TO POST 3:59. AT POST 4 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily ; second and third the same. ISEULT showed speed from the start, raced DARK LOVE into defeat and won handily. EDELWEISS was caught in the webbing and, away poorly, rushed into contention, saved "ground and finished well. ILLUSIVE followed close up, but was hard ridden through the final eighth to hold EASY DAY. The latter finished well. DARK LOVE, used up forcing the early pace, quit badly. Scratched 81488Barn Swallow, 121; 81586Sugar Pea, 114. 8-g Q-g rT FIFTH RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs Widener course. Orissa, June 4, 1928 :51 2 119. .. . Cap and Bells Purse. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. Net value May-29-33-Bel to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 816262HEROWIN wb 118 3 2 1" 2l l" l1 WorkmanRB B Stable 3-5 1 7-10 1-5 out 81206 COFLIER .. . w 118 4 4 .2h lk 21 24 KelsayW O F Woodward 6 12 6 7-5 out GALABANG w 118 11 32 3 3" 3 MillsH G H Bostwick 4 4 31 4-5 out 81626 SUN MONK wb 118 2 3 4 4 4 4 RobtsonA W S Kilmer 3 5 41 1 out Time, :53. Track muddy. Winner Br. g, by Hcrodot Sunwina, by Sun Briar trained by H. Jacobs; bred bv Mr. W. S. Kilmer. WENT TO POST 4:25. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. HEROWIN raced straight and, responding to urging, shook off the leaders and drew away. COFLIER, on the outside of the leader from the start, challenged, but tired at the finish. GALABANG, close up early, raced green and then tired. SUN MONK was under pressure throughout. Scratched Singing Wood, 118; Skimalong, 118. SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Hot Toddy, Sept. 13, 1929 1:48 4 110. Brookhaven 5? i?.,"T; . Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; May-29-33-Bel second, 00; third, 0. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt and 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 81 673GOLDEN WORDS wb 3 1051 4 1 14 14 l2 14 14 MillsH J J Moran 6 8 8 21 1 81388FRIGATE BIRD wb 5 115 2 3 4" 4l 21 2l 2l RobtsonA D Runvon 1 6-5 1 1-3 1-6 81589KNEEHIGH w 4 105 6 6 6 6 54 5s 32 KnessiH W E Coburn 5 6 6 2 4-5 81 589LUCKY RACKET w 4 110 1 4 5 51 44 4k 4 HornF J Bver 3 16-516-5 9-101-4 817235MUSLNG wb 5 110 3 2 3 2" 32 3" 5" CoucciS J sSummers 6 8 7 2 4-5 81673 LEI wn3105 5 5 2"3,t 6 6 6 PascumaA Mrs C Phillips 20 30 25 8 3 Time, :23, :47, 1:13, 1:39, 1:53. Track muddy. AVinnor B. c, by Chatterton Gold Buck, by Broomstick trained by J. Fitzsimmons, Jr.; bred by Mr. H. C. Phipps. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:49. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. GOLDEN WORDS outran the others from the start, was rated along, saved ground and held FRIGATE BIRD safe. The latter, urged on. the far turn, moved up on the outside, but could not overhaul the winner. KNEEHIGH. outrun to the far turn, went to the outside and fininshed fast. LUCKY RACKET challenged gamely entering the stretch, then tired. MUSING saved ground all the way. LEI was eased up. Overweight Golden Words, 3 pounds. i