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CONNAUGHT OPENS TODAY Special Train Arrives From Mon ¬ treal With Blue Bonnets Cam ¬ paigners Track Ready OTTAWA Ont June 19 The Connaught Park Jockey Club the capitol city racing plant throws open its doors for its first meeting of 1934 today For weeks prepara ¬ tions have been under way for the annual renewal of the sport of kings in the capital and everything is in readiness for the open ing The beautiful Connaught Park plant situated on the Ailmer Road presents a pic ¬ turesque appearance with its large spacious lawns and shows the constant care of track superintendent Alf Lajoie LajoieA A special train arrived this morning from Montreal with thirteen cars bringing the horses that campaigned at the Blue Bonnets meeting which concluded yesterday and in addition to the thoroughbreds already quar ¬ tered at the course well filled fields for the various events are assured assuredPreparations Preparations for the visit of their Excel ¬ lencies Lord and Lady Bessborough on Thursday were completed yesterday The government house party which will include a number of guests who are visiting Rideau Hall will be met by W H McAuliffe and Col G P Murphy vicepresidents of the club and other members of the directorate directorateThe The visit of the governorgeneral will no doubt be the social highlight of the meeting and a record crowd is expected for that day dayA A number of jockeys who will ride here arrived this morning from Montreal E Fator C Rails K Horvath J Woods F Fellows J Passero J Guerra E Jelly and apprentices G Watson H Peden and P Frank are on hand and many others who have been riding with success at Blue Bon ¬ nets netsThe The official family will include presiding steward representing the Providence of Quebec Racing Association Julius Reeder stewards Ed Baker and James K Paisley judges W Morrison E C St Pere M P Li N Bates and W Gilhooley starter W Richer clerk of the scales Lester Doyle paddock judge W J Newton patrol judge G Julien timer E OMeara racing secre ¬ tary T P Gorman and clerk of the course A J Baxter BaxterRacing Racing secretary Gorman has arranged a splendid card for the opening day with four sprint events and three distance affairs The opening days feature the Senator Bel court Memorial brings together a well matched field of horses