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TERMS 5 WEEKLY PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE YESTERDAYS PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE FLAT RELEASEFLAT ROCK Third ThirdWe We have no excuse to offer for the defeat of the above horse We are not infallible and although we must release an occasional loser we more than make up for it with future releases releasesMondays Mondays Private OneHorse Release Saturdays Private OneHorse Release ReleaseCHARTRES CHARTRES 550 WON LITTLE CYNIC 870 WON WONFridays Fridays Private OneHorse Release Thursdays Private OneHorse Release ReleaseNEEDLE NEEDLE 740 WON HOUR ZEV 1348 WON WONSUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE RELEASETERMS TERMS 5 FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE SERVICEAnd And if its PROFITS you are looking for when playing the races then you owe it to yourself to subscribe now and get this horse each and every day Put yourself in our hands for one week and let us prove to you that it pays to follow a winning con ¬ nection TODAYS CODE PARLAY VASHINGTONOakland30312863 WASHINGTON Ford20223121 TODAYS PRIVATE ONEHORSE RELEASE LATONIA Florida53465350 Florida53465350LLOYD LLOYD CO 109 N Dearborn St Suite 907 Chicago III