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7th Washington ° ut of Chute Purse 800 3 YearOlds and Up ward Illinois Owned Claiming Burning Up Mile June17 1932 1233 4 110 110NOTE NOTE Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1200 Nonwinners of two races since May 23 3yearolds 111 Ibs older 118 Ibs Non winners since May 23 allowed 3 Ibs Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Pric 97389 2Heiress Was 109 155 4 108X 1500 97472 3 Martie Flynn Was 112 125 9 115X 1200 96957 7Night Jasmine LF 105 125 4 108X 1500 Index Post Best at Distances Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Prici 97041 6 Salut DAmour Was 100 125 4 113X 1300 97387 4Hyman Hia 105 154 6110X1200 97325 1 Miss Flip Was 106 127 3 102X 1400 97472 5Baldcrdash Was 105 127 5 107X 1200 Heiress X XJune June 19 Was 38 37ft vw Trainer B S Michell Owner Albert Sabath SabathUait Uait irk Ma Time Con Udds WL St Str FinJockey PPClPceSts Best Company Jual6343Was CompanyJual6343Was 1 142 ft 91 109 71 4i 441 WestropeJ1 2000 11 FrSpotl04UnkieToml07 Trevallion 114 Junll344Was 1 125 ft 2 109 8 1 1 1i WestropeJ 1200 11 SalutDAmrll7Pulis HSTryKin 112 Jun9343Was 3 115 si 21 109 1 7 5 5i KacalaJ1 1500 8 NJminel04BayServtl04 0 AdmI 102 Jun 234Was 3 112 ft 51 107 9 5 Tl 4J CorbettC1 1200 9 Infinity 115MieFlynn 112Polyfon 110 May3134sWas 1 138 ft 1 110 7 1 I1 2 CorbettC 1200 8 Annan 110 Uluniu 110 Paul IT 112 May29 34lVas J 125 ft 4 110 8 8 5 4li BalaskiL1 1500 12 Infinityll2FairBirWsllOTarWater 115 Starti 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1933 record 4 1934 record 28 462 2940 I 2940I Martie Flynn X 1 1 f B 9 9f by Sweep On Rosa Lee by Granite GraniteJune June 6 Was 58 lllft J1 Trainer R McGarvey Owner S Peabody Junl8343Was PeabodyJunl8343Was 1 126 gd 10 112 8 9 71 61 BagurH4 1200 10 Infinity 111 Frisco 107 Westko 118 Junl4345Was 3113 ft 910 113 5 3 11 llk ArcaroE 1000 9 CurbBitl08GunfircllO CelticPrince 108 Juall342Was 1125 ft 1 112 7 2 1 2k BagurH1 100011 OndottllOBroadsteplllLyLaMne 101 Jun2343Was 3 112 ft 9 112 5 8 6s 2J BagurH 1200 9 Infinity 115 Polyfon 110 Heiress 107 May28344Was 1 125 ft 2710 112 4 4 21 21 ArcaroE4 1200 8 Brmshotl044Babool07DrL Han 112 May24343Was 3 114 gd 4 115 4 5 5 4 ChiavettaF3 1200 8 Polyfon 110Infinity 113 Lillian Z 110 Mayl234Aur 54 f 106 ft 185 106 3 3 21 H ChiavettaF1 1500 6 FoxyQuiller 1080tterrop 100 Erech 103 1933 record 19 461 3520 1934 record 9 240 1450 Night 1450Night Jasmine X 1 08 B f 4 by Sand Mole Shades of Night by Luke McLuke June 8 Was12 53ft V0 Trainer J D Mikel Owner J D Mikel Jual834Was MikelJual834Was 1 126 gd 105 SCRATCHED Post P 2 1500 10 Infinity 111 Frisco 107 Westko 118 Jua 118Jua 9343Was 3 115 si 175 104 2 1 I4 I1 StrongJ4 1500 8 BayServtl040urAdml 102H Work 114 Jun l34JWas 3 113 ft 65 107 2 3 3l 24 KingT1 1500 7 PollyE 109Allens 104Sister Marv 109 May25344Was 109May25344Was 3 112 ft 32 108 655 5 RuderL 1200 7 FrBillowsl08FgTimel08 SterZoe 110 MaylO343CD 113 ft 1310 107 3 1 I1 2 RuderL 1000 8 JtBuckll2Pantalnsl07 SlandLad 107 Au519334Haw 64 f 119 ft 61 1032 1 Tl I1 TiptonA1 250G 8 BingUp 108ColdCheck 106 V Maid 108 Au gSSHaw 64fl20 ft 2910 1102 2 1 I1 TiplonA1 2000 11 StllAlongll4HrZeSl5 LeBruye e 10 1933 record 14 512 3125 1934 record 4 1 2 0 825 Saint 825Saint DAmour X 1 1 Q Br g 4 by Sand Mole Comedie dAmour by Luke McLuke June McLukeJune 18 Was 34 118 118si si 1 Trainer E Hayward Owner Peconic Stable Junll344Was StableJunll344Was 1 125 ft 195 117 1 3 23 2i BagurH 1500 11 Heiress 109 Pulis 115 Try King 112 Jun 634Was 1 139 ft 4 115 4 2 44 64J BagurH9 1500 11 BtlingGirl 1101 Say 110 FourSpot 103 May2934Was gl25 ft 175 115 634 64 CorbettC4 1500 12 Infinityll2FairBilVsllC I TaSer 115 May2134CD 1137 ft 2310 115 2 1 21 21 CorbettC4 1500 6 Pastryll5Whdood e 107 LaSary 1 Mayl434CD 1 A 148 sy 2310 111 3 2 1 1 HphriesL4 1200 6 SpudlllGbysChoicelOS BrSad f lS Ma 734 = CD 64fl18ft 71 110 6 3 31 4 CorbettC 1200 8 P SuliemailsSSjSKta lol 1933 record 27 165 1175 1934 record 13 331 1760 flyman 0June X 1 1 0 B si 6 by Bud Lerner Delphine by Vulcain VulcainTrainer June 12Was38 36ft LJU LJUJual634Was Trainer C E Dale Owner Superior Stable Jual634Was 3 112 ft 145 116 9 9Junl3341Vas 7 41 41 SmithJ 1000 9 UluniulllLmpBlack 113VeryWell 103 Junl3341Vas 3 112 ft 5 112 1 1Jun 5 21 I1 SmithJ1 1000 7 Lamp Black 113 Kuvcra 114AHcns 105 Jun 934Was 3 114 si 8 112 4 4Jua 5 3i 21 MillsC 1200 8 Rensancell2FlagTime 107BlkMiss 98 Jua 234Was 3 112 ft 31 112 2 2Ma 7 81 8 GarncrW1 1200 9 Infinity 115MicFlynn 112Polyfon 110 Ma 30341Vas 3 113 ft 3310 110 3 3My25344Was 1 31 441 MillsC5 1200 8 LmpBrckllOCurbBitllOVcryWell 105 My25344Was 3 112 ft 15 IDS 1 1 43 4 MillsC 1200 7FrBilowsl08FgTimel08 SterZoo 110 1933 record 13 0 1 2 325 1934 record 6 1 1 0 800 Miss Flip X XMav 1 09 B 3 by Republic Delco Light by Everest Mav 22 Was 34 l20m l20mJual834Was v j Trainer T J Shannon Owner Blue Ridge Stable Jual834Was 3 1126 gd 100 SCRATCHED Post P 2 1500 10 NmanD109SlTrystll2BayServt 103 Jual534Was 3 112 ft 7 104 2 3 4l 41lHarbort05 1200 12 LogBit 104Thghfarel09T5nyKittyl02 Juall34Was 1125 ft 8 106 5 4 51 610BaIaskiL 1500 11 Ondott 110MticFlynnll2Brdstep 111 Jun 634lVas 3 113 ft 4910 105 3 3 34i 3 BagurH 15CO 7 LcMisablell2LgBitlOOFlickamaru 105 Jun 134Was 3 112 ft 54 105 266 421 BagurH1 1500 8 Lebam 107 ParaFour 100 Durga 105 Jby28345Vas 3 114 ft 8 107 626 683 WcstropeJ 1500 8 Bardstnl07Durga 102DtsCpfire 101J My2634Was 3 112 ft 13 1018 7 71 7tJHankaW1 1500 8 Chiracl09StrJacket USWJames 110 1933 record 27 6 6 5 3490 1934 record 6 0 0 1 100 Balderdash 07June X 1 07 B g 5 by Peter Pan Twaddle by Broomstick June 17Wasl2 51ft LV Trainer P H Krick Owner P H Krick Son Jual8343Was 1 126 gd 104 105 7 7Jual4342Was 8 911 10 WestropeJ4 1200 10 Infinity 111 Frisco 107 Westko 118 Jual4342Was 3 113 ft 52 113 9 9Mayl2348CD 9 81 74J ArcaroE1 1000 10 HrZcvll5DrolePolly 103PysFolIylOS Mayl2348CD 1 147 ft 5 114 4 4May 3 4 4 PoolE8 1200 8 Blastll4Terrain 105SouthlandLad 109 May 9345CD 1 137 ft 195 108 7 7May 7 7U 7 FowlerG 1000 7 LlcCnclIyllORyRound HOSimonllO May 234CD 3 113 ft 91 115 8 8 7 331 FowlerG8 1000 9 PatC 115RalIyRound 115Chirac 108 layigSSC D 1 146 ft 38 112 7 7 8 815 FischerR5 1000 9 Madelonl07Rrberate 107WTover 112 1933 record 7 n 1 i 315 1934 record 5 0 0 1 50