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EQUIPOISE NOT TO RUN IN GRANITE STATE HANDICAP SALEM N H June 19 After inducing Thomas J Healey trainer of Equipoise to nominate C V Whitneys champion for the Granite State Handicap by increasing the value of the opening day feature here Sat ¬ urday from 5000 to 10000 the New Hamp ¬ shire Breeders Association and New Eng ¬ land turfites were sorely disappointed when today Lou Smith general manager of Rock ingham Park was notified that Equipoise will not start in the mile and a sixteenth race raceHealey Healey wired Smith as follows followsDeeply Deeply regret to disappoint the racegoing public and yourself but I will be unable to have Equipoise ready to race Saturday as intended Hope to have him race at your track later in the meeting meetingSmith Smith announced that the race will be run at the increased value and despite the defection of Equipoise he expects it to be a keener contest Twentyfive nominations were received for the stake and most of those named are on the grounds Among the eligibles are Sarada Tick On Barn Swallow Kievex Dark Winter Piety Sun ador Jabot Roustabout Discovery Spring steel Dark Hope and Mr Khayyam