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WORKOUTS Date si left of hone same t but workout Letters following time Indicate Indicatek k breezing d driving e easily h handily e all oat s Balked a eased up upFastest Fastest Time mi Bach Distance Shown in Block Face Type TUESDAY JUNE 19 WASHINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast Tnree Eighths Mile 613 Bcginrs Bait 36h 614 Flyg Justice 40 b 67 Black Joe 35h 615 Heiress 37h 62 Behomoth 37 h 618 Hold Fire 37 h 56 Baboo 36b 65 Inia Grnock 39b 612 Balthasar 38b 617 Ms Patience 35h 516 Celtic Prince 40 b 612 Prs Camelia 38 b 616 Ch Cherokee 37b 614 Spicate 40b 611 Ch Evergrn 36h 614 Sergeant D 37 b Camarilla 37 h 617 Tiny Kitty 37b 37b612Corroon 612Corroon 37 h 612 Technocracy 39b 614 Dusty Lane 39b 62 Wild Turkey 36 h 614 Donacare 37 h 614 Where Away 37 h 613 Dna Bettina 37b 613Wise DauTer 36b 616 Diane S 37h 37hOne One Half Mile 612 Aliens 51b 612 Isaiah 51b 51b616Chrysostom 616Chrysostom 51 b 616 Jay Vee 51b 51bCivil Civil War 55 b 616 Knave 50 b 614 Doncellita 49 h 616 Knowlton 53b 615 Flo Raffles 51b 611 Mr Joe 51b 616 Giggling 51 b 614 Trevallion 54b 54b615Hilcna 615Hilcna 54b 616 Tomfoolery 50h 50hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 616 Albert D l05 h 616 Go Sonl04h 615 Alads Dreaml02h 616 Grand Wayl02h 612 Born Happyl03 b 612 Hot Shot 109 b 616 Blonde Bellel05b 616 Jane Hastgsl04 h 616 Bay Sister l65b 616 My Cullertonl05 h 615 Bitter Bark 103 1 613 Miss Kiev 105 h 616 Boiling Pointl05 b 616 Pornella 104 h 616 Circus Day 105 h 613 Peggy Gal l06b 614 Chief Pilot 104 b 616 Rickey Roo 105 d 610 Deadeye Dickl01d 615 Show Boy l03b 615 Dancing Dolll03b 613 Shan l02h 615 Dartle l03b 616 Spanish Babel02 h 611 Fair Image 100 d 614 Thoroughfarel03h 615 Flight of Goldl03b 613 Wise PIaycrl02b PIaycrl02bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 615 Advisg Annal16b 615 Lone KnightlSl b 611 Brd Lights 1134h 614 Sister Zoe 122 b 615 Glastonbury l16b 614 Some Pomp 116 b 611 Hermie Royl16 b 616 Single Stripel18 b 611 Jens Sonl19V5b 67 Secluded l21b l21bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mil 65 Ms Corinnel28d 65 Oscillation l28h l28hOne One Mile Mile616Glynson 616Glynson l43h 69 Red Bootl43h 614 Late Date l46b 615 Ryl Blunderl46b Blunderl46bOne One and OneEighth Miles Miles616Marcella 616Marcella H156h 616 Seths Ballot202h Broad Lights worked impressively Fair Image showed speed LINCOLN FIELDS FIELDSWeather Weather clear track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 616Kaposia 41 h 615 Panic Blues 39b 39bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 68 Charlie Dawn 52b 617 Maple Ricca 55 b b6lLEpona 6lLEpona 55 b 67 Waywd Lad 54b 67 Little Cynic 52b 52bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 6llBedight 110 b 615 Carbon 109 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 615 Home Workl23 = ih 614 Royal Tsurel27 b 614 Pre Tokalonl25 b 517 Sambo Brnl23b FAIRMOUNT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track good TnreeEiqhths Mile 613 Baby Sweep 37 h 69 Lst Bloom 40 b 613 Bright Wine 38h 616 Lady Sweet 39b 39bBobe Bobe 39b 527 Mere Satin 40b 68 Bob Up 37 h 616 Nepesta 39 b 613 Baritone 38b 62 Our Beauty 38h 64 Deep Sally 37h 526 Philwex 37h 613 Dezan 38b 615 Portcodine 39b 69 Discobolus 35h 62 Petite Lady 38b Fst General 39b 66 Roycrofter 7h 614 Fch Servant 39 b 616 Ruffday 37h 617 Gertrude V 37h 69 Santa Cruz 37h 612 Gg Time Sm 39 b 6l4 Sir John K 40b 40b321Gurgler 321Gurgler 40b 527 Scope 374 h 58 Hazel Hopps 9b 611 Stabilizer 36h 614 Justa Sheik 41 b 62 Tat 40b 430 Ly Prospero 37hOneHalf 37h OneHalf Mile Mile4lOAnnarita 4lOAnnarita 51 b 616Lepidus 52b 425 Alto 49 h 616 Miss Coq 52b 52b614Bayamo 614Bayamo 54 b 613 Mt Washtn 49h 618 Bulstrodc 50V6h 615 Morvim 48h 615 Dk Seeker 49h 616Nowski 51b 613 Dtor Happy 49 h 617 Otterrop 51 h 616 Huerfano 52h 66 Scout Chief 55 b 615 Hont Susan 3 b 63 Saucy Maria 53h Jib Boom 54b 614 Sally Forth 53b 616 Judge Dixon 51h 616 Tex Knight 54 b 616 Laird 48d 616 Whisp 51 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 64 Adalor TlK3h 615 King Halmal04h 616 Broad Smile l04h 615 Manipulator 104 h 617 Blind Pussl03h 617 Principle 104 h 613 Clamp 104 h 526 Runy Bean l03h 611 Decline l05h 613 Shaker Ladyl06b 613 Equation l04h 613 Seta l06b 616 Farmer Bobl05h 66 Truxton 104 h 67 Gold Rose l05b Windy Ross 103 h h616Keny 616Keny Greenl05h 615 Tumbler l03h l03hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 69 Bag o Rosesl19b 616 The Judge 118b 615Bearcry l19b 69 Uncle Mitch 122 b 614GvolIag l19b 618 Wild Child 119 b 615 Christine Kl20b 428 Yaupon 124 b 511 Dunny Boy 124 b bLaird Laird and Discobolus worked from the gate gateMorvim Morvim had plenty early speed DAYTON DAYTONWeather Weather clear track heavy Three Eighths Mile 616 Cora T 45h 610 LMe Pindar 44h 517 C Earl Pat 45 h 56 Mike Brown 44h 524 Catty 44 d 612 Noon Play 44h 68 Castle Cliff 44 h 613 Scrambola 44d 613 Fair Lily 44d 613 The Abbot 43 d 613 June G 44d 44dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 520 Curry Girl 59h 617 Qk Delivery 56h 612 Imperial Air 56h 613 Silverette 59h 616 Masd Prince 57 h 613 Silver Wave 56h 56hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 616 Big Businesslllh 617 Nit Edition l14h 615Fidelus 110 d CHARLESTOWN CHARLESTOWNWeather Weather clear track muddy ThreeEighths Mile MileDark Dark Night 39 h 617 Scotch Age 39b 616 Kingbird 39 h 519 Sliding 40 h 616 Kindacorn 40 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 524 Anna V L 4 h 17 Diecaster 58 b 523 Bnie Laddie 54 h Idle Ben 58 b 616 Boston Idle 55 d 616 Jinne 58b 58bCjTJolym CjTJolym 56 b 611 OW Play 59 d dThreeQuartersMile ThreeQuartersMile 612 Armageddon 129 b 65 Scotly Donl29 b LATONIA LATONIAWeather Weather clear track heavy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 527AIpan 44h 531 Miss Hmful 40 h 615 Bichloride 41 h 616 Mint Baby Ofh OfhBton Bton Sound 44h 610 My Blaze 41b 613 Babeson 40 h 612 Prince Ballt 38 h 614 Bwn Witch 38 h 616 Prinzcy 40 h hBellona Bellona 44hV 615 Prince FIuz 40 h 613 Cousin Bess 40h 527 Rung Tide 40 h 617 Chney Swp 394Sh 616 Sweep Like 39h 616 Catch Fly 394fh 611 Sland Bety 38 h 531 Double Date 39 h 615 Stjensund 39 b 612 Fair Cynthia 41 h 616 Sun Boy 38h 614 Fredreaa B 41 h Top Marks 43 h 65 Gold Reserve 41 h 615 Thistle Bug 41 h 614 Goosoflcsh 38 h 68 Ttle Jenny 41 h 59 Gay Joe 41 h 616 Thistle Bee 39 h 615 Howard 40 b 617 Versicolor 41 h 611 Lucky Kate 39 h 62 Waltz King 43 h 610 Lra Linville 40 h 615 Yantis 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 67 City Girl 53 h 616 Mr Mack 53h 53h616CIovis 616CIovis 54 b 617 Stall Man 55 h 617 Gyro 58 b 616 Star Banner 53h 53h615Midwood 615Midwood 54h 54hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 616Abdel 106 h 618 Earl Bakerl10 b 62 Bisque Dolll09 h 65 Mai San l06h 610 Bob Custerl06h 612 Polas FIagl06 h 614 Bdside Kinglllh 611 Sea Eagle 108 h 618 Eal Conal08 h 617 Vellas Choicel10h Choicel10hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 618 Bright MePy118 h 613 Miss Contryl l h 61 Chiltex l28b 618 Sweet Manl19 h 616 Coptic l30 b bOne One Mile 613 Collection 157 b 616 Mary Frcinel50 h 612 Fiji 147h 611 Simon 152 h DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather clear track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 616 Always True 39 h 618 Grey Hip 40 b 528 Bon Champ 39 h 529 Genl Martin 39 h 615 Benevolce 37h 614 Holster 42 h 63 Bright Knot 40 b 616 Hidden Dust 40 h 616 Chief Daunt 59 h 62 Jake Bleiden 40 h 616 Currants 36h Jack B 39h 615 Clicntelle 40 b 511 Manners 42 b 67 Cold Steel 37h 530 Noah Grant 40b 64 Creole Bird 41 b 616 Overthrow 40b 618Dcing 40b618Dcing Spirit 36h 529 Robert S 40y5b 40y5b615EIteebe 615EIteebe 39 h 617 Sun Monk 40 b 62 Etcrn Ruler 39h 613 Sand Cloud 40 h 616 Fair Peter 40b 614 Thistle Lita 41h 616 Glittering 40 b 68 Vignolas Bud 40h 68 Gold Sweep 40 b 615 World Series 40b OneHalf Mile 69 Biff 53h 615 Mid Victian 51b 64 Boston Brk 57 h 611 Myturn 53h 617 Come Seven 52h 612 Miss Toro 52 h 615 Curacao 50 b 57 Off Duty 51h 528 Good Aim 50h 615 Play Hooky 52h 612 Hercndeth 56 b 530 Red Run 51h 615 Joe Macaw 52 h 67 Shady Past 56 b 614Ladykin b614Ladykin 50h 615 Silent Shot 49h 616 Little Doggie 56 b 616 War Band 56 b 616Moonsan 3h 3hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 614 Adobe Postl07h 612 Miss Boss l07h 69 Brabble l084 h 613 Millcfiore 112 h 616AIbanc h616AIbanc 105 h 618 Mr Presidtl06h 615 Bahamas l05h 619 Royal Phascl07 h 616 Divert 105 h 68 Shuffle Off 106 h 63 Dignified lllfa 65 Spring Drivel 08 h 610 Exhibition l10b 66 Thistle Fyrnl09h 617 Fort Sprngsl05h 612 Terrier 104 h 614Fraidy Cat 106 h 613 Uncncumbd 110 h 618Grcen Lotusl03 h hThreeOuarters ThreeOuarters Mile Mile616Contcssa 616Contcssa l17h 68 Sea Fox l25b 69 Full Tilt 122 b 618 Time Supply 123 b 616 Pairbypair l17h l17hOne One Mile 615 Saint l46h ROCKINGHAM PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 616 Appomattox 41 h 510 Rgh Player 36 h 519Bittybit 38 h 616 Sun Cloister 38 h hJubal Jubal Arge 36 h 614 The Heathen 36h 327Merrie Marie 43 h Williford 39h 39hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 616 Chimney Top 50h 616 Right Rank 52h 612 Colorbearer 51h 68 Steelhead 51K 522Colorist 51h 616 Stainforth 48h 618 Gay Glade 49h 67 Toytime 51h 617 Joe Gee 50h 611 Trcadhaven 51h 616 Ks Pleasure 48h 616 Time Flight 49 h 612 Little Dinah 49 h Teddy Carl 49h 617 Mixed Party 51h 6 16 Unkn Soldr 52 h 617Nwton Belle 49h 527 Uppercut 53 h hFive Five Eighths Mile 617 Black Handl01tfh Only Foolinl06 h hBrizette Brizette J03h 617 Peter Blues lK3h 64 Bnk Holidayl03h Reba l03h l03h616Hilise 616Hilise l03h 616The Pelican 101 h 68 My Purchasel04 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 58 Allen Fcrnl15h 69 Lconie 118 h 616 Cantersine 119 h 61 Rhodius 115 h 616 Higli9 Socksl16 h 612 Round Tablel20 h 420 Immune 116 h 518 Solace 119I 119IOne One Mile 616 Greyglade l42h 57 Pcnnywise l48h 617 Lofty Ladyl43 h 616 Springsteel 142 h 617 Marys May 147 h 618 Sarada l42h l42h616Monel 616Monel l43h 610 Vted Powerl43 h