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DAYTON DAYTON Ohio Tuesday June 19 1934 Fair Grounds 12 mile Fifteenth day Dayton Jockey Club Inc Summer meeting of 19 days Starts from barrier Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Steward S C Nuckols Judges E W Bury H J Kohl and C Sanford Starter G Palmer Racing Secretary E W Bury BuryRacing Racing starts at 230 p rh Chicago time 230 p m mQ7CCCC Q7CCCC FIRST RACE About 58 Mile Milei Purse 300 3yearolds Maid June1934Day MaidJune1934Day i i iTn Tn Q Net value to towinner winner 225 second 45 third 20 fourth 10 Claiming price 700 700Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 96676 Travert 106 Il FernandezF 230100 97375 Impii Wiiki 1071 24 PayncC 1030100 97451 Lunch Kit 111 3 RecdW 2100100 97172 Cora T Ill 42 LongH 7160100 93049 Wild Rosebud 114 521 MyresB 580100 580100966752Lou 966752Lou Boot 113 61 DilleaJ 370100 96595 Little Donald 111 71 ButchcrM 3660100 96501 Bohemian Boy 116 8 McAllistcrD 1060100 96487 Harpen Belle 111 9s TaylorW 4310100 4310100Swanky Swanky Baggage 111 10 ErwinS 470100 470100Time Time 104 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Travert 660 straight 380 place 340 show Impii Wiiki 760 place 620 show Lunch Kit 960 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Travert 230 to 100 straight 90 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Impii Wiiki 280 to 100 place 210 to 100 show Lunch Kit 380 to 100 show showWinner Winner T Flinns ch f by Transmute Vertical by Meridian trained by G H Marlman bred by Resan Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700Went Went to post 232 At post 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched Smile Along 111 95016 Prairie View 106 93804 Quicket 102 97449 Scrambola 111 96852 Fair Lily 111 97449 Genie Jr 111 111Overweight Overweight Impii Wiiki 1 pounds Cora T 4 Wild Rosebud 3 Lou Boot 2 QT SQ SECOND RACE About 58 Mile 107V Purse 300 3yearolds and up June1934Day ward Net yaue to towinner winner 225 second 45 third 20 fourth 10 Claiming price 400 400Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97378 Bibboo 108 121 AlbertsA 190100 19010097312Cherry 97312Cherry Lass 102 22 FernandezF 370100 97451 JPoIycron 117 3nk DellowW 1060100 1060100973803June 973803June Bourbon 113 4 DilleaJ 2110100 2110100970172Jadbalja 970172Jadbalja 115 51 LongH 400 100 97314 Nancy Kerr 113 6 MillsJ 750100 97314 Babaloo 114 71 MyresB 18510100 97313 Prince Trafalgar 118 82 CooperR 4220 100 93958 Rainbow Dance 1071 92 PayncC 4550 100 100962463Try 962463Try Come 110 10 CavensJ 1420 100 100Time Time 103 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Bibboo 580 straight 320 place 300 show Cherry Lass 340 place 300 show Polycron 460 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bibboo 190 to 100 straight 60 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Cherry Lass 70 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Polycron 130 to 100 show showWinner Winner Mrs C R L Niles b f 3 by For Fair Golden Charter by Golden Maxim trained by J G Ralliffe bred by Mrs T M Murphy Winner entered to be claimed for 400 400Went Went to post 306 At post J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 96317Day Letter 113 97377 Floor Walker 118 97250 Broadmoor 118 88897 Bobbys Playmate 115 96320 Singleam 110 97314 Loys Ormcnt 113 113Overweight Overweight Bibboo 3 pounds Polycron 4 Baba ¬ loo 4 Rainbow Dance 2j QT Qfl THIRD RACE About 58 Mile MileJune1934 andJunelb34Day Purse S400 4year ° lds and June1934 Junelb34Day Dav upward Claiming Net value valueto to winner 300 second 65 third 25 fourth 10 Claiming price 500 500Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97314 June G 107 I1 Klcinll 7140100 97376 Red Grange 112 21 TaylorW 81010C 97376 Smiling Moon 106 3 ButcherM 400100 97376 Flying Vote 107 4 ErwinS 3580100 97098 Over Shady 111 5k ShawT 1090100 97376 Nick D 112 6 LongH 350100 350100973772Mentality 973772Mentality 107 71 FernandezF 500100 97521 Vcnarock 109 81 LakeL 5530 100 97315 Carnival 113 9 DilleaJ 270100 97314 Mardflle 109J10 MorganH 7420100 7420100Time Time 104 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid June G 14480 straight 55860 place 1740 show Red Grange 1120 place 580 show Smiling Moon 560 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds June G 7140 to 100 straight 2830 to 100 place 770 to 100 show Red Grange 460 to 100 place 190 to 100 show Smiling Moon 180 to 100 show showWinner Winner R P Gillettes ch f 4 by Hephaistos Daisy Platt by Marta Santa trained by R P Gil ¬ lette bred by Mr L A Lyne Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500Went Went to post 337 At post 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 96937ISkipaway 107 97315Transmit 107 97176 Merger 112 97376 Tangalo 107 97098 Moira 107 97450 Unlucky 112 112Overweight Overweight Smiling Moon 4 pounds Over Shady 4Venarock 2 Carnival Mardelle 2 Qf7erQg FOURTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs upJune19o4Day rL Purse S400 3yearolds and up June19o4Day ward Cairnng Net value to towinner winner 300 second 65 third 25 fourth 10 Claiming price 00 00Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97454 The Bard 113 I2 FernandezF 230100 97378 Miss Gohi 107 21 GarnorH 350100 97255 My Betty 115 31 McCabcW 670100 97524Pal John 111 4s ShawT 530100 97520Miss Mascara 106 5 ButchcrM 390100 97455 Jefferron 110 PupCavcnsJ 850100 850100Time Time 128J Track heavy 2 muturls paid The Bard 660 straight 360 place 240 show Miss Gohi 380 place 260 show My Betty 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds The Bard 230 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Miss Gobi 90 to 100 place 30 to 100 show My Betty 20 to 100 show Winner L A Colcys b g 5 by On Watchr Narrator by Omdr Khayyam trained by L A Coley bred by Mr L Watcrbury Winner entered to be claimed for 5800 Went to post 411 Off at once onceStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratchcd97317 Scratchcd97317 Uncle Charley 115 97525 Shaker Maid 102 102OverweightsMiss OverweightsMiss Gohi 2 pounds My Betty 2 Pal John 1 Miss Mascara 1 1Corrected Corrected weight Miss Mascara 105 QT CI FIFTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and i 10 i Tr up June1934Day ward Net vjjue winner 225 second 45 third 20 fourth 10 Claiming price 400 400Eq Eq Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97312 Shoteur 114 I4 MyresB 500100 97376 Bun Nova 113 21 MorganH 3600100 96160 On Trial 118 3 DilleaJ 740100 97455 Golden Nut 110 4 GarnerH 1340100 97173 Wild Kitty 113 5l MillsJ 1520100 97250 C Earl Pat 118 62 EverettT 4080100 97377 Snowcloud 113 71 PayncC 3860100 97173 Verda 113 82 AlbertsA 290100 290100973133FIy 973133FIy On 118 9 CavensJ 270100 89500 Bunn Ouderkk 118 10 CooperR 900100 900100Time Time 129 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Shoteur 1200 straight 700 place 560 show Bun Nova 2600 place 1080 show On Trial 620 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Shotcur 500 to 100 straight 250 to 100 place 180 to 100 show Bun Nova 1200 to 100 place 440 to 100 show On Trial 210 to 100 show showWinner Winner Mrs L Delatours ch g 3 by Baigncur Flying Shot by Omar Khayyam trained by E Wilson bred by Mr J H Morris Winner entered to be claimed for 400 400Went Went to post 443 At post 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratchcd97315 Scratchcd97315 Ragabald 118 97095 Mike Brown 118 97451 Starkist 113 97176 Royal Maj ¬ esty 105 89604 Scarlet Clover 113 96394 Mint Mission 110 110Overweight Overweight Shotcur 4 pounds QrytCCIQ SIXTH RACE1 116 Miles jLne19 Juneia34Day 4D v Purse 400 4yearolds and up mrd claiming Net value to towinner winner 300 second 65 third 26 fourth 10 Claiming price EOO if for 600 allowed 5 bs bsEq OddsInd Eq Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 97250 Cameo Kirby 113 I4 DilleaJ 1220100 97450 Pompcia 107 21 ButcherM 830100 972552Polishor 113 3 LongH 310100 97524 = Bustcr B 100 41 FernandezF 530100 97456 Pot Full 108 51 EverettT 1890100 97454 Wild Law 113 62 LakeL 1900100 97100 Morsnuff 113 72 GrossE 370100 370100974522Red 974522Red Note 113 8 CavensJ 800100 97253 Beckville 830100Time 115 9 MillsJ 830100 Time 158 Track heavy heavyS2 S2 mutuels paid Cameo Kirby 2640 straight 1120 place 760 show Pompcia 1380 place f640 show Polisher 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Cameo Kirby 1220 to 100 straight 460 to 100 place 280 to 100 show Pompeia 590 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Pol ¬ isher 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner H E and C R Arndls br g 4 by Masked Marvel II Peggy Atkins by Jack Atkins trained by R A Welch bred by Messrs F B Showalter and D B Knox Winner entered to b claimed for 600 600Went Went to post 523 At post 11 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving Scratched 97452 Nuckols Boy 110 97317 Noels Blaze 108 108Overweight Overweight poundsCorrected Pompeia 4 pounds Corrected weight Polisher 113 Pot Full 108 Red Note 113 QTKQJ SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles MilesJune19 June June19 andJune 1934Day 4DaT Purse 300 4y lds and upward Claiming Net value valueto to winner 225 second 45 J third 20 fourth 10 Claiming price 400 400Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Straight972553Pauline Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 972553Pauline H 107 1s KleinR flO100 97377 Barbara 0 107 22 EverettT 1330100 1330100973BO 973BO Dr Potter 112 31 LongH 650100 97101 Uncle Si 112 42 ErwinS 2130100 97523 Prince Canbar 112 5 McAllistcrD 800100 96941 Mad A 109 6 CavensJ 470100 97456 Sharon 112 7 BucaloJ 1330100 1330100Time Time 156 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Pauline H 380 straight 320 place 240 show Barbara 0 700 place 440 show Dr Potter 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Pauline H 90 to 100 straight 60 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Bar ¬ bara 0 250 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Dr Potter 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner R P Gillettes ch m 8 by Ormcnt Baby Bonds by Dick Welles trained by R P Gillclte bred by Mr V B Campbell Winner en tcred to be claimed for 400 400Went Went to post 606 Off at once onceStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 971783B3g Business 107 97317 Dafcol 107 97377 Book Lover 107 97451 William J 112 96937 Santa Roma 107 107Overweight Overweight Mad A 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Barbara 0 107 Mad A 107 Sharon 112