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DAILY ARRIVALS AT SYRACUSE Condition Books for TenDay Meet ¬ ing Now Being Distributed Few Empty Stalls Expected When New NewYork York State Meeting Opens July 4 Manifold to Ride SYRACUSE N Yf June 19 Horses are arriving daily for the tenday meeting begin ¬ ning July 4 and few empty stalls are ex ¬ pected on the grounds when G R Buddy Wingfield springs the barrier for the open ¬ ing program programC C W Waite general handy man of the turf is on the scene assigning stable room to the various horsemen already here and receiving applications from other owners throughout the county Waite reports appli ¬ cations coming in from New York Canada Charleston S C and Fairmount Park near St Louis LouisPositive Positive assurance was received today that Hank Manifold the riding sensation of the Fairmount meeting would perform here throughout the tenday stand The seven ¬ teenyearold Kilgore Neb lad who has piloted twentysix winners twenty seconds and fifteen thirds for the first three weeks at Fairmount will accompany the Shipp MacMaster Stable which holds his contract contractRacing Racing secretary Tommy Gorman has re ¬ ceived the condition books from the printers and has distributed them to horsemen here and at various tracks around this section A number were sent to Dick Leigh racing secretary at Fairmount who distributed them to horsemen there as well as Kansas City where a meeting came to a close last Saturday Many horsemen who failed to pb stain stables at Fairmount following the Riverside campaign are sending their horses direct to Syracuse SyracuseStarter Starter Wingfield has announced he will be on the scene a day before the meeting going over the list of horses on the grounds and helping in the preparations Wingfield Is now at Fairmount where a thirtyfour day campaign comes to a close the same day that the local track opens Wingfield will bring all his assistants east with him himJoseph Joseph Cattarinich noted director of mu tuel plants who is also at present at Fair mount is scheduled to arrive here July 6 6Word Word was also received from Fairmount that C W Pryor of the Pennsylvania Rail ¬ road Co is on the scene supervising ship ¬ ments of horses from that point to Syracuse