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ROCKINGHAM PARK SALEM, N. H., TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1934— Rockingham Park 1 mile. Fifteenth day. New Hampshire Breeders Association. Summer meeting of 31 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, M. Nathanson. Associate Stewards, T. Thorpe and H. G. Reynolds. Steward representing New Hampshire Racing Commission, C. B. Stickney. Judges, H. D. Monroe, T. Brown and J. Acker-man. Starter, J. F. Milton. Racing Secretary, H. D. Monroe. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. *Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. 1 *«. QQQP/Q FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Bonanza, Sept. 23, 1933— 1:04%— 2— 116. Purse 00. •-PC50 4 l 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, July-10-34-Rkm 25 ; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 4 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horse* KqtAWIPPSt fc % Sir Fin Jotkejs Owners Equiv. Odd* Strt 97760 CANCEL w 3 101 4 4 24 2* 1* l1 HainesG L Haymaker 370100 98726DASH IN wb 3 97 8 1 41 3* 3* 2s! MaschekF Mrs C H Morris 850 100 89700*LADY BUCK wb 3 1031 6 2 1* 14 24 3* HughesH Mrs E McCuan 500 100 98339*SECULAR w 3 1001 7 3 51 4* 4* 44 LynchJ E B Townsend 525-100 98651 GOOD SENSE wb 4 109 5 6 8 81 74 5* WattersE Mrs E Brady 3590 100 93581 MOUSSEUR wb 3 104 9 7 64 54 51 61 BakerFJ J W Y Martin 320 100 98139 PINK BUNTING ws 5 110 3 9 71 71 64 74 BethelJ Mrs H McCarthy 735 100 98580 EDIE wb 3 1001 18 9 9 8* 8* KingT Flying Horse Farm Stable 1455 100 84384SHORT APPROACH wb 5 105 2 5 3* 6* 9 9 ReidC G H D Lamson 4620 100 Time. :23%, :47. 1:07%. Track fast. , |S MTJTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CANCEL .40 .90 .00 370—100 195—100 150—100 DASH IN 9.29 6.60 360—100 230—100 LADY BUCK 4.10 105—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Canter — Seldom Seen, by Out the Way trained by L. Haymaker; bred by Mr. K. Romney. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:30. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. CANCEL, closest to the early pace, went to the outside of the leader in the stretch and, taking the lead near the eighth post, was hard ridden at the c-nd. DASH IN, saved early, closed gamely in the closing three sixteenths. LADY BUCK opened up a long lead and tired midway of the turn. SECULAR lacked the speed to keep up and was unable to improve his position. GOOD SENSE closed a gap. MOUSSEUR was never prominent. SHORT APPROACH tired badly after showing early speed. Scratched— 96910 Open Spaces, 102. Overweight — Cancel, 4 pounds; Lady Buck, 3£; Secular, 3£; Mousseur, 2; Pink Bunting, 2; Edie, 3£; Short Approach, 1. Q8S74 SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Bonanza, Sept. 23, 1933— 1:04%— 2— 116. Purse "9SA? W°°- 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; July-10-34-Rkm second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 4 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horae* EqtAWtPISt % % Btr Flo Jockey* Owner* BqoiT. Odd* Btrt 98334*GAY BANNER w 3 100 1 3 V l3 1» V LynchJ E B Fiske 245-100 98398JREIGH ROSE w 3 100 4 2 2* 24 2* 2* PetersM H T Archibald 140 100 98202 MORWAY w 3 1031 8 1 31 31 34 31 HughesH W H Gallagher 945 100 98499 BILLOWY WAVE wb 4 104 7 8 8s 8s 5" 4» FelsB Geneseo Stable 1740 100 98398 CANTERCHORD w 3 97 3 6 54 54 41 5* HelmM R B Archer 1365 100 98339 SILVER WRACK wb 3 101 6 5 44 44 6* 64 HainesG Mrs T J Donohue 720 100 97994 MIGRATORY wb 3 105 5 7 74 7* 7s 74 ReidC G S Harrison Jr 7195-10G 97993 COOTE HILL wb 3 110 9 9 9 9 9 84 MalearT Mrs F Rossiter 7585 100 98202 HARROW w 3 110 2 4 64 6 84 9 WallsP Mrs J M Blark 2175 100 Time, :23, :46%, 1:06 £. Track fast. . 12 MTJTUELS FAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 GAY BANNER .90 .20 .70 245—100 60—100 35—100 REIGH ROSE 2.80 2.40 40—100 20—100 MORWAY 3.30 65—100 Winner— B. f, by Sun Flag— Grosvenor Girl, by Grosvenor trained by F. McManus; bred by Messrs. J. and T. Young. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT "TO POST— 3:04. AT POST— 5J minutes. Start good and slew. Won easily ; second and third the same. GAY BANNER took the lead in the first eighth, increased his advantage, but tried to bear out, then drew out fast in the last eighth. REIGH ROSE, closest to the leader all the way, did not menace the leader. MORWAY was unable to keep pace with the first two. BILLOWY WAVE worked her way up gradually and closed willingly. CANTERCHORD tired in the closing sixteenth. SILVER WRACK tired in the last quarter. The others were not factors. Overweight — Gay Banner, 4 pounds; Morway. 2j ; Migratory, 3 QSS? THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Bonanza. Sept. 23, 1933— 1:04%— 2— 116. Purse 00. XSSAS* 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, July-10-34-Rkm 525. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 4 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Hor*e* EgtA WtPPSt % % Btr Fin .lorkey* Owner* Equiv. Odd* Strt 984942*LITTLE DINAH wb 105 8 1 lk 22 1» Is PetersM S W Labrot 320 100 96872WESTYS DUKE wb 1031 2 6 41 44 31 2" HughesH H T Archibald 745 100 98494 PROSECUTOR wb 110 7 2 2" 1* 2* 34 HainesG W H Gallagher 525 100 97929=OLD NICK wb 1101 4 7 74 64 44 44 ElstonH Mrs F West 130 100 9491641ARDWARE w 113 14 62 51 61 54 SchaeferL Miss R Christmas 6230 100 98239*TUTTICUR10 wb 104 5 3 34 31 51 6* LynchJ Brandon Stable 1035 100 DESERTED wb 105 3 9 8k 8k 74 7 YowellE W G Merion 4135100 98494 ACTIVE SERVICE wb 1141 9 8 9 74 8* 810 EllisG Mrs J H Whitney 4385 100 98494TIGER JOHN w 104 6 5 5* 9 9 9 KingT Mrs J Burks 4800 100 Time, :22%. :4644. 1:06%. Track fast. , IS MDTOEL8 FAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB LITTLE DINAH .40 .70 .90 320—100 85—100 45—100 WESTYS DUKE 5.60 3.60 180—100 80—100 PROSECUTOR ..Hjitoim.u...... 3.30 65—100 Winner— B. f, by Sir Greysteel— Dinah Did Upset, by Upset trained by W. Irvine; bred by Mr. S. W. Labrot. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:37. AT POST— 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LITTLE DINAH, away fast, fought it out gamely with PROSECUTOR, shook off the latter near the stretch and drew away. WESTYS DUKE, close to the leaders, went to the outside in the stretch and closed well. PROSECUTOR tired trying to keep pace with the winner. OLD NICK, slow to get going, moved up on the outside near the stretch. TUTTICURIO had brief early speed. Scratched— 98645 Grandpas Boy, 110. Overweight— Westys Duke, 3£ pounds ; Old Nick, 1£ ; Active Service, 1 J. r ■» QttQTtft FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Gold Step, Sept. 26, 1933—1:10—6—112. Purse ,000. wOOlO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 5; July-10-34-Rkm fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 4 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horae* Bqt A WtPPSt % * Str Fin Jockey* Owner* Equiv* Strt 98577H:ANTERSINE wb 3 101 4 2 l1 V V 1* HainesG C J Meister 125 100 98272*POSTSCRIPT wb 3 97 3 3 5 3"? ? HanfordC Jersey Stable 960-100 98577 BITTYBIT wb 3 103 5 1 3" 5 44 3 SaundersW F A Griffith 1045-100 94364STLCHESTER w 4 109 2 4 4* 4k 3"* 44 PetersM Mrs E Trueman 380 100 98732*GAILLARDIA wb 6 112 1 5 21 2» 5 5 KingT J D Mikel 255100 Time, :22%, :46%. 1:12. Track fast. , IS JIUTOFXB FAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , CANTERSINE .50 .30 .70 125—100 65—100 35—100 POSTSCRIPT 6.00 3.70 200—100 85—100 BITTYBIT 4.40 120—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Canter — Thomasine. by Superman trained by C. J. Meister; bred by Mr. C. J. Meister. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 4:12. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. CANTERSINE took the lead at once, was rated along and was not menaced. POSTSCRIPT, outpaced early, moved up on the outside and held on well through the stretch. BITTYBIT, close up from the start, saved ground in the stretch and closed gamely in the inside. ILCHESTER held on gamely. GAILLARDIA tired in the closing quarter. QSS77 FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sarada, June 30, 1934— 1:44— 4— 110. Jack Dempsey *JOO 4 4 Claiming Purse. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50;- July-10-34-Rkm second, 50; third, 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 4 lbs. al lowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horae* Eq t A Wi 1*1 St H tfc *4 8tr Fin Jockey* Owner* Bqulv. Odd* 8trt 98650*NIGHT JASMINE w 4 104 2 1 14 l1 1" 14 l1 KingT T F Swords 325 100 98498VOTE wb 4 118 1 3 44 44 21 2a 2» SaundersW M Boyd 1025 100 98578*ADOBE POST wb 5 113 4 6 51 51 4" 34 31 SageP H H Brown 645 100 98404*BELOW COST wb 4 105 3 2 2* 31 5k 62 4* MaschekF Mrs R T Flippen 495 100 98578PENNYWISE wb 5 118 9 9 7a 7"* 74 4* 51 HainesG C J Meister 455-100 98732 BIFF w 3 109 5 5 31 2* 3"* 5" 6* MartinR L Haymaker 4720 100 9820S2*GLORITONE W 4 108 7 4 61 6** 6* 74 7* PetersM M Finn 605 100 98202aBANNERS FLYING wb 3 101 6 7 84 8 8* 84 84 LynchJ Mrs J H Whitney 1140-100 98578*ONE CHANCE ws 4 109 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 ReidC C C Smithson 1460 100 Time, :24, :48%. 1:13%, 1:40, laMfc Track fast. . |S MVTDELS FAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS NIGHT JASMINE .50 .90 .50 325—100 145—100 75—100 yOTE 9.80 6.40 390—100 220—100 ADOBE POST 5.50 175—100 Winner — B. f, by Sand Mole — Shades of Night, by Luke McLuke trained by J. L. Roberts; bred by Keeneland Stud. Winner entered to be claimed foi ,250. WENT TO POST— 4:40f AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third the same. NIGHT JASMINE took command at once, was rated along in front and, hard ridden through the final eighth, held VOTE safe. The latter moved up near the five-sixteenths post and closed well. ADOBE POST finished resolutely. BELOW COST tired in the last quarter. PENNYWISE was forced to lose ground on the first turn. BIFF quit after three-quarters. ONE CHANCE was outrun. i 05252752 SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Gold Step, Sept. 26, 1933—1:10—6—112. Purse 00. 8-V «SL» year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, July-10-34-Rkm j50; fourtn, 525. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 4 lbs. Ii.dri Horae* Bqt A Wt PPSt % V4 Str Fin Jockey* Owner* Eq 11 it Odds Btrt 98727*JAZ AGE wb 6 112 3 3 11 l1 l1 14 SageP C E Parneai 490 100 98575*PAPER PROFITS m 3 99 7 2 2* ? 4* 2"* LynchJ Mrs S H Fairbanks 185 100 98647*DORNOCH wb 5 116 1 4 41 3* 2* 31 KingT Miss L C White 460 100 98074 TAUNTON wb 3 106 4 6 7 4fc 3* 44 HainesG A G Weston 1080 100 98073 UKRAINE wb 4 108 2 7 6* 6* 6" 54 MalearT P J Rossiter 5645 100 98492FLYING DON wb 5 108 6 5 51 5 51 6" HughesH Mrs J Turks 225-100 84450*DUNPAST wb 5 104 5 1 3* 7 7 7 MaschekF L W Kenney 8380 100 Time, :23. :46%. 1:12J£. Track fast. . IS MUTUEL8 FAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS JAZ AGE 1.80 .40 .00 490—100 220—100 100— IN PAPER PROFITS 3.40 2.90 70—100 45—100 DORNOCH 3.10 55—100 Winner — B. g, by Great Jaz — Elga, by Free Lance trained by P. D. Watts; bred by Mr. B. H. Schaefer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 5:11. AT POST— I minute. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. JAZ AGE took the lead in the first eighth and, restrained thereafter, was not seriously menaced. PAPER PROFITS, close up all the wav and hard ridden, finished gamely. TAUNTON saved ground in the stretch. UKRAINE was not a factor. FLYING DON tired in the last quarter. DUNPAST had early speed and was eased up in the final eighth. Scratched — 97005 Esperanto, 95. Q5252r7Q SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sarada, June 30, 1934—1:44—4—110. Purse 90. r, .PA, 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; thir*. July-10-34-Rkm 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Bone* EgtA WtPPst % /u % Str Fin Jockey* Owner* Equiv. Odd* Strt 98402»*PIECEMEAL wb 5 1031 3 2 21 2* 1* 1* 1* HughesH Mrs G R Allen 370 100 98580*COLD SPILL wb 3 98 8 5 34 34 3* 34 21 HelmM W C Reichert 460 100 984022*GRAND ACRE wb 5 107 2 1 1 11 2* ? 34 MaschekF G L Goodacre 170 100 98730 LUCKY PRINCE wb 3 104 5 8 T 4s 4* 4* 4» HainesG W H Gallagher 715 100 981452*WIRT G. BOWMAN wb 9 111 7 9 9 8* 51 51 5* KingT J D Mikel 530 100 984041MARYS MAY w 4 107 13 41 7U 7» 6* 6l SageP Mrs P Madeira 3490 100 98400 ROSEVOLT w 6 111 4 4 6» 6k 84 8* V FelsB Mrs G P Corel! 8525 100 98580PRINCE MEXICAN wb 7 107 9 7 84 9 9 9 8* RollinsC J D Lenahan 6635-100 98139SOLACE wb 9 107 6 6 5* 51 61 7» 9 CollinsF Merryland Farms Stable 4545 100 Time, :24]4, :48, 1:13. 1:40%. 1:47%. Track fast. , S3 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PIECEMEAL .40 .20 .30 370—100 110—100 65—100 COLD SPILL 4.30 2.90 115—100 45—100 GRAND ACRE 2.80 40—100 Winner — Ch. m, by Boniface — Patchwork, by Delhi trained by G. R. Allen; bred by Mr. G. M. Hendrie. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:40. AT POST— H minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. PIECEMEAL took a short lead after a quartar mile from the finish and, hard ridden after saving ground in the stretch, outlasted COLD SPILL. The latter, always close up, moved up on the outside and closed gamely. GRAND ACRE, rated in front, was unable to keep pace when challenged. LUCKY PRINCE moved up gradually. WIRT G. BOWMAN, slow to start, moved up leaving the back stretch. SOLACE tired badly Scratched— 98580 Horatio Hugh, 99. Overweight — Piecemeal, lg pounds. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ROCKINGHAM PARK Tuesday — 3 Races, 9.00; 5 Races, 52.20; 7 Races, 10.70