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! NEW HAWTHORNE OFFICIALS j I » i i j COVINGTON, Ky., July 10.— Larry » j Bogenschutz, popular official, who J ! was one of the placing judges, sec- j S retary and handicapper at the recent | I Latonia meeting, has packed his bag i j for a visit of several weeks in Chi- j I cago, where he will be one of the new ! I racing officials at Hawthorne. He will j I serve as one of the placing judges | J J and clerk of the scales. Another La- J j tonia official who will depart for the j I Windy City to join the Hawthorne | J official staff is Jack Hodgins, one of j J our most promising starters. He will | send the fields away at Hawthorne I ♦ and is well qualified to give satisfac- j J tion in that important position, hav- J ! ing served as assistant to starter Wil- j Ham Hamilton for several years, j I Hodgins, like Francis Dunne, who j | be racing secretary at Haw- J thorne, is a young man and exceed- | iwill ingly popular with horsemen and the | general public. J