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Lloyd and Co. TERMS— WEEKLY YESTERDAYS PRIVATE ONE-HORSE RELEASE: CRAZY JANE, .00, WON Wednesdays Private One-Horse Release: INFORMAL, 7.40, WON Tuesdays Private One-Horse Release: Mondays Private One-Horse Release: JAZ AGE, 1.80, WON GAY BLADE, 9.90, WON Saturdays Private One-Horse Release: Fridays Private One-Horse Release: CABOUSE, .50, WON ROYAL LEON, 0.14, WON PRIVATE ONE-HORSE RELEASE DAILY NO TELEGRAMS—NO EXPENSE PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE We guarantee no odds nor any winners for that matter. This is an honest service. You get what you pay for. We are releasing information on one horse a day strictly through codes which are published in this paper daily. We send no telegrams unless requested to do so. Send and get this superb information for one week. Start now. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Texas-50-57-50-57. DETROIT— Georgia-56-57-537. PRIVATE ONE HORSE RELEASE: ROCKINGHAM— Reo-67-34-92-28. LLOYD and CO.. 109 N. Dearborn St., Suite 907, Chicago, III. Sir NOW ONLY 10 CENTS ~«| 0 ARLINGTON PARK WINNERS IN THE "PINK" TORO BANG, .02 CHRYSOSTOM, .24 PLAYMORE, 4.12 MR. JAMES, 4.04 SNAPLOCK, 3.40 PAUL T„ 4.74 EMPIRE CITY WINNERS IN THE "PINK:* UPPERMOST, 6-1 ST. STEPHENS, 2-1 LITTLE LIE, 4-1 SUNNY TOM, 11-5 BRIGHT HAVEN, 8-5 ROCKINGHAM PARK WINNERS IN THE "PINK:" RHODIUS, 2.80 UNLAWFUL, .40 CALOME, 12.10 KINDACORN, 5.90 FORT ERIE WINNERS IN THE "PINK:" WACKET, .85 PAT GAIETY, .10 BUD ROYAL, .80 FREE CODE SPECIAL PAID 2.80 RHODIUS, 2.80, was the Free Code winner Wednesday. This FREE SPECIAL is released in Chicago every day through Wabash 7000 and is YOURS FOR THE ASKING. There have been many WINNERS AT PRICES among these "gift horses" and on the four racing days from Saturday to Wednesday FIVE OF EIGHT FREE CODE SPECIALS WON .N FRIDAYS TWO FREE CODES: , fSERmCEl ROCKINGHAM— Red-47-45-49. JSV/tNKJk I pfJus/ DETROIT— Green-63-64-64. V PLIUS J To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. S3J0 per Month bj First Class Mall .00 per Mostb by Air Mall The Famous Radclift Ratings STAND THE TEST OF BAD TRACK CONDITIONS! Wednesday at Arlington Park, the track was heavy. Out of five races to which the Radcliff Ratings could be applied two-year-olds are not rated, results showed four winners and one second: LILLIAN Z.t 1.14, WON MR. JAMES, .04, WON SNAPLOCK, $ 3.40, WON FAIRSICKLE, 2.92, .38, 2ND PAUL T., .74, WON RADCLIFF RATINGS ARE AN EXCLUSIVE FEATURE OF POST TIME Americas Authority on Racing The Turfs Newest and Best Monthly Magazine 25 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Chieaeo Readers. Call Waliasb 7276 Readers in th« following cities, call accompanying numbers: Linda nail, Ohio Main 4300 New Orleans, La. Main $€78 Nen fork, N. I Bogardos 6901 San Francisco. Calif..... Market 1624 St. Louis Mo Garfield 4739 Cleveland. Ohio Kenmore 1153 or 1965-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the daily releases ol Carmac and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: ARLINGTON PARK— Sam-36-30. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: ROCKINGHAM— Art-54-1. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JULY 14 CARMACS WEDNESDAY RELEASE: PAUL T., .74, WON WEEKLY RACING GUIDE WorWs Greattst Racing Weekly Subscription Rate— One Month. Jt; Six Months. 0m Year. . • • » 320 Eaat Third Street Cincinnati, Ohio if j j TV Tv TV DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day — In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR FRIDAY: ARLINGTON-S-9-8-13-5. D ETR0IT— S-22-17-16-18. WEDNESDAYS WIRE RELEASE: PAUL T.t .74, WON WEDNESDAYS CODE RELEASE: SNAPLOCK, .40, WON WM. BURKE KELLY 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. Read Carefully If you play the races, I will put you next to a little secret • that should place you above want at long as you live. Write T.SECOR, • Aurora, Illinois « ssi. AjHHBk n; m aLV K bhbwLy LVLb Hi g I VH BM am Bfe Bi ::il B I KM IRbLbBbW .BBBB 11 MB TERMS, DAILY I have ridden for some of the most prominent stables on the track. Among my intimate friends are owners, trainers and jockeys who are winning races every day. I know them and their methods. That is why my identity must not become known. YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: SALAAM, .06, WON BATTLING GIRL, See 8th Arlington TWO HORSES GOING TODAY It is needless to say that the information on these two horses comes direct to me from people who "know," and I am passing on this information to all my clients with the hope that they get the full benefits of it It is seldom an opportunity of this sort presents itself, and I want all readers to take full advantage of it By all means, subscribe and get these two horses. WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Please make all remittances to address below. THE M-J CO. 140 North Dearborn Street, Suite 1106, Chicago, III. TURF /WEEKLV FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE. 35c FOLLOW THE GOLD SEAL TO PROSPERITY YESTERDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: MISS MOROCCO 1.00, WON WEDNESDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: RHODIUS, 2.80, WON : TUESDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: CANCEL, .40, WON SUBSCRIBE TO EDITOR FRANK BRADYS SERVICE PAYS FOR SIX DAYS— CODES ADVERTISED DAILY I This is the Editors own service and readers are urged to take advantage of this information. Just send and we will rush a code card to you that is good for six days service. And we assure you that you must win following this information. Act now and save regrets when results are published. TODAYS FREE CODE: D ETR0IT— AprH-52-50-49-70. TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: D ETR0IT— E-S4-59-98-77. DETR0IT-G-1 4-1 9-26-64. EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: ROCKINGHAM— Weekly-67-39-84-37. GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W. Madison SL. Suite 1207 Chicago. III. HORSEMANS S*feWEEKLY 3fcr FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE. IS CENTS YESTERDAYS JACK MORGANS SERVICE: FAIR COUNTESS 6.22, .30, 3RD BARCAROLLE .36, Lost SUBSCRIBE TO JACK MORGANS SERVICE TERMS: 0 WEEKLY TWO HORSES DAILY The editor and staff of Horsemans Weekly is behind Jack Morgans service, and you can rest assured that when you subscribe you get the ultimate in good information. TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— April-27 -61-13-39. Pay no attention to the previous poor effort of this horse. It will be a different story today. HORSEMANS WEEKLY 20 WEST JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO. ILL. TURF GOSSIP WEEKLY-35c TURF GOSSIP FREE CODE: ROCKINGHAM— July-50-46-36-42. CI.CCKERS TIPS FREE CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Day-84-74-82-72. ARLINGTON— Jack-73-80-83-80. TURF GOSSIP POST TIME SPECIAL: RHODIUS, 2.80, Won WEDNESDAYS FREE CODE: SNAPLOCK, $ 3.40, Won MASTER CLOCKER NEW WEEKLY OUT— 35 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS DETROIT FREE CODE: Tag-Pur-Dog-Sky-Gas. ARLINGTON FREE CODE: Top-Em-Ivy-Ivy-Jog. OCCASIONAL CODE: ROCKINGHAM-Ti»-Vair-BM»Pyx-Law. . Subscribe for Daily Racing Form I #2fBUGLE TteS* RACING WEEKLY .lt Ji LATEST REPORTS FROM THE TRACKS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE 35c WEEKLY NEW ISSUE OUT NOW! ONLY OUT ONE DAY AND LOOK WHAT WE HAVE ALREADY ADVISED: OUR JUSTICE, 2.00, WON INFORMAL, 17.40, WON RHODIUS, 12.80, WON And dont forget that we advise only four XXX Specials a week, and in the last issue one of our XXX Specials was — IMA GREENOCK 2.04, WON We do not give you a list of hundreds of horses where you will find two and three horses in each race. Our list of horses at each track is small and select and is first hand information coming direct from the scene of action. You must make money following this weekly. YESTERDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY: SPRING FLIGHT 3.40, WON ULUNIU 1.68, WON GET THE TRACKMANS PARLAY SERVICE TERMS: Daily— 0 Weekly . And these horses arc the "pick" of this organization. When you subscribe to this service you know that no matter what amount of money you may pay I you will not receive better or more consistent winning I information. If you are looking for a permanent connection to supply you with WINNERS, then subscribe to this service at once. YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: SALAAM .06, WON TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— H-Fog-Dan-Gem-And. TODAYS CLOCKERS CODES: A R LI N GT0 N— Mil waukee-16-8-20-8. DETROIT— New York-8-5-8-20. THE BUGLE M W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO, ILL. f|Pp JOCKEY PS| GWgorymallwood RACING WEEKLY TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— Taft-1 6-10-1 4-36. TODAYS SMALLWOOD CODES: ARLINGTON— Blue-66-54-10-28. DETROIT— Green-42-44-60-44. -TURF WEEKLY-todays FRFfc t ODE: DETROIT— Dye-38-58-34-50. TODAYS TRAINERS CODES: ARLINGTON— Pink-57-42-59-56. DETROIT— Blue-53-59-46-53. TODAYS OWNERS CODES: ARLINGTON— Red -54-56-43-56. DETROIT— Tan-50-52-53-58.