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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXX. NUMBER 167 FOTTVDED IX ISM Katarrd as ifrond class matter. April 2, 189ft. at tk* paat ofltc* at Chicago. Illinois, under Act of March 8, JS7». DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAZ A daily reflection of the American turf by telegraph. Published by DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH COUBI CHICAGO. ILL. MS W. StTB STREET HEW YORK CITY, H. Y. M UCRMOND 8TREET. EAST TOROHTO. OMT. JTO-307 DECATUR STREET NEW ORLEANS. LA SOS FIRST AVE.. N. W. MIAMI. FLA. IMS HARRISON ST. BAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. TELEPHONE HARRISON 7518 Par rree Ihone Kesnlt* Call Watiacb .WO. ITor business and circulation purposes only. Thi« telephone das no connection with the news or editorial departments and cauuut be used to comuuni-«ile Mtk ttitm. SBJtSl TUITION BY FIRST CLASS MAIL: S8.S8 PMR MttNTH. .«0 KXTKA KOK SPECIAL OR L1VKKT. 1 50 IEU M *NTH BY AIR MAIL." .80 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL. 25 CENTS EACH. To be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing Form must be aent over the fnll name and witb the adUiess of writer. The names and addresses are enbject to a local and foreign directory teat. Aitiiaa all communications, make all remittances aad send all manuscript* to DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml Plymouth Court Chicago. III. 91105 is First Index of 1934