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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XLII. NUMBER 257 FOUNDED IN 1834 Entered second clan matter. April S, 1806. al the pott office al Chicago. Illiuola. oader Act ot Marcb Z. 1879. DAILY EXCEIT bUKDAY Adallj reflection ot tit American turf bj telegraph. " Pnbliihed try REGAL PRESS, INC. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. IU. 343 W. 26TH STBEET SEW XOEK CITY, M. Y. 812 CALHOUN AVE. HOUSTON, TEXAS 0 RICHMOND STBEET. EAST TOBONTO, ONT. X134 MIAMI COUBT, N. W. MIAMI, FLA. 1145 HARRISON ST. 8 AN FRANCISCO. CALIF. 2107 THIRD AVE. SEATTLE. WASH. TELEPHONE HARRISON 7008 For bnslncss and circulation purports only. Tlila telephone has no connection with be .news or editorial department! and cannot be nsrd 1o communicate with them. For Free ILone Retnltt Call Wo bath 7000. suiisrmiTiON iit first ci-ass mail: .50 IElt MONTH. 00 EXTRA Kilt SPECIAL DELI VEUV. 5.10 PER MONTH IIT AIR MAIL. .C0 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. BACK NUlIUEItS BY MAIL. 25 CENTS EACH. To be contidered and antnered. all qnerlea to Dally Racine. Form ncM be aent over be foil name and with Die addreta of writer. The oamea and addrcttea are subject to a local and foreign director teat. Addresi all commnnicationt, make all remittancea and tend all mannscripta to DAILY RACINO F. RM 441 Plymouth Conit Chicago. HI. 22060 Is First Index of 1936