Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1937-04-12

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WORKOUTS Date at loft of horses name Is last workout. Letters foUowIng time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up! Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown In Black Face Typo FRIDAY, APRIL 9 CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 4-3 Al-High .... :41h 4 6 Just Arrived :40h 4-3 Alservant .. :41h 4 6 Jean Cloud.. :42 h 4 6 Blue Blazer. :42h 4-6 Mths Love. 59 h 4-7 Berry :37 h 4-6 Novelette .. :42 h 4 6 Cherovan ... :42 b Polsun :42h 4 6 Greenski ... :37 h 4-4 Stands Alone 57u 4-5 Green Bottle :37 h 4-3 Tab Me :39 h 4-6 Howdoino .. :40h Yarn Sox... 58h One-Hall Mile. 4-4 Alkit :49d 3-16 Miss Dineer 59b 4-3 Al au Feu... 54 h 4-7 Miss Lily... 54 h 4-6 Albubble ... :49h 3-25 Marie Jean. 53h Alergy :54 h 3-23 Osculet 58b 4-3 Blaiing Sun. :55 h 4-3 Parisn Maid 57b 4-6 Brierton ... i5 b 4-6 Pigeon Hawk 57 b Discriminate 59b 4-6 Rope Walker 57 b 316Diavolo Boy. 58b 4-6 Rebekah ... :55 b 3- 23 Ebony Boy.. 59b 4-7 Red Quibbler 55 b 4- 1 Gallaclay ... 59b 4-6 Rhiniz 53h 3- 16Hermana ... 59b 3-23 Roy T 58b 4- 3 Ivory Tip... 54 h 3-22 Sorties Son. 58b 4-6 Lancewood . 57 b 3-27 Sthld Beau 53h 3-8 Light Mmcnt 51h 3-23 Teddys Cet 58b 3- 23Lassator .... 58b 3-16 Warring Ldy 59b 4- 6 Morristown . 53 h 3-16 War Infant.. 59b Miss Louellen 59b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-4 Arianna ....l.-074,h 4-2 Moris Pal .1:C6h 4-6 Give l:10h 4-7 Sun Captor.. 1:11 b 4-6 Chipeta l:09b 4-5 Visigoth ...l:08h 4-3 Kairack ....l:07h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-6 Adolph ....l:23h 4-8 Glint 1:19h 4-6 Chauvenet .l:25b 4-1 Vertner l:23h 4-8 Dulcimer ...l:19h 3-26 Whipowill ..l:21h 4-4 Encircle ....l:23h 41 Whipstitch ,l:23h Seven-Eighths Mile. 3-22 Calculator ..157Ii 3-26 Sir Emerson. l:37h 3-26 Cross S 157h 3-26TedalI 157h 3-26 Eagle Pass..l57h 3-26 Valted 157h 3-22 Night Banditl:37h 3-22Wtcrn Slopel57h 3-26 Solar Hawk.l:37h Morts Pals work was extremely good. Stand alone showed early speed in his trial. Glint and Dulcimer went handily together. Greenski and Green Bottle worked well together. Albubble and Alkit were on even terms throughout. Whipowill- seems to be in his good form. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. Brownie .... :41b Sweep Fire.. :44 b 3- 27 Geo. Khrebil :43 b 2-13 Star Banner. :44 b Hrys Choice :43 b 4-8 Sir Thomas.. :41 b James City.. :44 b One-Half Mile. 4- 6 Henrietta ...54 b Modernize . . 59 b Josic R :54 b 4-4 Mere Blaze.. :50h Five-Eighths Mile. Par Joyce.. .1:07?b Sister Molly.lKB b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-4 Dudley C...l:24b 4-6 Lirma l:24b Mere Blaze showed good speed. Josie R. and Henrietta worked together. KEENELAND. Weather unsettled; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 4-5 Big Gawk... :41b 3-29 Jolo :40 h 4-6 Catnap :38 h 4-6 Knee Deep.. 58b 2- 27 Chanceful ... 57h 4-5 Lanier 58b 4-6 Candlelight . :41b 4-3 Ly Gayheart :37h 4 6 Col. Julian.. :41 b 4-6 Midle Brook :38h Dame Marian :40b 4-6 Old Nassau.. 57h 4-5 Eddie H 58h 4-6 Preeminent . 57b 4-6 Eiecutrix .. :38 h 1-11 Rhine :41b 4-5 Fort Estill... :41b 4-5 Silver Fleet.. :43 b Glen Brush. 57h 4-5 Sunberra ... 59b 4-4 Imprcssario . :42b 4-6 The Queen... :41 b One-Half Mile. 4-6 Backintime . :54b 4-6 Pameiob .... -.56 h 4-7 Beauty Sleep :48,5h 4-1 Real Play... 52 h 4-6 Dclibcrator . 54 b 4-5 Transy :58 b 46 Gcnevra M.. 55 b 3-31 Tillie Kate.. 53b 4 6 Noticing ... 52h 4-6 Wise Dart.. 54 b 4 6 Old Deal.... 52h 4-7 Woodberry . :48h 4-3 Peggy Torch. 56b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-6 Entree 1:05 h 4-6 Threemj ....1:07 h 4-5 Lucky Duckyl:09b Three-Quarlers Mile. 4-6 Dellor 1:1Sandb 4 6 .Macawlce ...1:24 b 4 6 Flip Flap....l21b 4-6 Proph l:19b 4-6 Mr. Mack...l:21b 4-6 Star SoIdier.l:19d 4-6 Miney l:19h One Mile. 4-8 Hollyroad ..1:46h 4-8 Nimble Pins.150 h Catnap and Middle Brook worked together. Beauty Sleep and Woodberry worked in company in their impressive move. Deliberator was only breezing. Entree showed a good effort. Dellor worked under good reserve throughout his trial. Proph worked well in hand. Hollyrood accomplished his mile work in handy fashion. SATURDAY, APRIL 10 AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-8 Lone Gallant. 57 White Fan... 57 Portunus .... :36J One-Half Mile. 317Dohoev 53 4-5 Sneer 51 3- 20 Newark :50 Five-Eighths Mile. 48 Arch Fiend... 1:02 4-8 Epical 1:02 4 8 Crafty Fox. -.103 3-31 Nipponese ...1:10 Three-Quarters Mile. Canterway ...125 4-7 Powder Mkeyl:23 4J.Eycn Up.....l2 M. JVhizzawajr 123 ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-6 Bilkan :39 h 3-20 Little Hig... :40 h 4-7 Carpan 58 h 4-7 Lady Peenzie 58h 2- 27 Carbines Ct 57 h 4-6 Move After.. 59 h 4-6 Denver Lad. 58 h 4-4 Magic Baby.. 56h 3 27 Double Brush 57 h 3-18 Major Grock :35?h 4-5 Enacala .... :40h 3 27 Nakasun .... 59 b 4-7 Elizabeth T.. 57 h 4-1-Noir Light... 57 h 4-7 Fite Child.. :41 h 4-6 Old State.... 59h 1-26 Good Exche :40 h 2 20 Parqua Pass. 58 h Gay Sweep.. 57b 46 Quick Gefay 56h 3- 27 Hekan :40 h 3-19 Renaissance :40 b 4- 7 King Bonny. :39h Sarsita 57b 4-7 Irish Wake.. 56h 4-3 The Bouncer 59 h 3- 27 Jean Lee.... :36h 4-6 Well Rewdd :36b One-Half Mile. 4- 5 Angelita .... 53h 4-6 Owitch :49h 4-5 Bright Land. 53h 4 6 Orbedlu .... :49h 4-7 Capt. James. 50h 4-5 Pharosay ... 51 b 4-1 Cautivo .... :48h 4-6 Royal Trsure 51 h 4-7 Chuck Wagn 50h 4-3 Reigh Roma. 51h 4-6 Dead Calm.. :47h 4-6 Raffles Lad.. :49 h 4-3 Didutellus .. 51h 4-4 Roger Witch. 51h 4-6 Elaine W.... 52h Royal Palace 50h 4-7 Flaming Play 51iib 4 6 Salteo 53 h 4-7 Flying Mint. 51b 4-3 Sleepy Irish. :49h 4-3 Fayette Prce :47h 4-7 Sunny Chnce 50 h 3 23 Grand Way. 50 h 4-1 The Fighter.. 50b 4-1 Gay Bill.... 50 h 4-7 Turf Sting.. 50h 4-6 High Hd II. 51 b 3-31 Trinchera ..51 b 3- 31 Lolect 50h 4 6 Tightmouth . 50h 4- 7 Lumillion ... 54 b 4-7 Top Billing.. 51b 4 6 Luteen :49 h Top Scout... 50 b 4-6 Little Swede. 50h 316 Wax 58 b 4-8 Labor Day.. 50 h 4-6 Wh. Ginger.. :53b 3- 26 Lifelike .... 52 h 4-6 Woodlander . 51 b 4- 6 Miss Do Mie. 50b 4-7 Windshield . 51b 44 Mstrcl Show 50b Five-Eighths Mile. " 3- 27 Anklets l:04h 4-4 Nopsa Peacel:llb 4- 2 Animosity ..l:02h 4-9 Playmay ....1:05 h 4-3 Boston Mary1:01h 4-7 Proof 1:03 h 4 6 Canavia l:06h 3-3 Tolyphote ..1:03 h 4-3 Creston ....l:04h 4-6 Regardless ..l:07b 3- 23 Dixie Fox... l:05h 4-9 Saxova l:03h 4- 4 Every Effort.l:04h 4 2 Sprise Box.l:02h 4-6 Epine! 1:06 h 4-7 Scrip Moneyl.-04 h 3- 31 Grmas Boyl:09 h 4-7 Stormy Rhml:04h 4- 7 Handy Bgagel:03h 4-3 Vale of Tearsl:06b 4-6 Ktucky Werl:06b 4-6 Wanda Gablel.02 h 4-6 Miss Dallas.. 1:02 h 4-7 Wilda l:04b 4-3 Moso l.-01h 4-7 Zuni . 1:02 d 4-6 Maple Dreaml.-04 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-7 Allegory ...1:18 h 4-6 Jolyon l:17h 4-6 Aurangzcb ..l:15d 4-8 John Doe. ..1:19 d 4-7 Ace Up 1:20 b 4-1 Kapcna ....l:18b 34 Auburst ....l:16h 4-7 Legal Gmblel:17h 3-24 Almae 1:24 b 3-31 Lady Docratl:24 b 3- 28 Bonnie Pan.l:17 b 4-6 Money Gettrl:15h 4- 3 Brown Cone. 1:15 h 44 Palrolite ...l:16h 3-7 Chaumont ..1:18 b 4-6 Squeezer ....l:16h 3-28 Color Barerl:15h 4-5 Sir Gawaine 1:143h 3- 20 Clarence V.. 154 b 4-7 Spcarulus ..l:16h 4- 3 Colls Miss.l:18h 4-6 Tap Time... .1:17 h 4-7 Chicaro Boy.l:16h 4-7 Tarmac 1:17 h . 4-7 Dacona Kid.l:17d 4-5 Veronica C..l:17 b 4-3 Free Spirit.. l:15h 4-4 Van Hastingsl:16h 3- 15 Flying Jticel:19d 4-3 Wing Wan.l:16 h 4 6 Hair Trigger.l:16b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4- 5 Dark Conestl51 h One Mile. 4-6 Two Edged..l:49h One and One-Sixteenth Miles. 4-9 Military ....l:48h Dead Calm went a fast half, accompanied by Fayette Prince. The Fighter was hard held in his trial, accompanied by Minstrel Show. Trinchera is ready for his best effort. Moso and Cautivo showed a good effort from the gate. Brown Cone went handily throughout her good work. Sir Gawaine worked a nice three-quarters. Money Getter and Aurangzeb were in company. Military went handily throughout in his Derby prep with Blinkers. The following went from the gate: Major Greenock, Saxova, Miss Dallas, Wanda Gable, Zuni, Clarence V., Donnacona Kid, Spearulus, Flying Justice. BOWIE. Weather clear; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 4-8 Cherry Stone 5b h 4-8 Rough Time. 59 h 4-8 Grape Thief.. 59 h 4-5 Witch Hazel. 59h 3-31Flaynot 58 h One-Half Mile. 3- 26 Blackmail ... 53 b 44 Easiest Way. 52h 4- 3 Bt and Early 53 b 4-5 Takus 32 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-8 All Forlorn.. 1:03 h 4-8 Sleepy Rox..1:07Jd 4-8 Mter Gander! :09 h Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 31 Aroused 1:20 b 4-8 Pass 150 h 4- 8 Good Flavor.l:22 h 4-8 Sun Power.. l:18li 47 Grainger ...l:18h 4-7 Spey Crest. .1:23 h 4 9 Mcloy 1:23 h One Mile. 4-9 In Step 150 h 46 Skipsea 150 h Grainger and Sun Power worked handily together. Aroused was under restraint. Easiest Way worked handily. JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. Little Lie... :42 b 3-20 Phlox ...... :41 b One-Half Mile. Blue Anna... 52 b 4-8 Ritorno .... 52 b Bess Tam... 54 b 4-8 Swift Lad.... 53 b May V 52 b Shes Mine.. 52 b 4-8 Prince Gay.. :51?b 4-8 Time to Go. 52b Five-Eighths Mile. 3- 23 Blind Pig. ..1:05 b 4-8 Pass Em Byl:10 b Three-Quarters Mile. 2-26Almarine ...l:19ib 48 Scrooge l:19b 4- 7 Seamyth ..l:19b 4-7 The Singer.. 1:19 b One Mile. 4-8 Aureate ....1:52 b 48 Jckinthebox 1:52 b .48 Gramercy ...1:50 b Moralisi ..!: h HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 1- 11 Flavor :41 b 3-31 Stegal :37h f1 4-8 Muscatine .. .59 b San Tan 59 b b 4-8 R. and Shine 57h Sickle Lass. . 58 b 4-8 Rzzle Dazzle 59 h 3-15Trauwina ... 57 h 3- 31 Rebecca Lee. 57 b Warr Queen 57 h h 2- 16 Roge et Noir :39b 3-29 White Hot... :38b b One-Half Mile. 4- 1 Blakecn .... 51 b Moving Man. 51b , 4-1 Dic Princess 51b 3-26 Our Crest... 51b b 4-2 El Bandido.. 55 b Pine Away.. 52 b b 4-9 Gay Dog 50 b Sun Coat 51 b b 3- 8 Goldspray ..51 b 3-31 Sablin 50h 4- 1 Joyride 50h 3-20 Suncrax 51 b Jim Corn.... 54 b Skipping Girl 53 b D Ly Maryland 52 b San Antioca. :49?sh , Lovely Lucy 51 h Tcz 51h i Mahogany . 52b Five-Eighths Mile. , 3-29 Aftermath ..1:06 b High Bird... 1:05 b 3-11 Abaddon ....14 h Iron Ore.... 1.-05 b 3-24 Canard 1:08 b Line of Sun. 1:04 h 1 3-11 Dhess Reighl.04 b 3-27 Phillips Pete.l:06 b 3- 23Fredalva ....l:0Sh Titanical ...1:07 b J 4- 8 Green Melon.l:07h Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 12 Blk Mischiefl:19b- 3 -29 Higher Cloudl:18h 4- 8 Chance Ray.l:18b 4-9 Kievex 1:13 b Care For....l:20b 3-22 Minna l:20b b 4-3 Frisco Kid..l:20b 3-27 Matey 1:17?h i Gun Boat. ..1:24 b Regal Lily... 121 b j 4-8 Grand Duke.l:19h 4-9 Sage Girl.. ..1:19 b One Mile. Ay and Nvyl50 b 4-1 Hpy Easterl:50 b All Afire. ...150 b 4-2 Melicent ....150 b j 4-6 Abbots. Hourl50 b 4-8 Over the Topl:46b Contract ...150 b Playoff 1:54 h 4-8 First Alarm.l:47 b 4 8 SUent Shot.. 150 b , 3-25 Floradora ...l:48h 4-8 Two Bob.... 1:46 b , 3- 25 Finance ....l:48b 3-28 Vance 152 h , 3 29Gie Palatinel:46 b 4-8 War Admirall:45b , TANFORAN. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 7 High .Martin. 56b 2-12 Peltcr 56 b i 4-3 Ler Brigade 57 b 3-29 Quakerconard 55h 3- 10Kumreigh .. :35 h Race Me 59 b 4- 3 May lite 57 b 3-29 Sonnyconard. :35b One-Half Mile. 4-7 Boxthom ... 50 b 4-6 Capt. Gidley :49b 4-7 Close Call... :48b 4-3 Silver Sarah. 50b 4 6 Cora Dora... 51 b 3-30Sistina 50b Five-Eighths MHe. 4-5 Amijo ......l:03h 4-7 Happy Knot. ISSSiib 4-8 Cuyamaca ..1:01 b 3-17 Judge Lcwe.l:05b Dignified ...l:03b 4-7 Morpheus ...l:03b 4-7 Farquhar ...102b 4-6 Ogee 1:03 b 1 3- 30 Fair Lead...1:00h "3 29 Patty Cake..l:01d I 4- 7 Full Tilt l:01b 4-7 Watch Wind.l:05 b 1 4-3 Gae o Doonl6b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-3 Bon Mint....l:16b 4-6 Keokee ....l:15b 4-7 Beau Thor..l:14h 4-7 Mignon l:17b 1 2- 7 Blindfold ...l:17b 4-7 Master Buckl:16 b 1 I 3- 27 Cld Sergeantl:16b 4-7 Magnanimos 1:16 b 3- 12 Cannibal ...l:19b 3-31 Parmenarch .l:15b 1 4- 5 Direct l:16b 4-5 Ripele l:15b 1 4-5 Gertrude J..l:16b 4-5 San Leandro.l:154b 1 4-8 Gold Clasp.. l:14b 4-3 Skeeter Hwkl:17b 4-7 Gertie l:19b 4-7 Sir Ridgway.l:17b 3- 29 Hkel Conardl:15b 4-7 Sir Maxim... 1:15 b 1 2- 27 Hat Check. .l:15b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4- 9 Sir Oracle... 129 h One Mile. 4-5 Danke Schon1:42 b 3-7 Maxwell M...l:44b BELMONT PARK. Weather cloudy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. Little Miracle 58 h One-Half Mile. Allowance ..55 b Count Clopt 51 h 3- 23 Clodion .... :49h Ground Oak. 51 h 14 Camisado ... 55 b Nebska City 51 h Drowsy .... 55 b Nautch .... 50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-27 Harriet R.... 17 b Primary ....l:03andh Killian .....lK6b Pearl Diver.l:03h 3- 5 Miyako 1:06 b Sure Punch. .17 b 4- 9 Night Rvenl6 b Vamoose ...1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-20 Bagpipe ....1:20 b 2-20 Percent ....1:20 b Belle Elan.. .1:19 h Proprietary .1:19 h Chicolorado ,l:16h Sunfeathers .1:20 b 2- 23Chilca 1:21 b Showemall ..120 b Donald Duckl22 b 2-18 Strolling By.l:17 h Esposa 1:17 h Scintillator .l:19h Jungle Chasel:19h Thorson ....123 b Lost Ballionl:19 h. White Tie...l:16h One Mile. Avenal 150 b 4-6 My Boss 1:48 h Bonnie Buzzl:49 h Memory Bk1:47h 3- 4 Brt Plmagel50 b Money Mdlel53 b 3-2 Count Stonel:48 h 2-8 Rough Dmdl50 b BAY MEADOWS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1-17 Alviso :35b Jungle Pirate 56b 3- 10Foreglow ... 56b 44 Quick Flight :374,4b 4- 5 Interest .... 57b 4-2 Rickey Roo.. 56b Justa Hymn :38b 2-13 Sleep Well.. 58b One-Half Mile. 4-7 Fletus 51b Quick One. ..52 b 4-7 Gliderin .... 50 b Royal Kate.. 50 b 4-8 Handle Cross 534ib 3-30 Rustic Miss.. :49 b 4-9 My nominee :48b 4-1 Table Stakes 50b 4-8 My Regards. :49b 4 8 Whata Man. 52 b 4-2 Noble Count. 50b Five-Eighths Mile. 3- 27Bnie Marital3iib 4-5 Tsure Chestl.-02b 4- 4 Dick Star...l.-03b Trim Boss...l3b 3- 27 Gladsome ..l3b 4-7 Ward Boss..llb 4- 9 High Ace...l.-01b 4-1 Watersplash llb 3-28 Penchen ...1:01b Three-Quarters Mile. Be Mine....l:15b 4-5 Orthodox ...l:17b 1 Dedora HilIs1:14J4b 4-5 Portola Star.l:15b 3- 22 Humorous ..l:154sb 3-16 Pour Moi...l:15b Mailliw .....lJ5b 4-3 Woodgain ..l:16b 1 Seven-F.iqht" Mile. 4- 3 Chgg Ways.1:28?b 4-7 Polaris ....152 b : 4-7 Evidently ..151b 4-5 Wingspread l:33b One Mile. Bitter Bark... 1:43b 3-30 Hilsinger ...1:46 b 42 Chartres ...l:48b 4-5 Nojoqui ....154 b :

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