untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-30


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: Now on Sale 1942 edition World -Famous Encyclopedia of the Turf Compiled annually by DAILY RACING FORM Here it is. . .at your fingertips. . .everything you want to know about American and Canadian race tracks, horses, owners, trainers and jockeys! Interesting to Everyone s For anyone who has eyer witnessed "The Sport of Kings" this volume of almost 1,000 pages is packed with interesting and useful information. A "must" for racing secretaries and organizations, handicappers, selectors, breeders, or patrons of the track. . .anyone who must haye complete and authentic racing facts and statistics. The New, 1942 American Racing Manual Contains a list of racing colors, records of owners, trainers, jockeys and horses, all track records, diagrams of principal tracks, rules of racing, betting percentage tables, record pay-off odds, scale of weights, a detailed explanation of pari-mutuel wagering, the history of national and international stakes, etc. Strikingly re-styled, handsome de luxe binding. All material in simple, easily understandable form and "language. Make Remittances Direct to Publisher: DAILY RACING FORM, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. 1 1 Enclosed find $. ... for which send me a copy of the 1942 AMERICAN, RACING MANUAL, .70 Per Copy, including postage. f 11 We will not be responsible for any cash sent with orders. Use Postal Money Orders. No C. O. D. Service.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1942053001/drf1942053001_25_1
Local Identifier: drf1942053001_25_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800