Official Racing Charts: Suffolk Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-30

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f Official Racing Charts : Copyright, 1942, by Triangle Publications, Inc. Suffolk Downs BOSTON, MASS., FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1942 SUFFOLK DOWNS 1 MILE. Seventeenth day of sixty-day meeting May 11 to July 18. Eastern Racing Association, Inc. Puett gate used. Complete finish of each race confirmed by J. J. Jones camera. Steward Representing Massachusetts State Racing Commission, F. J. Bryan. Stewards of Meeting, T. Thorp, W. Almy, Jr., and C. Parke. Judges, S. S. Brown, 0. E. Pons, Jr., and H. " Dernham. Starter, R. B. Frend. Racing Secretary, C. J. McLennan. Racing starts at, 2:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance.-Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting, 1941, .32. Current meeting, .33. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one horse. No field horses. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Appealing:, Jiily, 26, 19371:09 4. A 9 in. Purse, ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claim- 2 4 Z D O jng 3-year-olds, 110 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. May 29-42 Suf Net vaiue t0 winner 00; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ,4 Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners s Odds Strt 23836 "LADY INSCO w3105 9 2 14 14 14 l" AtksonT W-L Ranch 4.00 08104 SPOON BREAD wb 3 111 11 8 74 3 22 23 BiermanC Arnold Hanger 1.20 23836LOULANG wb 3 10412 1 2"k 24 33,-33i BrnelleD J L Johnston 7.10 23836 EQUIPLAY , wb-3110 111 103 8nk 4nk 44 AdairR Walter G McCartv 11.60 23686 TROPIC ZONE vb3113 5 5 54 5- 5 5 HowcllR L B Mayer 47.00 22281 THIN SKIN vb 3 110 3 6 8 9 7"k 6 "SeaboG Mrs J S Lctellier 13.20 22026 BURNT BRIDGES w 5 120 10 3 6 6 6 7 prsonNL W Drees 55.60 23836SNOVTINT wb3107 7 7 910- 9 8 BoyleJ- C F Herrmann 106.00 22965BUCKETS wb 4 115 4 9 3 7 8h 92ij TrnbullA Mrs J Burks , 9.50 GUNNERY wb3105 8 12 12 12 14 102 BatesT J R Macomber. 42.20 23646WAR ORPHAN vb 3 105 6 4 4 A2 10J, 114 DuncanR A S Pierce , 102.20 23114 CHIMNEY BLAST w4115 2 10 1141H 12 12 SnyrWE Wright and McCall , 40.50 Time, :2V5, :46, 1:12. Track fast. - N " 1 .Mutuels Paid v . , -Odds to v I H - LADY INSCO 10.00 4.00 S.OO 4.00 1.00 .50 M. UtUei-rNCGS SPOON BREAD 3.00 3.00 -50 .50 0 LOULANG : 4.00 1.00 Winner Br. f, by Bow to Me Lady Marsco, by Insco, trained by N. R. McLeod; bred by Mr. H. M. Warner. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 2:47. OFF AT 2:47 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the-same. LADY INSCO displayed speed fromMhe start, shook off LOULANG to draw clear in the first quarter and, rated along under slight" restraint, was hard ridden through the stretch and held SPOON BREAD safe. SPOON BREAD, unable to keep pace early, was under intermittent punishment in an effort to better his position, began delivering improved speed in the last three-eighths and was gaining steadily on the winner under a hard drive. LOULANG raced forwardly placed throughout and held on gamely to the end. EQUIPLAY closed some ground after being outrun early. THIN SKIN was unable to endanger the leaders. TROPIC ZONE failed to enter serious contention. BUCKETS, well placed throuzh the back stretch, dropped back steadily. Scratched 231 61 Dark Blaze, 115; 23360 Rough Amos, 1J0; 24035 Valdina Fable, 110; 23686 Brass Tower, 120. . Overweight Spoon Bread, 1 pound; Loulang. 4g; Tropic Zone, 3; Snowtint 2. , SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Appealing:, July 26, 1937 1:09 4 2 4 2 f 9 117. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. - u Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners since May 10 allowed 3 lbs.; since May 29-42 Suf March 10, 6 lbs. Claiming- price, ,000, Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ,i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt , 239662CANTERUP wb5107 6 5 2 2 24 1 TnbullW Millen. and Havmakor Ei5 24110 fBLUE LEONA wb 5 112 12 1 1J 14 4 22 DeLdraA Mrs Alice-Tobin .22.30 23222CHANCE RUN wb 4 112i 8 10 . 84 , 5f 4 3k BrnelleD R D Ozier 16 70 23S003ARIEL TRIP w 4 105 11 2 6" 7 5 4" FinganJ HSandrock 7 70 23645 tSAVING GRACE wb6111 2 3 32 4nk 62 5 MooreG W Viano 22 40 23780VILLAGand BELLE wb4107 4 11 11 84 71 6 BoyleJ W J Susini jJ 3 70- 16172 TWO TOPS wb 4 114 10 9 5 "32 3 7 Howell R Riverside Stable t 9.40 23735 HIGH MARTIN wb 8120 1 8 lQnk 91 9"k 8 SnyerWE H Stutts - 6 50 2365PREPELLER wb6109 9 12 12 1H ll3 94 CraigK Mrs B Ryan 83.90 23833CADET BOB wb 4 112 3 4 4"k 6k 82 104 DuncanR Elm Stable 20.70 18578DOLLY W4104 7 7 7i 101 lOH2 BrennanJ Mrs M Holubeshen 145.70 19524PERSONABLE wb7109 5 6 9nkl2 12 12 PafundiA Bola "Farms 78.10 t Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, :W5, 1:13. Track fast. . , Mutuds Paid , Odds to f Du:i. CANTERUP , 5.80 i.00 3.20 1.90 1.00 .60 M uruei rnces . blue leona n.oo 9:20 -7.50 -3.60 CHANCE RUN 8.00 , 3.00 Winner Ch. m, by Canter Immernoch, by Upset, trained by L. Havmaker; bred by Mr. L. H. . Drennan. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. 1 V WENT TO POST 3:16. OFF AT 3:17 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. CANTERUP, undir light reserve while following along in near attendance of the pace, responded gamely to hard riding and wasalong in the last sixteenth to wear down BLUELEONA. The latter displayed speed from tho start and held on with good energy in the final drive. CHANCE RUN, unable to. keep pace early, closed with a rush through the stretch. ARIEL TRIP made up some ground under hard urging. SAVING GRACE, forwardly placed early, was unable to better her position under pressure in the closing quarter, VILLAGE BELLE, outrun for, three-eighths, closed a good gap, but was -jjnable to endanger the leaders. TWO TOPS moved up threateningly nearing the stretch, only to tire in the closing drive. HIGH MARTIN was outrun. CADET BOB tired. Scratched 18281 3 Big Chance, 112; 21876 Maegay, 109; 194863Two Kick, 109; 23966 Travis L., 1,14. Overweight Ariel Trip, 1 pound; Saving Grace, 2. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 8760. THIRD RACE J. MILE AND 70 YARDS. Accolade, July 3, 19361:416, ? 4 ? 7 ft 120 Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Non-z. L. I v Winners in 1942. Weight, 116 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 29-42 Suf Net vaue t0 vinner 00. second, 50 ; third, 00; fourtb,JS50. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St li Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 240312HADA STAR wb 4 106 8 8 34 1 l2 V BrnelleD . F S Trumbull . 23691WANTARUN w8111 5 1 84 8 6 -44 21! VDBeC - Mrs L Palladino " 20.20 236913GHOST QUEEN wb71U 3 6 4 4 3 2i 3" AtksonT Mrs S Orr 5.70 1 23957 fRICHESTAN wb4111 l 4 1111 82 5442 TorresL Mrs B Ryan 7.20 238992UPDO wb 5 109 11 3 .24 2 2 3h 54 DrandoC Mrs-F Preece 28.20 23966GREENOCKS BOYwb 4 111 7 9 92 9 4 7"k 6nk-64 WalkerM Mrs E Shropshire .187.10 23688 IN SANG w 4 109 " 6-11 104 10"k10i 8"k 7 DeLaraA B F Lister " 18.30 23645eOVER GOLD wb 4 106 10 5 74 6 5 72 83i TnbullW . JEMcGrath 12.20 24116 MAX FORST wb6116 2 7 52 5 11 10 9"k HowcllR Coughlin and Perry 3.80 23967BEACON STREET wsb 4 106 9 2 l2 1 42 92 10"k BrenanJ Mrs L H Nimkoff " 38.30 23739ALARMING wb 7 111 4 10 6h 7"k 9nkH n FinganJ II A Catalano 65.40 tApprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, -A7, VA2, 1:40, VA4. Track fast. , 52 Mutuels Paid , r. Odds to . D: HADA STAR 5.20 3.60 2.80 1.60 - .80 .40 M - uruei rncGS wantarun .n. 13.40 7.60 5.70 2.uo GHOST QUEEN 4.40 1.20 Winner B. c, by Hadagal Armful, by Chance Shot, trained by A. Hullcoat ; bred by Calumet Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:46j. OFF AT 3:46 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won-ridden out; second and third driving. HADA STAR obtained a prominent position when straightened in the back stretch, went" to the Jront when BEACON STREET began tiring and, .opening up a good lead in the stretch, held sway to the close. WANTARUN worked Jus way up gradually in the last half mile and closed stoutly in the stretch. GHOST tJUEEN went along in the first flight .practically throughout and held on willingly in the drive. RICHESTAN, a trailer until leaving the back stretch, made up some ground. UPDO, much used forcing the early pace, tired. OVER GOLD was unable to reach the leaders. MAX FORST dropped back in the last three-eighths. BEACON STREET displayed speed in pacemaking, then faltered in the last five-sixteenths. Scratched 23834 Morstep, 106; 23367 Bonified, 111; 23298 Fairhaired Boy, 111 ; "237393Idle Fancies, 108; 23591J Mobcap, 111. Overweight Updo, 3 pounds ; In Sang, 3. FOURTH RACE 5-8 MILE. Eternal Bull, July 5, 1941 :58 2 114. Purse O A O "71 ,000. 2-year-olds. Claiming:. Non-winners of two races. Weight, A 1 118 lbs. Maidens allowed 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for May 29-42 Suf less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St fa Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds SI Strt 23779 SUNTEGRA " wb115 11 5 34 3- lh la McMulIenG Mrs W H Cane . 7.80 23685 ON THE CUFF wb118 8 1 lh 1" 24 24 DeLaraA- Bayard Tuckerman Jr. 4.30 22710 PICTOGRAPH wb 107 4 2 22 3 3 SoaboG Marshall Field 6.90 23416 VALDINA LUSTER wll5 3 9 4h 5" 41 44 AtkinsonT Pine Tree Farm 3.00 23969 QUEEN LIBERTY w 115 9 10 8J 7nk 7 5" DeeringJ John L Sullivan - 34.20 22874 VALDINA KNIGHT wll2 7 6 7"k gi 6 6nk BiermanC Valdina Farms 10.20 23020 FLYING JUNIOR wb116 10 4 51 6 5 71 MannJ C E Nelson 17.90 24030 MERRY GLOW wb114 2 8 1Q4 8- 84 84 DurandoC S W Shapoff 17.10 23526 HIGH HAT w 112 5 11 9 11 9 94 AdairR William Ziegler Jr 118.20 24030 COME DOWN w 107 6 7, 11 10 11 10nk-FinneganJ Hal Price Headley 110.70 239693MERRY RHYME wb 115 1 3 6 4nkl0i 11 DennisW Mrs Vera S Bragg 4.00 Time, :2314180, :W5, 1:01. Track ast. V r S2 Mutuels Paid v , Odds to SI k i 1. I D SUNTEGRA 4.-.. 17.60 7.80 5.00 7.80 2.9fl 1.50 1 iVlUiUCr i TICGS on the cuff... 5.20 4.20 . 1.10 PICTOGRAPH 5.80 1.90 Winner Ch. f, by Sun Teddy Red Grape, by Man b War, trained by L. A. Bruste; bred by Mr W. Cane. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:17. OFF AT 4:18 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SUNTEGRA, steadied along in near pursuit of the pace for the first three-eighths, moved up stoutly when called upon, gained a short lead in the stretch and outlasted ON THE CUFF through the closing eighth. ON THE CUFF showed speed from the start, met stout early "opposition from PICTOGRAPH, disposetTof ,him and, while fighting it out stubbornly, was unable to stave off the bid of the winner. PICTOGRAPH disputed the command with ON - THE CUFF and, while unable to keep pace with the two leaders during the last eighth, had enough left . to meet the closing challenge of VALDINA LUSTER. The latter came willingly on the outside through ihe stretch. VALDINA KNIGHT made up some ground. FLYING JUNIOR was unable to reach the leadets . under,brisk pressure MERRY RHYME tired. -Scratched Stolen Sweets, 109; 23782 RockeUGal, 115. Overweight Pictograph, 2 pounds. - "FIFTH RACE 5-8 MILE. Eternal Bull, July 5, 1941 :58 2 114. Purse 2 4 9 7 2 ,000. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races allowed 3 lbs.; maidens, 6 lbs. Claiming: price, ,500; May 29-42 Suf if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, 00: fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St -ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23368 SANTA ROSA w 111 11 lh 3nkh lh BiermanC Arnold Hanger 1.10 23897 KIEV LEE wbUI 6 6 5 54 33 2n MillmanF - Crescent Stable " 17.90 24113ZACABRAND wb 110 4 4 Of- 4h 2h 3 FmneganJ H A Catalano 5.70 22967 TEA CLIPPER wb104 3 5 6 6 4nk 422 BrunelleD Mrs Colin MacLeod v 4.80 -23779 OOMPH wb112 5 2 32 14 54 5 TrentH Stroube and Collins 8.50 23782 SHADOW wbU4 2 3 2k 2- 6 6 TJeeringJ , Walter P Chrysler Jr 4.50 tApprentice allowance Hvaived. - . Time, :23, :48, 1:01. Track fast." , Mutuels Paid , Odds to ki..J...J D! SANTA ROSA . 4.20 3.40 2.80 1.10 .70 .40 viiiiiiei rnces kiev leev. 10.40 5.60 4.20 i;so ZACABRAND " 4.00 1.00 Winner Br. f, by Boxthorn Asinia, by Assagai, trained by M. Simmons; bred by Mr. E. Janss, Jr. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 4:46. OFF AT 4:53 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start go6d from stail gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SANTA ROSA unseated her rider -at the post, showed he most speed, was pinched back nearing the -far turn, recovered gamely and, brought to the outside, fought It out with KIEV LE and outlasted the latter. KIEV LEE moved up gradually after going the bpening quarter, came to the outside for the closing test and finished with splendid energy. ZACABIiAND, steadied along early, saved ground into the stretch and fought it "out stubbornly. TEA CLIPPER was unable to reach the Readers. OOMPH displayed early .speed, faltering in the last three-sixteenths. SHADOW unseated her rider while at the post, showed speed in disputing the pace and tired, in the stretch run. Scratched 24112 Noslen, 106. . Overweight Santa Rosa, 2 pounds; Tea Clipper, 1. " SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Appealing, July 26, 1937 1:09 4 2 4 2 7 117- Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming, z. h- z. J Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners twice since March 2 allowed 3 lbs.; May 29-42 Suf one race, 5 lbs.; in 1942, 8 lbs. Claiming: price, ,000. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Yx rh Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds StTt 22970 ARGELLA wb 6 114 6 1 22 2 11 1 SnyderWE Merry-Ho Stable 290 22804TYRONE v wb5109 8 7 64 3 2 2 BatesT .Mrs WW Adams 4.20 22811 MAROC vv 6 114 3 6 74 62 3h GzalezMN J W Y Martin 8.10 239013US w5109 1 4 41 1 5"k 4 4" BrunelleD Mrs S Orr 1.10 18407 BOY BABY wb5 109 5 5 3 4i 3" 54 ChaffinC Marsonia Stable 22.20- 222783WOOD VALE LASS w 5110J 2 9 9 74 72 6i MannJ C-E Nelson 53.60 23781 CHANCE-SORE wb4U7 4 2 -11 4 6 72 SeaboG - Merry-Ho Stable 2.90 23473 ROUGH NEWS wb4112 9 8 84 9 8 8 MooreG J H srr 47.20 23781 MACKS DREAM w 4 109 7 3 5J 82 9 9 MaschekF Meadowbrook Farm 54.70 tCoupled as Merry-Ho Stable entry. Time, :Z2, -AG, :W5. Track fast. . , Mutuejs Paid v , Odds to - kit D-l. ARGELLA Entry 780 3.60 3.00 2.90 .80 .50 Mil rue I r rices tyrone 5.20 3.80 1.60 .90 MAROC ..." 4.40 1.20 Winner B. m, by Happy Argo Metella, by Mad Hatter, trained by J. McDowell; bred by Mr. R. S. Clark. Winner entered to- be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:24. OFF AT 5:23 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from tall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ARGELLA, under slight reserye while in closest pursuit of the pace established by her stablemate, went to the front nearing the stretch," drew clear and held TYRONE safe to the end. TYRONE moved up gradually after rounding the far turn and closed with splendid energy in the closing drive. MAROC bettered his position gradually and finished with good energy. US suffered-some interference from BOY BABY in the opening quarter and, hemmed in on the inside, was unable to threaten when obtaining racing room. BOY BABY, well placed, was unable to i make up any ground when called upon. WOODVALE LASS was making up ground in the late stages after having trailed early. CHANCE SORD, hard hustled while cutting out the early pace, tired. MACKS DREAM was unable to threaten. Scratched 233003Challante, 112. Overweight Woodvale Lass, I5 pounds. t 1 SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE. Clingendaal," Aug". 14, 19371:363124. Parkway -2 4. 2 7 A Purse Graded Allowances jClass C. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. 3-year-olds, 112 lbs.; older, 120 May 29-42 Suf lbs. Non-winners in 1942 allowed 3 lbs.; of ,000 at any time, j 6 lbs.; of 00, 9 lbs. - -Net value to winner 75 ;"second 00; third, 50; fourth; 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockey Owners Odds Strt 238373JESSIE GLADYS wb 5 115 4. 5 24 H 1 14 l3 BruenlleD G Felkner - 6.20 23210 VALDINA MELIA wb3111 1 1 34 2 24 23i BiermanC Valdina Farms 3.60 237832BRIGHT TRACE wb 5 115 3 2 4 54 4 33 l- BoyleJ Mrs R M Buccola fl.70 : 23009,:EQUITABLE wb 5 106 5 3 6 6 6 5k 44 Finnegan.I Hal Price Headley 5.20 23971 STROLLING EASYwb 3 109 6 4 l2 24 54 4and 53 PiersonNL Mrs R M Buccola 1.70 23226 COHOLGA wb3103 2 6 54 336 6 AtkinsonT R S Castle- 3.30 tCoupled as Mrs. R. M. Buccola entry? , Time, :25, :48, 1:124, 1:39. Track fast. Mutuelr Paid , Odds to D-I-. JESSIE GLADYS 14.40 6.00 2.80 6.20 2.00 .40 M..l.l uruei rnces valdina melia 5.00 2.60 1.50 .30 1 BRIGHT TRACE Entry.. 2.20 .10 Winner Dk."b. m, by Pharamond II. Mad Passion, by Mad Hatter, trained by G. Felkner; bred by - Mr. A. -B. Hancock. WENT TO POST 5:49. OFF AT 5:49 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. JESSIE GLADXS moved up stoutly when, straightening but in the back stretch, wore down the pacemaker midway of the back stretch, drew into a comfortable lead and was never threatened, although riddeA out smartly to the close. VALDINA MELIA, taken back of the early pace, was under intermittent punishmw in the last five-sixteenths and held on willingly to the end. BRIGHT TRACE, -avoiding the early pace, was unable, to make up any ground on the first two during the stretch run. EQUITABLE was never a threat. STROLLING EASY faltered after displaying speed for a half mile. COHOLGA faltered after going three-quarters. Overweight Valdina Melia, 2 pounds. 1 EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Kenyon C, June 3; 19381:434108. Purse n a o "7 c ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners twice A A J 2 w since March 2. Weigrht,120 lbs. Non-winners since May 10 al-May 29-42 Suf lowed 3 lbs.; since April 1, 5 lbs. Claiming- price, ,250. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Yz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 23524 BRIAR PLAY wb 5 115 3 5 3 35 2?k l"k l2 BiermanC Millsdale Stable 1.70 23973 6NE O ONE wb5U2 7 3 4 l1 I1 2-.213 AtkinsonT B F Lister 5.70 23530CREAKLE wh4112 2 2 24 24 34 3 34 FinneganJ A L Porto 3.60 235915FRENCH TRAP wb 11 110 4 1 61 6l 4 43 44 BrunelleD W Drees 7.70 23973 MASON DIXON w 4 120 5 7 . 5J 51 53 5 4 523 SeaboG Larch Hill Stable 10.80 , 23904ESTA wb 4 107 1 4 43 4k 6 63 623 TurnbullW Siravo and Petrucci 22.90 . 21674 HASTY WIRE wb 8 115 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 PiersonNL Mrs R M Buccola 6.30 Time, :25j4, :48?, 1:13, 1:40, 1:47. Track fast. , Mutuels Paid , Odds to I BRIAR PLAY 5.40 3.40 -2.60 1.70 .70 .30 Mi uruei rnces one o one 5.40 3.60 1.70 .so CREAKLE - 3.00 .50 Winner Ch. g, by Sun Briar In Play, by Fair Play, trained by W. Booth; bred by Mr. W. S. Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. 1 WENT TO POST 6:17. OFF AT 6:17 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and "third driving. BRIAR PLAY, under steadying restraint while in close attendance of the pace, responded gamely when called upon, wjore down ONE O ONE for th lead when reaching the stretch and drew out in the last eighth. ONE O ONE went to the front i nearing the turn into the back stretch and, rated along under slight restraint, held on well when challenged, but was unable to cope with the vinner in the closing test. CREAKLE had speed from the start and went prominently throughout. FRENCH TRAP .saved ground into the stretch and closed gamely. MASON DIXON was unable to enter into contention. ESTA was unable to keep up. HASTY WIRE trailed i thrniiphont;

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