Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Fairmount Park, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-30

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FAIRMOUNT PARK For Track Conditions See Box on Page 1 I ST RACE 4 1-2 FLONGS. 2:00 P. M. 2 -Year-Olds. Allowances. Prob. P.P. Horse. Wt. Mud. Odds. 4 EBS FIRST 110 X 2-1 6 a-HIT IT 107 X 3-1 5 a-MIRROR LAKE 107 4-1 7 SAFE BID 104 6-1 1 GREENOCKS COIN 110 5-1 2 GREEN TORCH 110 X 10-1 3 HOT. SPARK 107 10-1 8 b-KING EPITHET 107 35-1 9 FLORIZAN SAM 107 20-1 10 b-BURR ANN 107 35-1 II AMYS THIRD 107 8-1 a-C. Allgeier entry. b-Mrs. T. M. Pru ett entry. Ebs First figures to take the opener. Hit It is dropping nine pounds. Mirror Lake is smartly trained. OND RACE 5 1-2 FLONGS. 2:30 P. M. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 10 DARBY DIENST 110 X 5-2 5 SHIRLEY G. 108 4-1 7 DISTRACT 113 X 3-1 9 PRINCE GALE 110 X 6-1 1 I MIGHT 103 X 10-1 2 BURMAN 107 X 12-1 3 MERRILY SAN 107 X 12-1 4 HOME FOLKS 107 X 8-1 6 BLACK MARK 100 X 10-1 8 STATION HOUSE 99 40-1 11 SNOWCRYSTAL 108 10-1 12 PIPPA PASSES 102 25-1 Darby Dienst is dropping down in class. Shirley G. raced well at Sportsmans Park. Distract looms a speedy threat. ORD RACE 1 1-16 MILES. 3:00 P. M. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming-. 4 HENRY HATTER 109 X 3-1 5 HIGH LOW JACK 106 X 4-1 3 SPANISH BELLE 101 X 4-1 11 MERRY SAXON 104 X 4-1 10 CHOCOLATE MAID 109 8-1 1 ARIZONA LADY 109 8-1 2 VALDINA OPAL 109 X 20-1 6 BRILL 106 X 10-1 7 NORIE 106 40-1 8 BLUE VALLEY 106 30-1 9 ULTIEVTLLE 101 X 10-1 12 MI JOCK 111-X 10-1 Henry Hatter is nicely placed for brackets. High Low Jack likes this oval. Span-isli Belle rates a money chance. 4TH RACE 3-4 MILE. 3:30 P. M. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming-. 8 GAL ANN 104 8-5 3 WISE BARRISTER 106 X 5-2 5 MEETSUM 108 6-1 6 MADAM HIGH 104 5-1 1 CHANDERA 104 X 8-1 2 DOCTOR REDER 109 8-1 4 ALL TRUE 108 X 20-1 7 JACK OHANA 99 X 25-1 Gal Ann should never leave the result in doubt. Wise Barrister isb ack in top form. Meetsum is not out of it. CTH RACE 5 1-2 FLONGS. 4:00 P. M. 3-Year-Olds. Allowances. 1 YAR 118 5-2 5 TETROS JR. 106 3-1 7 FLORIZAN BEAU 112 X 4-1 4 BEAD 107, 6-1 2 ROSY BRAND 98 40-1 3 EL CABRILLO 106 8-1 6 BOBS DREAM 118 X 8-1 8 SEEKONK 103 X 10-1 Yar needs only a good ride to land in front. Tetros Jr. is capable of argument. Florizan Beau raced with better. ZTH RACE 3-4 MILE. 4:30 P. M. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Handicap. 3 b -FRANKS BOY 116 X 3-1 15 BURGOO MISS 103 X 3-1 10 BOSS HOSS 112 5-1 9 FERGIES COUNT 105 X 6-1 1 a-BALLINDERRY 106 X 8-1 2 a-BOBS DREAM 105 X 8-1 4 BEAMY 103 X 10-1 5 YAR 102 10-1 6 FLORIZAN BEAU . 103 X 25-1 7 DOUBTFUL 99 12-1 8 LAST CALL 105 X 10-1 11 GAL ANN 102 8-1 12 TETROS JR. 102 10-1 13 PUT IN 103 15-1 14 b-ALL TRUE 100 3-1 a-Hilltop Stock Farm entry. b-Mrs. J. L. Chesney entry. Franks Boy should break in front and hold sway to the end. Burgoo Miss worked speedily for this. Boss Hoss bears watching. 7TH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. 5:00 P. M. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 5 LOSTAGAL 108 X 2-1 7 JUMPING JILL 105 3-1 1 LESLIE JARVIS 101 4-1 2 GUEST STAR 109 6-1 3 MR. AMBASSADOR 103 10-1 4 PITTISTRAW 100 X 12-1 6 RED TET 104 X 20-1 Lostagal is moving down the ladder of class. Jumping Jill should do for a slice of it. Leslie Jarvis cant be ignored. OTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. 5:30 P. M. P 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 2 STROMBUS 115 3-1 9 CANT CATCH . 110 X 4-1 1 SURGEON DICK 110 X 6-1 7 FENCING 111 X 6-1 3 VOILEE n. 101 10-1 4 THISTLE BLUE 99 20-1 5 SAMMY ELLEGANT 106 8-1 6 BRIGHT SHOT 101 30-1 8 BLUE ORCHID 101 15-1 10 MT. SARD 108 X 10-1 11 HOT IRON 115 X 8-1 Strombus was never better. Cant Catch may prove troublesome. Surgeon Dick went fairly well recently.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1942053001/drf1942053001_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1942053001_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800