untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-30


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" j ALL ROADS LEAD TO ! JACKS 1 WORLD FAMOUS FOODS 413 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. SPORTING INFORMATION I I BEULAH PARK GROVE CITY Columbus Ohio Running Races Saturday, May 30 Last Day i . i Thoroughbred Horse Racing PLAYING for PROFIT By Ray Taulbot A 256-page textbook de- M voted to the itudy of JgJMff. thoroughbred horse Tacing HV- and turf speculation as PQV i distinguished from care- I lest, haphazard methods of J- I playing the horses. Dehunks the "inside information" racket; tells how to make sound winning selections, based upon a new treatment of important factors. Explains how to judge TRUE value of a class and speed rating, as compared to its face value. Points way to logical, profitable -wagering. Takes reader behind scenes and gives him a glimpse of actual business of racing. SEND NO MONEY. Simply mail coupon. When postman delivers book, deposit only .50 plus few cents postage. EXAMINE BOOK FIVE DAYS. Unless convinced it can help you PLAY FOR PROFIT, return for refund of .50. Mail coupon now! DAVID McKAY CO., Dept. 205A, Washington Sq., Philadelphia, Pa. I Send me in plain wrapper THOROUGHBRED HORSE RACING: PLAYING FOR PROFIT. I will . , deposit only .60 plus few cents for postage with . 1 postman. If. after five days examination, I am not completely satisfied. I may return book and I you will refund my .50. - I I Name Address . SAVE POSTAGE. Check here If ENCLOSING check or money order for .50, in which case we pay postage charges. Same refund privilege applies. Caye Hill Destroyed COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 29. Cave Hill was so badly cut down in his last race here . at Beulah yesterday that he had to be de- stroyed. i RELAX AT j FAIRMOUNT PARK Racing- Daily Except Mondays i MAY 30 TO JULY 4, INCLUSIVE I Highway Number 40 direct to track, buses from Broadway and Lucas, St. Louis Also Van-dalia, III., to track. i 11 I LINCOLN FIELDS j SPRING RACE MEETING 30 DAYS 8 Races Daily First Race 2:15 P. M. GENERAL ADMISSION, .00 Club House Admission, .00 TAX INCLUDED TODAY Francis S. Peabody Memorial Handicap 3-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD 1 1-16 MILES ,000 ADDED I ; TRANSPORTATION TRAIN SCHEDULE: C. and E. I., First train leaves Dearborn Street Station at 12 oclock Noon, with additional trains every few minutes thereafter. Last train leaves at 1 oclock. Round trip, .05; Pullman Coaches, .21. TAXI SERVICE: Jvleets Illinois Central trains at Matteson from 9:40 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. Round trip, 50c. BUS SERVICE: Sheridan Plaza Hotel, Sheridan , Road and Wilson, every day at 12:00 noon. Telephone Longbeach 2922. Round Trip, .25. QUINCY and STATE at 12:30 p. m. Round Trip, .25. CRAWFORD and MADISON at 12:20 p. m. Round Trip, .25. 63RD and COTTAGE GROVE at 1:00 p. m. Round Trip, .05. SHERMAN HOTEL at 12:35 p. m. Round Trip, .25. AUTOMOBILE ROUTE: Michigan Avenue to 63rd, right to State Street, south to 95th Street, west to Halsted Street. Follow Route No. 1 to Lincoln Fields.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1942053001/drf1942053001_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1942053001_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800