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Official Racing Charts Copyright, 1943, by Trianal* Publications, Int. — Aqueduct AQUEDUCT. L. I.. N. Y.. MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1943— AQUEDUCT 1 MILE. Thirteenth day of eighteen-day meeting June 7 to June 26. Queens County Jockey Club. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. Steward reoresenting The Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy. Steward representing New York State Racing Commission, Francis P. Dunne. Steward representing Queens County Jockey Club, Harold Vosburgh. Visiting member of The Jockey Club and National Steeplechase and Hunts Association, Howard W. Maxwell. Placing Judges, C. H. Cornehlsen, Fred H. Parks and Joseph E. Kyle. Patrol and Paddock Judge, Frank Keogh. Clerk of Scales. George Hyland. Assistant Clerk of Scales. Nelson Strang. Patrol Judges, W. W. Long, Frank Keogh. Myron Davis and L. Dupps. Timer. John Miller. Starter, George Cassidy. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, John B. Campbell. Assistant to the Racing Secretary, Julius G. Reeder. Racing Secretary and Handicapper for Steeplechase. Fred H. Parks. Track Veterinarian, Dr. M. J. Dair. Racing starts at 1:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Indicates thret pounds apprentice allowance; "five pounds: ,#*seven pounds in steeplechase races indicates five pounds apprentice allowance: "seven pounds: "ten pounds. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meetin. 1942, .40; current meeting, .33. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one. FIRST RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Parasang, June 14, 1941 — 1:23 — 4 — 4* O A Q 114. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight-» *» T for-age. Non-winners since April 7 of four races allowed 4 lbs.; June 21-43 — Aqu three races. 8 lbs.; two races, 12 lbs.; one race, 17 lbs. Claiming price, ,600. Net value to winner 75; second, 00: third. 50; fourth, 5; breeder of winner 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St and % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owner? Odd? Strt 42145p*B~rIGHT "AMI* wr5115 3 5 2 3i 4 3" ln GivensC Grant Thorn 3.55 41C93 BOSLEY vv 7 115 13 8 6i 41 32 2h 2»k West rope J Mrs W T West rope +17.80 40752 LA JOCONDE w 5 110 9 1 P 5» 51 S»J 3* McCrearyC R V Boyle 11.10 40966 HARD TELLING vvb4 113 12 12 9l 6J 6i 7* 4:1 RenickJ Mrs C M Greer Jr +17.80 41323 ARTHUR J. wr 4 113 10 6 3 2l 2h 4* 51 WrightWD J B Partridee 165 4KUPBATTLE WON wk5115 4 4 8» 92 % 6i 6£ MehrtensW C .1 Behan 47 50 .%0E9"WOODSAW rat 115 7 7 1» 81 78 1* CavensJ B P Woodson 157.45 42146 AIR SPRING wr4115 8 2 li 1 1J lh 8* AtkinsonT D J Sullivan 8.70 42145M1SSI0N STEP vv 6 115 2 11 126 10 IP 9* 9* ThompsonB Mrs W T Sexton 12.40 42146 MERRY MARINE w 7 115 1 10 llh 12* 121 12* 10 LongdenJ Peter L Kinne 22.70 41693 MATT1E .1. v. 6 115 11 9 10i ll1 llh MJ IJi N„darseV M J Lewis 31.85 42145 VAIN BEAUTY vv 4 108 6 3 5h 7£ 82 lll 12l VercherT Mrs E Muller 19665 42146 tHELEN SPOT h5110 5 13 13 13 13 13 13 RienziJ . Mrs Charlotte Weip"ert 9.20 f/Mutuel tic Id . Apprentice allowance waited. Time, :23, :47*5, 1:12, 1:26. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , r Odds to 3 . r, . BRIGHT CAMP 910 5.50 3.70 3.55 1.75 .85 Mutuel Prices? bosley Field 14.20 7.30 6.10 2.65 l LA JOCONDE 6 80 2.40 Winner— Ch. h. by Brilliant— Campsie. by famptire, trained by George C. Winfr*y ; bred by Mr. Tollie Younir. Winner entered to lie claimed lor ,600. WENT TO POST— 1:33. OFF AT 1:35 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won driving: second and third tf.e same. BRIGHT CAMP was a prominent factor from the start and under pressure in the final drive outtinished BOSLEY. The latter was sent through on the inside entering the stretch and held on with determination to the end. LA JOCONDE, quick "to begin, was Uke« under restraint, then came to the outside and finished fast. HARD TELLING was a forward factor throughout. ARTHlR J. had no mishaps. BATTLE WON raced evenly. WOODSAW showed an even effort. Scratched— 40366 Roman Flaq. 115: 37728 Roscoe K.. 113: 350502Neep, 108; 41925 Glyndon Town, 108; 47303 Light of Morn. 110: 42146 Earliana. 110: 42274 Dark Mischief, 115. SECOND RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Jacomar. June 15. 1940— 1: 42 4r,— 3— 111. Purse « r r SI. 500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since 4* L O J U Aprii 7 aiioWed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 lbs. June 21-43— Aqu allowed for each 00 to 81,200. Net value to winner 75; second. 00; third. 50; fourth, 5; breeder of winner 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vi Vj SA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 4B56**"CUMSHAW v7ll5 7 7 7i 5h 4h 3h l1 HmmC Mrs L H Nimkoff 2.80 42556 1SHTAR vvh118 9 3 3h 31 3l 4* 2:! MehrtensW Mrs E Mulrenan 38.40 42556:;*** MAGDALA wrUO 8 8 9l 7l 9 6h 3* RienziD Mrs E D Jacobs 3.85 40932*BOTTLE IMP wr108 10 5 42 4* 55 5»J 41 MannW J J Amiel 7.90 42556 BlDDED w 115 1 11 10h 82 7h 7l 5* WestropeJ G W Coburn 8 10 42556 MY MAI.I.1 E v.r1O8 13 10 8:! 9* 82 9l 6h TbornburgJ Lt Col GuMave Ring +68.25 42556 RAR IKIED wr112 11 4 2l 2 l1 lh frk LongdenJ John Olivers 20.20 42385 SEAWRD BOUND wsh 119 3 1 1 1£ 2- 2h 8J GuerinE Mrs Ray Wexler 22.15 42434 ISOLATION vv 115 12 6 5h 61 6h 8£ 9h GilbertJ R C Schneider 19.65 41988-**PANTHORN m 112 4 9 ll4 10* 104 10« 10 EricksonC W B Mitchell 3.95 42556 NARKI wh 108 6 12 U* 12» 121,113 ll8 RenickJ Hilda Krauss +68.25 42558***ESPUEI.A wrIOI 2 13 13 13 13 13 12 ° GoggiC A M Tortora f68.25 38731 •■■COLONIAL MISS" wl08 5 2 6l ll2 ll1 12M3 AtkinsonT S H Hall 21.85 tMutuel field. Time. :24, :48%, 1:14, 1:412, 1:48. Track fast. ,— S2 Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , . / CUMSHAW 7.60 4.80 3.10 2.80 1.40 .55 kA ln Mutuel Prices! ishtar 2840 1260 1320 630 * MAGDALA 3.08 .50 Winner-B. r. by Cohort — Welcome Gift, by Mad Hatter, trained by J. Foti ; bred by Greentree Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2:02. OFF AT 2:03 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall eate. Won driving: second and third the same. OMSHAW improved his position ste-idilv and under ur-jing bore out slightly in the stretch, but drew away at the end. ISHTAR was a forward factor from the start and had no mi-haps. MAGDALA made up ome ground. BOTTLE IMP. racing on the inside, finished resolutely. BUDDED was away slowly. MY MALLIE had no mishaps. RAR1F1ED quit. PANTHORN was never a factor. Scratched— 40932 Farsight. Ill; 42428 Bayfoid. 116; 41699Cherry T., 110; 41988 Sun Flame, 113. Corrected weight— Ishtar. 118. Claimed— Cumshaw by T. H. Heard. Jr.. for ,500. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 4.70 THIRD RACE ABOlT 1 1-2 MILES. Lovely Night, June 18, 1942— 2:4125— i n r i 6 — 150. Beelzebub Hurdle Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds *• O J ancj UpWard. Allowances. Non-winners of two races. 3-year- June 21-43— Aqu ©Ids, 135 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 142 lbs.; older, 150 lbs. Winners, 5 lbs. extra. Net value to winner ,000: second, 75: third. 50; fourth. 5; breeder of winner. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 2 4 6 9 Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 39538 FAIR CRYSTAL w 4 142 8 3 4~ 31 5:i 1 ll PassmoreW San ford Stud Farm ~6l» 4238F***RICE CAKE w 5 140 9 8 6" 7 2 2i 2" MarzaniD Wm Ziegler Jr 4.50 42642 WALLOPER MB 5 156 1 7 2" 1" 3 J 3" 32 RobertsE Briar Hill Stable 6.20 42381 JONGLEUR w 5 150 10 9 7* 4" 6" 5 4J CoeN W M Jeffords 29.05 42495 tHARFORD w 3 135 6 4 5»j 62 4l 4* 52 WalkerG 1 B Baldmg 3.25 KATAHDIN vv 4 142 4 1 P 2* 1" 66 68 LeonardW Harrv LaMontagne 23.00 42381-POST HASTE w 4 142 2 JO 10 85 I" 7s V SlateF Mrs D P Barrett 2.35 42216* *MY ECHO vv 5 143 3 5 8h 9* 9° 810 8IS AlmonyR A Jeanfreau 74.45 ART SCHOOL w 3 135 5 2 3 5" 83 9" 9,s OwenW Montpelier 24.90 DARKER MAT w 3 135 7 6 9* 10 10 10 10 GallaherW Mrs Fay Ingalls 84.95 tApprentice allowance waived. Time, 2:463£. Track fast. Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , n . / FAIR CRYSTAL 15.80 8.40 5.20 6.90 3.20 1.60 Ml utuel Prices? rice cake 5.50 380 1.75 .90 l WALLOPER 4 40 1.20 Winner -Ch. g, by Fair Haven —Crystalline, by The Tetrareh, trained by 11. Hughes; bred by Lady Lambert Eire. WENT TO POST— 2:30. OFF AT 2:30J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start fair from flag. Won driving; second and third the same. FAIR CRYSTAL jumped well and, a forward factor throughout, responded in the late tages to stall off RICE CAKE. The latter was sent up fast in the final half mile and made a determined bid, then hung, and pulled up sore. WALLOPER was steadied along and responded when roused, but tiled jn the iate stages. JONGLEUR was under pressure in the late staees and pulled up sore. HARFORD was well up throughout. KATAHDIN bad early speed. POST HASTE was aw.,v -1 .1 . MY ECHO broke slowlv. Scratched— 426423Balk. 155: 022651 Longchamp II.. 150; 12642 Norge II., 150; 42642 Mateson, 142; 41694 Flying Friar. 155; 41920 Yankee Chance. 145: 42381 Becfin, 135. FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Devil Diver, Sept. 7, 1942—1:05—3—140. A 9 ft • 9 Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special ° J weights. ., June 21-43 — Aqu Net va|ue to winner 75: second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 5; breeder of winner, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j gfi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 41695 MORA NT w 116 4 3 li 1" 1J 1 MehrtensV King Ranch 1.15 42555-STYMIE wb116 5 1 5i 4s 3* 22 BrooksS Mrs E D Jacobs 1.80 HOODOO w 116 7 6 3" 2: 2l 3* AtkinsonT C V Whitney 8.45 41695 FOX BROWNIE w 116 6 4 4 5 5» 4« GuerinE Joe W Brown 104.35 42492 DESERT BATTLE w 118 2 2 2 A 3i 4i 5» SteffenE John E Ford Jr 71.85 42212 JIMMY JOHN wb116 3 8 8 661 63 WrightWD John J Watts 9.90 42212 FIRST ADMIRAL w 116 8 7 6 72 7 71 NodarseV William Ziegler Jr 13.15 42492 HANDSOME BOY wb116 15 7J 8 8 8 ThornburgJ Emanuel Guiftra 96.35 Time, 23%, :48, 1:07£. Track fast. 4 . it*. MORAN1 4.30 260 2.30 1.15 .30 .15 Mutuel Prices? stymie 2.60 2.20 .30 .10 HOODOO 290 .45 Winner — Blk. c. by Bold Venture — Otra, bv Equipoise, trained by Max Hirsch; bred by King Ranch. WENT TO POST— 2:55. OFF AT 2:58J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. MORANI was sent into command after the start, raced DESERT BATTLE into defeat, respondedwhen roused and held STYMIE safe at the end. The latter, slow to begin, and on the outside, closed with good courage in the stretch run. HOODOO, on the outside, had early speed and then stopped. FOX BROWNIE raced well throughout. DESERT BATTLE had no mishaps. JIMMY JOHN was shuffled back after the start. Overweight — Desert Battle. 2 pounds. FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Devil Diver, Sept. 7, 1942 — 1:05—3—140. n c j Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special 4« L • 3 * weights. June 21-43 — Aqu Net value to winners 37.50 each; third, 50; fourth, 5; breeder of winners, 2.50 each. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St J4 % Str Fin Jockeys Ow ners Odds |l Strt +QUE HORA w 116 4 3 2l ll 2± V MehrtensW Arnold Hanger 2 85 424922 +RED BLOSSOMS vb116 7 5 33 35 3- Is LongdenJ Mrs E Mulrenan 3.05 41695-WHO GOES THERE w 116 11 lh li li 3* McCrearvC G D Widener 1.15 BOUNDING HOME vv 116 3 2 6i 6h 7 4i NodarseV William Ziegler Jr 16.75 SUTTON PLACE wb116 2 4 7 7 6£ 52 BrooksS John S Phipps 3010 42492 JEAN BUTTONS wb116 5 6 4" 58 52 fc2 GrecoA Jos Kelly 2195 BELLWETHER w 116 6 7 54 4"k 4 7 ThompsonB Cain Hoy Stable 63 15 +Dead heat. Time, :23, :47%, 1:07. Track fast. Mutuels Paid Odds to / — — * , . -. . /QUE HORA 3.90 3.70 2.60 .95 .85 .30 Mutuel Prices? red blossoms 4.00 3.50 2.20 1.00 .75 .10 C WHO GOES THERE 2 20 .10 Winners Que Hora B. c. by Time Maker— Minxy. by St. Germans, trained by M. Hirsch; bred by Mr. D. N. Rust. Jr.; Red Blossoms dk. b. c, by Boswell Pan of Roses, by Peter Pan, trained by C. Mulrenan: bred bv Mr. A. B Hanrock. WENT TO POST— 3:22. OFF AT 3:24 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Hon driving; third the same. Q.CE HORA, off well, forced the pace from the start and disposed of WHO GOES THERE in the stietch and held on well to finish in a dead heat with RED BLOSSOMS. The latter, on the outside, moved up the stretch run and finished with determination. WHO GOES THERE was sent into command at the start, showed speed and had no mishaps in the running. BOUNDING HOME was outrun in the early stages. SUTTON PLACE made up some ground in the stretch. BELLWETHER began sl..wlv. Scratched— 42212 Mightiest. 116; Puffed Up, 116. SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Whirlaway. June 22, 1942—1:49—4—122. fi ** A e* Purse. Purse 55,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 4* L O J 4 Weight, 4 lbs. below scale. Non-winners of 7,000 in 1942-43 June 21-43 — Aqu allowed 9 lbs. Net value to winner ,250: second. ,000; third, 00; breeder of winner 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St li k % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 41476 SHUT OUT w 4 122 1 1 2* 2* PJj V li WoolfG Greentree Stable 3.20 42278 MARKET WISE vvb 5 123 2 2 3 3 3 2A 2~ NodarseV Marise Farm 1.70 42278 ATTENTION wb5114 3 3 l2 l2 13 3 LongdenJ William Helis .95 Time. :242£, :48, 1:132$, 1:38%. 1:51. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to v . j in* SHUT OUT »-4« 3.20 Mutuel rricesj no place or show mutuels sold. Winner Ch. c. bv Equipoise — Goose Egg. bv Chicle, trained bv John M. Gaver; bred by Greentree Stable. WENT TO POST— 3:53. OFF AT 3531 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SHIT OUT raced in near pursuit of the pace and, moving up rounding the stretch turn, assumed command in the stretch and held MARKET WISE safe at the end. The latter was outrun through the first part, but improved his position entering the stretch and made a determined bid in the stretch, only to hang at the end. ATTENTION was sent into command and steadied eailv. but quit badly in the stretch run. Scratched— 424323Corydon, 114. SEVENTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Parasang, June 14, 1941—1:23 — 4 — n r C 114. Panoply Graded Handicap Class C. ,500 Added. 3-L 4« O D D year-olds. June 21-43 — Aqu Net va|ue to winner ,720; second. 00; third, 50; fourth, 00; breeder of winner, 5. Index Horses ~Eqt A Wt PP St - % *« Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 742383 EURASIAN wb122 8 2 2- 2 1 li 1*J BrooksS Havahome Stable 3.95 422771ROYAL NAP vvb 115 9 9 10" 10 7" 6i 2i MehrtensW Lazy F Ranch 3.15 41612 WATER PEARL wb106 3 4 li li 2* 23 3 AtkinsonT Hudson Valley Stable 2155 423833TRUE BLUE * 120 11 1 5l 4l 4" 3h 4 - GilbertJ Crispin Oglebay 670 398642TOWSER wb119 12 8 9i 7" 6" 84 5i WestropeJ Mr* J A Coburn 19.00 42277 HASTEYILLE wb109 7 3 6l 8i 8« 7 6i ThompsonB Lt Col Gustave Ring 16 00 42277 HICKORY HEAD vvb 109 6 6 3h 3i 3" 4i 7» MannW Mrs F I McNulty 22 85 41986IBILOXI BAY vvb 120 5 7 81 6l Sj 9* 8i LongdenJ Mrs Alfred Parker 4.15 42214 THE SULTAN vv 104 2 12 4h 5" 911! 9h McCrearyC Cain Hoy Stable 24 40 42072 SEA FARE wb 110 10 10 ll2 ll2 ll2 5| 10* NodarseV W M Ziegler Jr 44.65 42383 BOl D DAN w 110 4 5 72 9l 101 10i ll1 YoungS Miss Mary J OLeary 16 65 40368 DEVILS LUCK wbHO 11112 12 12 12 12 Stout.! Wheatley Stable 24.55 Time, :23s, :463, Mt%, 1:25. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — v r~ — Odds to n . . I EURASIAN 990 5.40 4.40 3.95 170 1.20 n Mutuel Pricesi royal nap 4.60 3.70 1.30 m I WATER PEARL 8 30 3.15 Winner-Br. c, by Quatre Bias II.— Tehani, by Carlaris, trained by S. Rutchick ; bred by Mrs. Barclav Douglas. WENT TO POST— 4:19. OFF AT 4:21 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won handily; second and third driving. EURASIAN forced the pace from the start and, after disposing of WATER PEARL in the stretch run. held ROYAL NAP safe. The latter was slow to begin, but improved his position and finished fast. WATER PEARL had early speed while saving ground. TRUE BLUE was well up from the start and had no mishaps. TOWSER raced evenly. HICKORY HEAD, racing on the inside, showed a good effort. THE SULTAN was in close quarters on the inside rounding the far turn DEVILS LUCK swerved after the start and was crowded into the inside rail. Scratched— 42383 Best Irish, 109: 422793Haile, 117. Overweight — Sea Fare. 1 pound; Bold Dan. 2. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Whirlaway, June 22, 1942— 1:49..— 4— 122. and Claiming. Weight. 4 lbs. Q c Purse ,700. 4-year-olds upward. 9 /; 4 *- O 3 0 below scale. Non-winners of two races since May 8 allowed 3 lbs.; June 21-43 — Aqu since April 7, 6 lbs.; one race in 1943, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner ,105; second, 40; third, 70: fourth. 5; breeder of winner, 5. Index Horses EqJVtJPP_StJ4 V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 41329**THE THANE wb5118 4 4 1" 1* I* V* 1*| GivensC Vera S Bragg 3.10 40845 BRENNER PASS vvb 4 113 1 3 3l 34 t" lh 2i RenickJ Marshall Field 4 05 425601***1 I ANERO wb5110 2 1 4J 4h 4l *nk 3h PittarelliJ Marise Farm 3.65 42150 HE ROLLS wb 5 114 3 2 5s 53 3"i 32 43 PascumaA Mrs W Kozak 2 60 42560***RACKATACK vvb 5 105 6 6 6 6 6 5s bw RienziD Mrs A Crouch 5.70 42215 EQUATOR wb5114 5 5 2* 22 5 6 6 MehrtensW Arnold Hanger 27.90 Time, :25, :492£. 1:15, 1:41%, 1:5445. Track fast. - Mutuels Paid — * , Odds to . . n . THE THANE 8.20 4.30 3.00 3.10 1.15 50 Mutuel Prices! brenner pass 5.40 390 1.70 .95 LLAMERO 3.00 -50 Winner— B. h. by Alfred the Great or Vander Povl Cottyfo. by Mad Hatter, trained by J. W. Healy ; - bred by Mrs J. A. Pavne. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:46. OFF AT 4:46J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driv-ng; second and third the same. THE THANE was hustled into command early and. after racing EQUATOR into defeat, responded to uiging in the stretch run to hold his opposition safe. BRENNER PASS was steadied along in the early running and, improving his position when roused made a determined bid. only to falter at the end. LLANERO was moving up fast on the outside when impeded by the winner, then came again at the end. HE ROLLS, racing on the outside all the wav, was never a dangerous factor. RACKATACK was outrun and failed to improve his position. Scratched— 424977Sweepstaker, 111.