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Has Task Trying to Arrange Foster Mother for Suckling FORT WORTH, Texas, June 7.— An interesting and novel, one might also say humane, experiment is being tried out at Reynolds 3ros. nursery by Wayne Lock-lear, head stud groom. During the week, the venerable broodmare, Rum Girl, by Bistouri, foaled a splendid filly, an exceptionally large individual, by Nedyar, and in so doing lost her life. Two weeks previously Eagle Peak, youthful matron, had foaled twins, and both died. Locklear, casting about for a foster mother for the Rum Girl foundling, is endeavoring to induce Eagle Peak to accept the newcomer. So far, all is well, and while the grooms are in attendance, Eagle Peak permits the youngster to suckle but has not as yet accepted total responsibility. By exercising care, patience, and relying on equine mother love, Locklear believes Eagle Peak will finally accept the Rum Girl foal as her own. Anyway, thats what he to hoping, and so are a lot of folks who know of the circumstances.