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RACGLAKD PAYS ITS WAY President Berryman Reports a Moderate Profit from Its First Meeting. LEXINGTON, Ky., Aug. 16. President Charles H. Berryman of the Tri-State Fair and Racing Association, after receipt of the report of the auditor for his company, showing financial results of the Raceland meeting of twenty-one days, which closed recently, said : "We went to Raceland prepared to stand a loss, but we are happy in the knowledge that we can show a gain on our first years operation, and that the future of our splendid new plant is assured." Continuing, President Berryman said : "Racelands first meeting was held under decidedly adverse conditions. In the Tri-State second of Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia, as is generally the case the country over at this time, the business and industrial situation is much below normal. "This naturally affected the receipts oi the meeting. Then Raceland was handicapped by the absence of a sufficient number of good horses. Timid about pioneering, which is to say fearful about racing at a new track, a number cf owners whom we thought would be at Raceland, shipped their horses elsewhere after the close at Latonia, but now that they have seen that the track is safe, that Raceland is popular with the people of the Tri-State section and that it has strength and an assured future, our difficulty next year will be to care for the horsemen who will want to come, but we will try to accommodate them all, even if we have to build additional stables to Co so." 9