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ROAMER IS NOT PLACED FINISHES LAST IN THE EMPIRE CITY HANDICAP GALLANTLY WON BY GAINER. Little Nearer First in the Race for Gentlemen Riders — Belmcnt Park Meeting: Ends and Racing Moves to Aqueduct Monday. New Y«rk, .lui.v 24. The Greeetree Stables Gainer, tor which * big price na paid last year, i.iii .1 high-class race loday orbed In- win the Kin hire Iity Handicap ov t m e of the bwl handicap horse- in ili. ea-t in fast time, the rare 1 -inr run within iwo-tifih- di ■ second i the track record lor a mil: ;:iui an eighth. Reamer was looked upon sa l In- |i-;i.i u :i ll.v certain winner b the big nia-.inii ■ ! tv big crowd present awl be always ruled favorite at udds-on, bat. ;is was expressed by several leading trainers, the Miller gelding has never -hewn ;i iikm_ for the Belmont Park coarse aad this in. iv hare bad something to do with hi- failare. Gainer nan admirably ridden by 1. MeTuggart. who reaerred bim behind the fast early leader*. Figinny and Reamer, and. after rounding the far In.n. made liis move mi tiie outside ol Hi- leaders. Racing Into a decisive lend in the stretch, he maintained ir io ihe tiii* — 1 1 and won li.v two lengths over the fast luthdilng v . j , i, . |.. which in turn was tiv ■ lengths in advance »f Sam Jarkaoa. Boomer showed sense early speed. iHi uuii badly in the stretch. lie wa- in rather close quarters while going to the tar turn, hut there was no qua at ion as to the gelding not running i" bis heal mark. The Empire City Handicap. hr-t run in !.i"T. has always attracted an excellent entry lisi of the beat handicap horses in training and ii- decision ha- pm-ihtced sonic spirited and interesting racing. Ihe condenaed history of this stake follow-: tear. Winner. AW I. .loekev. Val. Time. r.Hi7 Prime Ahmed..:! IOM OH $ 1 .»;«. 1:40% I90N Iink la ■•• 103 I. Bulbr.. 1 1. sop l:.-.|i-. iuon Maltbie t KM l"uge :; ;.i i :.-.:; •-, 1*10 Dalnialisn :: llsi!. Archd. 4.s.". l:Sl 1114 Buckhom 5 120 J. MeClicv 3.200 1 :.M 1816 "inner 1 I0g T. McTagri 2. 77a 1:51% Kim at 1 mile in 1907. No racing ai Empire Citj m Ill 1. IJI12 ai d 191 . Little Searer won the IhM race, which was for gentlemen riders, he being Diluted bj I.ieui. ;. I red Ipei- who made i he trip l rein Philadelphia lor Hi,- |H i |io-e. Ihe ri ill Park Steeplechase of si, um went to Shannon River, which, showing Ids usuai alga -iieed. lid throughout, old Mall might have given the winner an argument, hut lost what nance In-had when bis rider was nearly unseated in getting over the last hurdle. Todays attendance was if huge proportions, being estimated at 15.000. ideal weather and track conditions contributed to make it an enjoyable after noon. liir carload- of horses will leave for Saratoga Sunday. They will Include ihe stables of August Pel nt. It. T. Wilson and the Greentree Stable. Mutt Pyrin-, the eld lime trainer, was a visitor today from hi- lan.i in New Jersey. Striker raced in the "dors of Harry Rites, that borsetuan having claimed him from the Hajlenbeck Stable on tl c-a-i"ii of Irs last start for . 7."i. Nolli acted Ha. lioii-ly at the post in the lirst race, running away i r an eighth of a mile, then throwing hi- ridtr. 1.. A.len. before the lihl was di-i atoned. Tudaj marked the Bnal day of ihe Empire city Racing --oc in ion- meeting al I.elmoni Park It-racing will lie conducted at ihe Aqueduct track tor llle uexl -i days. There was a dispute between Archie Zlmmer and c. It. Ilci-chuiaini over the services of Mr. T. Wright in i h.- race for gentlemen rider-. The teward* decided in favor of the latter owner. The veteran trainer John Haggiaa is reported • 1 1 illslj ill al iii- Ira if Racing material irm several stables were offered lot -ale ai Itch i Park todaj t,N be Powers Hunter Company before tin- mi race aas run. Top o th Morning, the proiierty of Frederick Johnson, for which a hie price wa- anticipated, failed i" elicll :i bid and wa- iiassed. I mutually -mall prices pre railed throughout. TIm bones sold and the prices tlicy Il Bghl ale a- I llow : II. I., rr.ui- Resslien. to C. I.. Mackay, 1350. II. i. Iratr- Maifon. to Mrs. B. Arlington, 75. t:. I" Whiincv- Srsin. to M. Smart. 75. .1 I.. Coyles Star and Garter, io w. .1. lar jell. ». |-. Johnsons Walloon, to .1. G arson. 25. I! A. Browns Carbureter, to .1. T. Smith. 00. K A. Browns Irish Boy. I" M. I.ilmu. s:. i K. A. Browns loung Bmblem, to . N. Darke, s:inii c, idaic Studs Sister .luli-. to Jacob Breea, 1915.sh0 .T. M l.a ighlius Miss riiildn. t" K. l . Carman, 00. l .1. 1.. onard- Belle of the Kitchen, to J. I". Smith. 0». I- B. I.em.iiie- Mack B. Babanka, to .1. Umen setter. 25. C. is. |. en. aires Vaaa, i» .1. Johnston, 75. C. .1. Qaiuns Corfu, I" M. Small. 75. •lodays Aliiduc! work-onts over ■ fast track were: Antrim I hree quartet - in 1:17. Ba Mile in 1 :44. Ben Lew Hall mile in l Hi mvale Hall mile In .Vi- . Vignette Mil - in IX. 1 :!••. 1 :-.. 1 :.;.. ■ J M Miller— Mile in 1 : l::. Helen Barliee Tluree-guarters in 1:17 ,|. J Lilils Mil.- in ! 1"- - !,„■ Uelbold Tliree-eigl lbs in .".7. l.ndv Botha Threi c i I tel la 1:15 .. Patri k S. n n e- inarters in 1 :15. Ran B. five eighths to 1 : i.:-. Kay " l-i-l" Nile in 1 :fJ--.. Sandci l in • eighths In ■■■ .. s,a Shell Three quarters la 1:17%. Kepulreda Half mile in 51. Bniasoat Park i • i I this morning over a fast track were: Ai Reeves I lir ■ in nrters In 1 :15" -.. n- Man Half mile In 51%. Brisx Hall mile in 51 . Camellia Mile in 1 .!■"■- . Chance *"ive eighths in 1 :!•::. |,. liter Maid iih la I M . Ktruscan Half mile in 50 . Ken mouse Half mile in W Hun. I- off Half mile In 51 II. |, n Marie Tare, . ,. Iiths in :;i-".. |[..|Mli le Half mile in I.M . Hiker Ihre.- quarters In I !-, I,.,.,. .Ir. Hall in Ii I i Vi " Kilmi r Ti ree eighths in : ii. I.niiore -Mile in 1 : 15%. Maryland Girl Hall mile in 18%. Kapler Half mile in 50 . . Iniiia-ir Three-eighths in ■■■ . Ilin, ,- , ■ i inn I lalf mile in .".I - .. Ituliic luce id tbs n ! •. ■ sund Rorli I bree ipiarters iu 1:17%. s iratoga Mile in 1 4j [ tan Half mue In 50. Trend Three-eighths in -7 WooJeii Shoe-— Mile and an eighth iu 1:j5.