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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART. NEW YORK. SATURDAY. JULY 24, 1915. Tenth day. Empire Pity Racing Assorts tion Summer Meet ing of 10 days 1 Kl day al Belmonl Park and 0 days at Aqueduct. Wentlicr clear. Presiding Steward. W. S. Vosburgb. Presiding Judge. C. II. Petlinuill. Starter. Mais ass.p I! 1 ing sei.-:;ir. V. K. Schaiiiubiii g. Racing siaits at _:; 1 p. ni. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. W indicat s whip, s sours. R blinkers i-iT tires in parentheses following tb distance of each race indicate Index nber, track record, ace ol botas and wei-hi earrled. *ln,|. at. s a, pi. ni. . allowance. 6h~-|_7rQ~p£ FIRST RA E 5-8 Mile Straight. 0901 122 I 00 Added 2-y 49 L _i tvai Maid-ns. Selling. x,.t VMiue !•• w inn. .- $::i : second. o: lliir.l. X::il __ In, iev Horses AWtpJ_SI j ■ :. Str Pin Jockeys Owners M || i» K~~ 21731 DORAIMtS W 108 1. I ] ■ |» V I D HofTmanG Preece ~~ ~ ■• H .11" 217o0 KMIL1 R. WB Ml 5 . !■ R Troaler P .1 Mill,;; ,,!,,. . M •JITM rATIANA S l" I ".■ ". :: SJ T Henry .1 Ma, Manus s 7 " I 8171I*NOLI.l « "* ,; 1 I i F L Miii W c Da I j 1 1 1-. ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ Doctor ZR H II- 1 5 :: :.- :, - I llcCaheyH 1. 1 •, ., 1 , s -, : ■ 1 20049 IMMI NE a IU I 1 ., .. I I M Mtbea .1 Schneider I 10 10 Tiim, 1:00. Track last. Winner B f. i- Oman l i i I. trained by «:. Preeee. M Went i,, i.i ;,i 2«5 At |» i 17 minutes, stnn goad and s|..v. Won cantering; second -i i «1 third - ill Mil- MniiSIMis it ;i fast pace ;ill tin- way and was ualy cantering at the finish. KMH.Y K .. under 21 vigorous ddln easih disposed of the others and a ridden out Ihrowgh the tinal eighth. TATIANA - losed up steadilj from a slow beginning and outstayed Noi.l.l in the closing strides. NOLL1 was Ha.- 2 i iiv ;,i n„. poat and tired under punishment. BOCTOB ZAB showed speed, hat was not nenefered with - after tiring. I In- winner «.i- entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 2i ::27 Southern Star, 166; -1711 Wizard. 112. ■ Orerweights Kinily K.. - pounds. « •h 1 rj L £» SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile Main Course. 20720- 1:11-. 7 125. I860 Added. 3-year- % £ JL § Ov Old* and upward. S.-llinu. Net value t » winner 10: second. |100; hiird. 356. £ indcv Horses AWtPPgt U • "m Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 0 g C P g j 21748-M1N M ]« w :: H5 13 2 l1 1 li K Hopkins.! O S a 2 8 5 3 5 1 3 ■ -1534 mins TKi 1. wa 8 M6 • •• 1*1 « -" -J M MthewsA J Schneider I 3 S J 4-:. 2 21728 ;itl MP v 3 102 7 - :! tl * : M Buxton -1 Brockmiller t t 31 «-5 1-2 2 1728 Mi! SPECS a 7 lis 3 ■"- " ■ * NicklausMrs A C Brume 31 31 b f 1 , -1767 NORTH! H.IIT wa 4 114 I I " -" •"■ :- l HofltmanE P Whitney 16 29 39 8 4 % 21708 DENGRO a 3 ill I y • ••- • • Jc Troxler M A Cotton M IS S I 3 r, -1728 STRIKER WH 5 120 ! I 7* "" 7" " Fbther 11 Ritea 5 « 5 2 1 . 21560sw VEGA w 4 114 1 5 I I » B« R Flint R • Mackenzie I" 12 12 5 ! ■ MUt FRANK HUDSON wb 5 116 B I 8 8* » J • Botwell J WHedrtck It M M 10 5 , Time 12. 2425. 36. 48-3. 1:01. 1:13%. Track fast. Winner Ch. f. by Burgomaster— Black Venus trained by W. Hopkins. ■ Went t.. i«.-T at 5:15. At in.-t 5 minutes. Start good and alow. Won driving; second and third the - same l»ln Ho raced under sUghl reatralnt In the early running, Ibeo drew out after entering the - MINSTREL improred his position and made ■ - stretch and bona on namely when challenged. gradual] :aine effort in the final eighth l.nt tired i" the closing strides. GRUMPY sared -round on all the tnraa - ru tnished resolutely Ml! SPECS ran well. DENGRO quit. STRIKER and SAN VEGA wen always j uutpaeed. NORTHLIGHT sei the early pace and iuit. The winner was entered for 6466; a* hid. OrerweightM Pengro, 2 aowaja. 2 fc-» -a wy r7 THIRD RACE 1 Mile. ltBJw— 1:3«%—S—117. 3800 Added. 3-year-oUs and wpward. I and J J 5 | Hlghwetghl Selling Handicap. Gentle aatn Riders. Net value to winner 3415; see- C oud. |100; third, *■ I !n.le Horses AWtPPSt * aj i Sti Pin Jockeys Owners O H C P S | ■-*174G I.ITTI.K NEARER w .1 14s 1 I * V -• 1! If F Alpen 11 RoM.ins I 7 :,1.; J ...ut-_ 2 BlTIw PERTH ROCK wn 4 145 B 1 U I ; I1! 2" -" H Tucker M Sheedy s 12 12 q i - 20797 mammon PASS w 8 144 1 I B I* H [•• V C BrahnxnE B Ackerman » K . 11 I 31887 DOIBI.ET wn 8 154 ! i H » V ■■■■ v- .1 Tucker A b Kramer J-a Mi H-J*2-6o«t - 16995 GEORGE ENO w f. 142 1 I -- B E 6 T Wright C R FleischmannM la K 3 1 j Time 14. 26 ,. 38=5. 51. 1:045. 1:18*4, 1:30. 1:44. Track fast. Winner -B g, by Ookh-n Maxim Leonalla trained bj 1. Whalea. 2 Wein to nosl at ,f53 t " 1 minute. Start -• 1 and slow. Won ranter lug; second and third lnv J lug I I Ill r NEVRER w - - i, ,i behind the leaders to the anal eighth, then drew oal to win hard held. J 1 CKTII ROCK showed the mosl speed t" th stretch, hut could not withstand the winners chaUenge. 1 MAMMON IVSS easily dispnse«l of DOrBLET. The latter was choked Into exhaustion in the early ran ; ng and ran far below bis best form. The winner was entered fat ,060; no hid. Scratched 21011 Stars and Stripes. 13t. OTerweigbts M.innnon la ~. pound*. , J fc -a r7 Q Q FOrRTH KAt f. 1 1-8 Miles. 8633—1 :•",! ■-,— r,— llo. i Sixth Ranaing Empire City i £ ± § OO Handicap. si;.:h«» Added. 3-year-oMa anil anward Net value u winner ?2,77." ; 1 8880; third, 50. j index Horses AWtPPSt % tt *4 StrPln Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1 217090 iMK wn 4 M6 C l B» Ill" l i -• T McTngtGreentree Stable 8 N l » :: «-r : 21788A.DDIE M ui: 4 M T 1 I* •■ ": H -" ■ McCaheyJ W Heaaervy 1 N M I f* : Dlo30--s-M 1XCKS0N wb-105 •■ B ::• 4 JJ M Bnxton T J OBrien I M I 21 t-i :1689 i ioinnv w 4 mo 4 4 lak i| « 2 ll J IfcTngrtG A Cochran M 15 12 4 B-a | 21630 HODGE • 4 114 S ! 3* 3* •"•- f B" C Turner W J Weber « « B B-o 7-M 31688 BITCKHORN wa B 114 17 7 7 77 1 Borel, l: -1 Mackenzie 1_o 1. l, . .... ■ UaVDROAMBB oiu7t wo win* wn t 123 " r "• - ■ fi- • • Botwell A Miller I-184-S 4-5-1-3 out 1 1£"24 3s 4735 1:03; 1:13. 1*1%, 1:88*4, lM%. Track fast , Winner Ch. g, h Martinet— Druid trained by J. Owens. Wen to post -it 1 17 t l"st :; minutes. Start .mhI and slow. W mi eased up: second ,,,,-■,•: and third dnv »•• i 1NTTC r-e- d m rh Hide i the leaders throughout, hut raced Into a long lead in the stretch and won caved up DDIK M am. wide Into the stretch, but finished rapidly under punishment. SAM JACK KKMNNY in the Anal drive. Th.- latter ,ii- SON w:i under hard pressure from the start ai itstayed layed splendid spee«l for a mile. HODGE had no mishaps. ROAMBR raced in .lose awartrra in the early liming and taild 1" lespnid to nriiiu when clear. Ai Pf Oil FIFTH RACE— About 2 Miles. 16885 1:66—5 153. lusi Rnnalng Flcral Park -1 L | Oa Steeplechase. Value 31,006. 4 year olds and upw.,i.l. Sellinu. Net value to win- ,„ .,- ,.,,.-,; aeei ■ I 3266; third, 8166, ",n,ie Herses AWtPPSt :-. t t 1U Tin Jockeys Owners 0 M P s STI86*8HANKON RIVER w 7 145 4 3 1» 1 1* 1* 1» W Allen H Iarr 1 «_: 1 11 out 21871 DIXON PARK w • 187 1 I !»• V • ; 2 B Haynea J Collins M la IS 2| out 21786 SENEGAMBIAN w 6 137 3 24 4 4 4 :: A . ! ■.• J E ! Davis B 16 8 8-5 out 217301*01 1 |T w I 136 2 4 •• -"" -" 2* 4 E Burke K A Bwrke -■ B-5 1 j 4 on. Thne, 4:15. Track fast. Winner ltlk. g. by Black Dick Tentore trained byWUBani Garth. Went to DOSl it 4 1" M post - minute-. Start good and slow. Won ridden oul : second and third I r Wine SHANNON RIVER i"1 under slight restralnl throughout and. alter racing oi.I» SALT to defeat tired in the final ehrhth and was ridden on! at the finsh. DIXON PARK finished fast and gamely. Si:.N- ICAMRIAN closed np resolutely in the Inst half. OLD SALT followed the leader closely in tl irty run Ins and made i bad landing ai the ninth jump, then closed np rapidly again to the final .jump, where his rider almost fell off and losl hit- stlrrnps. The winner was entered for ,300; no bid. Scratched i-QJJi Kl r-ari. i::7: 217:: Little Mi.h. i:"J. rrTf 58 2 122. 3460 Added. 2-yeai olds. Cfc •« | BIXTH RACE 5-8 Mile Straight. 00085 22 J[ 4 JJ Maidens. Belling. Net value to winner 3345; sec 1. 6; third. 886. Index Horses AWtPPSt % M r,i Sir Fin Jockeys On BUS 0 II 0 P B "rrn-iji-i-i "W i sr wn 112 I t 1| 11 II 1* C Gordon llrsSlCcNaagbtn 3 4 13-61 1-2 ot isiOORE «rl0» 1 B -I V V 2s T IIcTag*tJ Sanford 4 5 « 2 1 "lfinR t-i i: ii w wn 1 k 1 *- 51 v ■■■ C Turner B P Cooney :: 13-51 1-2 31758 EltlTil OlV.A w 108 1 7 li V V H Q Corey .1 H Shrove 4 B U Hti 21727» PissV xvii inv wn 104 3 . : B ..- v. T Henry Quincy stable U 16 lo 4 ; flSl MADAME HRRMANNw 100 5 3 6 4 8 I J McTag*rtC N Darke ro M 7 2| B-5 ;S, ,V ii ■•„ in r w 1 »4 - i -. Bled. W I.ill.y I I. Paul :- IB 21 B 4 .lbSl aiSl imiiv HlVAtdK TOIl w lot 2 Left at Hie poat. M Buxton H O Comstock s lor, 3 i 5g% Track ,ast. winner R e l.v Von Tromp Isolation i trained by S. McNanghton. V to nost at512 M post 4 minutes. Start good and slow for all hut CHIVATOR. Won driving: , „., ...1i .nir,! tiie same RECLUSE took the cad quickly and. holding on gameij la the anal drive, out , •!■ tsiiidltf it the till i— li The latter ran green, hut responded gamely when called on lor a final resolutely. K1.ITII OUJA tired. MAGGIE QUINCE hied. or IT KC DAY closed ■ gap and finished i lilVATOB whid as the barrier went an. The winner was entered tor 3866; no bid. Seralehe.l Hall itaini. KM.