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1 | j ■ : j j ] j . : : : 1 ■ ; SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile on Turf. 3-year-olds and upward. Canidian-foalcd. Ssllin?. 87812 :S8% — I —lflt. 1 RUSTLING, b. m. 6 103 By Marta Santa— Frou Frou J. E. Seagram. 21719 Windsor 7-8 1: »*4s I " I 168 7 .". 1 ", .", 2* 1; McDott l » Linsin, Moaa G Red lire MS8S BlueBon. 3 1 I IS alow 21 5 ill I l I V 2*| J Groth 13 Linsin. Herrmana, Hampt. Da 20397 Wdbine 11-16 1:56 f;.,o.l 13 1"4 3.1 1 1 1"| 2*1 A Sebagr 7 H.ofOak, Ampbloa, M.ofPn A 17615 BlueBoa. 7-8 1:28 last 3-2 104 5 2 2 2 3*1 6***J Callahau 8, P.PbUstborpe. Slip. Day f I5S86 Hamton 3-4 l:14%fast 4 106 5 3 3 3 :i J Suijih 7 MossPox, Slip. Day, Ir.Plnl - ;... 16645 Windsor 7-8 l:27*4fast 11-5 101 3 I 1 1 1« 1« J Smyth 8 Rksprhtg, Msusolns, Ondramida 16136 Hamton 7-8 l:28*4fast 11 6 166 5 3 6 4 6* 6* A claver R IrisbHeart, Hts of Oak. Masolus 14474 Wdl.ine 1 l:42*4fast 32 5 168 2 2 2 2 ll 2 A Claver 5 Beehive, Rocksprin;;, O. Reliable MARION GAIETY, b. f, 4 101 By Martimas— Miss Gaiety E. Glassco. 2i719 Windsor 7 s l:29*4good 8 hM ill I □ "- I- Cooper Ki Linsin. Rustling, Moos G. 21680 Windsor 3 4 l:2l--,hw 1 1"4 5 3 | :: fs| M tinnier 7 Red lire, Gartley, Shrovetide 193 Hamton 3 l l:16*4mud 9 10 102 4 3 3 ::". 2«* .1 Acton 8 Hartley. Shrovetide. Bed Plre 2.221 Hamton 3-4 1 :i3--,f:ist 1", 166 5 2 3 s 71::J Acton 12 SllpperDay, Tartarean, L-Curson 17015 BlueBon. 7-8 1:28 fast 10 MS 3 3 3 o 6*| 8** ■ Assbrose 8 Liadesta. P.Phitotborpe. siip.Hi- 16716 Con ght 8-4 l:18%8low 7-10 107 6 11 1« 1«* F Murphy 10 Man-olus, Meissen, old Belinbie 16682 Con gbt 7-8 l:32%bvy ! 103 3 11 1 1« 1» W Murphy 7 Mausolus, P.Philstborpe, C.Brin 10422 Windsor 1 l:4K%mud 7 101 3 11 1 1 2t F Murphy 6 Beehive. Moss Fo. Meissen 10320 Windsor 3-4 1:17 "hvy 15 9"i 1 1111 1- V Murphy 7 O.Rollahle. P. P* thorps MAID OF FROME. b. m. 5 102 By Havoc— Frome M. Leroy. Hamton 3 1 l:16ttmud 15 l"l 5 5 I 0- 6*»1J Coasters s Gartley. M. Gaiety, Sbrovethle 21262 Hamton 1 1 16 l:48%faat 15 1621 6 2 2 2 21 2* J Connors 11 Moss Fox, GarishSun. O.Mabelle 20685 Conght 1 I l:18%alow 6 100 I :i lu 14 111,;,J Smyth 11 Exmer, Otero, Last Spark 26613 Dorval 3 4 1 :i i--,tast 15 101 s : 12 11 iu-if VanDun 13 Kgtnont, Irish Heart. Masarka 20486 Wdbine 3-4 l:164islow 33-16 117 I 1 1 ll l*| J Smyth S Herrmana, GarishSun. SirArthur 2o3l7 Wdl.ine 11-10 1:7,0 good 97 168 0 5 5 3 4 4" ; J Acton 7 II. ,,f Oak, Rastliag, Ampbloa CAPER SAUCE, b. g, 13 108 By Morpheus— New Danco 8. Mintz. 21719 Windsor 7 l:29*4good 124 ill 077 8 9 -•- I Ai»ms H» I.iusin, Rustling, Mora ;. 21393 Hamton 3 1 l:K«4mud 10 luo 7 s s 71 7" F Teabasj H Gartley. M. Gaiety, Shrovetide 21262 Hamton 1 1 16 l:49%fast 12 Ml 2 Lost rider. J Acton 11 Moss Fox, M.ofTrome, GarishSun 20550 Wdhine lm26y 1 ■ 42 V ■■is s 7 8*1 W McMan 8 Star of Love, Sarolta, Ceiebrittr 26487 Wdbine 3-4 l:17*4slow 11 Mi 1 113* J Actoa S Meissen, IrisbHeart. GaMenJug 17480 Wdblne 3-11.11 fast fhl 18 I 0 4 4- 8* V McMon 0 V. SI route. Ch-is.t aimill. Gordon 17421 Wdl.ine 3 1 1 :!« .slow 31-5 164 1 S 7 7" .vl .1 Metcalf s Vphion. Ondramida. M.ofFmnte 1730: Wdhine 3-4 1 : 13H fas t 63-10 1621 1 6 4 4 2- J Metcalf D 8. Lanncelot, Sarolta, Herrmana 17015 BlueBon. 7-8 1:28 fust 25 1- 1 270 n s 7** W Obert 8 Liadesta. P.Philstborpe. Slip. Day 16866 BlueBon. 7-8 1:30 hvy 30 OS 1 2 3 5 5- 51 R Acton s Sir Iretful. lerranl. Levin HARRY BASSETT IL, b. g, 3 8G By Bassetlaw— My Honey H. Giddinss. 21719 Windsor 7 i l:23VtBood 62 93 3 8 7 7- 7 I! Stearnt ■ ! Linsin. Rustling, Mora :. 21465 FortErie 1 l:68*4hvy 39 85 2 6 1 l **• 3* • Hagbea • Hamp.Dame. GarishSun. MonaG. 21291 Hamton 1 1-16 1 :4S"4fasl 12 ion 1 « t; :, |i |«r j Morys :• Lingar, Garish Sun. Vastathi 20861 BlueBon. 2 I l:15%fast 42 m7ll 11 in 10 in1" W Stevsnll Gartley, Lingar. Raveoconn 20826 BlueBon. 7-8 l:29%faat Fid 93114 14 14 H 11- 7",M McDottl.. L. Spendthrift, C. Broom. It. Post ■•".:: Wdbine 3-4 l:14%fas1 14 163 13 13 11 8 o" w Sievsnl Red Fire. Gartley, Linear 20396 Wdbtne 1 1-1 2:iiOt4Kood 47 105 10 5 8 S S 9--1 W StevsonU Tartarean. F.Montagoe, I S:u 7417 Wdbine 51 f l:08%hvy 27-10 1041 4 8 7 7: 6*« C VanDunlO Lady Curzon. II. Dame. TornSilk SHROVETIDE, b. c, 3 M By Stanhope IL— Scotch Mist C. Millar. 21680 Windsor J-4 l:21*4hvy 12 68 4 4 1 i- I1 I Hayes : Red Fire, Gsrtley. Msriorrflaietv : E4fl Windsor ■" 1 I ! * .slop 26 M 5 7 8 7l •.■, I Hayes l» The Spirit. Rubicon II. . Lib.llsil 21393 Hamton 3 I l:16Hmud 20 167 0 ti 4 41 3| 11 Walls 8 Gartley, Mar. Gaiety. Red lire 17420 Wdbine 5-S I : •■; j .slow 563 88 9 :i :• : 9*31R Acton :i Venetla, Eagle, Commensia 11694 Windsor 6-8 1 A! fast 20 107 2 1 0 8 6*1 P Teanaa R Smithtiel,!. H.BsettlL, H.Dsbhi 15582 Windsor 5-8 l:03%fast 16 104 . 2 4 5 5»1J Williams 5 Otero. Smithfteld. John Peel 16331 FortErie 6-8 1:62 fast 26 166 4 2 3 4- I ..I Williams fi Mona G„ Smithlield. Dannie Jean 150S1 Hamton 111 86*4 lsa| SO 8811 11 11 11 11** R Shilling 1 IM Crump. Crystal. Ida ci.iir- LAST SPARK, ch. g, 3 94 Bv Martimas— Flicker J. S. Hendrie. I5*W FortErie 1 1 .■".:"-,livy : :i ; 2 5 5 1 "■ 5*JA Collins . GarishSun, Gartley. Old Reliable 21202 Hamton 1 I IG 1 : r.i-.-iusr 16 82 5 5. I 8 V 6*1 K Harton 11 Moss Fox, M.ofProme, GarishSun 21686 Conght S 1 l:16%fast a 9G 8 9 s 8* 8*1 J Mill t •• Meissen, Gartley, L. Spendthrlit 26985 Conght ■"• 1 l:18%slow 21 11 s r, :. f. :;-. -p Pargtonll iSxmer, Otero. Mona G. 20888 BlueBon. ■"• I 1:15 slow 23 168 0 5 5 6* 8»I J Met. all 13 Linsin. Rustling, Herrmaaa 26466 Wdl.ine 11-8 148 fast S3 122 3 3 4 4 6* "."J Metcalf il Pairatontagne, Tartarean. Linsin 26396 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:09%good 26 11 1 5 2 2 4 5- 8*«|H Amhrosel- Tartarean. F.Moatague, 16386 Windsor 6-8 1.-62 fast 61 MB :, I I 6* 6* | J Metcalf 7 Okcmus, H.BsettlL, M.Rra.ll.v M88B FortErie 6J f 1 :065fast 15 ]0S 4 7 S 8J 8»HJ MeCahe W Obi Sana. L. Ciirstm. ILItassetl II. SAROLTA. br. m. 5 97 By Bassetlaw — Jai Alai C. K. Miller. 21393 Hamton 3 1 l:16%mud 16S 8 7 r s 8" G Gran 1 Gartley. M. Gaiety. Shrove t Hie llamton 1 1 ;o 1 : Is " B pi. 7 •", :. :, 5* •.■ J Grant S M-x. Picture, Martian, Schemer 21202 Hamton 1 1-16 ln-.tust in 86 7 :. 1 :: 31 5*1 R McDottl! Moss Fox, M.ofProme, GsrishSnn 20893 BlueBon. 1 l:43Hslow is n..". 3 :: 2 4 :." 12--M; Grant 12 Loosc Travers, Begart B Belle 21 20 BlueBon. i l::""J;ist 20 111:1 10 8 7 7 8* 10» G Grant 15 I* Spendthrift, CBrooVJ R P. : 20613 Dorval 3-1 1 :1 15 163 13 13 13 13 13* A Schus/rl-t Egmont, Irish Heart, Mazurkn 20550 Wdbine lm20y 1 4S 1W :, 3 1 2 21 2» c Grant 8 S.of Love, Celebrity, AhlM.t-.f.,r.i 26487 Wdl.ine 3-4 l:I7*4slow 175 117 7 4 5 5i 79 P GoMHta 8 Meissen, CspcrSauce, IrisbHeart DUKE OF CHESTER, b. g. 4 103 Bv St.-Savin— Wish S. Doyle. • - ! rtErie 1 l:r:;-lr 13-3 166 1 I I 3 3* !• . .1 Clancy 7 GartsuSun, Gartley. OklRctiaMe 21153 Con gnl I l:C gooil 36 M6 K 8 8 8 8 o,:- J Clanev S C Broom. L.Sdtlirlft, G.Malx-lle 21116 Conght 3 11:17 good 38 166 S E S : I* J Clancy 7 Irish Heart. CannieJcan. 8yk : - ConKht 3 I 1:IM ..-low 26 102 10 12 13 12 s" .1 clanev 1. Kxaier, Otero, Lasl Spark 20S88 Blu Bon. 3 1 1:1." slow rid 166 16 li li l"- ."7 J Clancy 13 Linsin. Rustlins. Herrmana 20GK6 Dorval 3-4 1:14 fast 40 88 s :i I 0 :i" :.f flamy 11 The Spirit. Gordon. Rye W 1 1 i t . 20486 Wdbine 1 1 l:164fcslow «6 117 7 7 s 8 s".i clan •;.- s Herrmana. GarishSun. Sir Art imr 17387 Wdbine 1 8-4 3.-09%slop il .J 5 7 7 7 7 7»» Q W Car*ll 7 Ir.Philsihpe. Beehive. Calumnj MAUSOLUS. b. g. 5 117 By Stanhope IL— Meadowley H. H. Roberti. 21153 Congbl I 1:43 good 16 M7 777 r.i 7 -U Sinnotl s C. Broom. L.Sdtlirlft, ILMals-lIe 209S5 ConKht 3 I l l8*4slow 8 122 11 11 8 1" 9»1J Sinnoit 14 Kxmer. IMero. Lasl Spark !0S 1 BlueBon. 7-8 l:29Jfcfast 31 123 13 lu 11 11 m-li U Sinnott 15 L. Spendthrift, C.Brooui R.T I M7I6 ConKht 3 1 I is-.. -low s .. 7 0 0 4- 8«* W til, rt lo MsrionGaty. Meisn. iildKelihl.- 16682 Congbt 7-8 l:32%bvy 36 pif. 7 7 5 .". ::»i- 2:1 W Obert 7 M.Gaiety, P.Philstkpe, f.Bn-oni 10133 Windsor 1 l:4fi%mud 12 168 « I 0 6 5" 6* ■ Ambrose C Beehive, MariottGaiety, MossFox WIRY. b. g. 3 86 Bv Wireir-.— Cicely N. R. Sutherland. I • Hillcresl Aba B IM good IS Wl i t -■ I T J. Gotnei s Onaead. -Nellie C, Little Pi •