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FIFTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2 year-olds. Selling. 3206 »% L 100. j GOP.PLN LIST, ch. f. 2 1C5 Bv Golden Maxim— Listless H. O. BedwellL nrlKrl 5-8 l:08V4hvy 11 Ml 1 11 l«* 3* K Tapiin T IVsky, Dodge, Milestone 1 1, rni n: ■:•• 5-S1 ItHfclivy W-5 161 S J S : •"IB Tapiin 7 Berniee. Mii — •-»■••-_ Ilul Lngar 2 llamton 5-8 l:01%fast 7-6 116 2 1 1 11 1*4 K Tapiin » Uenwoman, W.tash. s. stalwart - :i , i 1. 1 |Jon. 5 8 l:01%mud v 113 - 1 1 1- V K Tapiin I Oeorge Smith, Blame, Blue Cap - iW 3 Riui Bon. : 8 I:02%/ast 33 10 165 4 2 :: 6" 7*1 ■ Tapiin 10 Tom Blward, Caaco, iolite _it;u Dorval r 8 liOOttfast 21 113 :: 4 4 4 4*1 K Tapiin 4 KlnerNeptuae, Peaky, PeepSlgbt - i338 Pimlico 4". f r.iPfcgood 4 i 114 1 ill1 2" ■ Tanlin 8 Gloener, Dlrsn, Tlajan _• _:s l-in.i «•.» m .,:,. -,tat 61-31 111 1 I 1 1* I* ■ Tapiin 7 o. Ilea,]. King Neptaae, Plaintiff XRO0M STRAW, ch. f. 2 102 Bv Broomstick — Urania A. B. Stelle. 1 | l«64 Wind or 5." f 1 IPi.unl 14-5 W7 1 111- 1*1 H, Garnet S U. Est rile, A.Aatla, J.Z.Wigglna i. ;i;, win, i or ■ 8 I 034fcslop 8 11. 1 l 1 ll l W Obert 11 MissAtkln, Berria, LittleBifrger j 1391 Fort Erie 6 t l:ll%slow 12 M6 4 2 2 2" 3* W OI . rt 7 Ami Ansttn, Larsia. JolniBunny . j Fort Erie 5-8 1"! alow 67 10 166 1 1 1 H SI W Obert ; Invt stineiit. Greetings, A. Austin ■ 21311 Hamton 6-8 lK*l%faat .r 104 4 :; 4 31 4r| It Mcivntt 3 Greetings, SerrU. Gknnet : 1 • llamion .vs 1 ill-fast 8 !S ;j 2 I ::- ".-• j Acton S Gentlewoman, Will Cash. O.LIst j 21061 dm Klit E 8 i M%slow 3 101 4 4 4 5i ■* J Acton it Intlewonian. W.Casb, S.Maggie j »ri BlueBoa. 6-6 1:03 fast 12-6 161 i 4 4 II I1 L Hart well 0 Eddie T.. Medea. Tai Brash 0784 Dorval 4 f T.l4Mast 4. 166 2 1 2 2* 2*1 J Smyth it Phil Ungar, Damietta, Tar Brash ] .•»s7 Dorval 1-2 4fl*ifast €-5 102 6 3 3 1*1 M IfOwws 6 IMJardeti. P.ofGrwny, II. Flame j ROSE WATER, ch. f, 2 100 Bv The Picket — Rosecrest W. P. ReedL . 21113 Congn! 5-8 1%oodM Hi S s S .",- i:1 W Obert and l.arkin. SmiLMaggie, Cincinnati ,■•]■! BlueBon. 5-8 1:03 last 26-5 ill :i 7 7 74 •., A Bebagr u Broom straw. Eddie T„ Medea "0784 Dorval 41 f 541fcfast 4 M6 7 I t 7 6T A Scangr !» PhUTJngsr, BmStraw. Damietta : 0319 Pimlico If 58 mad 11-6 113 s II 7- l"i V Rchugr 8 Cincinnati, BddieT., Typography : 20 il Pimlico 5 8 l:02%fast 7-4 MG »l 7 7 0 I* B Ambroae . Train. Ataka. Havana 20192 Iimlico 41 f 67%hvy 13-10 112 5 5 4 4 3- E Ambrose 7 Sbaban, Homer. Tar Break 20168 Pimlico 1 2 4S*ifast 12-5 I0« I 5 1; 3 E Ambrose .". Peaky, Anita. Semper Stalwart : GENTLEWOMAN, b. f. 2 96 By Sain — Homespun Ottawa Stable-!. Windsor 5-8 1 :• " : l"7 1 G 4 6 »*! P Keogn •• Water War. Berria, Tush Tush Portl rl 5-8 i"i slow 13-6 86 I ■■ :: 6*1 5»1 i Pargton G InTestment, Greetings, B. straw 21434 Fort Erie 61 I l:12%hvy 4 M 4 2 3 I* 5" T Par*gtoa 3 Anita. Port Light. Tar Brnab 1 •T" Hamton 5-8 l:01%fast S 95 1 3 3 21 IS J Morys S Will Caab, Gold. List, S. Stalwart ■ •»1113 ConKht 6S 1 o:;--i;ool 0-5 101 ." 4 4 fi- 75 L McArec S I.irkin. Boat Water. 8. Maggie nons Coneht •"■ 8 1 "i--viow 5 100 1 11 V- V V VaaDnn 0 WillCaah, BrmStraw, 8 Maggie ""•n BlueBon. 5-8 1 :"3 fast 21 loo S 8 fi 62 6J M MeDott : Broom Straw, Eddie T., Medea .i Mb in- 41 t ...-fast 10 105 2 3 4 5* 6" E Ilaynes 1 Blame, Peaky, Caaco on.x 11 ,1, 1, , e 1-2 4v--fast 13-5 102 3 2 2" 6*1 W Lilley 4 Peaky, GoMea Ltet, Iolite 201 2 II deGca 1 - 47%fast 8 102 1 11 l"t W Lilley 13 L. Heavens. K.tUga. GrmesIIead CANDLE ch g 2 102 Bv Charles Edward — Torchlight S. Ross. •M4S7 FoitErh 53 t 1.1- v 61 1" 99 2 I 1 2*3 R Porehd ■ Tar Braab, Matrix, Will Cart 1290 Hamton 5-8 lrtlftfaat 2 112 2 5 I 4- 1*1 A Sehugr 8 Peggy ORriea, Beraice, Voagei MM Hamton 6-8 l:00%faat 26 168 7 S 8 8* 6**1A Selmgrll Peaky, Milestone. King Neptune ; Conglit 6-8 l:01%fmai 12106 :; 4 4 4 •* A Bchutfr 1 Binate, Peaky, King Neptune "«0H89 BlueBon 6-8 1:62 slow 91 M6 I 111* 8* A Behng*r 6 Aaita, Caaco, Blae Cap rW23 Bluelton 5-8 l.-62%faat 15 l"3 8 16 Hi 1" 16*1 A SchagrlO Tom Blward, Caaco, lolitc ■ Wdhine 41 f r.5"-fast 13-5 l"l 4 3 2 21 1 A Rcbngr s Alfadir. Letfetti, Milestone i«4 1 Wdblne in 65 fast 11 W6 7 7 8 7 47 A Bcbatrrll L.iite. Peep sight. Caaea TIAJAN b c. 2 109 By Solitaire II. — Oratossa G. H. Alexandra. !"."l Vqueduct 54 143 fast fi im fi 4 0 I * " P Hopkins 6 Bi mvale. Plamoac. Br.Gremer " , s Pimlico 41 t SSVtgood 12 1i7 3 I I 2" A R shilling s Ulomer, Golden l.isl. Divan ,,-- ptmiico 45 I ."i7 slow :;:i 5 110 I 1 1 1 39 .1 Metcalt : KingNeptuue, plumose. SnnGod :. ii • Hit. Gce 43 f 66*4good 3 4 167 1 2 I I" 11 .1 Metcalf 4 Golden List, Pleloae, Lit. link ,„i || ,|,,:v. 1 4 fast 6 110 4 2 3 ll 31 -1 Metcalf • Peaky, limes Bead. Cineinnali 20037 HideGce 1-2 48%fast *-10 lofl 1 11 S* .1 Metcalf 7 Pesky. Kesslien. Little Gink MARY ESTELLE. blk. f, 2 102 By Kilkerran— Estradia E. McFarland. ■~". Windsor 5-8 1 : H» 91 in". 0 4 5 t I Molt 0 Water War, Berria, Tush Tnsii :mY| Win. Nor T t l:ll%mud 16 105 4 2 2 2- 2*1 A Mott S It. Straw. A. Austin. J.Z.Wiggins ■l -,s 1 ,|,him 6-8 143 slow 4i:5 163 1 11 21 1* A Mott 11 Sun Maid. Veldt, I.oiiM- St.. tie H*. 1 ,i,.nia 5 8 1 101 104 4 2 2 2- 8»J K I.apaillc 12 Cora ».. Doltaa, Chivalor 1 !I93 I itonia 5-8 1:01 Tast 11 110 fi f. 7 5* a7 1" Martin 12 Jane Stn.ilh. LouiseStone. Triad "on.; i.atotiia •". 8 l:02*4hvy 30 110 5 D 5 8" r-7 A Mott 10 Muriels ivt. I., stone. Baa Joe •"»li. 1 Douglas 41 f 64**faat 10J 112 10 16 11 IP" A Mott 11 Imprewdre. Bessie .V. Missitkin :0h« Douglas 41 f ecifcmad 01 ]U 5 I I 6-iA Mott 6 Rr.Kate. K.Striekhitul. Cabfarta 2024I hurebill 4J f 55fefast 23 112 9 10 6* :it.j a Mott 12 Beauty Shop. G. Blair, S.Ix-ague LITTLE BIGGER, b. f, 2 100 By Transvaal— Grare Dixon B. Levy. "1703 Windsor 5-8 l:01*4good 13 pi7 Left at the post. K LapaillelO MtxsAtkin. Bon.sKirst. Lucky R. VVindsor 5-S l:03*fcslop 103 163 16 I I 6* 4", K l.apaillell Broom Straw, MrssAtkin. Servia "j to : 1 at. una ;". t iMiinv lo 96 s In 7 I»l F Koblnsnll Mary H.. The Carmet, B. Velret I ,t Latonia 5 s liop.-jast 51 1"2 :i fi 5 2i lh P Robtnanl2 Bessie N.. Doliaa, Jane Btraith 1 ifi.j 1 atonia •" v lH4%hvv 49 169 4 6 4 41 9* K Lapnille 7 B. Beanty, laBde] li . Intention ,,v«, 1 itoma 43 f 55%mud :4 166 2 7 6* 6"! W J WBnlO Marj II.. Intention. Jane Strait* •1.702 1 louglas 5-8 1:0lfast 19 169 9 S 8 8" S"1L Gentry 10 A.Maneini. B. Beauty. Investmt "■ 197 Douglas 5-8 1:64 mud 111 166 I 8 7 5- 5"1L Gentry 8 intention. Mary II.. Ixmisp Stone "•OaSS Churchill 11* f"-"1 Last 30 5 10and 4 4 31 6* L Gentry R Blk.Beaaty, MarylL. Investment 19686 Juarea 1- 4S fast 3 110 1 1 lii 13 L Gentry ! Rose Marl. in. Ami. Austin. Anita |«!20 Juarez 1-3 51 mud 6 110 3 3 Zl V L Gentry 5 K. Kellv. Ti.ijan. Si liulenluirg SERVIA b c 2 96 By Tim Payn ! — Arcadia Belle H. 0. Comstock. ■ i; ■ ■• " in.! -*■ .1- " 8 ! 06iltaat 31 1" 166 5 3 2 8* 2* l» Donnelly .• WaterWar, TnrtTnsh, M.Kstellc i Windsor • s r.«-sl.iii 23 10 luS 3 2 3 2»* 31-, M Uamer II Broom Straw. M.Aikin. L. Bigger 169 Fort Eric : ri"4-,hv 21-5 166 I t 1 6 7-".L McAtee 7 Bernire. Milestone, Phil Dngar ■"i;n Hamton 5-8 l:61%faat 13-5 166 2 11 ll 2" L McAtee !t Greet iaga, Ghmoer, Broom Straw *10V Conaht 5-8 lK lHgood 16 ill I I I 4- 5**0 VanDiiu 7 Binate. Ocean Prince, PbilUagai •W23 RlucBon ■" 1 " "- last 6 :»fi 2 3 4 41 .".1 A Collins M Tom Elwarri, Casco, Iolite Dorval 41 f r.t-tast 9-i MS 3 2 2 2 5*1 R Shilling 7 Anita, Alfadir, Phil Ingar 30615 H. deGca 1-2 47%fast 4-45 107 3 11 -3 23 T MeTagt 7 GeorgeSmith, Aaita, K.BatniKinn PEGGY OBRIEN b. f 2 103 Bv Prosrero — Josie Ledi G. W. Scott. "1741 Windsor 5-S l:01*4fast 1 HO 1 1 1 V 8*1 A Collins 12 Boneros First, Matrix, Ataka *1703 Windsor 5-8 1:01 %good 34-5 163 2 2 1 1"* 6*1 F Cooper 10 MisaAtkln, Bon.sFUst. Larky R. "iCW Windsor .".8 1 : »i-» 27 163 7 6 4 12 12"1R Shilling 12 Begins. Port Light. Milestone ■1296 Hamton 5-8 l:01*Jfcfaat 4 163 4 1 1 1* 11 K Cooper P Beraice. Candle, Voagea 21221 Hamton 5 J l:62**iaat 30 110 3 11 1- 1*1 ; Burns 7 Taka. Ilaria. Tart lush BERNINI, ch. f, 2 100 By Puryear D. — Pourquoi W. A. Reid. "1711 Windsor 5-S l:01%fast 7 MS I .". I 7* 8"1J Smyth 12 Bon.sFirst, Uatrix. Peg.OBrien -1703 Windsor 5-8 ll*igood 83 ion 1 s it :» 6**11 Acton lo MbwAtkln, Bon.sKlrst. Lnekylt. "1«43 Windsor •"• s 1 Wsiop 21 KW 1 :: 3 41 7" A Schngrlo Pldllstine. Ox-eanPrinee, Reserve "1438 1-iIomm 51 f 1:66 good 13 107 8 lo 10 10 lo-iB Ott 11 IoniaeStone. Capt.Reea, Manfred "1460 Latonia 5-8 13 hvy 66 97 6 I I 31 1* F Judy 7 Jacoha. MargaretN., GypayBlair "•1238 1 Ltonia 5-8 MM mud 14 1P I 3 2 2 t*| R Goaac H Panlaoa. Gypsy Blur. Argument iiv 1 noma S 8 1 iir-fast fhl 169 I !i I I 7*J i: Griffin 12 Cora •.. Doliaa, Mary Eatelle r«BJ9 l.atonia ■■ 8 IM fast fhl 110 12 10 9 9 9" A Neylou 1 2 Jane Straith. LonlseStone, Triad ••!•«•". Pimlico 41 f 3S14 no 5 n :i sj fi" 11 Channel 1 ■ Plomeae, Qn ef paradise. Iolite 26263 Pimlico 41 f SC.sIop 42 107 I 8 8 8 7" H Chappell ! Blunie. ilomer. King Tuscan MARGERY, ch. f. 2 102 By King James — Marjoram Mrs. J. Arthur. First start Also eligible to -tart slmuM any of the abaft be a ratcbed: GLOMER ch. g 2 IM Bv Glorifier — Mermaid J. S. Tyree. ■■■■■ VVindsor 5-8 l:60ttfaat 62 166 •• 6 S 6- o7. A Claver 12 Begins, Port Light, Milestone 21jll Hamton 5-8 lMl%faat 7 166 0 4 6 6* 6H Claver 9 Greetings, Serrla. Broom Straw 889 l lu Bon 3 1:"- slow 4 110 3 E 4 4l 5*1 C Turner il Aaita, Candle, Cast 1 Dorval 43 f 54**faat « 168 6 « C 6 6,;i c Turner 7 Anita, Alfadir, Phil Cng:ir - Pimlico 41 f 50 .-good 3S 112 1 5 li 5l 1" C Turner 8 Golden List. Divan, Tiajan e S3 Pimlico 41 f f.OSslop 23 5 11". 1 3 4 4* 21 C Turner !l Blume. King Tuscan. Cincinnati 4212 Pimlico 41 f 5675fast 21-20 166 1 1 Ill C Turner G Blae Bock. Ataka, Tar Brash jiMi Pimlico 41 f 57%hvv 11 110 2 6 T, 3 2 C Turner 7 Bbaban, Rose Water. Tar Brush "0048 H.deGce 11 I 6S*afaat 7 108 3 5 5 4- 4-J J Batwell s Boat Water. Bangallo, Tralee