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SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Kenilworth Selling Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. 90373 -1:11—41 -1 13. KjnfiHTS DIFFER, b. h, G 106 By Knight of the Thistle — Indifference Thorncliffe Stable. 21«8 1 Windsor •"■ I l:ll*4hvy 14-5 169 1 2 2 2 ll A Claver fi yorkville. SlrBlaise. Ther. Bethel ■i.r: ItlueDon 1 l:41%fast 21 20 Wl 7 4 1 1 2 :7 .1 Bmytb 7 StaLtlelen. Rushy Head. Martian . . . Dorval I 1 1:15 fast 4 5 lie, 8 fi 5 41 2 A flavor s Hearts of Oak. Gordon. Unata 0392 "II. im- 1 I 1:13 good I1. 164 ■". 4 r. I ■■] E Ambroae 7 Keweasa, Back Bay. W. Lady Win. is,, 1- 1 t:!:, hvy 17 10 166 ill _ 21- 2-1 A Claver ". Paintbraab, Harbard, Vdergrifl !,;■:: r,„u:ii. 3 1 1 ii-.iuml 53 163 :: 2 _ : ! I B Ami. rose r BackBay, Leorbarea, T.W.Mooa i.;n;, Port Eric »i : l:06l4fast 31 11". 4 4 .". 4 6*1 P Goklstn .» St..ut Heart. LFeeit, Trifler ]:: :.•: Ha 1 ton 61 I l:05Hfast 4" 163 3 3 3 3~ 3*1 K Ambroae •". Pas Eareta, Useeit, Back Bay DROLL, ch. f, 4 112 By Dick Welles — Fleuron J. H. Woodford. 1180 I..-,; u ■■ i 1:13 fast 27-26 166 5 • ■■ 2] I* M Garner s Imperater. Useeit, Korfhage •uTll Douglas : 1 1 IJi-.tast :. 4 I6C 6 5 2 1" 1 1- Keogh 10 Gabrio, Longfellow. Birka "015.1 rexgton 3 I Lit fast 7-26 li" 2 2 2 ll ll C Vaa Dn I] Acia, Wild Bear, L. Mextcaa •9111 1 . .-t.,11 :: t 1 l.T-Tast 83-20 110 9 0 5 3 1- C Van D*n .1 Gabrio, Oakland, A is 20061 1-4 1:15 slow 19-16 1*6 fi S 2 21 21 C Van DnDJ Billy Joe. Salon, Bob R. 1S3J4 Lai a 1-6 1:13 fast 11-5 101 7 0 5 5n 6* C VanDun 10 Oakland, T. M. Green, lairia ZIN B-EL ch. f 3 99 By Dick Welles — Zinfandel W. H. Frey. :. ; Hamton "■ f ::••".-- fast 10 97 5 3 I 3* 4 Collins 12 Slipfter Day, Kewet • Commsia I i:-s KortErie 53 f l:12%hvy lJ-5 98 4 11 l* l* A Collins 5 The Spirit, King Wo th, B. Path 21.110 Hamton 3 I 1:11 fast 4 166 7 6 5 M 5« L McAtee 12 Betterton. Comciensia, Rlcliwood . s il.,,,, 1 .n S-4 tili-.rast 3 2 .7 3 1 2 8* ,", J Actoa U The Spirit, Veaetia. Sir Blaise ;... . i-.1, gi,t : I i:i7-»-,niud 4. 99 2 11 1- 2»* J Callahan •» Vidct, Sqneeler, Tenahee •evi Glue Bon. 51 f l:07=5ifasl 14 96 ! 2 1 ll Pi a Oaillus 11 Kewesss. Sqi ler. Slipper Day Dorval 3-4 l:14%faat 21 1". 1 1 1 11 21 L McAtee s A. N. Akin. Reflection. Celebrity -o..-. Wdbine :; 1 1:13 fast 61-26 i« fi 3 4 6* 9" J Smyth 1" Encore, The Spirit. Glint 20424 Wdblne 3-t l:I3%fast fUl ion 3 11 2" 8.1 Smyih K Brandyvlae, Egmont. Ma Claire 20217 Pimlico :; 1 1 13%faat 13 163 2 ill1 1*" J Dreyer 7 Perthshire, Annus. Minstrel 1MPERAT0R. ch. e. 6 109 By Peter Quince — Sparkle Cloher and Keene. i-;.... Windsor 3 1 I:16%mad71 16 166 fi I fi P 6** W W TTor S C.onDllvery, Vghee, K,1, ten.s 2118S Latonia 3 I 1:13 fast 14 5 165 I s 7 4; 2h AV Meehan H Droll, Lscelt. Knrfhagc 21693 Iatonia 3 1 1:11 Rood I 119 3 3 2 2*1 3*1 1 Kederia 10 R. Goose, V. Witch. McAdoo 19649 Juarez 5 f l:o:,=-tast 7-5 112 4 3 1 l-i l1 J McCabe K K. Worth, Kooteiiay, Bdmaster i 7si Juares 8 58%fast 3 165 3 5 3 2* 1" R Hoffman ." Grapeshot, Roadmaster, J. Blab 19766 Juarez f.i f 1 :.ov-,fast 8-5 l io 6 4 4 ll 11 T Henry 8 Seneca, Balgee, Mater 1949" Juares r.1 f 1 i:.--fast 0 5 167 7 5 2 l1 li W W Tlor 7 Manganese, Osaple. Orlmar Lad 19644 Jnares 61 f 1.-66 fast 6-5 166 4 3 1 l1 3=1 T Dice 7 Balgee, Bulrcon IL, Theodorita PRIVET PETAL, b. g. 4 104 Bv Armeath II. — Pgoda J. S. Hendrio. ■citss tonght 1 l:45*4slow 1 M7 1 1 5 I C o-"J Smyth ! K. Hamburg, II. of Oak, Schemer 2"-«. 1 UlueBon. 1 1 I 2:08*ifasi 31 20 112 1114 1 4" J Smyth t Black Broom, P. Pay. H. of Oak Wdhine 1 1 I61:47%fast 9-5 161 2 11 1 1* M J Smyth 1 Ponntals Lay. ilrmulu Linsin .- i Wdblne lin7"v 1:43 fast 21-5 102 3 11 2 3 I* J Smyth :; Wsterbasa, Fountain Fay 17448 Wdblne 1 l:10»4good 15 161 5 4 3 1 I* :;;.! Callahan 11 Inkle. Astrologer. Spring Maid 17271 Wdhine 1 1 li l:47*4faat 31-16 112 r. 1 I 2 21 I« V Mnrpliy .". I" itain Fay. Martian. Apriaa 17217 Dorval I l:43**fast 13-16 IN 3 4 3 4 4 4;l J Metcalf i Uadcsta. Euterpe. Tae Spirit YORKVILLE b. g, 5 100 By Yorkshire Lad — S.isie Bush J. J. Ryan. 17 I W ndsor 51 I I 674£fasl 21 26 WW 3 I I •• Sterrltt - Lurla, Kyle. Mi-- Sberwoml Windsor ■" f 1 :ii*-,tr. y 23-10 164 2 11 1= 2 J Acton R K. Differ. SlrBlaise, Ther.B 21589 FortErle ."■ f l:66ikslow 1 99 5 2 2 2- r .1 A. ton II Deposit, Sir Blaise, Laura 20620 Wdhine I 1 1:13% fast 51 163 0 2 1 11 1* J Acton 14 Lady London. York Lad, B tide! 20*69 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 "slop 21-10 112 5 1 1 1" 3*1 C Turner ! IIumiliati.,11. L-Trarers, B. Belle lo •.. Pimlico 3 4 1 14=-fast 33-10 lot 10 3 3 4- 31 C Turner 11 C.Asbmeade, V.Strome, G. Plume 20 04 pi nlico 2 1 l:14*£good S 168 1 1 2 2| ""i A Schutgr 8 Perthshire, Al Bloeh, L.Travers H deGce i I l:14*4slow 11-5 167 S 3 2 3. l*| C Turner 12 Monty Fox. Pharaoh, Carlton G. 26106 H.deGce 61 f 1:68 good 13-8 167 12 7 4 ** ! C Tuner 12 Col. Conk. York Lad. L. Traven 20079 H. deGce 61 f 1:67 fast 31 107 I 2 3 5* 5*1 P Louder S Sherwood, MontyPoz, Wat.LUj 26669 H.deGC4 6j f 1.07%fast 2 l«i 3 5 5 4ik ll W Iral 14 S. Haven, SilverMoon ThesieK-s GLINT, br. h, S 108 Bv Malta Santa — T:n Cup J. J. Shannon. ngEd i r fast 8-5 116 4 1 I ll J Dosainick . ■ •■. Russ II, Dustpan, Van. Lady UlueBon. I:42%mud "1 1" ■ fi fi E fi P Cooper "5 Water Lady, Squeerer An GlueBon. l 1 ioftfast 28-5 166 3 11 1 21 S»J A Schugrll Cnttyhonk Bushj Head, Jabot Wdbine 3 1 1:13 fast 13-20 168 3 i 5 4J 2- T Bice 10 Encore, The Splrt. Ada Anue _■ it Wdhine 1 1 16 1:48 good 41 102 1 3 1 2 31 •! | r Coleman 7 Tactics, Lnther. Progressive . .,,! 1 1 l:414fast 72 10 114 3 2 2 2 2: !• P Coleman ,; Pros esslvc CllffHaven, Locuiel Pimlico In M l:l7A-hw 7 112 3 2 3 1 I I I T Rh 5 Laruli. Progressive. Amain H. deGce I i 1 i-:..iast 3 167 5 4. 4 I* 3*1 T Rbse 7 Star « i i r - Belamour, lease Jr. LOCHIEL, b. g, 7 ICG By Hastings— Ladv of the Valley H. G. Bedweli. I...:.., 1 1 i |« li,-.,,,-: 7-3 111 5 4 3 12 r. ii|.im ■ Bnss Around, Mud Sill, Cogs ;■ nlic-o lini io-%,fast 71 ill s r. 1 2 2- 1«* 1: Tapiin si .-, , ,. 1 Ufl Field. :.M Miller •.. Pimlico 1 1ll!-,fa-t 3 110 ", i :. .". ."• " ll E Tapiin ■ Progressive. Glint, Cliff Haven ... . pimlico 1 1:43 good 41 122 1 E 6 4 4" 11, E Tapiin .", I!i li.l.augooii. Warlock, F.Home 201*15 H deGce Im70yl:46*4good II 5 166 3 3 ! ! -k 3*1 E Tapiin 4 1 liil 1 iel.l, lt.Lang.leii. I.m Gem • -. . . h if. 1 :.■.• Im76yl:45 fast 5 IK 7 3 2 2 2" 3 :; V. Tapiin 8 CltffPleld, Progressive, W. KIR BLAISE, br. h, 6 106 By Lissak— The Pe* W. P. Rat M, 1 • • - tst 15 I-". 7 12 ,■ 12 i--- K Haynes 12 Slipper Day, l -« ssa. Comiusit Windsor . f ; .1 i -,1, w 27-16 111 1 5 5 3* 3* E Haynes sK Differ Vi!,wi , Ther. Bethel ■"vi ].,i-. Krio .".. f l:o: *-,slov 12-6 109 :: t I B Haynes t: Deposit. Iaura. Yorkville 1 t::s FortErle 55 f l:126fchvy 2 116 I .". .". ■". ■■ E Haynes IS /in Del. The Spirit. Kin- Worth 1 1 ; 1 1 i-1 T ■■ 1 114 2 1 I - ■ ■■•, E 11.1 ■• 11 I* "The Spirit. Veaetia. Vlrti .,:i|: ItlllfHoll r -!••« 21 ■ HC 1 I ■ 1 1". 9 The Spirit, i . |». II. KilU !•■; :i .iu!n : t I I. .-.last 12 1 I I Smyth Iseelt. Hi. I.e. ■■ id, i 1 11 ■■; .■ l.,i n ivf,,. 1 1 ,1. 1 ; , 1 1:14 fast ■• 96 ". r. B 8 8* F Coleman S Keweasa. T.asSleel. Stal. Helen " 4u- li .!•■ ;, ••• 3 1 1:13 fast M M I ,; 7 7 7 ; .1 Smyth 7 Pom. Bleu. Housemd. Slnrabrll. 17035 BlueBon I i:46*4fasl 104 : 6 ■■ ■ 1 •■ R Shilling, . W "h- l: !""-:- Barneral I6S03 BlueBon 3 l 1:15 hvy G 1"" I 3 3 I S R shilliui; "• • land B.TWwmrier -¥iah»IIU 1 BlueBon. 1 l:39Hfast -■ 166 3 15 5 Ill R Sbllilng H Dorothy Dean, Inkle, Labor I 1 ! 1 1 j ;l . j 2 - - - BUZZ AROUND, ch. f, 4 95 Bv Ctnar,l--Wayward Lass Mrs. J. Arthur. ••084S isiuelton 1 1 ■ 1 ■■••1 -fi I -r l,M ■ 0 I 1; :. ..■, A CoBiaa II C. Haven, Orperth, Cnttyhonk .».!.. Dorval 1 1-1« I W%fast 11-3 162 1112 1" U McAtee : l....lnel. Mud Nil!. Cogs 1 Wdbine 1 I IG 1:49 fast 1 2 166 1 I 4 2 1* l» R Shilling 7 Zodne. Celebrity. Abbotsford ■ 7 Pimlico 11-16 1 49 K..-.-I71 26164 5 1 4 I 3** 3*1 R Shilling 7 Grpcrtli, Clirlst€»|Miine. Al Bforh 0293 Pimlico lm40y 1 :44«4fasl :, I 163 4 3 3 2 h* 1*1 R sitillint, 5 Vwleling, Bem IVre, Mycenae 26221 Pimlico I l H-iast 6 165 5 8 8 x 54 3] R Shilling » CllffHaven, BenQulnce, AlPl-.-h 26367 Pimlico linlivl :44%good37-16 166 l 6 I 2 2:l 2* R shilling 7 Yodeliag, Dgcrneld, Sepulveda 26166 Pimlico lm76yl:47Hlast 1 5 Wl 5 5 5 4 31 11 R BbiHrag 11 Dr.Paaer, Ulaceace, LJspells