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Aqueduct Entries and Past Performances for Monday, July 26. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o ? The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I entries below shew the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911. no matter where it finished. In catos where record was | made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. I Kackag aUrls at 8:3fl ; . m. Chicago time i..h.i . Kin s well In mud ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. •Apprentice allowance. First Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. :;-ve:ir ..Ms. Selling. Track record: 8937« I Is I 122. 1 „„, Horse. WI. Rec. A.Wt.ilan. jicpi- vdant ; ;-•; Dinah l»o ,ji7s«;i im mo .210121 0-itlo.ik -xTr L-1780 Minstrel iolv71« J17.-.r. Alhena - i,r ,.,7r,:;i N.nre.ldiu V ■ •. »™ «, -", :" o»x«S =ffi3 H-r;;...-: ::.: |oj..« " 7 s Maryland Girl ■■ • ,:;jt Antrim , so .;7-x nevii Fish 1.1!-:-- jsilr Vlgnota M BB..OU Seccnd Race— 1 Mile. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 50370 l;:t8— 3— 108.1 ,2«Sl Lag Teres. »» l**% m;. . Lahore II-1 1 :••• --. l " ttfiJ i-iv« M6W Wanda IMtaer "g 1:2* i 12x70." Im 71 Talecarrler 103 1:42 » -LSXiJM ■ =mV Erank Hudson .... »4 1:41* •• J66X700 -. S Easter Star -.4 1:38% 4 JOT «W [■1710 Song or Valley ...108 1:41 4 103X000 Third Race— S 1-2 Furlonps. Wakefield H.indi ap. Value ,500. _• year "Ids. Track record: 38491 -1 :"" -6 161. 1 ■.i,a;s-v Prince ot Coaso ...lflt 1:68 MC...7J.. ,"•...,; Hands ..rr . , . !!--;; ffiSA IMLlv Wback ....I"- l:". V.-f- J 1 . ■ . .. . l.V.»liJ A luevemeiit Ind. Bane. Wt Rec. A.Wt.ilan. LM711 Brina 1 «« . . 7 1 ."i LI 7 : -,: Mis Iuzzle 11JV7K 21747 Whimsy Ml 108. .763 1. Cochran entry. I Bntler entry. Fourth Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 30370 -1:38—3—168. 1M7SS Hodge 116 138 t 118X740 2172R Coquette :: 108.. 733 •.:t7"i Rayberry Candle .. !i:i 1:30*4 4 104X733 21h27 l.eo Ski lnv 112 1:38% 4 102 733 21703 Hedge 116 1:38% ; 90. .730 21734 Holidav 162 1:38% 4 93X723 21754 Transit 104 1:46%* 4 102X723 Fifth Race — About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Selling. Track record: 77348 — 439 — 1 — 140. i 21071* loud T 144 ■ 700 Lii;n Stars and Stripes . 4 143X665 21305 Est ocia 4 14.".- 800 LlTis Brash 5 14!t 090 Ll7:;ir- Aberfeldv 4 l4o..i.Mi 17s!m;« Cheer Cp H 139X080 207C! Suwannee 4 140. .080 14001* Mi Nab s 144 .080 21407 Ariati r 7 !4!ixiio Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. 2 rear-olds. Belling. Track record: 65451 56 2 2 . 21700s SteUarina 112 1:02% ll-,..7-.- 21752s Bob Kedtidd 106 112% 109. .720 2170! IS I Counsel 167 1:02 112.. 720 21753 Sal Vanlt* HI 1:02% i"7 715 213P93 I v;., uraphv Mi ..1001:02% 104X710 •JI7.VJ Mr Cremer 103 1*01% 100.. 765 °HHo" Mnrphy 112 1:02 107. .70S •-•147 ;» Important HO lM 104X090 21188* Divan 166 133% 104xtMH Ball Kami. ch. e, l.v Orimar -I.ulu M It Maid " I Dundee. « li. r, by Duke ... ii i ni o ii il e— Maid ••: Dnnbar. . 101