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HAMILTON FORM CHART. HAMILTON. ONT.. SATURDAY. JULY 24. IpTsTTh-i day. Hamilton J.,ek,N Club Sccoad Samswr Meeting of 7 days. , I,, books Ofl I Woathor clear. Presiding steward. Francis Nelson. Presiding Judge, f. v. Ccrhardy. SiarFr. A B Dude Ra Secleliir.i. A. I! I.oi.don. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago lime l:F, p. in. i. W indicates whip. S spurs. P. blinkers FhT ur.s in parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate index number, track record, age ol horse and weight earned. »indvaics apprentice allowance. 21 7 7ft llltsi i: i: 5 1-2 Furlongs. i! »7s lo".1;. 8—107. Pane 1915.sh00. 2-year-olds. JL m I Q Allow. nice-. Net rata whtaei 90; second, sum: third, *--ii». Index Horses AWt PPSt "4 i/2 % sir yln Joekeya Ihvm is o II C P S~ ?1J!fnM,"-.lST,,NK yvh Bl ,; :: 1" V I i; I cooper R .1 Aus-in I bTT s~"T. " i?2.",! ,,il: w llS A - V r - F K"-1 Weber « Word i 2 :: :. S55S EHlL tSGAB whim 1 1 J14« ::- .:-• R ShilRng S Newman ir, 34 30 ■ *i?5* IAKA vv PU B 6 -i ft 41J p Lewder l g Thompson " N 9 v21434ANITA wlln 7 I : •• - |» ;.. andf Garner H G Bedwell I 9 9 3 21591 1 ah BRUSH w lfht E 7 ?• 1 «•« • J Acton TJ Bird J- 50 W IS | ..... , i "• x w Hi- I « 4i 1" 7* 7- .1 Smyth H Steinhardt 4o mo i n» 40 i, 20784 PK. 01 CIIEF.NWAY w 103 II 782988 W He it CJ Crawford 0 150 lot 40 ■ Time. 23. 47VS. 593rj- 1:06. Track fast. Winner — B. g. by Star Shoot Anvergne trained by A. I.. Austin. Went to post at 2:43. At post 1 minute. Stan g,«,d and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MILESTONE, off rorwardly, moved Into an easy lead while rounding the tar turn and making the pa,c fast, was under restraint in the last eighth. DODGE began slowly and could never get np, bin 1 lade a game effort. PHII. UNGAR was a forward contender for the entire w it .Nil A showed sliced, bat tired and probably was short. TAKA finished well. Scratched 21082Bernice. 101; 21743xIoUte. 101; 21tt»sPort Light, lot. Overwi ighls Styx. 1 poinul: Pride of .reenway. 2. b 1 H ft Q SFiONi BACK 1 Mile. 1 ::: Hr, :: BO. Royal Canadian Handle sili.u « i. 9 I » / Added. 3-year-oWs and upward. Canadian lo.iled. Nci value to winner 10; sec oml. 00; third, 0. :"ll": Horses AWCPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockiys Owners Ti H T 1 S~ 21G43lIAMPTON DAMS, w 3 103 :: :: V- 1 I 1- : A lav.-r [■: .1 |:i--i.s ■ n ■ TT~~ 121042-1. ADY 1 U/.ON w 3 107 - . I i 3 3] 21 j M darner Krookclalc.Stalde 14-3 frC 4 5 out 2H.42 FAIR MONTAGUE w 3 W 1 ! :„k 41, p ,. |k . n Watts P Millar I I - ! 10 21525 AM PI I ION w 4 102 :, S i -.• ji 4 Mot W Bennett f 13 21642 DARK ItoSAI.FFN w .lil 4 I 9* yt .,.;. -1 ;.• .1 Acton .1 E Seasram 16 IS 13 21202los.s |i. w 4 1IH ; I :• | , ,; .1 i f , -; « | r ISrookdaleStald. M "■ • r, I r. .oil •1 ■ iipled in betting; no separate place 01 stare liettinc Time. 25. 50. 1:150. 1:416. Trak fust. WinacT P. f. by Inferno Royal Dame trained lo II. MeDanicl. to p. st at 3:11. At 1... 1 I minute. Start good and alow. Won handily; end and third drh .:.-. HAMPTON DAMP ra.ed into the Lad , n |„. first turn and lei a g.,..,l |Nice iinder slight re train un-lil in Hie last quarter, Hien liu-aci gain, ly under nrgina. I.ADY CI UZoN w i crowded luick at the tarl and was gaining on Ihe leader 11 the end. KAIR MONTAGUE left the post in a iaiu and was on in, ,m o- ..1 Ihe leaders most of the way, hut finished fas! and elosi np. DAWK ROSAI KEN showed mm .i hot tired. MOSS FOX ipiil early. Qvcrvv, ighls Fair Mont ague. 1 pound. 1 7Q/1 THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 96371 1:11 ; ll::. , *;..t» Add- d. :: year -oT.NTmMi 1 w 1 I OVJ Handicap. Ret value to winner 30; serosal. 005 third. 0. l.dex Horses A Wt PPSt 14 k. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 7 H C P S 21258-sili EDGAR w3 1 1 1- v. P pai M Garner H O Bedwell « P H 2 i 21721 PAN Z A RET A wa 3 140 4 3 V 2»i Isfc 2| P Cooper I! s Newman 3-6 4-3 7-101-4 nut 21722 ■dk. LARRICK W 3 Hl 7 ii - am Sj jt p Murphy B i: Elkina o 49 99 I • 17289 Kin k vil.l.i: w 7 lor, 2 4 I 4* i; 4 .1 Smyth .1 E Seagram 8 21721 KL OIL w 1 .14 S :. 7» 7* «l 5 J L McAfee ThorncUffe StablelO 10 8 21742 WAIF 11 LADY wa 4 F :! 1 7 f c- :,■ :,"|; Shilling Mrs .1 Arthur C lo W 3 7-5 21721 ROBRT BRADLETws •". 108 I J 5k ;•■ 71 , Qentry w R Misell s IS lr. , • 212£2i:i.AK BROOM w f 102 3 8 R s B 8 .1 Acton Kewell • M SO 15 s Time. 23%. 47%. 1:11%. Track fast. Winner Ch, c. by Cunaad stumpy trained by 11. G. Bedwell . Weal to pest at :.:fi. Ai post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same, silt EDGAR s. 1 a fast pace rroan the start and. after being beaded, came again in the last eirhth and outstayed PAN EARKTA in Die tinal drive. The latter made a resolute effort after enterins Hi, home stivleh. bul her big Weight told on her at the finish. DK LARRICK ran well, but tired and fust mil stayed ROCKV1LLK for third place. Th. latter was gaining on the leaders at the linisii RRCOII finished last. 21 rT JO ~| loi Kill RACK Abcut 2 Miles. 10034 — 1:«3%— 0 ic.2. 1 Jnly Steeplecbas. Put ■ J- I O -L 1915.sh00. 1 m ar ..ids and upw.,rl. Selling. N.-i aiuo to winner 30; secoad 00; third, $ ai. lasMUt Horses AWt PPSt 5 IO IS IS Fin Jockeys Owners o il r f g~~ 21.r 88 SI I cill w t 132 5 I Ii :: * l| l« F WilFius w 1. Maui. in ~ V ■ , 21223 im: AFRICAN w 6 un : 7 i; c 1- - • j D Gaddy P Murphy i t 8 21588 .10L GAIETY W 0 1S2 I :: t* i"1 .:"■ :;-" :!" J Smith J W Hammond lo i:, i. ,; 21554m; A RTF It w 5 117. s E 7; .", I I -" 4 ■ • M IC.nrM Daly 7-5 2 I 21588 LILY PAXTON vv 7 137 1 1 i: P f **• 5* ll Scully M O Yiuu ;o .11 it |" 21688 -D0R11TIIY WEBB w :i 147. 4 9 S 7- •:, ■ :,- c-" .1 Hut ton .1 Mackay 5 10 to ?. 209171 BON vv 7 138 SI s "■ 7 7 7 C Bowser W Smith M M ■ • 21522 si ALMORE w 0 131 3 I B» 3 Pulled up .1 l ui .; McBurney o i, •, ,. 1 216*8 MORPETH w 8 147 7 4 :!• 4" Lost rider.H cruwiMW Obernesser 10 15 1. 1. Thne, 4:C8%. Track fart. Winner Kr. g. by Piligrane My Eleanor trained by L. W. Garth. WCnt to post at 4:11. Ar post .". niiniites. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. STtTCCO. after racing under restraint lor the first turn of the field, moved up rapidly when his rider was ready, and easily p, ,k a long lead in ihe last quarter THE AFRICAN fenced well and showed much speed in pacemaklng. JOB GAIETY ran 1 rood race and ids ridel l,.s stirrups at the fifteenth fence and almost fell off. STALMORE was palled up at !!■•• twelfth lump and MORPETH lost his rider at the eleventh. The winner was entered for 00 no bi.i Scratched »331 Jim o.. 137; 21f.7: Lehigh, 137. Overweights The Atriean. :; 1 • .innl-: Cu Bon, 1. 1 TftO FIFTH RACK 1 1-16 Miles. 83443 1:17.-- t PcT Fourth Run :; PrinTe~Edward fil I Ou Stakes. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. SelUsg. N.-: rata,, to winner ,080; s. 1. 50; third. 5*. index Horses AWIPPSI 4 Uj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 ll P 8 81743* RESIGN wi; :*. ill 7 :: 2 lo :". I] 1- M Garner J B Respess 4 4 3 2174S-*SCHKMKR w3 s7 • I Hi 1- 1| 2» ji p Lowder N Macfarhine hi 12 12 21742 BENDEL iv I 102 E 2 ::- 3» «• XI 3] V Cooper .1 J Timmerman lo ,, 11 « : 21725 ANNuN Slip ar 3 us I 5 I* I ::- M P* J Acton .1 .1 Ryan 10 f, i, s 3 21742 PROGRESSIVE w 1. -. lo:: I 10 t 5 £«■ .7- 51 R Shilling Mrs T Francis I. s s : t; 21742 FOUNTAIN FAY wa 5 108 C I 10« ■ 71 7- tq A Claver ThorncliffeHtable 3 43 12 I I 215U9 PARDNER w 8 Im. lo 7 Si . *■■ 9* 7 W Ohert 11 G Bedwell I i , - | ", 21742 KAKNKi; AT WSB 3 100 Ill • - 7- v: s; s- .1 M.-tialf R E Watkins C t I 1 21528*.l op I INN w it 7. ! T. 3 : 8 mm W I : » L MeAtee 10 Trotter l", n ,". S 1 21701 TACTICS wt: 0 100 8 C 11 If 11 It M Y LTral P .1 Cob, nan ;:. s s ■ .. ", 21701 CROSSBPN w ■ 4 Hi. ll 8 7 8» :i wj 11 J Smyth It B Btelle : :; 3D 11 1 jOuplcd iu belling: no separale place or show betting Tim. . 24%, 48%. 1:14%. 1:30%, 1:47. Track fast. Wmner Ch, e. by Traasvasl Resicnatlon drained b. J. P.. Respessi, Wei post ai 4:41. Al post :; minutes. Start good and slow. W ,11 easily; s.eon.1 "and third driving. RESIGN raced in closest pursuit under restraint P, the stretch turn, then res| ded iinickb when ,:l!e,l on arid was going awaj at the tinish. SCHEMER, favored by light wefght, showed much s;„.,..i but c ni. not resist tin winners rush. BANDEL can:.- wide when entering the homestretch, but made 1 fist and game tinish. CANNONADE ran well and finished dose up. PROGRESSIVE finished fast Pol NI I IAY closed a gap. The winner was entered for ,500; 110 bid. Overweights Resign. 1J pounds: Prossbnn, 5. 2 1 7ftQ SIXTH RAFF 5 1-2 Furlongs. 8078— 1KK«4— 0—107. Purse tM»~ 3-year-old and JL I OO oparard. SclUng. Net value to winner .s:;7.v. second. st",: third, 8 Index Horara AWtPPSt i %. "4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners T H C P 8~~ 21525-SI.1PPKR DAY w 4 101 8 I I* 1» V 1» J Smyth J S Heii.liie i $ ", ■• t 21315 KEWESSA wb ." 11« •: 2* L4 -"• 2« P Lowder W L Oliver 1 13-61 21704* t.lI KNM A w3 83 I M 7 71 I- I ; R McDottW C Courtney C lo lo « 21438/.l DEL w :: 01 7 5 8k 1 :.- th A .dims W It Frcy 1. lo pi i I 7 21704 MNci.i: JlMMir. wb 4 112 2 3 l- V B .". • P Cooper C Dellnes 12 12 12 " 21332 MARJORIE A. wb 7 10S l« 11 ]o. n :» ii". M Gamer il r, Bedwell in 15 17 « I 21724-*I.FKIA ai Mil 1 $■ | ■ 71. .1 Morya .1 .1 Ryan M M 28 8 1 21621 l si : kit w 8 107 1 4 9* SI 7- s- L Qentry A AV Moots 4 4 4 s . 1 r, alalOBETTERTON w 3 108 G I $• - $■ u C VanDunH Oots r ■•-, •-, pi 5 21704-TH K SPIRIT vv 4 !••; I U 11] 12 11. in. , M, Ate. N Macfarlane U 17 F. t I 20551 BETWEEN IS w 11 :: KiS II s i s- 10- IP .1 M.tealf O C Pratt 24 20 I* I 21684S1R BLAISE wis 8 105 12 7 12 101 12 12 E Haynes W P Pine M IS 1", i Time. 23»/5, 4645. 1:05% new trad; record. Track fast. Whtner Br. f. by Martimas Rlue Grouse trained by B. P/hyte. Went to post at .:1 1. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second ami third driving. SLIPPER DAY drew away into a good lead ia the flrsl eighth ami. setting a great pace, saved around on a,1 turns and won ::oi:ig away. KEWESSA raceil in closest pursuit and was easily best of the others i.MMFNslA closed a big gap and finished g iiuely. ZIN DEL and CNCLE J1MMIF showed sneed but ;i.-.d. The winner was en, red for ,000; no bid. Scratched 174ii White Frown. 03; i ir,7 1 Northern Light, 80; I7l4 Pamplnea 87; 21061 Martin Cases £83; 21394 Inlan. SO; Llilo Crystal. 100. Overweights l.uria. 2: pounds. 7Q/I SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles on Turf. 82982 1 K 0—107. Pan ,1" 21 X I OtJc ..Ids and upward. Selling. Net vain,- n. wiBSti 84QO; second, ij;|iHi; third, o! I Waal Horses AWt PPSt UJ i,, ", Str Fill loefceya Owners i ]| c p s 21336 •*FKN ROCK w .1 04 . I 2* :■• l« p. l- p Lowder R I: Stelie I 5 S : 1 21705-*DIFKS PET WB t 1im; lo I :,- :: ::■ _■ ;" R McDotIO B Pons ;, ,; „ : 7.7 21745 Di NDKFAKY wit 3 107 4 :: id 7a r.4 P Il F Murphy F Johnson 10 12 12 21G2G i:.i IRK WB 3 8d S 2 !■ in L". ::- I T Hayes Mrs .1 Arthur 5 »; I ! 1 21744 el IFF RDGR wb •» Dm 7 7 c.. V "■ 5» 1 M,t, air R E Watkins 10 i", r. c 21745-.I H. HOITGnTON w 8 100 7 C 1 51 V 7: ;■ F Cooper G V Scot! r. 10 7 3 • 2l294*iii 1 HAVEN wb 3 n :: 8 M • - s1 71 81 7! I. MeAtee Crown staid,- :: 1 :: . 21390, SI. 1 MP.i RFR WB 3 99 1 I M, |0J in- W 8* J Acton .1 W Dayton I", K I - I 2170S*RAB SISTER w 4- U 2 3 ", H» I • a| H : M Garner B V Moore 10 12 12 S 21725 KAZAN WB :: HI21. c II 12 12 13 11- !• ■• « Miller C .1 0,1,11 :: . :;,, 5 M 7. 2198 Kl NWAV wb 4 K . 12 R ::" P s c ip 01,. it II C Bedwall " 30 30 i 21558 1 TTVHPNK wb 7 10S il 12 IP 11 IF 12 12 A SchugTL AV Garth* 1 p, p. 1 Time, 24/5. 48%, 1:13, l:39/v 1:46. Track fast. Winner p.. g, by Rock Said Feiin.111 trained 1 v C. J. Casey. W. ai to i„-i al 5:3S, Ai !« si 1 minute, start gotal and slow. W aslly; second and third driving PENROCK la.e.l FNFoUF Into earlj snhjection and. drawing away int.. an easy lead, was under restraint through the tinal .mailer. DICKS 1 • | ;r elos«d up ground and finished rcxuluteb. tail cmild never II. e leader. ill NDKKAKY ehwed a big gap anil finished .lose up. KNCORK set a 1 .1 I 0.1 , to the l.,-t turn and Ireil CLIFF KDGK ran well. CLIFF HAVEN .vas awaj badly. The winner wa lor 011; no Irid Si.ii.he.i 21720 Harry " aud.r. 1 t.-,: -jitl! Miss Sherwood. 101; 121 724 York v lib-. 111- 2l:atsiNew Haven, HO; -_■ 1 7 1 4 Cliff Stream. I|m;: -I7n7. Twilight, 99. Overweights Sliintliercr. :. |m ii» 1s; Kazan. 21.