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SECOND RACE— 1 1 II Miles. 3-j-enr-o.k and ■anaard. Soiling-. S544.1 -1:4".., 1 -104. CUTAWAY b. f. 4 104 By Fair Play — FlittefOBae H. L. Crainel. . , ,i ., ; ; i. l 18 fast •! 103 2 1 ! 1 2 J W W rior ." Sin-ki --Inu. Babj Sister. Harold ...::. |., .i..n i l,l-; List 131 109 776 7 c 1 ,. ntrv 1i» Beulah S., .!• -.loiii-., ObjraStar :■■■,, i,,,,../ :: M i lasl G HO 1 :: :: ■ i 4» T Rice 8 TUilorita. G.Russell, AlWmw-l V- :■ lor-/. 7" l fast S 85 8 7 s 7 8 E»| i Louder S Rash, CUristophlue, Gr.Huphes 19U9 Juarez I I ■■ I *ood 31 88 4 3 3 - 4- 4:I, P Louder 7 N.McDee. Tranaact, B.ofB.Mawr i-.-i,, luarcz 11:39 teat 4 MO 8 2 ! 1 ■■ V . ■ Callahan •". Rash, iay Streak, Vuladay .Ir. ■■ li-M/ s i:J .ufast 3 Mo 8 4 :. G 71 7*J Calhilian s Clark M.. Gea. Marcbmoat, Paw IKHil luarez 7-8 l .7 • ,l.u-t 21 102 8 4 1 3 4i 4*1 J Callahan 8 Paw, Hard Ball. Rash 18673 Juarez 7 l ::44-.f;i,st 3 VH 12 3 3 US1 J Callahan O G Marchmont Sir Dyke, asklfa 18431 Juarez 2 4 I:ll%faat 9 MO 4 4 4 4 1 ?.I Callahan 4 run Zareta. Hocnlr, Sir Dyke RRICKLEY 1. g. 4 111 3y Ort Walla— The ScoM S. Loail. n17"0 Windsor " 1 I l:4Sandgood 39 101 S 5 4 1 V ! F itobiusi r_ LuckyGeorgc, Aprisa, WlWHorsc ij-;; Latonia lm7 y l:44%fasl 161 109 17 7 ." 7 77-. F Robins n 10 Chi 11a, Reno, Alston aton i lm7 v 1 :!•.•"-iiml • ".777 7 7* 6** 1" Robins n : L. Ianchita, Alledo, Allen Cain H 13 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fust 111 101 s 2 4 3 3. 3*1 ■ Rob son u Old Ben, Onide Post, Verena 1812 I atonin lm70y l:45%faat 23-10 M3 9 s 7 i fi1 4»J F Robinsn 10 Bea.La timer. Billows. HiehClasf LV 81 Latonia 1 l:40%fast 8-6 9914 4 2 2 2- J" W W Tlor 3 Tavolnm. OReilly. MIssB.Harboi : US I .at onia lm70y 1 :48%mud 43-20 107 s 7 G : |W W Tlorll Bank Bill. BolyHlll. Sit-planless 15060 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 11-10 105 1 8 7 41 4-! -G Byrne B nrSallivan. T. Miller. Rol.t. Kay 148*3 Latonia 3-4 l:12%faat 4 Mi. s 8 E t* VI A Neyloa 10 Roadmaater. Ctaxonette, R. Kay STAR OF TOVE br. g. 3 89 By Stnr Sho."t — Lady Vinrcnt L. W. Garthl. ■■-,..■ |.,,, | . , i . slow M 87 5 4 4 2 23 . E Forehd t« 1». Pet, Astr loa I L.SpIritnelle , ,,,-ti-; :•■ hvj 24 jT 2 7 6 5 -i I MHler H Patienee, Astrologer. Jim Basey ■.-•Mi f,,n •• hi 11 181:53 slow 5 N I N 1 1W* 8,11B FereJid 14 Redland. L.SpIritnelle. Duqnesne ,,-.- i;|u- C i : l:43%»low 3 M» 11 11 18 18 11" 7 - . V McClrylS T.onse Travers, Bogart. B. Belb ros". ciu. -r.on l in-. fast i". :i7 210 9 G :,- 4 . 1. McAlee 11 Penality, J. II. Honchton. Rlwah ,„,|: Uorval 1uv7«v 1 : 4G1 .fast 10 M4 S 2 2 2 1] 2 E Forehd ! Fly Rome, Celebrity, Raincoat ■,.. ,, .li,,, .. iiu •■. I l.". 4fast 9-S 96 I I 7 3 : 1" H I.fHfn K Sarolta. Celebrltv, Abbotsford ;,„iis u ,|.i;-,-.- 5» i l ■,, 12 105 6 8 G- G"-/.! Dreyer 10 Cor lean. Fair Helen, Vidot KLY HOME eh. g. 3 H Bv Arnioath II. — La Franco W. Martini Wind or i l l i •• ■■ l- v " 184 S G 4 4 4" . ". , P Cooper li Supreme, Bnrwood, Dundreary ••ihBX Wind ! i,: i-isi 41-5 io; • o ]•• S H . | F Cooper lo Ci h: .!.-. Dundreary, W.sIjisI ■ i:: ,, 1 1 , ,, i,. i, i • :■ ■ iop ■■ 1"4 6 4 I 3 :. I . .1 Ad on 7 I.urvvood, Penr ck, 1 e Si .in i] ,, ■ nam 1 l 16 1:1. : I s 95 E I 4 E 4J ": ■, T Pargton . :. Ilnnm, B.Cnnarder. P.Eugene ,,,,r | |u, i ,,,,. i l : 12 E M2 7 s 7 G 4*1 21 F Cooper S I la I [aire. Anxiety, Sunset ■o.-i Durval InvTOj 1:18 fast i 108 6 8 7 4 ■■■ 2* F Cooper 10 Valas. Energetic. Asa II«Tndon ";h-h; lo.i-vii liu,"N : !••. fast 9-5 103 I I •■ 3 I* !■» F Cooper ft S. of Love, Celebrity, Raincoat ;o,.4 Wdbine 1 i ICl:4S%fast 31 .". 102 4 E E 4 V 2" F Cooper 7 Ida Claire. CM8f Haven, JoeStein 20427 Wdhine 1 1 l:-51%fast 4 109 2 G i 7 7 47, T Rice 7 Commonada. Cliff Haven, Rover CUFF STREAM. 1 r. li. 6 105 By Clifford-r-Maiest N. Macfarlane. ,n Windsor 1 l:40%fasl 32 8 4 ■_ .: I ..,■,■ 11 Bl ka Miss Waters, Sun Qoeen •nio Ilamton 3-4 1:14 last SO li:: 12 12 Fell. C Jackson 12 Bcttertou, Commensia, Rlcuwood ii/.M Coi.unt 3-4 1:15 fast 88 no M M 10 18s M"1E Ambrosell MarjeA.. Dr.R.L.Swger, D.Pel 15891 Hamton 1 l I 2:03%fast 10 108 2 2 3 4 41 V P Oohlatn S llncb Ben, El Oro, .Inst Red 108o" Ilamton 1 1 i ; l:47%fast 20 1M 12 9 11 11 10* 9*1 G McDondl2 Bonanza, Mockery. Runway 15431 1ortF-ie lm70yl:44 fast 41 187 s s s 7 75 r.: E Ambroses Privet Petal. M. Pictnre, Confide r"Gt PortErie 1 1 8 l:54%fast 3 no E 8 I E 4 1» K Ambrose 8 Dynamite, Cogs. Sepolveda 15115 Ham; n 1 I-M 1:41 fast 12 MS 4 5 5 6 E»l Ii W Waron 8 Rasli. Ask Ma. Carlton J. coNNY BOY eh. S. 4 104 Bv Nasturtium — California H. G. Esdwsll. -a-i FortErie -~1 1 1:15 hvy 83-M 113 4 E 2 V * V. Taplin . P .... ! .. Toddlina. M lecai ", --. v,., ■ ;■■■ ;. , i t:22%hvy 12 HI E 2 I ! • K Taplin S T. Busybody. DlcksPet. Mealicka ,,,,,, , ,, ,,| - i 1:09 fast 18 M3 S 9 S 9 ! -" S Wo holm 9 Viley, Gordon, Inqnleta .,,,.„, ,-on:lr 3 II l« good 3-2 186 4 1 1 1- 31 A Schugr 11 Isehgahibble. Bendel. An. ODay .-a- Plu.Bon 1 l:43*4slow 19 115 2 11 1 1*11 ■!: Jarno ..:. Louise Travers, Bogart. .:. Belle ,r a i,,,, ii l i !:-■ ,.a.-l 30 109 6 6 4 .". 7 ! s Wo holm 11 J.H.Hghton, Gerrard, L.Travcw .,.,-- i tinlioo 3 I 1:14-. fast is 102 :. 2 1 6 t R Shilling 8 Mar.Casca, Monty Fox, Patience .., | ii„li o 3 1 1:14 fast 69 HE s 8 7 8 7»1 E Taplin ft PayStreak, Silver Moon. Dakota i,l,.i;-,.p 2 1 1:11. M0 1M M 8 S 12 11 s WolstmlS Ada Anno. Sherwood, G. Russell PRINCE EUGENE, b. g, 5 112 By Hamburg — Eugenia Burch J. Livingston. I74r. Windsi.i I i - I ; i I • 108 S 7 7 7 k I liji H Bun* ood, Gnhie Post. Dun i,„, n,.i ..r : 1 16 l : r. .-I" a 21 5 10911 16 8 G 7; ."■:, .1 Garner m Supreme, Burwuod, i! Uouk m ■ Windsor 1 l 16 1:48 fast :.:: 20 1 1 1 G 4 3 3 B1 ."• ", M Gamer 7 Surpassing, Cutaway. Blu-Sister ■ , . n ,, i n I i l« 1 M.ia.t 4 ins :: v S 3 V :,:;! A Neylon 7 B. Broom, B.Card r, D.Miionald ,,..,, i ...nil i i 16 1 : if .fast 27-5 113 2 3 2 2 : II .1 llauover ii W.Woul, Comanretta .,;. .,;,,„. ., [3 h, i:,V;,fast H .7 io:. s s 7 4 :: .■" A Neylon 10 Hani Ball, White Wool, Gold* •,,„,•,,,,,,.,.. inuoi ii; l.i-t l ill - : 8 1 B» l Neylon IO Brynlimali. Tavolara, KorHiage -..•io Chun-hill 1 1 IG l:47%fast 29 28 112 10 7 4 4 2 !•* A Neylon 1" M.Dulweber. StiekPin, Serena ta , - , ,,,,., inn i i ;.; i IGfast 36-5 1M 4 t 5 1 t; 1 A Neylon 9 Tbireader. B.Keenon, I.Genniaa u . . l.ui.hill 1 1 16 1:47 fast 13 110 fi S 7 fi 8" E ,F Robson 8 Brave, Back Keen a, Thtreader TACK KAVANAUGH. hr. g. 5 107 Bv Marathon — Qia.en a Day Mrs. R. McMillan. *ii»3 Windsor 1 1 16 !: ■ hvy 11 10G 3 2 3 E :■" B»j 1 Kederia s Kilday. Blrka, .1. H. Hongbl n :.„„• Windsor i 1 f i ■■• ■ iop 19 107 13 3 I I G I Obert ii Kneelet. A|»risa. Kellowinan :., ..! i ,,. nii 1 I 16 1:521 mud H Mft E E 7 G 6* 6" L Gentry . Ant r r. Hocnlr, Glga Star !.., i",,..,,!, 11-8 1 56 slow 48-5 108 4 7 g 8 VI 2* F Keogli 7 Pellowi an. ConlieF.. I.. 1 1 Adair j io lat..nia 1 1 16 l:l7-.rast 24 MS s s s 8 V 5« I. Gentry s La Mode. Wild Bear, Bank Bill .,.,■, i"lt,,n , i :■ 6 1 ■ .la-i is !• 1 4 i E E •" •• K Lapaille 5 Expectation, BenlahS., J.Rrdon " „.,.. i V a 1iin -. l:4l%good 24 11112 7 G 4 4"- ::s F Keogb 12 F.A. Weigh?. K.Box. Foundatioo :, ,„,:. i,i. ,,,:.! 1 i !•. i;..iast .m los :: s S S 7; fi ■", I. Gentry 9 BankBML, Ex|H-ctation. W.sLasI :,,.,-, i.iotiia 11-16 l i1 .Mind •■■ 111 4 :: 4 E E* ix* 1. Gentrjr 8 lliuli Private, .v-is. Mockery 7-r7o" Uouglas I 1-16 1 :48%fast 34-5 112 14 4 4 3" 2» L Gentry 7 Mallard. .1. Cool, I. Wander p.,;,. l-,s i i 16 l .. .--.livv .":: M MS -., 8 8 fi V 4- L tl.ntry s B. Dipper. B.Bill, Conimauretta "., [ |. , las l l 16 l:.r.lV4mud 2 1M 4 0 C G 41 4«| E Pool ! Allodo. Bank Bill. Lady J. Grey WILD HORSE, b. g. 4 101 By Pink Coat— Ruby Right B. Levy. . .. -v. ,,,,i ...- i | 1G .-~ x. 1 rid :«; 11 8 8 7 ~~ ■■ I- Lapaiiiej2 Briekley, l.uckj George, Aprlsa , ,i,,,,ia 1 i s I :"... ;,good . ." 103 s 7 7 7 8 sM Garner » Guide Post. Wryneck, sti.-k Pin Vj,7 latonia 1 1 16 l:46%fast 13 103 4 3 3 2 2- :- K Lapaille 11 S.Actress. HelenM.. P.A.Weigle ,f i,,...;-i l i 18 1:47 fast ]■• 100 :: 4 4 E P 64| K !.;•;. lillelO i IsliGntleman, Mockery. Oliolus L, r,!„Mi.i I 1-16 1 :46%fast 35 98 1 2 J 2 2 :;., K LapaUlelO WlilteWool. Mockery. I.. II. Adair o,-«» luarez 1 1:38 fast u MS S 2 4 4 4:! G;.U. Gentry 8 Join Reunion. An. Reed, Chevron v., *, h an /. IIS l :r,:,--, 3 2 lit 4 3 2 4 4- I- G V .arll 7 Hester. Goldy. Black Mate ji7l4 Juarez 1 l:3:ifast 2 M2 7 2 3 4 4 k 31] A Mott 8 First star. Doll Boy, Ancestor* PARISH SUN, b. c, 3 90 By ■ta*] ope II. — Ganymede C. Millar. ria v".,.i ..i 7-81:29%good ■ 93 91010 10 R l ... « MIL - Rustlins Mona G :., .,,1-.;. 10 92 7 4 4 2 1*1* T Haves 7 Gartlej O. Reliable, D.ofGhester . ,,- KortErie I l:58%hvy 44-5 91 I E 1 Hay. 0 H. Dame, H.BassettH., MonaG. •"i",i Hamton 1 1 16 l:4S%fast 9-10 10613 2 :: 2 2« V II Watts 9 Ltngar, Fastatlo, 11. Bassett II. Hamton 1 1 16 i:i!t- last 5 107 8 i 5 7 41 3*1 li Watts 11 Moss Fox, M.ofFromo. O.Mn belle ,,■■ vVdliiue ■■ i 1 ;lt-V st 23-10 111 s 8 8 S 4*1 N Kennedyll Red Fire, Gartley, Lingar „W Wdbine :: 1 l : io..siow 10 92 5 8 7 7,# 2"| T Hayea 8 Herrmana, Sir Arthur, Wavency ;,., wdblne " I l:l%slow 250 85 7 6 G C£ 7 -Ml Aetna -S Aphion, Ondramida, M.ofFronw i.v.i Hamton E s i ■ 1] ilfaat M8 M4 8 fi 8 s « j Williams » I,.Curzon. H.Dame. H.Baaaettll fADENZt b f. 3 87 By Hastings — Friendship H. Oots. i, ,.,[■ 1 11 slow s wi s s 7 ■ r , ■ v.- ,Dn*n 8 Peggj i... Todilling. Luther :.,■■ Hamton l:40%fas1 8 .i:1 ii 12 18 7 GU 1 -1 C VanDunl2 Aprisa, Schemer, Subject Mrs Conght 3-4 l:ir.%good 7 103 7 s 7 s B» C Van Iwn S Supreme. Mercnrinm, Celelirlty ■„.|7,i ..n rli! 1 1:4 lov 30 102 7 7 7 7 7 7 l YanDnn i Pgressive. T.i-.i: !....h . I.Claire :,|k.l, m u.Ron 7 s 1 30 -low Fid 103 . 8 6 4 3i 6*3 C VaalaFii 12 Paul Gaines. Wodan. Buffo ,, p i„rval 3 1 l:llr.last 28 102 12 12 12 M v. c VanDonl2 niii. Imiuieta. Solders Best ltllDAS BROTHER, b. g. 4 101 By Bhu s— Eucbaree A. Brent. i ,,, -. ,,.l ■» 1116 1 17*tslow rid lo 11 11 II 11 li" i llin il Sum me. Bnrwooil. Plj li i . Krie I 3 16 2 ll-.iny 22 99 5 4 6 G 8 R F Dotl . Raincoat, Foot, Milan Ilamton 3-4 1:14%slop 30 104 10 9 8 9- 8* R McTVott 10 Astrologer, Patience. Cliff Eilge H ,„• ,, :, i i ... I., st 40 Mo 5 8 S s1 9,*JB McDott 9 Single, Broomseilge, Yen .,„, | ii ,|. .,-,.■ 3 l l:13Vfcfast 4o 115 5 ■ 7 1- 9»J ii Troxler !• l*rogressive. Water Lily, Cov ., . ■ 1 1 ,|, i ;■,-,. 3 l l:14%fas1 20 M 7 11 1! M" 9-",i Loader 13 Seallywg, Progrsive. B.Meteor |i|tw7 ..iins 51 f 1:06 good IS Mi 7 8 I I f. B Ambrose 8 CUartier, FBey Northerner j.. ., % oil ns 3 1 I I2%fast 6 M7 3 4 4 4l 4-1 C VanDnn 10 Coy. Blrka, Bertodaao IS Ms 1 • : » i W Ullev « J.,.,., N- , ,, -i ,,s 3-4 l:13Vifa«t J.Baaey. Altanaha. T.Buyhodv Also i llgilde to in order named should any of above be aeratehed: MOSiOWA, b. c. 3 89 By Or.t of Reach — Rosinar.te Cloher Sc Keaae. i -, , : ,, .,, ■ . i 1 13 • 7 S. Hel Cannonade. II wood .■,,,,, | ..,- 86 8 8 I .- -!..! Morys IO Venetia, Meelieka. Katharine G. .--.last 6 96 •; •; 8 .i Morya 8 Caro N . tan :-: -. n ;., | luarez rast 30 103 7 7 7 7 7 M Morya 7 B.AJones. M.OBrien. Lghortn ,.„ ■ ■.. I,,, i ■. 2 I 1:1-. -slop 7.. 100 11 8 s :■ ;,: i Henry 11 B. A. Jones, Anvtim . iinitt luarez 1 1:4 %slow 4-5 97 2 2 2 2 2 2*1 T Henry r Fretla Johnson. Melts, Sleep md 1 l:42%good6-5 los 4 5 3 1 1" :" W W Tlor 8 M. DnlwelaT. Slngletoe P Blet ;,49; ii ,- i 1 1:10 last 3 MS 13 9 13 13 13 1 - w W Tlorll Cordie P.. Ilardv. Singl toe ,., ; |„arez l 1:4 tssIow 8-5 103 I E 3 » I* l« .1 Kederia H FI r. Krijip, Mollie, Bunnj |.,o luarez 7n ■• ■ last fi 9fi 2 9 8 M s ; . n Stearns 12 Dad Davles, nitoHis. Ilelei n ,ai 3 I I::- last 31 115 2 2 3 3*1 I .7 W TlorlS Mabel DninelK-r, Sull ,i luarez i i H 108 1 8 10 1- ::-; T Rice 13 Yestersnn. Concha. M. Twinkle 1 U HOUGHTON, b. a, 8 105 By Dungarven— Ben Ledi G. W. Seott. •.l n nton I 1-16 1:46 fast 7 106 € 4 S « 7= F C op r I- P u i . Dicks Pet. Dmidn I , | I k. Windsor II I t. 71 KI4 7 1 I II 4 1 Co .:■ S Bnrwood. Guide Post. Diim ,,,, , Wind or 1 1-16 l:.*i hvj 9 M8 2 4 4 4 2" S«J R Shilling S Kilday. Birka, W Isworth !■- IC4C Windsor 1 1 lop 77-10 110 78 7 8 6* 7!-;!l Shilling ft Kneelet, Aprisa, Peilowman Hamton l l:41%mud 1 115 ; 2 I I 3s : , : Burna 7 ftendel. In :. . Geon . Zodiac ii.. i .a 1 1 s 1 f:". ia --t S 1i i; 4 7 7» n- i. Barns 12 littcky Georgi Zodiac, L.Travers Han ton 15 18 11 11 l" ! G Burns 12 Bendel. I.. London, !i.. Waters Hamton ■ f « -.last ir, us I fi 7 ". «. Burns 11 Vil y, Miss Gayle, Pay Streak .,vd Flu- Bon. 11-8 1 :..- low 31 5 114 2 4 S 4 ."■ " 1 0 Burns !l Bnrwood, The Rum . V, Inr at , i | ue Bon. 11 :. i 59 10 118 I S 3 2 2 G rums n Penalty. Elwah. Star of Love . , ., i i,.r a I i ,i -t s :, H7 ■ 1 T G 1 ir;.- I Gerrard, UTravers L. Innocence , n.a-vai lm70 1 I7%fa t 10 112 I I fi i :_ V R Shilling 7 Cuttybunk, The Rump, Balfron SIR BLAISE, br. li. C 110 Bv Lssak— Tho Pet fW. P. Fine. Hamton I 13 io. 7 12 M II F--i: Haynes 12 Slipper Daj Kewessa. Com ;. | nd ii 51 f 1:11 hv 2. Mill 4 .". 5 1 ■"."• E Ha/nes ■ K Differ, Vorkville. rhei ■ , i ■ .. il :- ■ ■ :. w i. ;, :■.■. :: 4 4 3 K Havn • Dei oslt. I aura, oi I ,i s KortErie 51 f 1:1 Ir 2 116 1 • E . ". B Haynes H Z n Del. The Spirit. Km« Worth Hamton : 1 I : 1 1 i .. -r 4 111 4 1 21 S*J E Haynes 12 Tbe Spirit. Venetia. let ,..,.; BiueHon. ■ » 21 7, |«3 l 4 2 :: : i- E I la lien 7 The Spirit. Deposit. Kim N.Orlna 3 i I Ki-ia-t 12 !• : 3 2 4 "" .1 Smyth B I neeit, Ulcbw.xKl, Tr»ns|iort«tn I v i ,o II .!■ i ■• 3-4 1:14 last :. 99 S 7. s 8 I i Coleman S Kewi I, Kteel. Stal. Helen ,v,r. ii, i. i ■..• 341:13 i, t M 99 4 G 7 7 7r;.l Smyth 7 Phm.Blen, H mm md. s »«wb«il BlueBon. 1 ifi.i.ol 3 l«6 3 I 8 E 7 7". It Shilling 7 V l.-.h. B. Ganarder, H i .a..: BlueBon. 3-4 1 IS hvy l»i 4 8 3 I- II It Shilling !i Vreelaml. B. Imanli-i, Vorkville 16840 BlueBon. 1 1 :.a4..ia-i M Ml I 4 E r- Ii 8" K Shilllug 11 Dorothy Dean, lakW. Lahore FENROCK. b. k, 3 94 By Ro k Sand— rerment IR. B. Strlle. s-i Hamton 1 1-M 1:46 fast a 84 1 2 2 I U Is P Lowder 12 Dicks Pet, 1 r. lim ■ n -l-fW Hamton 1 I 16 l:5ii slop f. II 1 2 2 2 21. 2» 1. M.-.irr i Bnrwood, Joe Stein, li Uosae lamton 11-8 1 rast M« n 7 1: 1 n m1* J Merya 12 L. George, Zodiac. J.H.Hougbton nnghl I I Si ■ good 10 94 1 1 I l l l | .1 . ■;. 0 ! hot. Mu.l Sill. Shepherdess *:l1 BlueBon. I i l "9! low is Rill I ! IS l MeAtee ti Cnttvlnmk. Jabot Rain, al a- F.on. 1 FtiH.-.last 17. 182 8 7 1. 5 M •• i .1 Smyth « Ida Claire, Fly Home, Anxiety 2US26 BlueBon. 1 I - 1 .... ig ;, ,:; . .; •, Collins 6 Jabot, Mud Sill, Font 2, K dblne 1 1 16 l:48%faat 9 91 5 G 4 3 S] 2 1 L lacAtee 8 BahTroa, Bean Pcre Joe Finn