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FIRST RACE— G 1-2 Firlcnes. 3-year-olds. Sailing. 89370 lis | 122. I,lde_ com-. Dhrt ThneT*ekOdda Wt St % % % Str fin Jockeys Started Order of finish vt»tjt eh 3 1°7 By Cunard— Estimation M. Hirschl. e 0LAHi. "j. b. stfast l" i"!» i - - 1 hlcTag*rt 7 H.Barbee, Presnniption, not ml . , " , ,,et 1 1-41 fast 8 W8 ill l V V T MeTagtlO Minstrel, D.Dnenncr, 1.. Mar-hall 1 •!"; 3-4 1:15 fast l" H6 12 10 S 7 F D lloiVni.uil Palanqnln, Hiker. Ran Vega , ,.C vb7-8 1:27 goodS 148 1 1 3 Z » -■ k 7 Singsong, Ambrose, gtonehenge , :• Ab7-8 1:30 slop «-3 14. Ill 1 1* 1« A 4 Singsong, Sir Giles Mr. Sniggs . m- -L- Ah 1 l-4-«*fast 6 106 4 3 6 7 ■ 7- 1 1 N-lll K Absconder. Star Case, Ken Dale lie uo lis :a .,...,1 121 WM - - - ■ •" «"» Shilling 6 RhineMalden. Half Rock. Runes ll:41%fast 63 K 6 4 3 4 1 J*i A Collina 7 Bjnea. Celto. Kazzano ■ .mi- --46 nn ii ,,,,,,1 »i n » * i j i •• 2« C Turn-T :i Warlock. Schnapps. Carkme IfiSSrlS 3-4 lilltfaBt W 97 i 3 1 U U L M.At.e ? Kewett! MamieV.. Waterl.ady j n-NA,?,P,?;,t t, ..„ nn h f 3 99 By Bnrporr.a?ter— Black Venus J. 0. Talbott. i . 1*3 3 2 11 r PHopkins 9 Minstrel. Grampy. Mr. Specs ;•••;;! ;!,;:.•:,.,„, -, ,„„ t t -. •_ •_ : I Ho,.kin« r. Kenniouse. Ixhi Bine. Aayiade « , ■■■•"" M 2-4 Via fast 41 i"7 4 5 E :: !»l F Hopkins 0 Ethan Allen. Outlook. Sinai f? lomalca 1 1-W l:49%good« ino 3 1 1 - U 1 Hopkins I Joe DeiboM. Patricks.. Primary i "•!-"■: ■ rufas r ■■-, - 2 - 2» 1" f Hopkins 15 Outlook. Tinkle Bell. E. Brysou :i ■.■ „ M l:2«%fast 41 103 l 2 1 •■ » »** F Hofkins 1 Roly. Prairie, Kl Kiod " "1" « nl • i w-fa-t 5 101 3 4 2 Mil1 V Hopkins 11 SdMarsh, Saratoga. D.ofDunhar r n Vfce BlflOTVfeiast 5 04 7 7 f, 4 1*1 If Buxton 7 Norse King. Celto. Protector n ■ H j-.i.ce i "i ;,-;,,- * j i 7 C 41 * ««1 M Boston 7 Aeton, Viler. Briar Path r!l .ce ":-:•; U V* t 2* M BuxtiS 15 RetCtloo. ThriU. Emelda *r luirel 3-4lSast s lf«l 4 5 3= Pa Bnxton 11 Laat Coin. High Neon. K.Martyr r i,,., CUTL00K. nif -h ch. f f. 3 3 . 101 IW By y, Yankee— Origin P. Powers. , M, r, *3 prtagenet. Metilol-rk. raaattng I ■v"iu " "; ,, - use 7 3 SI 5*1 J McTairtl C.Merrick. WaterUlr. Men. Park k , " HKvfast 6-3 85 7 C 5 4 6 5* P Urwder 1 Vodeles. Stonehenge, Tinkle Bell II •4 Al»"" , ■ I- ■■,. V „- i g | si ji w I.illev U Ethan Allen. Dinah Do. Sinai •••■""" iU llsttfast 15 K ■: I 1 II -" -1 Mory« 15 Dinah Do, TTnkleBell. E.Brysoa u ■• a,17a 1 fast 99 AlUmaha. OHagan. „„ :i r r n - - 6»«nAlfott 10 Iatetbey - 2~7l« BlflTVtfMt 13-S M I » - -• «« H Bumtor R IleaAnasI Sandstouc. Albenj ** ,: S Oi f :.; %ood« l" B I I V V A SilmVrlO Dismiss. Sandstone. Hiker ■ - terltogS S fi-Tt u m I li I ■ »»J* NerW* • Montroan. Gnat, Ono Stan M - 21 - 2 - ■ « % £ j ■ 2 2 , % r, . ■ , ■ - - - - j 2 I C I | 2 - I - j 2 J J 1 J i 1 j 1 : : | ■ 1 , MINSTREL, ch, g, 3 103 By Yankee— I.nve Note A. ,T. Si lnieidei | . :i7s ; Kelmonl .; 1 l:13%fast •" M »i 1 :: I* :"• M Mthews :i Dinah Do, Grasapy. Mr. Spet ■ I Aqueduct l 1:41 last 13-6 MS s l 2 . . :- M MthewslO Volant, Dr. Duenner, UMarsball 3345 Aqueduct 11:43 hvy 8 1 »: 2 3 I 11 -"M Mthews 8 Saratoga, Joe Dclboid, Nephthys 21215 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%fast 11-5 BM 3 3 12" I" M Mthewa 6 SirW.Johnaon. Hiker. Grapexhol 31171 Jamaica f l.fl fast W-i 162 4 I :: f f M Mthewsll finmonae. Plantagt, s ..rvall.y 2CS62 Jamaica 3-4 1:1! slow 13-5 102 7 6 4 31 3*1 P I.owder 8 Alhena. Superhuman, Coy 20467 Kelmont 3-4 1:lS slow 34. M7 2 2 2 2J 2and T Nolan . 7 K.Kryson. Chesterton. B«"inilcaf 20247 Pimlico 3-4 1 :i3-V,fast 20 101 6 2 3 32 4iT Nolan 7 Perthshire, Zin Del. A mans 20104 H.deGee 6 f l:08=good 10 108 4 4 fi 41 1 T Nolan 0 Hiker. Rgaaoat, Dixie 200C7 H.detice 3-4 l:131tfast 5 102 4 3 3 31 2l ■ Ambrosell Iair Helen, lly Home, niker ALHENA, b. g, 3 105 By Star Shoot — Belle of Glendale J. F. Adams. :M7."o Belmont 1 1 :ll4r.slov 7 MS .*i J 2 I r C Tnrner i; AUSmlles, BrianBorn, C«»m*retls Zl«8i Belmont l i:3f%faat 6 ! :» 2324 4 I -i kfeCahey B LadrTereaa, old Ben. Book. Bill 21035 Aqueduct 11:39 fast 7 K 5 4 2 3 31 -"i .1 MeKver 7 Saratoga. Klla Bryson. Dryad 2ir.98 Aqueduct i i 40 fast 4J 96 8 s :: 4 4 f Tj .1 MeKverl3 Aasald, OSnUiran, Stonehenge 21323 Aqueduct 1 1:41 fast f. 104 3 3 3 3 32 3=J F Hopkins r. Distanl Shore, All Smiles, Abara 21133 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:47 fast 4J 7 1 1 1 1 2* 31 E Campbell •"• Ainalli. Doublet, irlin Kripp 2M46 Jamaica 3-4 l:14%fast 13-10 1"9 7 7 6 3-1 ft G Kyrne 8 Chesterton. KthanAllen. Yodeles 20992 Jamaica 3-4 1:1a slow 3J 107 4 3 2 l1 P C Fbther H Snperbnman, Minstrel. Coy 20S75 Jamaica 3-4 l:13V£fast 12 102 13 13 11 ll2 8"i J IfeCaherlS Dinah Do. Ootlook, Tinkle Bell 20324 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%mud 43-20 105 5 6 3 35 34J C Turner i Corn Broom, BushyHcad. Mimico 3C2BS Pimlico 3-4 l:la%slow a 97 1 1 1 l1 13 .1 McCahey 0 Brandywine. Isidora. Nellie C. NOITREDDIN, br. g, 3 105 By Ogden — Frances McClelland J. Marrone. .17:.:: Belmont 3 I l:14%slow 9 10 los 2 2 2 2* iJ M Buxton 3 Betamour, Borax 21574 Aqnednct 7. -s 1 : K» goodS 102 2 2 I 21* 24 J McCahev 7 1 nele Jiuunie. Hiker. Patricks. 21324 Aqueduct 3-4 1:15 fast 10 16511 12 12 12 12 15 J McCaheylt Palanqnln, Hiker. San Vega 21:71 Aqueduct 1 l:40?5fast 2 M 1 5 ." i 4 fi .1 MeCahey 5 Nephthys, Penalty, M. B. Harbor 21014 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%good 12 108 1 3 3 45 44J .1 McCahey i Spring Board, StarGift, II. Shaw 20906 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 21 107 7 3 2 22 lh . Kyrne 7 Duke of Dnnbar, Yaza, Ahani 2077S Pelmont 3-4 st l:10%fast 40 130 4 5 5 5 5,2iW Iral ." S. McMeekin. TopHat, A.Bxnreaa 20103 H.deGee 5J f 1 :07%fast 12 102 9 8 6 6 4 W i:ral 10 Polarius, Singsong. M. McCiggle 16272 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%fast 12 110 5 6 5 6 5" J McCahey 5 Higli.N oon. Dis.Shore. T.hy Jury CHESTERTON, ch. c. 3 101 By The Scribe — Penitence II. J. MacManusl. 21516 Aqnednct 3-4 l:14%slop 13 j Mi " 4 4 6J 724 M Buxton 0 lalront, Piantagenet, S.of aJkay .1471 Aqueduct 3 4 1:18 slop 4 113 I 2 2 _"• -* M Bnxton 8 Poterina, Ooj, Sarsenel 21345 Aqueduct 1 1:45 liw 13-6 Ml 1112 r ; ""l.M Bnxton and Saratoga, Minstrel. Joe Deibold 21040 Jamaica 3 1 1:ll%fast 9 5 IM 1 2 2 1] 1 "■ M Bnxton 8 Bthan Allen. Alhena. Vodeles 20730 Belmont 11:41 fast 11-5 M3 111 1 1 I* M Bnxton « Dr. Duenner. Jawbone, Bthoren 20590 Belmont 3 4 l:13%fast 7 1 n; l 22 2* 2-l M Bnxton 7 He will, lorecast, Snperhnman 204«7 Belmont 3-4 1:16 slow G M5 6 r :i 3| "W Kill°y 7 Ella Bryson. Minstrel. Broomleaf 20387 i: lmont 3-4 l:14%Slop 15 M 1 S S i li W I.ilKy ■". Carl. Perthshire, Ethan Allen JESSE JR., b. g, 3 109 By The Commoner— Bessie McCarthy J. W. Hcd- rick, Jr.. 2174* Belmont 1 1:33 fast 56 MS 1 :: 1 7 7 7" W J 0*B*n 7 Harry- Shaw, Lazuli. Ben Quince 2M37 Belmont 11:41 fast 30 107 3 5 7 9 9 9" W J OB-11 • Diat.Shore, Heage, WoodenShoes 2OM0 H.deGee 3-4 l:12%faat 50 92 2 6 5 6* 4« J Gartner 7 Star Gift, Betamour, Mlint 20059 H.deGee Iin70yl:45 fast 40 .9 5 4 3 6 8 S J.T Gartner 8 CliiTIiel.l. ProgTessiTC, Lochiel 20041 H.deGcs 3-4 l:13Vifa*t 7 I.S I 3 3 31 3° J Butwell li Fair Helen. Elwah, Alhena 2001X H.deC.ce 5.1. f 1 :06,3fast 12 110 | 7 7 71 7;3.T Gartner 10 Corsican, Fair Helen, Videt 19S21 Havana H 1:12 slow 2 94 4 5 6 l*»|J Gartner s A.N". Akin Bheiwood. Yel. Byes 19716 Havana Si t l:23*£hry 12 91 4 3 42 424!l.I Gartner 8 ZaII, Krive Cnnarder, Uanasseh 19612 Havana 3 4 l:13%faat 8 loo 6 7 8 814iJ Drever S Kmer. Gem. Kriarlath. Clark M 14247 Pimlico 4J f 55 fast 63-10 109 5 4 3 3 3* J Butwell 6 Sir Edgar, Scorpii, Sorrento 14189 Pimlico 1-2 48* |fast 13-10 115 1 3 32 3J J McCahey S Hiker. Disillusion, Fair Helen 14077 H.deGee 4J f 64%fast 1-2 109 4 6 4 31 2° C Knlsht ."» Surgeon. Tie Pin. Ethan Allen 14015 H.deGee 4i f 55 fast 6 104 1 4 2 1" IJ J McCahey 0 Sir Kdcar. Deviltry. Tarzau HIGH TIDE, b. c, 3 104 Bv Sandringham — La Primera F. E. Rose. 21274 Aqueduct I l:40%fast 30 ion 6 9 7 7 7* 7:" .1 McTagrtlO Vodeles. Stonehenge. Tinkle Bell 21M0 Jamaica 3-4 l:l3%fast 20 lot; 8 8 3 3 81* C l"t tner 8 Etruscan. Ahara, Mr Specs 21040 Jamaica 3-4 1 :14%fast K 101 8 8 7 6 .VYV I.ill«V 8 Chesterton, Bthan Allen. Alhena 20266 Pimlico 7-8 1:29 slop 45 96 3 7 7 6 52 5»?.P Lowder 7 Corsican, Boxer, lak. r 20188 Pimlico ll:45=f,mud 9 107 4 7 6 7 V* 7»« A Schntgr 9 Warlock. Volant. Schnapps 20133 H.deGee 5 . f l :0S4f, ;|Ov 3 M6 s 7 6 ll 1* A Schntgr 8 Danish ;iH Vara. Mmtantl 38061 H.deGee 5-S 6 108 5 4 3 22 2 | T Rice 11 Applander. Gdwood, Early Riser 1ST.10 H.deC.ce 5J f 1 :07%fast 15 98 7 7 5 5"" li J Smyth S Kirmonf. Sunset, apt. Karr MARYLAND GIRL. ch. f. 3 109 By Peter Quince— Miss Simplicity Mrs. K.I. Miller. 21728 Belmont 3-1 st 1 l..-.ia-t 30 M Left at the post. .1 McKrer 15 T. as Steel. Grumpy, D.ofDunhar 20248 Pimlico 7-8 1:29 slop MS 13 6 5 5 5 6 61S..J P Ryan 7 Corsican, Boxer, laker 20144 Pimlico 3-4 l:13*«faat 150 95 8 f 5 8 6".;J P Ryan 1; Kewesaa. Mamie K.. Volant 17889 Laurel 5 f 1 :07ssfast fid lei 8 E S 61 i* J Kederia 13 M.Mgomery. Millard, rarerock 1. ".. Laurel Si f 1 H 7Vkfaat 17 104 1 2 2 4* ."• J MeTagrt 6 float Stalwart Helen. Ragle 17518 Bmpire 5-8 l:01%fast 2 112 3 4 3 2* 2" C Turner ! Carerock. Marvelous. Htograpll 17491 Empire 5 f l:o7f,fast 5 107 2 1112 lak J MeTagrt 5 Change. Ms. Maid. Gainsborough 17458 Empire 5-S l:01™fast bh 107 1 1111 1- PetroaT I Hectograph. Marvelous. Leda ANTRIM, ch. f, 3 99 By Celt— Diamontina M. A. Nicoli. i 1 Aqueduct 3 I 1:15 fast Ml Ml 5 6 9 9l 9".V Nieklausi ; Palanqnln, Hiker. San Vega M887 Mboro 51 f 1:M fast 4 1o7 6? P Funl 7 I.advKrvn. Babe. Maid of Honor 20888 Ml.oro 51 f 1:M fast 8 102 I j A Nicklans 8 Mi-s Brash, Onar, Booth 28888 Prospect Ab5-8 l:0l%fast 3 loo - Nicklans 9 Soar. Knight, C.Sqnaw, Pa annul 20475 Klectric 5-S l:00-igood 4 104 4 W Doyle D Royal Onyx. Remarkable. Phew 17510 Empire 5-S l:02%slow 5 109 7 7 8 8 s-1 c Grand :i Boodwomi. Oa.Mahi, I.Marqaette 17423 Empire 6-8 l:oO%fast 12 109 2 2 3 52 V- N HuHf 16 R. Maiden. IleWill. CarlaTerock DEVIL FISH. br. c. 3 110 By Robert lc Diable— Water Nymph E. H/jrz. 21728 Belmonl 3-4 si l:12%fast 100 104 3 3 7 7- 7".M Bnxron 15 T. as Steel. Grampr. D.ofDunbar 21578 Aqueduct 5-8 58 fast 40 MO 3 6 5 7s 7".T McTagt K Onartx. Poiarlns. Vadopeep 20905 Jamaica 51fl:06%fast 100 102 2 5 6 6 6= .1 Drever ft Phosphor, He Will. Garbage 20434 Douglas 1m70y 1:46 hvy 31 114 G 6 7 6 6e 8»* V Keogh 7 Kovalii.. B.aodStars. BncleBryn Alex.Pk. Eng. 5-S good 9-4 126 l2 E Whtley 12 Reynella. Load Report. Geiano Epsom Eng. 5-8 hard 10 116 10 E YVhtlev 15 Polystome, Recnrity. Pennant Dcaster Eng. 5-S hard 3 124 3 3 E YVlitlev 11 Kenevot W.Slper. C.l.vsl. Denis Bath Eng. 5-S hard 5-4 126 2= E Whtley 11 Anawflla. Dm mm. Kilearla VIGNOLA. ch. f, 3 99 By Solitaire II. — Carnation II. H. Watterson. 18417 H.deGee ." t i:08**good 88 ]o9 5 9 10 11 fi" 8 Mavis 15 ThriU, Rirer King, Volant 13434 H.deGee o1. f 1 :08%good 40 109 7 4 6 6h 7--?.S Davis IO Chance. Manrelons. Ilv Home 18411 H.deGee 5-8 l:0 %fast 150 9S 4 6 7 S |»« j MeTagrt s Sarsenet. Between ITs, Gaelic 13358 PimUco 5J f 1:08 fast fid 102 10 8 10 10l 812iJ McTagrtlJ Mamie K.. Boxer, Fair Helen