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I I 1 HAMILTONS GOOD OPENING GREAT CROWD SEES RESIGN WIN THE PRINCE EDWARD SELLING STAKES EASILY. Pan Zareta Finds Her Weight Limit at La3t and Succumbs to Sir Edgar — New Track Record Made — Windsor Values Increased. Hamilton, Ont.. July 24. j. is. Baennaa* lihtlv weighted Resign accounted for Hie Prince Edward Selling Stakes, the feature race of the Opening dins program of the Hamilton Jockey Clubs second meeting, this afternoon. Resign was ridden by M. Garner and followed the pacemaker until entering the homestretch, where he stored up quickly and passing the latter in Ihe last eighth, drew nwny Into an easy lead. S lienier was second and Bendel third. The Prince Edward Selling Stakes was added lo the Hamilton Jockey Club -lake offerings ill 1!IP_« ami its condensed history since that year is as follows: ?,.7.lI- ,wi""or *.Wt Jockey. Val. Time. 1912 Voltborpe ...t lo:; J. UcCabey. 41,140 2:13*4 1813 Blackford ....7 103 I. Teahan... 1,240 ZM 1914 Barnegal I 105 J. Metealf... 1,130 2:05i 1916 Resign :; hum. Garner.. 1,689 1:47 Distance 1 ] 4 miles previous to l!ll." . A tremendous gathering turned out to witness the sp it. Conditions were ideal and with goad tiebls named in a majority of he races, interesting eon tests resulted. Aside from the Prince Edward Makes, interest centered in the | nanlng of the Ulan-bid Handicap, a dash of three ■anartcrs, u wiij,.i, some of the best sprinters on the t rounds went to the poet. Fan Zareta. carrying top weight of 140 pounds, suffered her second defeat on the Canadian circuit this year iu this race when she finished second t . II. ;. BedweUa sir Edgar. The latter went to the from son after the start and. with standing a game challenge from pan Zareta at the eighth po-t. came agniu and beat the Newman mare by a neck after -he iiad aslmd a brief lead Het imposi nf l K |Miumls told oa Pau Zareta in the final strides. The Canadian bred illy Slipper Hay created a new track record for Ave and a half farlooga when aha won Ih.- sixth race. She made all the pace and ran the distance in 1:11.".-.-,. The s| |, Kewessa was second to her at the linish. Al a meeting of the Stewards "f ihe Canadian Racing Associations held this afternoon a rule was passed per nitttng owners and trainers to start man ihan one horse in selling steeplechases without being couple. I. The following licenses were granted: Trainers— W. T. Anderson. II. Boyle. C. E. Hansen. J. Hope. Jockeys — O. Bowser, H. Crawford. T. Cummins. C. Hint, P. Sciillv and J. A. Slerrell. Jockey Schutttnger, who was suspended at Fort Erie, was restored to good standing. E. G. Williams, of Spadina avenue. Toronto. dropped dead in Ihe grandstand after the running of the fifth nee. J. W. Dayton announced today that he would ship the old steeplechaser Mystic Light from hen to his farm ai Northeast. Maryland, for retirement. During the four years that Mr. Dayton raced the in ree he won eighteen Jumping race- tor him. Secretary Allie Loudon, looking none the wane ft r the severe operation he underwent u few weeks ago. was at the course today attending to his various duties. Mr. Loudon was congratulated by his many f Henna "ii h:s speedy recovery. Several stables arrived from New Sork yesterday, among them those of W. T. Anderson anil John Whaleu. Jockey Fan! Lewder was an arrival from New York. He nam here to Join the division of the L. S. Thompson stable thai Albert Sim uis is campaigning iii Canada. Judge Francis Nelson, who was incapacitated nt Wind-or by sicklies-, wa- mi hand this afternoon fully recovered. II. Ii, Pedwell. who spent several days at Lam I following the close of the Fort Erie meeting, report-many improvements made at the Maryland track. The InfleM has been leveled and sodded since last fall, but a- yet ii" jumps have been ei ted on the Steeplechase course. The Laurel course is now iu charge of Superintendent Iluteiiins. George M. Hendrie. president of the Windsor Jockey Ciuh. was a visitor at the Hamilton course this afternoon. He made an announcement of great Importance to the horsemen during the after noon. The Windsor Jockey Club, at a meeting held directly after ihe close ,,f Wednesday.- race-, decided Ihat in fut uie to make the purses in all over night races average *7ihi. Daring ihe next meeting there will also be three stakes run- one of S.l.lMO another of ?2.IHH and one of ,500 added. This will make the meetings at Wind-or rank wiih the seal in the country. Jockey Eddie Taplin was taken -ick this morning after reducing en the road and wa- forced to cancel hi- engagemeats for the afternoon. Layers who cut iu here thi- .lftern , Included . Kerry Hart. Fred Co k. Gene Mujrne. Harry Gardner, Jake Sander-. John Hare. F. 11. Brognnd Eddie Austin, Peter McUrath. Max Frank. Horace Paul. •Shue.v Dron. Sam Bradley, "Rod" McMahon, A. S Valentine. Ted Cobiirn. A. Pritchard, W. P. On, J. Turf. C. B. Walters, his Plume. Rarner Sehreiber, Bgan .v Anderson. Mike Harris. Jack Atkin E. II. Hughes, John MeUinger, T. Ilanahau and J. Hendricks. The delegation that came up from New York to witness the racing included Wallie Brinkworth, W. Sipny. G. Holmes. Steve I/Hoinmedieii. Harry Shaw, Joe SSeigler and P F. Pomfrey. Sam Louis purchased from Albert Simons thU morning th" sprinter Miramichi. which was injured at Windsor by bolting into a fence.