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DEER LODGE RACING TO BE REVIVED. Mr. William Gemmell, well known iu couueetllou with racing at Butte, is to give a race meeting ai Peer Lodge. Mont., and in a bier to Dally Racing Form, concerning the matter, says: "II probably would be a matter of interest to your readers t. know that tin- undersigned will run a race meeting ai Deer Lodge race track be ginlng Saturday, July .II. and running fourteen or more day-. ■dial betting may. ..r may not. lie permitted. As Butte and Anaconda have no other attractions. I look for a bit; patronage from both cities ami hope to be able b pay liberal purees. Special li.iii- will run lo and from Butte every race daj . • riieic are eighty-five horses already quartered at Ihe lac- traik. which came here ft-ein Denver after the do-e of Ihal greeting, and others from other poiuts are expected,"