Fourth Race [4th Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-25

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FOURTH RACE — 1 1-8 Miles. Sandringhrr. Handicap. 3-ycar-olds and r.pward. ::22H — 1 •Via- .", -113. COMMONADA, ch. c. I 108 By The Commoner— Nevada R. J. Ausln. 17 i Wind or :: 1 l:l--.ia-l 16 • "• 2 2 :" 1 Kederia ."• Pan Zareta, Id Howard Recoil iVindsor 1 1 8 1:52 last 39-3 106 112 3 tV- 7" A Mott 7 Slumber I!.. Indoles ■ Ram-ln-r Ham ton 1 1 S 1:55 slop ?1 106 2 1 4 5 ." C - K Taidin li Wat -buss, Tactics Fount Fay I ■ Ha nton 1 1 I ::" rasl 125 1 1 2 2 2 :. 11 Jackson :. The Finn. Rancher. F Monti no ■1 BlueBon. 11 M :.:...fa.-t 11 5 I08 1112 V f F Jackson I Kinglj r:i -ties Waterliass " ilia loii 1 1 S9%fas1 1 103 3 1 1 1 1 |» 11 Shilling :, BveCunard r VV Lidi Shrness I ■ dbine 11-8 1:53 fast 22-6 104 7, 1 l 1 l : - hugfr 0 Kinglv. SIuiuIkt II Waterhass 04 r Wdbine 1 1-8 l:54%fast 26-5 125 1 1 1 1 1 l» F Jackson 7 Cliff Haven, Boxer Flj Home 30392 Wdbine 3 4 1:13 good 87 Mil 4 S 4 l»* i -1 Smyth 7 Kea-exsa, Back Baj Water Lady 20179 Lexgtoa 1 1 8 1:54 slow 4:: 112 5 2 3 4 E ::-T McTagt ii Sharnsliooter Tetan F Co.-m-in • Cgton lm70j 1 ; ;:• ■ fast 96 108 4 11 1 -* 3*1 T McTagtlfl KoyallL, Shsbooter Ic, „biin 16333 FortErie 6-8 1 :oo--,fast fi 112 9 7 7 7 •* W Waron 11 Heeaan. Tnkav Maria EXPECTATION, b. g, 4 100 Bv Kilkerran— Tapioia CE. McFarland, II 102 5 6 6 4 iloti t; ItanelK r. O, !. . rick Celto 21234 l.alonia 1 1 lfi 1 1 103 7 7". l I1 l| A Motl S Maun [mm xsion ttaonl tonia 1 is! 13-20 98 2 3 2 2 1*2 1- M Can, or Ei Bnlali S. J.Beardon thildColor 1003 l.a|,.n;a 1 I 16 l:46%fast 29-20 104 7 E r. :, f* 2* A Motl II Fan!.!. ill. WsworthsLasI . - . .t.nia 1 I 16 1:48 fast 2 103 S 4 4 4 -i - I- A Mott fi MissThorpe, GiiidelSwl Mallanl I in ana 1 1 -. 1 :v •.!:,,. 42-10 108 2 2 3 2 2 21 A Molt 1: Beulah s. Brvnlimab M..l..rv 20717 Douglas 11 lfi 1:1" ■•..last 12 108 l 3 I 4 l- . , A Mott R Gold.Bnj Grosvenor Brynlimah 20466 Douglas 11-8 1 ■..imi. 1 10 104 2 E G i; 1, 1 : a Motl . Bonanza. Any Port, Brynlimah BARNEGAT. b. sr. 5 98 Bv Broomstick — Jersey Lightning fR. E. Watkina". H ton I t 9 7 8 8* 8» J Metcalf l! Resign. Scliemcr, Bendel :i7t- Windsor 1 1:40 1 t 34-5 M4 8 8 7 7 Ion S Fount. Fa Scliemer Waterl idv 21701 Wind or I l:40%slow 23 100 222 2 2 .1 Acton il Wertiass, TheW.Moon Ci Windsor 1 1 8 1:32 fast 28 100 7 1; 7 7 7 ! • J Actoa 7 Slumhci II. ludole •• Randier Ham ton 1 1 8 1:53 slop 10 102 I fi ,; : , ■ c VanDu n • Waterbass. Tactics I ounl Fay : ■ Hamton 1 I 18 1:48 fast 12 166 6 :. 4 E fi M Metcalf 0 B. Hensley, Klngllambtin: Celio 17771 Laurel I 1-16 1 :44%fasl il 17 5 4 5 4 -I- 4 . i: Shilllne r R.Bradley. Ftergold. MghtsticK •aurel 1 i 16 l:46*4fast 17-6 Ml 12 2 1 1 8« .1 Bat well 4 Pandean. TI ihlll. Fit. Nearer BOB HENSLEY. ch. g. 4 114 Rv Ranid Water— Mae Erwin E. B. Elkinsl. Isor i 1:40t4slov 5 lis 13 3 3 4 | I Murphy 1; Bar net 1 W Moon A ml or 1 1:4 mud 17-5 112 3 2 j S !■ 1- F Mnrpby :. Tactics. Tln-W.Moon i Pie I, ire 1 FortErie . I 1 li I HI 4 13 1 J A on 8 Watei l.ah . ogne. Bendel I ■ s 1 -"i M- : 1 i 1 hw 108 5 4 4 4 ■ I .1 Keileris R Back Bav. Vogue lb. oil 1 5 Hamton 1 1-16 1:46 rasl 1 106 311 1 IM A Key Ion 0 Kim? Hamburg Celto indolence I .at onia I 1 ■;■•. h 73-10 104 12 5 2 . V Murphy K S.Jasmine, Kbrobl.T.i B iSfars --.• I it. .nia 2 4 1:12 good I! Imi 5 4 3 :" 2 M Garner 7 B.aiul 11 . Haw thorn I Kallier • I ■ol 1 1 lfi 1:1. .1011.1 ■:. -o I". I " 1 1 :.■ 1 . W .1 ol.ii :. B.C.imlle, GcrestBoi iVtalielle I a. .oia Iui70j i l- rasl II ", ho :: :; | -j f 2* .1 Hanover li Ui Rar. lii-i n, •■,,.. 1 .-,i„., ,,,,,. .o7ll DougUU lm70 1! 17 bii 3 3 2 2 I" 2l J llan,,er t Llasmlne, L.Skolny. B.Bi oli.y

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