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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. Entered as second class matter. April 2. 1SOC, at the post olln-e at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March S. 1S79. New York City Office: 50! Fifth Ave. All dealers supplied from this office. Hack imniliers and monthlies supplied. For sale at all hotels and news-stands. SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PALD IN ADVANCE. Per Month .50 Half Year 9.00 One Year 17.00 The above rates are for single copies as sealed lettera--tii st-clas-, mail. HACK NUMBLRS 5 CENTS EACH. If sent hy mall first-class only six cents. Dally Racing Form 1uulIshlnR Co. prefers to send 6Uieie copies as first class mail iu all cases. Local subeeriptloos— outside the downtown district—will be declined ut other than first-class mail matter rates. A Iiaily Kelie.tion of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor. V. H. Brunell. Associate Editor, Clinton C. Kiley. .-Ycretar. Mi . P. H. Brunei I. TELEPHONE 2037 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be iibcd U com nuinkute with them. To lie considered and answered, all queries to Pailv Racing Form must be sent over the full name und with the adilress of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory teat. KT. LOUIS, MO., OFFICE. 112 N, BROADWAY. Win. Laser, General Agent. Telephone Bell Olive 4653. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI, 0 . eiTICK. 720 MAIN ST. W. S. Manus. General Agent. Telephone Canal 1S77. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. DLTROIT. MICH.. OFFICE, 85 CONOKESS ST. Hvst. Cornel- Wayne Street. 1. Grosscttp. Central Agent. Telephones: Main, oli; City SS 2. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. LOUISVILLE. KY . OFFICE, 2:;:i FOURTH AVE. C. T. Bearing. General Agent. Cumberland 1none: Main 5156 I Home Ilione: City 1508.1 Back numbers and monthlies ■applied. riTTBlRGn. PA., OFFICE, 307:109 THIRD AVK. H. A. Schafer News . .. General Agent, itnok number- and monthlies supplied. AKRON. OHIO: Summit Cigar Store, 115 South Main Street. ANACONDA. MONT.: I. M. Minor, ill Main Street. BLUE ISLAND. ILL.: H. D. UK; Union Street. BUFFALO. N Y.: R. .1. Betdenberg. BUlcott Suuure. News-stand. BlTTB. MONT.: Reefs Bros.. 27 West Park Street. CHARLESTON. S. C: !, Doacber, 2-12 Meeting Street. CLEVELAND, OHIO: .!. C. Budd. 922 Superior Avenue. OS Schroeder. 212 IS. Superior Straat. DAYTON. OHIO: H. Knphrat. 129 South Jefferson Street. DENVER. COLO.: Kendrick-Bellamy Co.. 900 912 Seventeenth Street. EL PASO, TEXAS: Coney Island News stand, 109 N. Oregon Street. J. 3. Harrington, News Dealer, 110 Mills Street. Kl ANSVILLU. IND. : C. H. ■tockwell, 201 Upper Second Street. HAMILTON. ONT.: M, Arthurs News Agency. 12 Rebecca Street. Thomas French. 9 i James Street North. HOT SPRINGS, ARK.: 0. H. Weaver Jk Co., 258 Central Street. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.: .1. A. Moeslein. News stand. Waiting Room. Icruil-nal Station. JAMLSToWN, N. Y.: J. A. JacolHou. 1 South Main Street. KANSAS CITY. MO.: Rlckseoker Cigar and News Co.. Ninth and Walnut Streets. RUN OS HA. WIS.: !. H. Krnst and Co.. 271 Main Street. LEXINGTON. KY.: K. T. Graves. 108 North Limestone Street. W. E. Hudson. Main ami Limestone StrcetH. LINCOLN. ILL.. B. M. Nelson. 409 Pulaski St. MeKEESPORT. PA.: Lloyd Torreyson. Frank W. Torreyson. MEMPHIS. TENN.:* World News Co. Pea. bod v Hotel News-stand. MILWAUKEE. WIS.: Frank Mulkeru. Third and Grand Avenues. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.: M. N. DuTIel M South Third Street. NASHVILLE. TENN.: /.ibart Bros., 7U1 Church Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA.: OGDEN, UTAH: Ld. A. htaasey, 348 25th Street. OKLAHOMA CITY, OK LA.: March Dallv News Co., Main and Broadway. PEORIA, ILL.: Peoria News stand, 500 Main Street. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: Chas. W. McGiilis, News Dealer. SPOKANE. WASH.: Siubeck and Gambel. TOLEDO, OHIO: T. E. Mattlmore, 112 St. Clair Street. TORONTO. ONT.: W. 0. Ormsby. Irocpiois Hotel. II. V. OConnor, Palmer House. U. E. Waldo, . Imperial Hotel. A. Weinstein 104 St. Patrick Street. WEST BADEN, IND.: .i. 0. fencer. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CHIC M.o, ILLINOIS, II l.Y 28. I : 1 ",