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SECOND RACE — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 36S76 Idg 3 166. BAC. ch. g. 4 113 By Cunard— Bandello A. Miller. 21869 Belmonl 1 l:40%fast 8-6 117 2 2 3 3 31 :."• J BatweTJ I K 1 nistie. roniuiaur..tia. Nllrbt 2M07 Aqueduct 3 4 1:13 fast 9-10 117 3 1 2 li 2J J Butwell 7 Thornhill. CvMerri. k. II. Junior 21328 Aquedct 11 M 1:47 fast 1-S 113 ill 1 l2 l- J P.utwell :: Ken Qnince, Raj oLigbl 21273 Aqueduct 1 l:3Si*fast q 115 112 2 U l" J Butwell 5 Harry Shaw, Thornhill. CliffField 20828 Belmont 1 1 :::9 fast 11-5 113 14 4 3 3-- 2 1 Kyrne 4 W.Shoes. Fenmoose. Stonbeore 2n7":: Me lmont 1 l:3844faat 31 Ml 2 4 4 I Ill1 J P.utwell ii M.M. Miller. Astrologer. G. Fisher 20356 Church* 1 1 l:40%slov 14 110 5 4 7 7 8- 8ln J Botwell IO GoMcstBoy. Hocnir. Stoiitlleait 20241 Chnrchl 1 l:37%faat :r7 107 4 4 3 5 41 5IS J Botwell 7 B.s Choice. Hodge. Con. Tower 17862 Laun 1 3 I I:l3%fast 42 113 12 12 12 12 12" C Fbther 12 Klla Bryson, Briar Path. Tranid 17808 Laurel I 1-16 l:45%fast 4 . M 8 5 8 5 »;- S"" JMcTagrtll IJt. Nearer, Montre-or. Rxeentor 17594 Laurel 11-16 1:45 fast S 107 111 1 3 Pi M Boxton 6 Amalti. Aatbrose.Rlne Thistle LADY TERESA, b. f, 3 103 By Star Shoot— Marihel Quincy Stable. S1686 Belmont 1 l:38%fast S3 96 6 5 4 1 l5 1° J MeKver it OM Men. bookerttill. Stoneltengc 21584 Aqnednct 11:45 slop 1S-3 106 2 13 1 2*1 3*1 J MeKver 5 All Smiles, Saratoga. Grumpy 21235 Aqueduct 3-11:14 fast 15 110 6 7 7 7 6"iC Bganie 7 Wanda Pitxer. Etruscan. MeU ill 28873 Jamaica 11-18 1:61 fast 4-5 96 2 4 2 3 3« 2] J McCahey 5 J. J. l.illis. Hedge. Patrick S. 20216 Pimlico 1 l:41%fast 17-10 96 7 3 Lost rider. J McCahey 7 Klines. Delto. Volant 20118 H.rteGee 3-4 1 :13%goodl7-10 96 4 4 4 6* 4 J McCahey 8 P. Kleu. N. Simplex. IL Templo 20057 H.deGee BJ f l:0S2-,fast 12-5 103 1 7 6 8 3- . K Ambrose 8 Celto. NorseKing. Her. Temple 20017 H.deGee 5-S 59 ifast 18-5 105 5 6 5 8 9° E Amtirosel:! NorseKing. Protector. N.SlmploX 15S05 Empire 55 f l:07%slovv 2J 104 3 3 3 2» l1 J McCahey 4 Cnat AI Bswesa. Geo.Roescb LAHORE, ch. g. 7 • 10S By Delhi— Nora Creina J. L. Paul. 17483 Wdbine 2 1-4 34*4faat 12J Mo 12 7 7 7 /" H Ambrose 7 G. Britain. Barnegat, Fount lav 17373 Wdbine 1 1 -1 2:,5fast 19 112 3 11 1 1" 8*1 P Mnrphy 7 !. Britain. Rndolfo. Barnegal 17279 Dor val 1 I 16 1 :".0 fast 6-5 126 3 3 4 4 31 |J I Ambrose 4 Carlton G.. Ray oLight, Pool 17037 BlueBon. 7-8 l:2S%faat 11-5 116 1 6 5 5* 4*4 B Ambrose 1; CltooG., D.R.L.8enger. "e:.-iud 16810 KlueBon. 4 ill 5 8 8 7 .".- 8*1 G Kunis 11 Dorothy Mean. Inkle, M.ubard 16756 Conght 1 l:4l=r.hvy 8 S 112 2 2 2 2 2. 1" P Murphy « Vreel.-fd. Rndolfo. Tactics 166S4 Conght 1 l:44%hvy 12-5 110 2 3 3 3 V 2 R Watts 7 Polly IL. Privet Petal. Harhard 16504 Saratoga 1 3-18 2:03%nvy 4 112 2 3 2 2 2: 2- s Davis 1« Star Gate. Baa Vega, Andes 16332 Saratoga 1 1 S 1 6 110 3 1 1 1 l1 11 S Mavis 8 Amalti. Virile. Old Ben WANDA PITZER. b. m, 5 107 By Peep oDay— My Gem J. S. Ownbey. 21887 Belmont 3 l:i::%fast 7 117 1 6 4 4 5*1 M Mthews s Etruscan, Cv Merrick. Femnouse 21235 Aqueduct 3-4 1:14 fast 4. no 3 4 4 2J Ik M Mthews 7 Ktmscan. Me Will. Helen Barbei 21103 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 11-5 10s 1 1 1 M 11 M Bnxton 3 Barry Shaw. Spring Board 20753 Kelmont 1 l:39ifast 1S-5 10.S 1112 2"t 5-, T Nolan 6 Bae. G. M. Miller, Astrology 20233 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%faat 11-5 109 1 4 3 l 3* T Nolan S WaterLady, Corsican, Tow.Pleld 30033 H.deGee GJ f 1:08 slow 2 106 2 2 2 V ll C Miller 7 Sarsenet, tlilf Field, Beiamour 19647 Havana 5 f l:o6t-5last 2 183 5 3 31 1° C Miller S Briar Path, /.ali. A. N*. Akin IS756 Charlen 5-S 1 :01 fast 4 114 8 7 9 9 6»i J Connors » Indauntil. BlkCliief. A.N.Akin 18678 Charlen oh f 1 :08 fast 9-5 101 9 9 8 82 li H Laffertv 0 Ancon. Colle. Judge Wright 18637 Charlen 3-4 1 :15i/5mud 15 107 1 44 6 6" H I.afTc tv 7 llarrv Sl.nvv Ancon. ClilT field TALECARRIER, br. h, 5 112 By Armeath IL— Jumbly Girl G. J. Day. 21217 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%faat 25 in 5 5 4 2- 1- R Waldron « T. as Steel, Andes. Black thorn 21043 Jamaica 5. 1:67 last 15 115 5 6 6 8* 4: B Waldron :i Palanquin, Vadopeep. Axybidi 20143 Pimlico 3 1 1:14 fast 110 118 I 1 I 4* 1 I M aT thews 5 Andrew. Hes. Prynne. R. Ma • n 15831 Empire 5. f l:06%fast S 113 4 5 G 5*« •". E Alley •. Mater, Lily Orme, Marl 15280 Aqueduct 1 l:42iislow 25 122 3 16 7 7 7-".K Alley 7 Ooldy. Baingprfleld. Heartbeat 14885 Mboro Abs 8 1 : OlHfast 10 107 1 | 1-: Alter 6 B.of B.Mawr. Roy.Dolly. Hkeeta DM72 Pimlico 11-4 241 fast 7 KB 3 2 2 2 2" 1- R Waldron 16 Ambrose, Buskin. Barnegal FRANK HUDSON, b. p. 5 109 Bv Orlando— Geld Mint J. W. Hedrick. Jr. 1. 21786 Belmonl 3-4 l:13%fast 30 116 : 8 s 3 ►** J Butwell • Binah Bo, Minstrel, Grumpy 20129 H.deGee 3-4 1:13 slow 40 H7 S s 7 S 8 M Buxton :• Yodeling, MartinCaaea, V. Lad 18291 Havana 3 1 MIThw 8 M8 4 1 21 l4 J Gartner Ml Marg.Meise, San Jon, Coreopsis 19191 Havana 12:1 hvy 9 5 99 E 4 4 4 l*» J Gartner 5 Water Lad, Mockler. Heartbeat 19179 Havana 1 2:S2Hhvy 21. 185 4 1 1 1* 1* J Gartner 8 P. Regan. L. Rankin. Heartbeat 19109 Havana I 2:0P£mud 11-3 113 5 I 2 210 l1 K Taptin 6 Mockler. URankin. O. the Sands lf098 Havana 3-4 l:22%slow 6 112 13 I I : ■.1 Connors 12 Wander. Sepulrda. StrsAStrips 19019 Havana 61 f l:14tfivy 8 109 s 8 B» : .1 Connors 8 Son. Boy, Yel. Kyea. Miss Jean 18795 Charlen 1 l:45%slop 1 108 5 6 6 6 6J 8»l J Connors 9 K.ofSavov. BillleBaker, Mr.Mack 1876S Charlen 3-4 1:17 slop Z| 103 6 6 7 6M i-i W l.illey R Petelns, Brandywine, Galaxy EASTER STAR. ch. g, 4 103 By Star Shoot— Nsbat J. E. Madden. 21726 Belmonl 1 1 - 1 :5 104 MM It :• * :r-i Bnxton 11 Polly IL. OSnllivan Napier 21689 Belmont 1 l:40%fast 40 103 5 5 5 5 5»» §*• L Allen li Kim- Thistle. Commanretta. Bac 21807 Aqueduct 3-4 1:13 fast loo ]oi 6 6 8 8* 6" C Brady 7 Thornhill Bae. Cv Merrick 20B53 Jamaica 1 1 8 1 ,-.-,|ast 13-5 ni 5 4 4 5 6* r.-np Hopkins ". Kl Hio.i. Coin. HerniisJr. 0848 Belmont 1 l:40%fast 8 100 6 6 6 :: 4j 6* P Lowder « Gnr Kisher. CamelUa, Rohinelta 20499 Belmont 1 l:40%good 10 108 5 6 5 E :," ■•. L Allen i AI Bloeh, Jawbone, Stonehenge 17879 Laurel 1 1 1 2 v:a. .fa-t 31-5 98 7 5 6 s 6 8*J R Shilling K Paton, GoMy. Mod Sill 17733 Laurel 1 1 1 :r.2-,.fast 27-5 loo 7 S S S Ss 5*1 D StewardlO Centanri. Hoiton. Gerrard 17288 Belmont 11 K l:46Hfast 8 ph. :i 6 6 S .V 4:- H Sumter 0 Blue Thistle. G.rtsher. Klitaway 17263 Kelmont 1 1-8 l:52%fast 3-2 93 1 2 3 3 3 3- H Sumter 3 Virile, Spearhead SONG OF VALLEY, b. g. 4 103 Bv- Isidor— Queen of Sonfr iH, Watterson. 21710 Belmonl 1 l:41%faal 20 Mo ill! 11 13 18* 15" M Mthewsl7 Drrao Nanier Tinkle Bell 21612 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14%fast 15 109 13 9 s 7: 6,M Steward 14 Ootlook, Plntagenet, Men. Park 21560 Aqueduct 3-4 l:16%slop 25 102 8 8 7 5- :" ■ M Mthews 6 Iataose, PlanUgenet, San Vegs 21324 Aqueduct 3-4 1:15 fast 20 112 9 S3 8J 78J B Waldron 1 I Palanquin, Hiker, Kan Vega 21219 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:481fefast 7 102 4 3 1 1 2» 4* M Mthews 9 OSnlllran, Snehenge, HermisJr. 21171 Jamaica 51 f 1:87 last 25 114 s 7 7 4- 4» K Waldronll Penmouse, Piantagenet, Minstrel 21105 Jamaica 5Jfl:o7%fast 12 112 8 8 4 4* 4" H Lafferty 8 Elkridge. G. Edge. M.B.Enlianka •0888 Jamaica 1 1 16 l:S0%slow 15 107 4 4 2 4 415" P I.owder 7 G.M.Miller. B.Qulnce Roblnetta 28884 Jamaica 5J f 1 :07 fast 20 112 2 I 5 4" 4" W Iral 1; I. Sin. re. Piantagenet Kl Mahdi 20697 Belmont 3-4 at l:18%faat 10 109 7 7 6 51 5" I Steward 9 Striker. Forecast. Amans