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FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3 -year-olds and upward. Handicap. 308741 1:38 3 MM. HODGE ch. g, 4 118 Bv Ivan the Terrible — Xannie Hodge W. J. Weber"; .;-.. i;,| ,.,;,: i | g l:51%fast 6 11! 2 3 3 G •■ 5*1 C Turn.-,- 7 Gainer. Addie M.. Sam Jackson , Belmont l 1-4 2:05%fast 8 lit* 5 8 10 5 5?. 4 V Keogh It Stromboll, S. Jackson. Srpshootel .Ionia 1 3-16 l:57%faat 13-5 128 7 5 5 3 J.1 BH r Keogh 11 Pce Hermla, H. 0*Day, livvi.l. ,:.i,,, lia 1 : s 1 :53/andgood31 20 122 211 1 I1 tl F Keogh . Bnxewing, GcrestBoy, W.Witcb ■::;i 3 I l:H--.iast li ■ 122 X 3 3 V 1 V Ko.jlIi 7 Leoehares, S. Jasmine, Qwthorn •;ii Latonia 3 1 1:12 fast 8-2 123 2 2 3 SJ ::-, R Martin G LittleFather, Leoehares. Benanei ,nia :; i i:ii-,,fast 41 lis 1 2 2 li I1 B Martin t leoehares, TbeNorman, Benanei . , atoida 1 t IS 1:46 fast 18-5 119 4 4 3 S 3" 8» F Keogh ." Wrbloasom, P.Ilermis, B. Flower ., i ouglaa i l i; l:43%fast 2-2 lit; 3 4 4 4 2J 21 I" Reoek 8 Rancher, Black Toner. Leo Kay Douglas 1 1 I 2:1" hhvy 28-3 108 12 4 3 3* 2J E Martin 9 Barrow, P. Hernia, I". Cochran UUF.TTE, ch. f. 3 108 By Celt — Adriana M. Corbett. ;,■• i:,i- i i ifi 1:43 fasl 18-6 in 2 3 2 5 i: i;: .1 But well 7 Saratoga, T. by Jury, Vladimir .,,: iiuet :: i l:13%fast 3-5 112 1 1 1 liiJ J BntweU 4 llanovia. Capra, Helen Barbee • :::,.!.;:., ai. a :: I 1:13 Cast 2" 105 1 1 1 1 ! 1 l ; Byrne S Itarmonieon, H. Pm H.Nooo IS4«:! il deOce :: t 1:13 fast s i 88 2 2 2 2*121 .1 Smyth c. Honsemakl, W.Ladjr, B.Cunardei I,!.:, 11 deUce 5-8 l:01%slow 8 10 118 1 2 1 1*11 .1 Batwell 7 B. Flower, Wtertown. Beadmast 17224 Belmonl 3-4 st 1:12 fast 2J 112 4 E 2 2r -" M Nathan 7 Sharpshooter, Dinah Do. .Maid 17109 Itvlmoiil 51 f si l:04%taat 4 114 1 11 1* 2» M Nathan 7 L.Rotha, lieadmast, S.McMeekln l,"M Belmont 6J f st 1 :04«ifast 8-5 1!" 2 2 3 4s :.- M Boxton 5 H. Noon, R. Martyr. S.McMeekln !«;:i IVlmont :f 4 st 1:14 fast 3 at : 12 ]i 22 M Baxtoa 0 charter Maid. Capra. Lady Botha BAYBERKY CANDLE, ch. f. 4 104 By fl— all — Tower of Candles J. G. Greener. ,., ii.imonl I I 18 1:47 fast 7 11 l 2 r. 5 4= 3r". J BntweU 3 Gainer. Addie M., Thoruhill a Be lmonl ■ l:38%fast H "113 2 4 4 3 3" VH BntweU 5 T.byJnry. Pebbles, Charter Maid ,.i.:: Vquedcl 1 1-16 l:50%slop 4-G no 2 2 2 l 1- 1*14 Butwell ;. Flying Fairy, Sara Jackaon "1446 Vqueduct 11:41 alow 8 ill 2 3 4 3 l1 l2 1 Batwell 4 Bnckborn. Fly. Fairy, B. Maiden 211-1 Latonla lm70y !:42%faat 83-10 108 2 2 3 3 V 8»1 W Meefaan : W. Witch. P. Hermla, Bryalimali • latonia 1 l:40%mud 2". 106 3 4 4 1 4- 2- W Meehan R StarJasmine, J.Gnnd. D.Craig 20898 Daioniii 1 1-16 l:47%mud 41-10 110 3 3 2 4 f 11 W Meehan 5 GcrestBoy, FetabeUe, B.llsley 20816 Latonla 1 1- M 1 :4I=-.-,fast 16 104 fi 6 fi 6 i.- 8*1 W Meehan 0 PceHermia, B.Toney, S.Jasmine 20651 Uouglaa 1 1-1« l:4a%fast 4 1"" 12 3 3 1»1 1» B Martin 5 Bronaewmg, D. Craig, G.nngbcf "040* Douglas 1 1-16 l:47%mud 121 102 S 2 4 3 22 l"t W Meehan 7 Lit.String. Rlngling, Gold.Boy 241356 Chuiehill 1 l:40%alow 22 id I 10 10 9 8 61 8* W Meehan 10 GoldcstBor, Hoenlr. Stoutlleart I.F.O SK0LNY, ch. c. 4 102 By Star Shoot — Lady Alberta R. J. Mactaaiia. i,;7 Belinoni 3 . I:13%fas1 5 128 11 lo s 71 ««| J McCaheyll Polarins, Vladimir. Fenmoose : nii.-at ; t.::iiV,!ast ls-3 111 1 1 1 1 1 l" .1 McCahey «J Harry Shaw. Roly. Thornhill ■1474 Vquettuct 7 S 1:30 slop 12 MS 4 4 6 3 34 :r- M Buxton 8 Ihospbor, I"om. Blen, Ten Point ■li-; Vqueduct 61 f l:20*£slow 2 5 1 in 1 4 4 4 2- Borel 4 Thornhill. Prairia, Trite as Steel »!■;■ Vqueduel SJ I 1:20 last 4 198 I ill1 1- M Buxton 4 H. Prynac, l . Ragle. B. Martyr •Ni741 Uouglaa lm7»y l:42%fast 89-14 1H 2 111 |M ja , Uott 4 S.Jasmine, B.Hensley, R.Bdley ■.,.,i Douglas 3-4 i:iPDfast 34-5 186 :; 2 3 32 31 K Lapaille 4 B. Toner. Chalmers B. Henslej •■" ! ..; t-his lni7"v 1 :47--.h w 5 4 107 4 I 2 8 2 I* W Meehan S Dorieh, Groy. Hughes, Gold.Boy 1MHB4 Douglas I l:41%mud 1 112 4 11 1 l» 1» J Butwell 4 Mooaaxa. tol.T.Creen. Paa Maid TTEDCE, b. m. 6 99 By Planudes — Partridge H. C. Kallenbeck. , ... i„i in i | S 1:54 fast 2.:. ill 1 1 1 1 1" I- .l Butwell It O Sullivan, Lazuli. Sir Denrali ! 1:11 fast 18-5 118 G 9 8 3 ?.- 2i ,T Butwell . Dist. Shore, W. Shoes, OSulIivan IvlmtHil 11 16 l:46%fast 6 105 6 6 6 6 8 4*1 0 Byrne 8 Virile. Vodeles. old Ben luinaicn 1 1 16 1:4 fast 8-5 ID G S 4 4 4= 3".. ; Byma •", J. .7. Lillis. I.. Teresa. Patricks B.lmonl 1 1 s :, HM 3 3 2 2 2" 2-:;.i McCahey 4 PUttergold, Runes. Garbage ...i Ikdmont 1 1-1« 1:1i% fast 31 108 3 222 2"* V G Byrne ." Norse King. Top Hat, Addie M 17771 Launl 1 1-16 l:44%tast 9 1"! 2 . 4 5 G 5"1.I McCahey R K.Bradlev. P*tergOld, Nlghtstlct 17,.., I. .inn; 1 1-IC l:43%fast 43 103 930 7 7J 71,U McTagrtlO StromboU. Roamer, Tartar 17042 Belmont 1 1 1 2:"4 fast a 185 4 4 4 4 4 4. J McTa::vt 4 Roamer, Addie M., Pandean IT":: Belmont 1 1:3S fast 8-5 11*i 2 3 2 2 2- 0 Kbther li Ciiarli stottiau. Thornhill 1 •,::-.i. Sara I oga 1 l:39.f,fast 7 10 7 7 7 7 4iDSA Neylon 7 Crosslum. it. Bradley, S.J.Jhnson IC2«1 Saratoca 1 l:39%fast 6 113 2 7 7 fi 5- 5» A Neylon 7 SirJ. Johnson. F.Park, It. Bradley HOLIDAY, b. g, 4 95 By Broomstick — Leisure A. Barklie. i,ri Belmonl I l:40%alow 13-3 p ., 12 3 2 " :;■.. M Baxton v Transit. RckView, RhineMaiden "1708 Belmont 3-4 st 1:11 thai 80 13" 3 r, C 5l 5«J M Buxton 7 Etruscan, HanoTia. He Will PIp.Rk Ab3-4 l:!2U,fast fi 10 2 3 3 21 l*iC 1htlier 7 Rhine Maiden. Figlnny. Rassano L0565 Belmonl 3-4 1:13 good 40 105 4 4 S 6 5"IG Byrne r. Bock View, Van.Notions. Tartar IS382 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:47%fast 24-3 Ma 12 2 2 2 2»1 .1 McTarrt 5 Thornhill. L. Nearer. BrrnUmal Laurel 1 1-16 1 :4:,%fast 5 M5 3 3 3 S 2= 2?. .1 McTagTt " Spearhead. Bryallmah. i l Daj 1S167 Laurel 1 l-.SS.-fefast 11 :»7 4 G "1 S 61 6l«JJ 1 Ryan 8 Republican, Ptbroafa, Montreaor 18137 Laurel 1 1-16 l:45«f,fast 9 108 2 2 2 2 Z* MM Buxton 0 Aniali. Spearhead. Thornhill 17891 Laurel 1 1-8 l:52%fast fi" 88 4 8 3 4 4! I11-] J P Ryan 5 Buskin. 1. M. Miller. Pandean 17716 W. Marsh 1 fast 1-4 13S l»| T Divies 3 Ida Reek. Sar.dy Flash 14943 Belmonl 1 1-M 1:15 fast 41 92 2 1 2 4 4 4SJ J I Ryan 4 Syosset IL. Amalfi. Addie M. TRANSIT, ch. c, 4 102 By Transvaal — Resignation J. W. Goldblatt. :,.,! Beli 11 1 l:l" -f.slow fi IV4 » 1 1 I 11 lJ W LIBey 4 UockView, Holiday. Br. Maiden : Latonia 1 l s 1 :."2"-fa st 16 5 110 2 4 4 4 l 1! ,1 Domink 11 L.Pnrhita. Fowman, Disilluson ■ 127 l.atonia 3 I l:15%mud 31-5 112 1 4 :: 21 !* J Domink 7 * nazon. Sosiiis. Dr. Carmen 1313 I j in 11 16 1 :47%good23-20 108 2 1 G 4 2* 2i.l Domink 7 Jes. Louise, Disillusion. Bonanza 2I*«3 l.atonia 1iu7" 1 : M.slop 2S-5 105 3 4 3 2 l1 l1.. .1 Doniinlck 7 M:nasseh. Boiuinm Soslns l.:,tonia 3-4 l:I2"5fast 28 KM s s s 41 I] .1 Domink S Tory Maid. Useeit, Miss Hectare 1 :,ior.i;i 3-4 1:14 good 34 122 :. 7 G 81 6*1 3 DomiaieklO R. Goose. v. Witch, laiperajur :m ■: •! 1 -inii-. hPi lm70yl :44%faat 15] KM s 7 7 4 A %* 1. Gaugel 8 BaonL Robinetta. Altamaha SUITS i.stiou 1 i:it-hvy 4S MS I i 6 C G ««• J Domick G Phosphor, Gold. Boy, Bmbderj