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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. I Communications without names and addresses I will not lie noticed nor answered. No answers will j I lie si-nt by mail and none by wire unless reply pre- I I payment is made at time of wiring query. W. If. P.. Peoria. III. You should have l.cen paid 2.35. P. B.. Detroit, Midi. Have no record ■■r t horse named John Tie Baptist either in racing or in Ihe Stud P ol.. B. I.. Chicago. Your contention is correct. A wager on a hone in a race from which it i. -i latched does not follow it lo another ran hi which it may be added, but immediate!] become-. a draw. D. 1L. Lexington, Ky. At the last l.alonia meeting o! twenty-four days, forty-seven favorites failed to run flrst. second or third. On the seventh day. June 15, all seven favorites failed to run tirst. sei "ml or third.