First Race [1st Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-25

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FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-oids. Maidens. Allowances. CPJimI— .-,0i— 2— 100. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St %% % Str Ha Joekeys Started Order of Finish PROHIBITION, ch. c. 2 113 Bv Voter— Goody Good J. Arthur. -"■■■■• •Ininaiea Z-and 1 :02-%slow 16-5 107 1 2 2 2U 2. V l.illey • DnneSight, R. Baumann. II. Chair 2i".i"2 .lainajea 5-8 l:00%fast 12 MS 2 2 2 4:1 4» W l.illey 7 Ken k. Sprinl Tribolo 2 C83 Belmonl 5-8 st lam fasl 10 110 3 3 1 4. j4| j BntweU 5 SteUarina, Tralee Qaleswiotke 2-:,:, Belmont 4f at 53 fast SI in g r, c, f,:".V l.illey 6 l.ora C, Bands iff Murphy .■":;: mi ]•, li.iont i I st 55 slop 18-6 111 1 :i •;•: 31 V War ton 5 Success, Miss Phllbin Variety 19993 Bowie 4J f 7,7 fast 7 lot 4 5 4 4?. PIW Lllley 7 Tiajan. Cincinnati. Mastard 19927 Bowie 1 2 B8%fjWt 4 112 1 33 4-J W Lilley 7 Irraua.ldy. Mtislanl, Ataka OCEAN PRINCE, tr. c. 2 113 Bv Canard— Interview J. S. Tyree. 21613 Windsor 5-S t:03%slop K!-29 112 4 2 2 21 2 A Claver III Philistine, Reserre J Keevei 2123,-t Ham ton 7 s 1 -r-slop 2i 109 1a lo 7 7- BJW Andreas 1 2 Port Light. Peep Sight llaria 1027 Con ght 5-8 1 :0i%eood 4 108 4 C, 4 B 2- c Turner 7 Bmme. Phil Ungar. Rarly Sight 20.tS6 fonghl 5-8 1:03 alow 1 1 lo 1 1 J p 2 C Turner 7 Karly Sight. llaria. C. Morgan s"! Blue Bon. 5-8 1:02 fasl lf-5 112 3 3 1 4- 2" Turner II Alfadlr. llaria Damieiti ."in Pimlico 1 2 4:1 fast 11 no s 7 si 9»»|T BJce 12 Orachs Head. Case,.. VirgiaiaM RESERVE, br. f. 2 110 By Hastings— Retained II. Keystone Stablel. 21.43 Windsor 7,1 f 1 :iC,a:fast 12 101 3 7, 7, 1 1- M Carner 7 King Xeptune Iolite Mil, -lone 21643 Windsor 5 l:03%slop 29-20 Ml r, n r, p S* .T Kederis B Philistine. Prince .1 Reeyes 2:.m. Port l-h !•• 5-S 1:03 hvy 17-5 189 ; r. 4 a -u j Kederis 7 WaterWar. J.Z. Wiggins P.Sight 21409 Fort Erie 5-8 l:lo%hvy 31-20 N9 4 1; 4 4"t. .1 Acton 7 Bernice. Milestone Phil linger 21395 Ham ton 5 f 1:09 mud 20 M2 1 2 1 P 9* J Acton l King Neptune Phllllngar Peaky 21201 llaniton 7, S 1 :xi"sf:ist 89 183 11 10 11 II 10-» B Shilling 1 I Pesky, Milestone, King Neptune SEMPER STALWART, b. e. 2 109 Bv Stalwart— Semper Victoire W. L Oliver. -!-"; ■■""■":,,i" 5-8 1:09 hvy S Ml 5 7 7 7 7" E Tapliu 7 Wter War. Reserre J Z.WIgglna ,4 Fort Erie 5-8 l:ll%hvy 1MB! 2 2 2 V -■ i: Taplin 7 Petlar, llaria .1 /. Wiggins 21434 FortErie 7,.» f l:12%hvy *a pm 5 S E ■ 4*1 L MeAtee 6 AniU. Port Light Tar Brush 21311 Ham ton 5-8 l:ol%fast 8 p* 7 I 7, 6] 8*§H Hanmer 9 Greetings Servia Glomer 21222 Ham ton 5-8 l:91%fast 40 KM 5 7 7 ".. 4*1 H Hanmer 8 Gentlewoman Will Cash fl I.i-t 20939 Blue Bon. 5-8 l:02%slow 11 V r, 3 j 3 v j, ., s„,vlh R Will Cash. Tar Brush. 0. Applta. 30841 BlueBon. r, s 1 :"2 tast 57 112 I 4 7, 9- I , .1 Smytli 11 Alfadlr. Ocean Prince llaria 20719 Dorval 12 48%faat S 1"7 4 I I t» ! ITthewi 9 Baa. IMrst. Tar Brush 17. Bight SANDS OF PLEASURE, h. r. 2 103 Bv Fair Play— Golden Sand G. M. Hendrie L1943 Windsor 5-»+:.B%slop 59 112 8 7 7 V 5» A Mod If, Philistine. «WanPrince. Ri 21464 FortErie ., s I :H--!ivy 22 107 0 5 5 «ak fit J MeleaK 7 Cellar, llaria. Semper Stalwart S,AI-S,YMI?G bl c- 2 106 Bv Santry— Symington Toll J. Livingston. .Ham ton a-8 1:n2%slop „ U pm; fi 4 3 Jl 7««1A Neyhm 12 Porl l.iu-ht. I-.-,, si-_-i.i. llaria I " Ian, Ion f, S 1 :0t«fefasl 07H9 7 7 7» 7". Neylon I I Pesky. Milestone, Kim: Neptune 3» 2 l.aionni 5-8 l.-09%faal II KM s | | as. g»j a Neylon 8 Dodge. II. Gardner, Rochester RENARD, b. f. 2 103 Bv Vot. r— Prinzessin Palace Stablel -,". ! Belmont M at sloii I 112 9 _ — _ o«=iG Corey 11 UtUko, Hi, I. Star, Keuicuibranca MARGARET E.. eh. f. 2 103 Bv Ov, lade?— Diplrmacy N. F. Dortih. :;-" Wlndsoi loo 10 18 i,, ,;. ,; i, ,_ i..;, sKirst. Matrix, IVg.OBrien W nd r f.-S 1:07." Iiv ■• W8 5 5 7 7 7"1 II Stearns 7 Dodge, Kins Neptune. Kcrnicc 1 • I iton i I LOSifa •■! 90 m 7 3 2 7 .K, B ci-itiin S VrkH. Dick William*. Poiroma OVANA. b. i. 2 103 Bv Dirk Welle: — Lasa of Lamrden J. B. Rcsaoaa. tVin 185 9 I 8 B« ",- i. Gentry " Mi* • kin. M u.sFirst. I JACK REEVES. li. c, 2 106 By The Commoner— -Brief E. W. Moo.o. V n ■■ ■ r ii-S i. slop i 115 ."• 5 I ". ir v War ton 10 Philistine. OceanPrii R -1201 Ha ton 6-8 l:00%fasl ■" 106 I ;t I f 9SW Obert 11 Peaky. Milestone. Kin- Neatum ARDENT, b. f. 2 103 Bv Broomstick— Hearts Besire L. S Thompson. nil r i " - 1- .■-!•!• 29 112 I 10 1" 91 9" J v,,rxs | Philistine. OceanPrince Res r -•• I H.d •"•■• 1-2 48%fast M MM 7 7 ; 7;? Hughes 7-Blume, SbaUan. Casco BLACK* FROST, blk. f. 2 110 By Waterbov— Mary Graves. i "-si. atari. Al o i ligil :•■ to rt tri in order mined should uj of above be scratched: UNCLE WILL, b. c, 2 10C Bv Transvaal— Cvprienne W. L. Lewie. Latonia s : 03%slop SI 105 1 2 1 4 4* a Mott li Disturber. Savino, tliumiiiator " i men a 5-s l:02%ta»t 13 112 7 E 8 I 7- v W TlorlO C.F.Hnberger, Elkton. Circulate 2i«35 Douglas 41 f "•■ livy 45 HO 8 us s ■ a Mott E» B. Beauty, Importnt, Illuminator 138 Lex gt on 11 f 55%fast 47-20 112 6 6 7: C:A Mott S B.Cnlbertaon, Thnwood, Object 0 Lexgton 41 i" ."."f.iast iW 115 9 G S: -J a Mott 11 Lynn. Little Cove, Innovation ."• _• ..• . . ton 1 2 Rlttslow "6 112 4 7 6J |" a Mott s Cosmic. Disturber. John Delia GREENWOOD, br. c. 2 iT 6 By Marathon— -Presentation G. K. Karlmaa. 174 Windsor .-8 1: Ifcfasl 119 log 9 11 n 11« 1 l I Bnell F2 rst. Matrix, Peg.OBrien . ;■! i.;, onia 81 slop n 105 7 G r 6 GJ I, Gentry 11 Distnrber, Savino, Illumlnatoi .!,,-. i 41 s 13 112 2 4 J* 5«f B Goose 12 J.C.Welch, Miss Atkin. Traction 21120 Latonia Sl:02%fasl 38-5 112 8 8 9* 8 E Ma In r C.F.Hnberger, Elkton. Circnlati . Laton i 5-8 1:0 nail 15 183 3 4 5 5 BT" K Martin 8 I til«] I i . . Distnrber, lllnminator .!«, ; I .!•. , ia 5-8 i.-shvy 44 111 7 5 4 4* 4*3 F. Martin B Old Charter. Rlktna. Little Cave PARACHUTE. ch. £. 2 103 By Aeronaut — Brillancy G. B. Fcnwick. ! 105 5 1 5 G4 7-1. MeAtee 7 Blume, Ocean Prince, PhllUngar J. Z. WIGGINS, b. fr, 2 107 By Tony Bonero— Tres Joli F. J. Pons. i: Windsor *7 S S C B» s:" .j Acion !« Water War. Servla, Tushr Tusli 210C1 Windsor ■ 1 l:ll%mu 3 ls Ml 5 3 3 8* 4: J Connors S B. Straw. M. Est ell . Aud.Auatin ... :n.i -.,r 6-8 l:03%slop 27 104 N 8 7 8 1 .• J Kederis 11 RroomStraw, Miss.ukin. Serviti .;:.;]■•,, ij; 3-4 1 9 hvy 2* l«- ■■ E C V 1*1 U Garner i Water War. Reserve, Peep Slab I .1:1.1 i- , ,i ■ I., !•• 5-8 1:11-. .hvy 17 105 4 4 6 -V] l»j J Connors 7 Petlar, llaria, Sem|ier Stalwart Hum ton 6-8 1:023 ;lop :» 103 3 :: 4 5" S . Connora 12 Port IJgbt, Peen Siffbt, llaria 21290 Ilamton 5-8 1 l%rast 30 102 5 4 I J 1 :, W Ural si--.. OBrien, Beniice, Candle 21053 I.inuht •" S i .ii:; .-,:nti.l 0 111 C 5 7 t: i ".I Connors !i 1 arkin, llaria, Tar Brnsh :!•. i Bin. I • u. 6-8 l:02%slow 20 M»7 7 7 4 4 7- .1 Connors S WiUCasb, TarBrusb, S.Stalwart i |u, lion. •"• k. l" fast 49 109 N 10 M W .. I Mn,|.liv li Alfailir. Ocean Prince, llttria • .,4 i...i •; r f M, 30 110 4 .". i PI" Murpiiv 9 PbilUnfar, BmStraw, Dauletta

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Local Identifier: drf1915072501_4_5
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