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.... ! GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. j A calamity akin I" the horror of Ihe Iroquois theater tire, bat greater, has strickeu Chicago. As then a scene of innocent gayety was suddenly trans formed into one of death f i hundred-, when yester day morning Ibc teamer Ka-tlaiul. crammed t" the rail- with picnic p.i--onco - mostly employes of tlie Western Electric Company bound lot a merry Ii di day. siiddenl careen d and tipped over into the t*bicago river, between the l.a Salle and Clark street docks, ai 7:P» a. iu. Of the 2,500 men. women and children on the vessel, from 1,500 i" 2.000 lost their live-.. The steamer turned over en lei- side an 1 tlo-o not on Ihe upper decks were Irapi e.l and perished miserably. The hull Was pierced at many place- and at four p. in. yesterday nonnced that approximately 1.000 dead bodies had been taken from the hull. The full extent of the his- ..f life will probably not be d-dinitely known I for several days. Sorrow for the lost, sympathy i for the many cruelly bereft anil wrath for those responsible for smh a tragic ocenrn nee in the supposed safty of Chicagos harbor, overwhelmed the entire community. A Petrograd dispatch of yesterdays says: -The furious, three-front battle for Warsaw is growing more intense. .Inly 22 the Germans smashed the entanglements at Gntewaaaew, si miles southwest of Ivaagorod but arc -lid Io have been hurled back with keavj losses. -Inly Ll the Germans suffered cruelly in assaults on the Piaski, Voislavitse and Grubechow position*. They occupied Russian trenches over a wide front and proceeded to advance, bit Ihe Russians drove iheni back with mil li lo-s. The battle in the Cbelm region has proceeded tin day- with nnbated fury. The Russians, the niuht before .Inly 21. seised severe! lines of German trenches and Ihe 22d drove tin- Teutons Io the out skirts of s kaL" i From London a dispatch of Thursday night said •The Swedish bark Capeila and the Norwegian lark Kordlyset, both umber laden and bound for England, have been -el oil lire in the North sea by German submarines. Ihe crew of the Capeila was lauded al Hull and that of the Nordlyset at Frederii kshaven. So tar a- British vessels are eon cerued. Ihe Herman submarines drew a blank daring the neck ending yesterday. Not a single British merchant ship or Bshing craft wa- sunk. Ibis was Ice tirst week since the i oininoneenient of the war that some loss t" British shipping has no; been occasioned by German cruisers, mines or rooms line-." yesterdays baseball results — National League: Boston 1. Chicago 0; New York B, Pittsburgh -4 Hirst game i : Brooklyn 0. s;. Louis ."■ itir-t game; Philadelphia 4. Cincinnati 0 uirst game; PhUa-I delphia 13. Cincinnati 1 second game I. American i League: Boston 7. St. Louis ::: Cleveland 4. Philadelphia :; first game; Cleveland 12. Philadelphia -1 second name i : Detroit 2. Washington 0 first game i : Washington 8, Detroit o second game. Federal League: Newark .". Pittsburgh 1 tirst game; sr. r.oui- t. Brooklyn 2. Inolricia! diapatcbes t" Borne yesterday reported that tin Italian- have occupied all i he stragetic |M.-ition- around Gorita and are pouring in a heavy tire on th.- concrete works surrounding the city. North of Gorita, in the region east of Plava, an Italian fore,. j attacking ihe Austrian right lank • id threatening to aunt cat the enemj fore.-- back n the laooao. A heavy artillery eagageasent continue- at the loonao bridgehead. It i- -aid at present that the French have at leas 300,000 mon men in the trenches on the front than the termaus. The great problem of the day i-. the making ol munitions and while ihe French are staking over 100,000 shells a day, the Ragllsh .input i- not over 15,000, while the Russian is only 10.000 shells and Germany i- supposed to make Lou.i no a day. German munition steamer was blown up in the North Si a off th- Island of Mono, according to dispatches received at Copenhagen yesterday. A heavy explosion was heard on the bland. A fishimr i--. I pui in la-t night wiih i.i- of wreckage and piece- of ammunition boxes. The steamer i- believed to have been bound for the I-land of Sj 1 1 . It is -aid that othciai- ,,i n„. International Metal Workers I nloa* ol the Cnited States nave ar ranged for a conference of International nfllciala of the imi u- ill the metal trades in New York net week to an a general tie-up of all arms and munitions factories of tl" Cnited States if neces- -ai for ihe purpose of obtaining an eight-hour any. Ihe Nebraska win the American navys battle- -hiji engineering efflciency contest for the year end-i 1 1 ir June 30, ace rding to an announcement yesterday at the Navy Department. She -too l tirst in engineering tin- year before ami ahead] carries a big "F." ■ •a her funnel to den te the achievement. William m. Hin-. a well known lawyer and for iii!iu ear- prouiiueiil iu politics, died at his b-mte in New Vork Thin-day. lie was -iH four wars old. Mr Ivins wa- r. cntlv-taken ilt «UM hi- labor- in behalf of William I.arnc-. iu libel suit aj?aiust Theodore Boosevelt,