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! j MANY HORSES NOW AT LEXINGTON. Lexington, By., July 24. — Superintendent James P. Puss, now that the laying of drain tiling has been completed, has the main course at ihe Ken-tack Associations racing grounds in condition for working Ihe horses quartered there and the work of widening the inner course, which is a sand track used principally for winter training purposes, i- nesting completion. An extension has been made to he grandstand roof that the snectati is may be better shaded and a number of minor Improvements in th ■ baiMtaga and grounds are in progress and will Ik- made haag before the opening of the fall meeting on Thursday, September 0. .1. C. Milam has mon- hor.-e- at work than any other trainer at the Hack. His string is headed by the veteran Merrick, which is expected to give a good account of himself next fall, but the most valuable member of the team is Arthur P. Ban-cocks time year old lilly Embroidery. Others iu the barn are Obn Star. Andrew M.. Captain Pees, a smashing .mud colt. Aleen P.. Cora • .. ft ananas Sam and J. J. Murdock. Jack Baker has John Gttnd, MeAdoo. Emerson Cochran. Dr. Samuel. Hops. King Horin. Manioc, Father Riley and J. C. Stone. Joe Hawkins string is made up of Chalmers. Hank ODay. Silver Pill, lanetbey, Manfred. Mar-garel N.. Queen of the Mist and Winnie 0Dny. Hawkins al-" has four yearlings. lie has decided io name the brown colt by Marta Santa -Miss Present, Black Ghost, and the black lilly by pal loi Wing Hag, is to lie called Ting Wing. Walter Grater is training Kthelda. Pell Boy. Charley McGee, Star Pose. Sprudel. Stunner. Say uiarra and Dorothy Perkins. In Ihe string of lies- , I.oonev are Inele Hart. Intone. I.orretine and Nancy Clancy. . A. Blanch] has J. C. Welch, Skiles Knob, Bob P. and Jim Gaffney. The bitter, s-irc of Emerson Cochran and Dodge, however, i- not intended lor racing. He is getting his daily exercise. Jim Baker is handling Santa Pule. Dade. Lucille Morris and three others owned by Carret Watts in addition to l»r. Carmen and Palm Leaf. The lav Brothers have in charge of French Brooks Fidget. Triad and Lady Errant. Tommy Taylor is training Osmond. Garneau and a bay lilly by Donate. John Simpson has South era League and Allen Cain. William Snarley and Alex. Gordon have Paymaster, Cndauated and Busi-no-- Agent. June Collins is training Miss Thorpe. Ed Tincher is training Be First and Alice Dunn. Ihe two ill Tom Irvines hands are Flying Feet and Bank Pill. John Nichols is training Brown Velvet. John Whitlow has Sun Maid here. Panl-I an. Bane Of Ireland and Bab Blossom are being handled by Tom Han Henry Randolph i- looking after Hermnda. Nobleman, Lady Jane Bray, Marina GOOSby, Twinkle Star ami KiagUng for Will Perkins. Robert Frankea is training Inn K., llenr Kimbrougb, Avery Trumbo and Handy Mar. Allen St -ele is •;:, !o| ii ii;; Willie Holland. Dan M .. lis Pas Bllen N. and Margaret Ellen. Shluo. Hellman. Quatermaster and Charles P. are in John .brains string. Will Woodard is here with Disillusion. Si Baxter has Lida Earl and Mayor St me. William Steele i- allnpin:. llallcy Way.