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VCLC6 1116 lilies SycaroMs ami upward Claiming May 24 192i 144 Index Crs DisTime Tr Odds AVtSt i StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish FinishIIAC IIAC OBOY b E 5 103 By Sweep Hanrose by Hanover HanoverTrainer Trainer D McDade Owner D McDade Breeder Himyar Stud Stud019G1 019G1 CD ll42OSi4ft G 103 2 3 2s 2l S Steele 8 BlarStone 103 Flames 108 Openlland D3 01811 CI 1 llGl4T = 5ft 91 99 2 4 5Ti 5 S Steele 7 Incer 109 Igchmps 112 MnightICscl02 MnightICscl02OIGi OIGi CM 1 1151 47ift G 10312 9 5 3 S Steele 12 Pay man 103 Widgeon 110 Chiva 103 5lG CD 111G14S ft 21f 103 3 2 2 3s S Fteele 12 Widgeon 101 Itamkin 103 Despair 10G 00202 Orl ll13r gil 1SS 103 5 5 5 5 F Smith 5 SeaOreen 1090verlk 9315wnieSmile 108 IOI5 Orl 1110153 si 81 105 255 J Walker 5 Bucko 107Sword 107DonnaSanla 10G 00093 Orl 1145 ft 2310 104 2 1 2 21 J Walker 5 BnieSmile lOSAdmirer 103DAdams 111 99903 Mia 1 11G l4SHft 9 110 2 3 31 3i V Stott 10 Vulnad 112BlueSnrite 900verlook 100 HUMORETTE br m 5 93 By Short Grass Junta by Burgomaster BurgomasterTrainer Trainer R L Rogers Owner W S Heatpn Breeder Short Grass Stud Stud019G1 019G1 M ll2OSVift 27 3S G 7 G G If Kinerty 8 BlarSone 10 MacOItoy 103 Flames 103 01807 M 1 1S 153 ft IS 97 S S S14 S Ss s U FinnertylO Wldseon 109 Brunell 102 Open Hand 97 97Olfi8r Olfi8r C1J 1215201 It 22 100 7 7 S S U Finnrty 9 I idyVon S8 BlackCrackle 100 Yorick 103 103J1346 J1346 CD 118 tt 7 102 D 9 9 9110s 110s II Finnrtyl2 Widgeon 101 Kamkin 103 Mac OBoy 103 103OM27 OM27 CD 1 11G l474 ft SJf 9912 11 1111 II Finnrtyl2 Krrnstor llOXorerland lOGBrdAxf 102 102994S 994S JP 1 1S l ft S3 102 1 4 2n L pichon 8 IuoyKate HOCdNight 113Midinette 102 99288 JP 1 115 l43ft 3 104 2 3 24 2 L Pichon Blended KSQtation 93BotheAVind 102 9IGt JP 1 11G l4S = jsl Si 100 4 3 li 1 1 Pichon 7 Martingale lOIHobson 102Jupiter 107 98981 FG 1 1S i345ft 16 101 2 3 3l Z I Canfield G IlayTrap 1131ecora 911 Pride 90 909880G 9880G FG 1116149 cd 23 IOC 2 2 3i 4 L CanfieldlO Itamkiu 105MarjorieC 107Yoohoo 112 GRAND KING br g 3 96 By Granite Galloping Queen by Ben Brush Trainer J McGee Owner J McGee Breeder J L Carrick 01613 CD 1 11 1 47 if t 17 91 S 2 9 911 E Benham 12 Payman 10 Widgeon 110 MacOBoy 103 01427 CD 1 1TJ l47 ift 95 S 1 7 7 L Fischer 12 Brmster llGXorseland lOGHrdAxe 102 09803 Mia 1 1K l47 = ift 109 3 5 r rJ J 4i V Stott 7 Nabisco 11 lYouare 107Ilerkert 113 fl9533 Mia 1 115 l45Vift 29 102 S 6 7 7s s 7 V Stott S Carol 120Sandrae UOUedWinsfield 118 M9311 Mia 1115159 sy Sj 112 4 1 HUE Benham G Kink 103 BlneSprite SSWormwold 111 19218 Mia 1 116 l43 ift Ci 94 5 4 31 41 E Benham 8 Proomster 114 Maclean 114 ItecalTor 101 PRUDY ch f 4 93 By Von Tromp Ruth W by Kings Counsel CounselTrainer Trainer W F Poison Owner W F Poison Breeder E F Simms 01935 CD 7S l27ift 12 10112 11 71 41 U FinnrtyU Tamper lOti Trinket 7 Lady Inez 101 0 1735 CD Glfl21Vsft 7 110 1 12 13 121 E Scobie 15 ColnLynn lOSTalequa lOSFMkUaphl 9S 9SO1GSO O1GSO CD GiflCOHft 9S 100 7 G 5 4s R Finerty 10 IraniteWare HOMassey 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