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SYMPTOMS OF POISON Horses in Auroras Main Contest Suddenly Become III Officials Act Promptly and Declare DeclareRace Race Off Investigation InvestigationNow Now Under Way I AURORA HI May 27 Unfortunately to ¬ days racing here was robbed of some of its interest when due to unusual circumstances the Illinois Handicap the fifth and feature attraction of Thursdays program was can ¬ celled by the stewards with the authorization of manager Clifford Trimble Shortly before one oclock trainer Al Plack noticed Sandrae acting suspiciously in his stall and promptly called the veterinary He announced that the horse had been tampered with but fol ¬ lowing prompt medical aid the animal re ¬ sponded rapidly to treatment treatmentTrainer Trainer Plack reported the matter to judsre Nathanson Shortly after Elizabeth K Green Woods and Apology all of which were named as starters in the same race became violently ill and showed symptoms of poi ¬ soning On reports from the trainers of all three the stewards promptly declared the race off in the interests of the public and to protect the other owners engaged in the race This is the first occasion that anything of such a nature has arisen since racing was in ¬ troduced here and manager Trimble an ¬ nounced that he has placed a squad of detectives on the case in an effort to run down those implicated implicatedFAVORABLE FAVORABLE CONDITIONS CONDITIONSMost Most favorable racing conditions prevailed The weather could not have been improved upon and the track recovered from yester ¬ days rain in fact it was fast The attend ¬ ance was again excellent for a midweek day Well filled and evenly balanced fields paraded in a majority of the contests and the racing was decidedly interesting interestingLady Lady Allen a rapid beginner made a show of her opponents in the initial attraction She opened up a commanding early lead and despite making an extremely wide stretch turn was well under restraint in the closing stages Finishing with a rush through the stretch Zucca easily disposed of the others Tommie McCoomb came again near the end and outgamed Sister Diana for third Black Air the favorite started badly and was never prominent prominentSecuring Securing an opening next to the inner rail in the last sixteenth Edna Mitchell graduated from the maiden ranks when she finished with a rush heading Dick in the last few yards of the second race Dick displayed keen speed from the start but tired when challenged near the end After making a wide stretch turn Affectionate Mary closed up gamely on the outside and outlasted the tiring Polyfena for third place honors honorsLITTLE LITTLE BLAE XARUOWLY XARUOWLYIt It was only by the shortest of margins that Little Blaze lasted to earn the verdict from Joe Campbell in the third race Little Blaze gained a slight lead midway of the stretch after following the early leaders closely Joe Campbell also made his bid at the eighth post closing strongly on the outside and just failed to get up C T Worthington after a hard drive secured third from Karachi which was forced to race wide much of the way wayFinday Finday displayed the most speed until well inside the final eighth of the fourth race with Red Heart in closest pursuit When the final drive came Red Heart had the most in reserve and drew away handily near the end This marked the first success of the meeting for the stable of T II Bernhardt BernhardtThe The two remaining races were over a dis ¬ tance of ground which is always popular with racing fans In the first of these the sixth Cheer leader made good for his new ovners Fausett Woods at the first asking He followed within striking distance of the pace made by Freccutter until straightened out in the stretch then took command and held the others safe to the end From a slow beginning Leontes finished fast through the final eighth and outgamed Slanderer for sec ¬ ond place Slanderer was a keen factor throughout and held on welt in the final drive driveJohn John Abrams furnished the winner of the concluding dash which was his first win of this meeting when El Astro showed tho way for the entire distance He was called upon for his best in the last few strides however to earn the verdict Green Ilills and Lady Choco were closing rapidly on tho winner heads apart