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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesWOODBINE WOODBINE PARK FRIDAY MAY 28 28WEATHEK WEATHEK CLEAIl TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in tho entries below show tho best time of ofAArh AArh hnrcih at tin ritc + anr A einA TonfkV r 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions OSOS7 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1926 01186 IS TIUST INDEX OF 3fAY KaciiiR starts at 230 p m Chicago tinie 130 Superior mud runnpr x Oood mud runner FairHiu l runner M Ma Men Apprentice allowance The following abbreviations nre uspd to lesicnae tracks at which time records shown in entries were made Akron King Edward Aqueduct Lagoon Aurora Latonia Belmont Park Laurel Blue Bonnets Lexington Blue Grass Lex Colored Fair FairLong Bowie Long Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights HeightsMarlboro Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg1 Marlboro Clarksburg1 Miami Columbus Mobile Colweod Park Mount Royal Coney Island Niagara Falls Connanght Park Orlando Dada Park Omaha Delorimier Park ParkDevonshire Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico Dorral Raceland Dufferin Park Reno Empire Salt Lake Erlanger Saratoga Fair Grounds Tampa Fairmounl Pal k Tanforan Fort Erie Thistledown Hamilton Thorncliffe Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuana Havana Timonium Hawthorne Toledo Huntington United Hunts Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park Willows Park Juarez i iKempt Windsor Kempt on Park Woodbine Kenil worth Toungstown Woodbine Park Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 58 Mila MilaItcndijjo Itcndijjo Plato 1200 Added 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Track record June 1900 100 2 00 00Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind IlorseiPostPos AVt IJec AWtHan AWtHan01E80 01E80 Fly Hawk 4 1127 ° 0 01880 Sanabar 7 11 01962s Sir Barley lPim 101 101 Hi 01830 ISobbv Jones 8 111 71 019161 AmenHa 5Wdb 107 102 6 115 710 01880 Kda C l Hi 710 05785 SunmeI C 112 701 01880 Montello 2 112 70 01880 Lillian J 3 112 700 700Kose Kose Sight 10 103 Second Race About 2 Miles MilesTaljylio Taljylio Steeplechase 1200 Added 4yearolds and upward Allowances 01915 Orster lied M 1 S 17f 91365 lilaek FOT 7 7 IB 01847 Ammunition 5 11 li 01915 Jane II M 3 0 150715 01915 Plaudmorc Saintly SaintlyM4 M4 fl 130 710 710I 958711 H reek Patriot G I 70i 70iS 55637 Warvanoe S ir0700 Third Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsUutiand Uutiand Plato 1200 Added 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Track record May IT 1923 r 3i 2 117 01850 1psotta M 1057 01850 Handclasp iIIdt lir 1107 01230 Colored tJal 4Hd 109 11 99674 Nalenta 1 Mi 110 r7j 110 715 ieye 305 ISlanco 3 U37 U37Fourth Fourth Race About 2 Miles Tliifk Tlmrn Stoi plpfhas 2000 added 4yearolds and upward AllowancifB 01915 High Court 4 5 112 11201915s 01915s Father Tom Ml 4 14 01915 Commodore Ingra Ingraham ham M 8 ir272 01888 The Student M5 5 H77Li 70560 ISarnabas 9 155 715 715Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile MileStrathtona Strathtona Plate 1200 Added 3yearolds and upward Allow AllowTraik Traik record May 3 193 1SS 3 103 01884 I igit 1 1rl SIS l40i 3 105 019181 Token 1ft Wdb JS 140 3 105 01884 Bou Chail M S 5 li170 li170019G4 019G4 Coldlwater aSar lOfi 138 5 4118X72 01515 Cold Kotk 5UU 109 l41v5 5 112 XTJO 0181G Kings Kin oni 4 Bel 114 140 = 5 T 112 715 928031 ZepiHlin 3 105 715 96155 Peter Whiffle 7 AVdlj 09 1433 3 1MX710 1MX710C1918 C1918 Crenier MtVdli 110 141 = 3 4 113 705 01914 Cauntley il G G 103 700 700Sixth Sixth Racu 34 Mile MileIitiMlown IitiMlown Plate 1200 added oyearolds nud upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record St pt 7 1922 111 = 3 3 117 01513 LEOXAItD 5 Win 110 112 110x740 01556 Gymkhana 4 Win 111 112 4 1I7X7 01367 Adria G Mia 108 1081125f 1 125f r 101 725 01918 Ferrash 1 Mia S 112 = 3 3 111X720 OI8851 Talladeca 2 Mia 110 112 01914 Knsile Wdb OJ llGh llGhSeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesWaterloo Waterloo Plate 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Clainiing Track record May 27 l2G l441i 4 122 01099 Donarita 2 Mia Hi l4Sii 3 08X730 01853 aiber M 3 4 111X725 97134 Itotch 3 9SX720 01284 Chula Vista 4Tam 10T 14SK 4 107X715 01253 Miles S Win 108 150 js 7 111X713 01881 Delusive 3 Mia 103 l17s fi 114X710 01851 Iisab S 3 103X7OJ 01967 Unks 1 ix x 103 1J7 0 10SXTOO 01967 Iteal Artist 7 CP 110 14S 3 3Eighth 5 108 700 Eighth Race 1 Mile MileCateside Cateside Plate 12OO Added 3yearolds and tiward tiwardCanada Canada Claimint Track record May 23 1923 13S 3 103 95814 Hillardo 4 3 105X730 01917 QuaitzSinter 1 3 102X725 95630 lto 4e Iteauty S 100 720 01849 Just In Fun 7 3 100 715 01883s Catamaran CWdb 113 143 = 5 112X710 01883 Thornton 5 5 112 705 01881 I ord Renfrew 2 4 114 700 96364s Kl Canoe 3 4 114X700