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FAIRMOUNT NEARLY READY Large Force of Workmen Rushing Improvements to Completion Captain Hal Prince of Wales and Oilier OilierHood Hood Horses Among Prospective Starters Startersiu iu Collinsrille Handicap COLLINSVTLE 111 May 27 Fairmount Park which inaugurates its thirtysecond day racing meeting Saturday is steadily reaching completion under the feverish activ ¬ ity of the large force of workmen that has had charge of constructing the elaborate im ¬ provements All forces for the present have been concentrated on the clubhouse and this massive and ornate structure a replica of the Lincoln Fields clubhouse will be in readiness to receive the huge membership and guests that will throng the course to witness the inaugural days racing racingThe The influx of horsemen and their horses continued steadily all Thursday and the Fair mount course remained a bee hive of activ ¬ ity All the horsemen found their quarters prepared for them and little incident at ¬ tended the putting away of the horses horsesThose Those owners who are here for the first time express amazement at the magnitude of the plant and its accessibility to St Louis They are particularly enthusiastic with the racing strip The track really is in excellent condition and suited to all degrees of racers racersInterest Interest in the coming racing is growing apace and predictions are that the opener will find an enormous attendance viewing the sport sportSL SL Louis was always held one of the best racing centers in the country and there is every indication that the elite of the Mound City will lend their support to the coming meeting This has been made manifest by the large clubhouse membership embracing the most prominent of the city All the reservations have been taken The vantage boxes in the clubhouse were absorbed long ago agoyEf yEf ItECRUITS TO SPOUT SPOUTThe The present meeting has also served as inducements for many local persons to re ¬ turn to racing The newcomers embrace August Busch Jr who has several horses in charge of Earl Linnell They are the nucleus for a more pretentious racing string to be acquired later laterGeneral General manager C Bruce Head is opti ¬ mistic over the success of the coming meet ¬ ing He has worked untiringly during the winter to bring about the high standard the plant at present presents He has had the full endorsement of director general Matt J Winn in his efforts effortsWith With 700 horses on the grounds for the opening and additions coming there will be no shortage of racing material from which to build attractive racing cards cardsThe The Collinsvillc Handicap of 5000 added that features the inaugural days racing will bring to the post a good band of stars to contest over the threequarters route At present it appears as if there will be ten starters in the race and embrace Captain Hal Prince of Wales Sunsard Lathrop Champ De Mars Columbia Bigheart Osprey Hourmore Capistrano and Postillion PostillionEnlargement Enlargement of the pavillion will relieve congestion such as was noted last year Sliaun Gilmartin who will have charge of the subscription department will have a force of 00 men taking care of the1 subscribers subscribersAll All the officials who will have charge of the racing will be on hand Friday The latest to reach here were T C McDowell and Rrownell Berryman The former will be in the stewards stand and the latter will officiate as one of the judges judgesrilOMIXKNT rilOMIXKNT STABLES KEPJIESEXTED KEPJIESEXTEDAmong Among the more prominent stables now quartered at Fairmount Park are R Goose eleven head C ICoerner eleven J H Lim bird seven E Linnell nine W J Foley six J B Partridge nine C C Wright six S Paige seven J Lurding eight W Phillips four Pueblo Stable seventeen H G Bedwell ten Nugent Bros eight T H Buscher nine B A Jones ten J S Taylor three Audley Farm twentythree I I affoon eleven J Patterson five Brown Shasta fifteen Keith three J C McGill thirteen J IT Davenport 5 R T Watts three M I owenstein thirteen P Renter three J W Riley two H Cavanaugh six 1 1 Lenahan four E J Fitzgerald seven Milo Shields eight G R Bryson fifteen J Ij Burtschell seventeen W T Anderson fifteen K M Holmes twelve E E Watson twelve A Kirby six C Iry six T C McDowell twenty G A Coyle eight C W Moore six A Goldblatt twelve E McCuan five Wick and McKeiver twelve B E Chapman nine E 11 Major eleven G Palmquist five and J Pevic two twoP P Martinez will do the riding for the division of the II G Bedwell stable that has been shipped from Pimlico Bedwells horses here are in charge of his son L F Bedwell who raced this string with much success last year yearThe The division of the Audley Farm Stable for Fairmount racing was shipped directly from Pimlico and includes the good sprinter Glister The remainder are for the most part green twoyearolds twoyearoldsCharles Charles Koerner has the following racers quartered here Beau Butler Bob Cahill Columbia Gorget Nassau Romp Orbit Dr Ed Keefer Keward Better Luck and Blockhead BlockheadP P Groos will do the riding for the Pueblo Stable here