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Below will be found the index to the pre ¬ vious workouts of the horses entered in the various races at Aurora together with their lK st positions Friday FIRST RACE 34 Mile PP Ind Horso PP Ind Horse 1 Industrious 9 134 Illinois 2 BUck Sand 10 St Nic 3 Fnnmaker 11 Filibus4 I Ink 12 132 Molicei 6 Madgo Johnson 13 133 Lumbei C Furor 14 Ktluec 7 65 Barberry 15 135 Erlanc 8 Galusha GalushaSECOND SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlonrs Colloen 0 8 136 Cuban Flag Arabella 9 115 OKcefe Lea Maddison 10 110 Misteo 136 The Hovel 11 Estherlyn Brae Finn 12 136 Glenmary There For 13 Tamea lough Linder 14 110 Mayor Behrman THIRD SAGE 5 12 Furlongs Dr Hickman 7 101 Only Star IU1 of Pop 8 121 Glory 8 Whiff 10 Rock Bottom Delphi Delphi1S5 11 134 Kosman 1S5 Mary Connors 12 1Z6 Charles Whitney 13 Rocking 16 Queen Bess 14 131 Intake 17 123 Fraier 15 Cloporte CloporteFOURTH FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 1 136 Cnsellor Conolly 7 132 Downcast 134 Jled Heart 8 124 Helen T TJ J Pauledda 9 134 Happy Birthday 4 126 Queen of Allah 10 His Queen 5 121 Harvey Stedman 11 63 Breakers Ahead 6 131 Hawkeye 12 Star Dust DustFIFTH FIFTH RACE 1 11C Miles 1 114 Balboa 5 133 Statler 2 Apology 6 103 Mis Jennie 3 135 Arragosa 7 136 Smiling Gns 4 9 Scoop ScoopSIXTH SIXTH RACE 1 Milo 1 111 Hish Card 5 78 Black Air 2 135 Billy Dow 6 65 Martdonna 3 Sister Diani 7 119 Sally DOr 4 40 Seven Sixty 8 134 Zucca ZuccaSEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards 1 Pud 7 Darius 2 136 Margaret Gaut 8 133 Columbia II 3 136 Bash 9 134 The Spa 4 135 Sagaraook 10 ISO Lol 6 124 Royal Princess 11 135 Arragosa 6 136 Hidalgo