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AURORA AURORAAURORA AURORA ItL THURSDAY MAT 27 1926 Exposition Park 1 Mile Seventh day Expoaitio Park Jockey Cluli Spring meeting of 27 days Weather clear Stewards M Xathanson M X Macfnrlati and C F Henry Placing Judges K A Leigh T Dunne and A E Blanchard Starter II Morrissey Racing Secretary C F Ilenry Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago daylight savin time AV indicates whip S spurs It blinkers Fin tires in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance fOA O FIRST RACE 34 Mile June 23 1925 112 3 108 Purse 300 3yearolds Claim VArfU I M ing Net value to winner 550 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses A AAt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Efiuiv Book Strt 01620 LADY ALLEX w 105 S 1 1s 1 1 1 A Yerrat K P Elrod 1190100 1190100C 01867 ZUCCA w 110 7 4 44 45 24 2 C Rails II E Brn Sfk Fm Sta 35010 35010C 01832 TOM IE McCOOMB WB 112 5 2 24 2 41 3 C E Alle Alle3i Allen O L Foster 1020100 1020100E 01832 SISTER DIANA WB 1071 4 3 3i 3i 31 4t E Sporri J B McGinn 1190100 01 084 BILLY DOV WB 105 S G 5 5i 5 S Trenchd E E Sterrett 01832 BLACK AIR w 107 3 7 7Oir 61 6 6 R Creese Oklahoma Stable Oir 17SOUTHRX MELODYw 100 C 6 1 7 1 D Smith S Singer SingerS U1J 01905 05 SHUFFLE w 110 1 IS S 8SS8L S S 8 L AVellmn Derby Stabla 250100 250100Time Time 24 49 115 Track fast fastS2 S2 certificates earned Lady Allen 2580 raight 1300 place 680 show Zucca 9CO place 620 show Tommie McCoomb 54O show Eciuivalent Iwoking Lady Allen 110 to 100 straight 550 to 100 place 240 to 100 show Zucca 3SO to lOCi place 210 to 100 show Tommie McCoomb 170 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B f by Frizzle Mry King by Fatherless trained by C S AVilson bred by Mr J L Tarlton TarltonAVent AVent to post at 214 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for al but SHUFFLE AVon easily second and third driving LADY ALL EX raced into a long lead at once and came extremely wide when entering the stretch but held her lead easily and won in a canter ZUCCA gained steadily iu the stretch aud easily passed all hut the winner in the final eighth TOMMIE McCOOMB came again in the last sixteenth and outgamed SISTER DIAXA The latter saved ground where pos lile and had no mishaps BLACK AIR was away in a tangle and never recovered The rider on SHUFFLE was unprepared when the start came and the hoise had no chance afterwards afterwardsScratched Scratched 017655Income 110 97375 Sally dOr 105 The Law 110 110Overweight Overweight Sister Diana 2Ij pounds SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs June 19 1925 54 2 101 Purse 800 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Eiiuiv Book Strt 0186G EDXA MITCHELL w 106 3 2 31 3 1 R Mozer Dearborn Stablo 260100 26010001949DICK 01949DICK w 112 SI 1s 14 23 C Healy R A Mason 310Wt 01866 AFFECXATE MARYw 101 5 S 5 C1 3l A Yerrat Oklahoma Stabla 1S60100 1S60100POLYFEXA POLYFEXA w 111 24 21 2s 4 O AVillis E J OConnell 1120100 1120100STUTTS STUTTS w lit 7 C 7l 5i J Berry S T Baxter 2050tOi 01866 AAELTY w 103 15 4 5 fi E Sporri J S AVigffins 4070100 4070100018603SHEFFIELD 018603SHEFFIELD w 108 4 5 8 S 7 L Pichon J C Milam 19MOO 01866 SMILE AAVHILE w 105 C 7 GA 4h S C E Allen E M Foster 2M100 2M100Time Time 24Vi 4Si 56 S Track fast 2 certificates earned Edna Mitchell 720 straight 4GO place 440 show Dick 400 place 360 show Affectionate Mary 540 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Edna Mitchell 200 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Dick 100 to 100 place SO to 100 show Affectionate Mary 170 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch f by Boots and Saddle Mae C by GoMeii Maxim trained by C DeAVitt bred by Mr Thomas M Murphy MurphyAVent AVent to post at 241 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same EDXA MITCHELL suddenly improved closed up rapidly next to the inner rail in the last sixteenth and outgamed DICK in the final drive DICK showed the most speed from the start but tired slightly in the final drive AFFECTIOXATE MARY came extremely wide when entering thi stretch but closed up gamely and finished fast but on the outside POLYFEXA raced closest up until inside of the final eighth then tired SHEFFIELD was shuffled hack badly shortly after the start and could never get up upScratched Scratched 01806 Flying High 111 01S33 The Wire 117 00852 Dad AVilson 106 Jonteel 108 108Overweight Overweight Smile Awhile 1 pound THIRD RACE 34 Mile June 23 1925 112 3 108 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 709 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horsea AAVtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys E niir Book Strt 00146 LITTLE BLAZE WB 3 103 5 2 4 41 1J 1 J Merime R I Sullivan Sullivan5l 01449JOE CAMPBELL w 7 114 4 7 5l 5 2J 2 W Varley A B Jessop JessopGi 01798C T AVORTHTONw 4 101 G 5 Gi 6 Cut 3nt J Donson J T Buckley BuckleyS1 99544 KARACHI w 4 107 10 G S1 7 61 4 L AVellmn S Singer 01799 KERRY GIRL w 5 107 9 4 34 31 4i 5J W Crowell J G McDonnell 01834 BAD LUCK w 4 108 1 9 9015203THE 9 9l 84 6 J Judy C N Freeman 015203THE ABBOT w 4 112 2 3 2 2 7 7 J Majestic J S Kindscher 01834 RANOCK w 4 107 8 8 7 8 9 81 P Cogan AV A McKinney McKinneylt 97979 PARNELL LAD WB 4 112 3 1 lt 11 3h 9 AV Charles H Good 00365 LIGHTER WB 7 10S 7 10 10 10 10 10 AA AV Renn J J OMalley 7S5010 7S5010Time Time 24 48 114 Track fast 2 certificates earned Little Blaze 1060 straight 1200 place 480 show Joe Campbell 420 place 340 show C T AVorthington 700 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Little Blaze 4 0 to 100 straight 500 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Joe Campbell 110 to 100 place 70 to 100 show C T AVorthington 250 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Br g by Blazes Celiva by Celt trained by D T Hisle bred by Mr J AV Garth Sr SrAVent AVent to post at 307 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same LITTLE BLAZE closed up gamely on the outside of the leaders when in the stretch and took the lead but was hard ridden at the end to outstay JOE CAMPBELL The latter gained steadily after entering the stretch and was wearing the winner down at the end C T AAORTIIIXGTOX closed up ground and raced gamely in the final drive KARACHI worked his way up on the extreme outside and finished well PARXELL LAD set the early pace but tired badly in the final eighth THE ABBOT ran a good half halfScratched Scratched 01SOOAVhiff 102 01799 Black Sand 100 01765 Red Seth 112 01S6S Delphi 102 97285 Ink 94 94Overweights Overweights Little Blaze li pounds Lighter 4 fnf t K FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Sapt 22 1925 105 4 112 Purse 1000 3year VF UJLO olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equir Book Strt I 01835RED HEART WB 3 99 3 5 31 2l 24 14 II Hutton T II Bernhardt 1190100 01869 FIXDAY w C 108 12 2 1J 1s 14 24 H Church F Hayes S20100 S20100014082AARIATION 014082AARIATION w 5 110 10 7 5 4 4J 3 J Judy J Hayes 200100 01802 CHESTERBROK WB 7 HI G 1 7l 9l Gi 44 AA Charles A W Simerl tl3 100 01869 AGXES CALL w 4 110 4 10 8s 6 Si 5s E Sporri E P OMeara 1310100 98014 VASQUEZ w 4 111 5 3 4J 3l 3 Gi V AVallis Golden Statt Stable 2310100 01766 ALICE LAXG w 4 111J 24 6 71 7l 71 C Connors G E Martin 9200100 9200100018695MISS 018695MISS ROSEDALE w 5 113 11 12 9s 8 S3 8 J OBrien J AV Lewis 4SO100 4SO10001872RACKET 01872RACKET WB 6 101 S 9 12 10l 10 91 L AVellmn J H Nicholson t tMESSIDOR MESSIDOR w 3 103 7 S 10 11s 91 10 R Mozer AV R Sallee 6040100 604010000398iBUCK 00398iBUCK POXD w 5 106 1 G 2 5i 1H 11 AV Barr A R Freeman 3201 01050 JUDGE LYXCH w 3 102 9 11 II1 12 12 12 J Majestic J P Walsh t ttField tField Time 22 46 i l06ls Track fast 2 certificates earned Red Heart 3180 straight 1480 place 720 show Finday 780 place 500 show Aariation IJGO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Red Heart 1490 to 100 straight 640 to 100 place 260 to 100 show Finday 29 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Aariation 80 to 100 show showAAinner AAinner Ch c by Sweep On Margaret E by Cydades trained by D Womeldorff bred by Mr J L Rives RivesAVeut AVeut to post at ° nG At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving RED HEART close up from the start finished resolutely and won going away through tht last seventy yards FIXDAY showed great speed iu fast pacemaking but tired when challenged VAKIA TIOX began slowly and gradually improved her position but was forced to race wide into the stretch CHESTERBROOK closed up considerable ground and finished gamely AASQUEZ showed early speed and tired badly MISS ROSEDALE was bumped at the start BUCK POXD quit and ran as if unfit to race raceScratched Scratched 01 8fi9 Body Guard 111 92490 Pillager 111 01809 Lady in Gold 106 95941Pop Shot 105 99448 = Pickpocket 106 106Overweights Overweights Alice Lang 2rj pounds Racket 3 Messidor 1 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Declared off no substitute SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles June 20 1925 145 6 114 Purse 1000 4yearold and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equir Book Strt 01870CHEER LEADER w 12 106 8 5 5 3nfc 25 1 J 1 T McEIroy Fausett Woods 01870LEOXTES WB 6 10G 3 7 7J Gi 1 5l 24 L AAellmn S AV Grant GSO100 01870 SLAXDERER w G 111 4 3 41 4i 3l 2 3l AV Charles Midway Stablo 1710100 01804 FAIRLIGHT WB 5 111 11 G 3 7i GJ 4l 4h C E Allen AV V Casey 2S90100 01804DUSTPROOIT WB G 106 7 H 103 11 = II 7k 5 D Smith B F McClain Jr 390100 01799JCHILE WSB G 103 6 9 Gi 2 4 8i G1 C Healy H E Brn Sfk Fm Sta 740100 01906 AAAUKEAG w 12 111 10 10 11ilO1 10l 91 7S J Judy C K Freeman 47SO100 01804 TULE WB G 103 2 1 2s 51 C fit gl P Cogan A B Jessop 37CO100 01871FREECUTTER wsli 11 106 5 4 11 l i 11 3l 9 R Creese H C McConnell 10iO100 01871 DEMIJOHX WB G 111 12 12 12 12 12 10l 10 J Connors F J Boyle 390lOa 01870KIXG B WB 7 106 1 2 8 S5 91 12 H1 W Barr F A Bernero t 01799 SAXDY H w 9 111 9 8 91 9l 8l H1 12 H Garner J P K AVillts T TtField tField Time 24 4S7i 118 142 149 Track fast 2 certificates earned Cheer Leader 380 straight 460 place 380 show Leontes 710 rlace 600 show Slanderer 720 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Cheer Leader 340 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Leontea 270 to 100 place 200 to 100 show Slanderer 200 to 100 show showAVinuer AVinuer B g by Ogden Belle of Ashland by Ornament trained by E H Fausett bred bv Mr Thomas O McDowell McDowellAVent AVent to post at 414 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won liandily second and third driving CIIBEU LEADER close up from the start took the lead midway of the stretch and held the race safe at the end LEOXTES began slowly but came fast and gamely when clear In the stretch ami outstayed SLAXDERER The latter moved up into second place after entering the stretch and raced well in the final drive FAIRLIGHT was going well at the end DUSTPROOF closed a big gap CIIIIK tired FREECUTTER set a good pace but quit in the final eighth eighthScratched Scratched 01871London Smoke 116 01S71 Molinero Ill 01871 Settee 113 0190C Yankee Boy 111 fkOflg O SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 22 1925 140 3 110 Parse 1000 3yearoldi and VAVf JO upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 AAVtPPSt i ft str Fin Jockeys Equir Hook Strt 01901 EL ASTRO r G 109 2 2 1 li 1 1w 14 1 1k W Crowell T J Abrams 01U02SGREEX HILLS w 3 100 I 1 S rt 2 2w 2t 2 T McEIroy Lono Star Stable Stable4k 01834LADY CHOCO w 5 108 9 4 4i 4k T Tw Tnt tj 3 = D Smith C AV Ross 017G5 AMELIA S w G 107 9 1 7 7w G 4 T Brown A A AVinters AVintersG 01953 ILLtSIOXIST w G 103 1 3 C G G 51 Ji A Yerrat J G Greeson 95501 C1TIZKX w S US S 3l 4 GJ E Gelloni Derby Stabla 01838MART BUNCH w G 105 7 S 7 R Creese G H Neal Continued on eichih pace AUROEA AUROEAContinued Continued from third page 01R72 MASQUERADO w 7 113 5 G 3 3 1 S S W Biggs Glencovo Stable 1770100 1770100OI8G7 OI8G7 MAUTDOXXA v 3 95 G S 9 9 3 9 9 AV Barr V M Walsh 6990100 6990100Time Time 244 49 115 143 Track fast 2 certificates earned Kl Astro 1640 straight 900 place 400 show Green Hills 500 iilace 52 J show Iady Choco 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent linking Kl Astro 720 to 100 straight 350 to 100 i laoc 130 to 100 show Green Hills 130 to KX place CO to ICO show Ijiily Chi o VI to 100 show showWinner Winner Rr g liy Star Shoot EImahi liy Ogden trained by 1 Abrams bred by Xalapa Farm FarmWent Went to pi t at 445 At jnist 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and tbinl the same KIj ASTRO took tlie lead at once and set a good pace but had to be shaken up near the rnd to retain his slight advantage GREEN HILLS forced the pace throughout and finished gamely through tin final drive LADY CHOCO gradually improved her position in tin stretch and finished gamely on tho outside AMKIIA S was forced extremely wide while rounding tho first turn but closed up much ground in tho stretch MAKT BUNCH was snuffed back shortly after the start and could never get up MAhOlKKADU tired badly in the last quarter quarterScratched Scratched f01S3KIGiinsiglit lll 01872 John Fiun 111 0190G Invictns 10S 01871 Gipsy Flyer 103 103Overweight Overweight Martdonra 5 jtounds