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WOODBINE TURF NOTES TORONTO Ont May 27 27W W G Wilson disposed of Paddle this morn ¬ ing to John Sweeney of Detroit He also disposed of the plater Gold Trap to the same party Both horses were shipped to Wilsons son at St Marys Ontario where they will be qualified as hunters and later on sent to their owner who will race the pair at the hunt meetings meetingsThe The twoyearold Willie K who was taken down with a slight attack of fever has responded to treatment and his trainer re ¬ ports him out of danger dangerThe The condition books of the Long Branch meeting were distributed by Secretary Nor vell among the horsemen racing at Wood ¬ bine bineThe The Greenbriar Stable is negotiating for second call on the services of jockey Munden for the remainder of the racing season in Canada CanadaJockey Jockey C Lang on receipt of a wire from Miller Henderson made a hurried departure for Collinsville last night He is motoring from here to St Louis LouisAt At the conclusion of the Thorncliffe meot ing Preston Burch plans to ship the Nevada Stock Farm horses to Collinsville Jockeys Schaefer and Pelernel will accompany the stable south southAfter After being galloped this morning and while walking off the track Poor Lady an imported twoyearold filly in the J K L Ross stable was run into by a threeyear old maiden in the stable of J Clay and knocked down The Ross filly suffered injuries to her shoulder which will lay her up for a time timeReports Reports that reached here from New Tork are that Charles Reilly lias taken over the horses that J H Stotler formerly trained for the Woodlawii Stable StableMrs Mrs W J Giblin of Toronto who recently purchased of the Laurel Park Stud the im ¬ ported racers Grenier Clock Golf and Fly brook has turned them over to R E Potts to train Mrs Giblin also purchased Mar cellus cellusCharles Charles Murray for fifteen years foreman of the E F Whitney staole has severed his connection with that establishment and taken over the platers St Valentine and Redstone for W Albrecht AlbrechtSir Sir Hector McNeal and W A Read presi ¬ dent of the Laurel Park Stud were arrivals from New York They were at the Wood ¬ bine this afternoon as the guests of Com J K L Ross RossPunjabs Punjabs leg filled after being galloped this morning and he was withdrawn from the King Edward Gold Cup Handicap