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WOODBINE PARK TORONTO ONT THURSDAY MAY 27 1926 Woodbine Park 1 Mile Fifth day Ontario Jockey Club Spring meeting of 7 days Weathor clear Steward Representing Canadian Itacing Associations F Nelson Stewards of Meeting F T Bryan A E Dimeiil C Campbell and G M Hendrie Judges T 15 Campbell TieutCol K R Marshall and W II Jlcndrie Starter Marshall Cassidy Racing Secretary W I Frascr o time lrO p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig nee of each lace indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance Af A iJ FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlonps May 25 1923 53 2 117 Waterloo Plate 1200 JjA9 Added 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 880 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt OI880MILLEX1UM w 112 1 1 Ink j jh ij Ranelli J R Macomber 60100 01475 TOIXT OF HONOR f 10S 7 7 5 2J 2 A Claver Mrs L A Livingston 945100 018SO WAU GOLD w 112 f 5 4 31 3l A Hunt C Van Bergen 1325100 1325100G 01016 SARMATIC w 115 22 G 6 t II Kricksn Seagram Stable 1560100 1560100OI531SFALLEX OI531SFALLEX LEAF WB 112 43 21 4a 51 L Schaefer Nevada Stock Fm Sta f2S5100I80891GAHALDOX t2S5100 I80891GAHALDOX vn 112 3 4 31 5 C3 11 Peternel Nevada Stock Farm Stable t tt t 0003 1 LITTLE VIXCE w 113 f 6 7 7 7 F Smith V W Keating 4190100 4190100f f Coupled as Nevada Stock Farm Stable entry entryTimo Timo 24 49 55 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Millenium 320 straight 275 place 235 show Point of Honor 670 place 325 show War Gold 475 show showEqiiivacnt Eqiiivacnt Iwoking odds Millcninm CO to 100 straight 37 to 100 place 17 to 100 show Point of Honor 235 to 100 place 62 to 100 show War Gold 137 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br f by Ballot Aqua Pura by Yankee trained by W Booth bred by Mrs L Combs CombsWent Went to K t at 231 At iwst 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MILLEX1UM began fast and won all the way but had to stand a long and hard drive to withstand POINT OF HONOKS challenge The latter green at the barrier I cgan slowly but gained steadily and was gradually wearing the winner down WAU GOLD raced well and finished close up HARMATIO made a fast finish FALLEN LEAF tired SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Lion Heart Steeplechase 2000 Added 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1600 second 300 third 150 fourth 0 A A Wt tt i PP ii St 01 4 i B Aiii ivcjo Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01509 LIEUTENT SEAS w 9 150 5 4 2s 3 2 li A Kelly W G Wilson 203100 20310001H82 01H82 LE VIGXEMALE w G 143 C 2 C 4 = 1i 15 25 H Wliams B Tuckerman 140100 14010001847SROCKIXG 01847SROCKIXG HOltSE w 9 133 3 3 I1 I1 3s 31 E Groves Ludgate Farm Stable 393100 01882 PECCAXT ws 9 135 1 6 5 B 4J 4 4 P Watkins Lynmere Stable 450100 45010001S47 01S47 HELSDEL1TE w S 130 4 5 2 3l 5 5 5 I Burgess A Case 1090100 01847 UOI CRAIG w 10 133 2 1 4 Lost rider H McAfee K Pending 1335100 1335100Time Time 407 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Lieutenant Seas 010 straight 330 place 250 show Le Vignemale 310 place 5 30 show Itocking Horse 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lieutenant Seas 20 to 100 straight Or to 100 place 25 to 100 show Le Vignemale 5Ti to 100 place IS to 100 show Itocking Horse 20 to 00 show showWinner Winner B g by Marajax Honeymoon by Matchmaker trained by W G Wilson bred by Mr ICiihard T Wilson WilsonWent Went to ix st at 259 At post I minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third tlio same L1KCTEXAXT SEAS was waited with and never made a move until going to the last jump when ho meed to the leader with a rush and held her safe in the final drive LE VIGNEMALE was messed about all the way and permitted ta drop too far back in the early running and tired after closing a big gap and taking the lead HOCKING HOUSE jumped well and showed the most early speed but tired badly UOI CUA1G lost his rider at the fifth jump THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Sept 25 1923 143 5 106 Mayflower Plate 1200 Added 3yearolds and upward Maidens Foaled in Canada Allowances Net valuo to winner 890 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt4 74 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt WB 4 112 4 1 Gl 43 41 2h 1 J Maiben T RiddeM S0145SSEVEN OAKS w 5 112 5 5 11 2 L Schaefer C Robson 335100 96365 SOLIDITY w 3 102 3 4 2 31 3 k 4 1 3s S Stretton C Millar 4155100 01883 BYNG BOY w 5 112 1 G 4 G1 5 Cl 4 1 J D Mney A C Stablo KXMOO KXMOOU2732 U2732 BEN HUR WB 3 104 8 3 3 2 2 3 5 B Thpson R Orr 1800100 01849 SOUTHERN GLOWw 4 110 2 2 5 7 7 S2 C O Brassa Thorncliffo Stable 1485100 01883 HECATE w 3 102 9 7 = S Cl 5J 71 A Claver Mrs L A Livingston 345100 01914 J57010093306SDOWNSVIEW ANM ERODE w 3 102 7 9 9 9 9 7s S1 J Logan J C Fletcher J570100 93306SDOWNSVIEW w 3 103 G 8 7J 51 S 9 9 J Nichol J C Fletcher t tCoupled as J C Fletcher entry entryTime Time 24 49 116 143 148 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Cloth Hall 700 straight 305 place 2i 5 show Seven Oaks 470 place 385 show Solidity 1800 show showEquivalent Equivalent hooking odds Cloth Hall 250 to 100 straight 82M to 100 place 47JA to 100 show Seven Oak 135 to 100 place 92 to 100 show Solidity 830 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Sobieski Sally Cohen by Star Ruby trained by T Riddell bred by Mr Thomas lliddell Went to post at 333 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving CIOTH HALL was saved until well around the far turn where he moved up on the outside of the leaders and racing into the lead with a rush after passing the eighth post drew away in the last sixteenth SEVEN OAKS set a good pace from the start but was tiring and barely lasted long enough to outfinish SOLIDITY The latter ran well and finished gamely BEN HUR was close up until in the last sixteenth HECATE began very slowly and ran wide on the first turn turnOverweights Overweights Ben Hnr 2 pounds Hecate 1 fkOftOQ FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Sept 27 1922 111 5 117 Grosvenor Plata 1200 j tJ lJ Added 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 905 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01885 TAUDLAXE w 4 111 2 6 61 31 3 11 L Schaefer H Neusteter 2171100 21711002J 95943XEV BEAUTY v511211 5 2J 2 2 A Abel T S Cochenour 3010100 PI883GALLXT GREEKwn 4 107 10 4 31 2 1 lh 3s O Brassa Seagram Stable 4C3100 1098 SWEET IXVER wn 3 101 9 8 7 5 41 4h C McCrsn N V Cochran 3C5100 3C5100II3 9C288 SOTERIA w 3 95 4 11 11nioSl II3 101 S 5k S Stretton Ludgato Farm Stable 5C100 nioSl LTEUT FARRELwn 5 119 S 1 7 i G3 T Bonham Mrs A Davis 3330100 00904 COOXCAN wn 7 119 12 9 S 7h 93 7 J J Maiben C Turner 830100 01541 HAXKY RICE w 4 Hi 310 310OI572 10 11 lll Sl B Thpson C Ferraro 1443100 OI572 CAMOUFLAGK wn 10 11C 5 57 7 5h 4 5 9 F Smith J J Meyers 1510100 805 DOLLY DLXIJAH w 4 112 C 3 4 k Sl C lOl A Claver Mrs 1C E Wilson 1C90100 1C90100in Oi Oi20aMAXIE 20aMAXIE wn in 5 11C 1 112 1129C900 12 12 12 12 11 A Tryon Mrs D L Rice 3C33100 3C33100OG900 9C900 ATLANTIDA w 5 107 7 2 lh CJ 10t 12 J Logan J C Fletcher 4230100 4230100Time Time 24 49 114 Track fast fastS2 S2 mutuels paid Tandlane 035 straight 415 place 200 show New Beauty 1945 place 9C5 tliow Gallant Greek 3Cri show showIVjuivalent IVjuivalent looking odds Tiudlane 217i to 100 straight 107X to 100 place 45 to 100 show New Beauty 872i to 1K place 3824 to 100 show Gallant Greek 82 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Pataud Utopia by Stalwart trained by H Neusteter bred by Messrs Spencer Wiggins WigginsWent Went to post at 408 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Fame TAlDLANE was badly outrun early but worked his way up on the inside and coming on the outside of the leaders when entering the home stretch finished fast and outgamed the tiring NEW BEAUTY at the end NEW BEAUTY was hard ridden from the start and ran a good race but tired from racing ATLANTIDA and th n GALLANT GISEEK into defeat The latter ran well and stayed 1 n 0 fllal irjv DOLLY DUNBAK and ATLANTIDA began well but soon dropped far back backSotcria Sotcria 3 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles May 27 1922 145 4 115 TwentySecond Running KING EDWARD GOLD CUT 5000 Added 3ycarolds and upward Handicap Net valuo to winner 3840 second 1000 third 500 fourth 250 Index HorsiM AWtPPStVi i Str Fin Jookrys Eijiiiv Odds Strt U8843EDISTO w 4 122 3 3 141s Il U I1 II Bricks n Seagram Stable S5100 01884 JOY SMOKE w 5 122 4 4 2l 21 2 23 2 J Butwell E F Whitney 315100 315100O1884SMOTHERS O1884SMOTHERS SOX wit 5 109 1 2 33 31 3l 3l 3h W Munden Carlton Stablo t OlOO 01884 WILDERNESS WK C 10S 2 1 4s 41 4s 41 4 J J Maiben R T Wilson S55100 01884 HARROVIAN w C 112 5 5 C 5 5 5 5 P Walls Sewickley Stablo jCoupled as Carlton Stable and Sewicklev Stable entrv entrvTimo Timo 23 46 J l12 i 138 144 new track record Track fast 2 mutuels j aid Edisto jt70 straight 245 place Joy Smoke 315 place no show mutnels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds 1Minti 85 to 100 straight 22 to 100 plait Joy Smoke r7 to 10V place placeWinner Winner B by Johren Tnnnin by Broomstick trained by W H Bringloe bred by Mr L S Thompson ThompsonWent Went to jiost at 445 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving EIUSTO set a fast pace from soon after the start and drew away on the Iwick stretch then wan taken under slight restraint and rescinding well when called on was going away again at the finish JOY SMOKE closer up than usual in the early racing made a game eliallenge in the stretch lint tired ami swerved over to the inside in the last sixteenth MOTHERS SON ran a good race but vas gamelyScratched driving to the limit at the end to outstay WILDERNESS The latter finished fast and gamely Scratched OOyM Pnnjabt 18 QAQ fl SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Sept 25 1923 143 5 106 York PUte U tvPOJL 1500 Added 3yoarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1070 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 AWtPPSti Str Fin Jockeys 01852 FLEETWOOD 4 113 G 4 C 4 4 J Maiben R Pending PendingR R Peternel G C Brenton BrentonF F Smith T Sullivan SullivanJ J D Mney Winburn Stable StableB B Thpson H Bedwell BedwellO O Brown J K Beal BealJ J Picrillu Missouri Stablo StabloA A Tryon Airs D L Ulcu 0441R BOB MAYES wn 5 115 2 10 10 10 10 10 9 = L Schaefer D Franklin 915109 01579 REGAL TOY WB 4 103 10 8 G S = S MO W Munden Green Briar Stable 17051W 17051WTimo Timo 24 49 114 140 145S Track fast 2 mutuels paid Fleet wood 3 70 straight 1055 place 525 show Muskallunge 330 place 260 show Cave Woman 275 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Fleetwood 1735 to 100 straight 427 to 100 place 162 to 100 show Muskallonge showWinner 65 to 100 place M to 100 show Cave Woman 37 14 to 100 show Winner B g by Jim Gaffney Flitaway by Fair Play trained by L Phillips bred by Ir O Clay ClayWent Went to post at 515 At post 17 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving FLEETWOOD was outpaced in the early running but moved up when entering the home stretch and finishing with a rush through the last eighth won going away MUSKALLONGE took the leail with a rush soon after the start and tired on the last turn but ontgamed CAVE WOMAN in the final drive The latter forced the early pace and took the lead while rounding the last turn but tired in the stretch SAND ROCK closed a big gap and finished in close quarters next to the inside rail railScratched Scratched 01 881 King of Fortune 115 OI55G Great Kock 100 008C6 Just Clare 10 01480 Type cutter W 018SI Lord Ifcnfrew 102 102Overweights Overweights Sand lU4k 4 pounds Lucky Kun 2 OfOO SEVENTH HACE 1 116 Miles Mmy 27 1926 14454 4 122 Xeamineton Plate vf vfMVrO MVrO rf 1500 Afl AflHod od 3yearolds and upward Claiming Handicap Net value to winner J 1030 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AVtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Eijuiv Odds Strt 01852 RXDS REQUESTwB 4 110 2 2 2 2J 2 2J 1 W Munden 11 E Watkins 220100 01552 DR OMARA w 5 113 4 4 31 31 3 k 4s 2 L Schaefer J J Farrell Jr 350100 01852 BLUE HILL WB 5 116 5 5 1 1 1 1 35 J Tamaro cJ Ferraro 2fiO100 01918 PIXOLA WB 4 107 1 1 5 5 5 3 k 44 J Maiben K T Wilson 450100 01852 VILLAGER WB 4 110 3 3 41 4i 4 5 5 P Walls Mrs B MuEachren 750100 750100Time Time 24y5 49 114 140 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Rowlands Request 040 straight 385 place 280 show Dr OMara 415 place 330 show Blue Hill 235 show showEquivalent j Equivalent booking odds Rowlands Request 220 to 100 straight 021 to 100 place 40 to ICO show Dr OMara 107 to 100 place 65 to 100 show Blue Hill 17M to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Sir Rowland Linger Longer Lucy by Avington trained by K E Watkins bred in England CunninghamWent by Mrs B M Cunningham Went to post at 603 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ROWLANDS REQUEST was saved close up behind BLUE HILL until after entering the home stretch then responded resolutely when called on and won in the last stride DR OMAIIA w brought on the outside in the stretch and finishing fast would have won in a few more strides BLUM HILL showed the most early speed but tired The saddle slipped on PIXOLA PIXOLAScratched Scratched O19G4sMalapert 103 103Overweight Overweight Villager 2 pounds