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Copyright 1926 by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co NEW YORK N Y THURSDAY MAY 27 1926 Belmont Park 1 12 Miles 0 11 Feet Sixth day AVestcheister Racing Association Spring meeting of 20 days AAeather cloudy Stewards of Meeting J E AAidener R T AAilson and A S Aosbtirgh Steward Representing the National Steeplechase and Hunts Association A II Higginson Judges E C Smith and C Coruehlsen Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary A E Schaumburg J30 p m Chicago time 130 p in AV indkutes whip S spurs B blinkers Fig Figwv wv uxuiuvnvo ollowing the distance of each nice indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 1 Mile Sept 3 1923 l35i 3 113 WTieatlcy Purse Purse S120D 3 yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P OieiO KIXG JIMMY w 4 115 2 7 7 = 5 = t 53 ju L Fator F E Brown 35521 35521I1 01497 XUKER wn 4 111 10 1 1s 1s017MIJGREEX I1 1J 2 = A MtensnAA R Coe 4 G 3 G5 Co 017MIJGREEX DRAGOX w 3 109 7 3 2l 21 2i 31 F ThdykeMrs F A Clark 10 10 10 4 2 wn 3 102 G 4 41 31 4 5 S Hebert AV Ziegler Jr 14 4 31 75 71 wn 3 100 S G 3 = 3s 3 = 4k 5s R HavildP S P RandolphlO 10 10 4 2 01862 ROCICY LAXE w 3 1CS 1 5 9l 9 9 = Gt D McAffeJ E Madden S 12 12 5 2A 2A018G3 018G3 HAXG OX WSB 3 1UU 4 9 10 Si S J Si 7i F CatroneJ Butler 4 7 G 2J 03 03O1703 O1703 LIXGARD wn 3 103 9 2 4 i 5 G1 G3 S5 G Fields Oak Rdge Sta 10 10 S 3 S5 01796 EARLY VOTE wn 3 100 3 S Gll 7s 71 7 9t J CallahanK E Hitt 20 20 20 S 4 01899 COLORFUL WB 3 107 91 10 10 10 10 F Weiner AA Ziesler Jr f4 4 3i 75 7W fCoupled as AA Ziesler Jr entry entryTime Time 23 47i 113 139 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Br g by King James Autumn II by St Frtisquin trained by F E Brown bred by Mr Harry F Sinclair SinclairAVentto AVentto post at 234 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AAon driving second and third the tauic KIXG JIMMY was badly outpaced in the early running but rapdly improved his position on the iu ide in the last half and coming on the outside of the leaders when entering the stretch finished re olntely and got up to win in the final stride ZUKER raced into a long lead and saving ground where iio sible withitood a challenge from GREEX DRAGOX but tired right at the end GREEX 1 RAGOX raced in closest pursuit nearly throughout but also tired in the final drive AUABY ran vell all the way IHEASAXT had no mishaps mishapsScratched Scratched l01497Happy Argo Ill 017l 6Ambprjack 114 01733 Cork Elm 111 111Overweights Overweights Rocky Lane 2 pounds Hang On 2 Lingard 4 Colorful 5 SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Thistledale Steeplechase Purse 1300 4yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses A Wt PP St 3 7 10 12 Fin Jockeys Owners OHO o 01827 CHERKI w 5 142 4 2 lt I1 15 I3 1 W Bethel Somerset Sta 10 10 185 S3 45 15r OsASCETIC w 5 139i S G 21 2 2 2 = 230 C Jones J E AVidener 2i 41 41 S5 45 01861 3BURTOX II w 7 ItO 5 S Cl 5s 5s 5s 3 G Hardy L Dominick 10 12 12 5 21 97368 = ST LAAAREXCE ws G 14 35 3501827SMART 5 7 = G G 31 4 AA Hunt AV Ar Dwyer 455 01827SMART SIXXER ws G 1M G 1 1READY 3 3 3 4 511 J LmberLH R A AVest 10 10 S o READY AVIT w 4 132 2 3 T MorganAA A Read LIPIXGO w 4 132 1 4 S 7 7 7 7 D Holley Brd Hollow StalO 12 12 80486 HAXDSOME L Cheyne II P AAhitney Time 349Js Track fast AVinner B g by Durbar Carlota by Macdonald II trained by E G Heider bred in France by ilr H Corbierc CorbiercAVent AVent to j ost at 300 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second anil third driving CHERKI jumped T ell and showing the most speed on the flat withstood challenges from ASCETIC and drew far awa after taking the final jump ASCETIC raced in closest pursuit of the winner aud made a threaten g challenge after taking the tenth jump but was easily outfinished BUR TOX II saved ground wher possible and finished resolutely ST LAWREXCE was outrun all the way HAXDSOME fell at th sixth jump jumpOverweights Overweights Ascetic 2 pounds Burton II 3 THIRD RACE 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course May 25 1926 52 2 114 Wild briar Purse Purse 1200 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 0182H CHEOPS w 117 10 3 21 1 1 = L Fator Rancocas St 710 710 1120 14 out out01r53THE 01r53THE HEATHEX w 12 51 li 2l 2 H CallahnC H Pierce 8 10 10 3 C5 111273 GUN ROYAL wr 112 42 31 31 3 G Ellis Xowtondale Sta 20 40 40 12 C 111828 AVHISKERY wn 112 11 4 4 1 4 4 L McAtee II P Whitney G 10 10 3 G5 0172 AAISACK II WB 115 75 G = f1 5 T McTastX Loscalzo 10 10 10 3 C5 01864 MIDDLE AAEST w 112 38 81 Sb G D McAffeJ E Madden 30 30 20 7 3 3NORTHERN NORTHERN PASS w 112 17 9l 7 7i G Fields Oak Ridge Sta 30 40 40 12 G GO1831 O1831 SHOPLIFTER w 110 S G 5s GI 8l J Kellum Bud Fisher 20 30 20 7 3 301758MASTER 01758MASTER AAILLTAMw 120 G 10 10 ° 9 9 E AmbrseA J Gadek 5 S 7 8533 8533018C4 018C4 BOIS DE ROSE wn 112 29 71 1010 F AAeiner AV Ziesler Jr 30 40 40 12 G GAAGABOXD AAGABOXD KIXG WB 112 9 11 11 11 11 A SchuserMirasol Stable 33 30 20 10 5 5Time Time 515S new track record Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Br c by John I Grier Play Fair by Fair Play trained ly S C Hildreth bred by lessr J D Carr Bro BroAVent AVent to post at 328 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second aud third driving CHEOPS close up from the start took the lead when called on and drew away from THE HEATHEN in the final sixteenth THE HEATHEX showed the most early speed and was racing well at the end GUX ROYAL finished with a rush on the inside anil would have been second in another ftridf AVHISKERY raced well and had no mishaps AAISACK II tired at the end MIDDLE AVEST raced green MASTER AVILL1AM dwelt at the start and was crowded back backScratched Scratched Oi98Golden Box 114 0175S Jim Crow 117 117Overweights Overweights Avisack II 1 i ouud Shoplifter 1 41OtCfc rOTJRTH RACE 34 Mile Main Course Sept 4 1923 1 10 5 4 122 Twelfth U fiSUUJf Running HOLLIS CLAIMING STAKES 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 3475 second 500 third 250 Index Horses AWtPPSt i ij Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 4 US 2 1 14 I1 1 = I1 H ThurberR L Gerry 710 710 1120 15 out 01574 APPLECROSS w 3 107 G 5 4 3 t 2s 23 G Fields Sage Stable 18 S G 75 12 01554 tMONTFERRAT wn 3 113 54 5 0 3t 3T A JonnsonSasramore Sta 12 15 15 4 G5 01862 ROLAND WB 5 116 4 G G G G 4 = L Fator Mrs R I Miller G 8 G 75 12 7411 ANACONDA WB 3 107 1 2 2 21 4 = nk F AAeiner Mrs A Brown fS S G 7512 96357 FEDERAL WB 3 115 33 3 4 54 G E Sancle J E AAidener 3 G G S3 35 Coupled as Sage Stable and Mrs A Brown entry entryTime Time 23i 46 i l12i Track fast fastAVinner AVinner I c by Tolta Embassy by Ambassador IA trained by G M Oilom bred by Mr Arthur B Hancock HancockAVeut AVeut to i st at 354 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving AOITAIC set a fast pace from the start withstood a challenge from AXACOXDA and held APPLECROSS safe iu the fiual drive The latter was close up throughout and making a game rush through the stretch was wearing the winner down MOXTFERRAT was shuffled back shortly after the start but worked his way up on the outside and finished fast ItOLAXD was knocked back at the btart FEDERAL had no mishaps mishapsScratched Scratched 01t7S3Mavne 10S 02006Zukcr 114 01SG2 Priceman 105 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 3 1923 135 3 113 Hempstead Handicap 1200 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 990 second 200 third 100 AAVtPPSt U ii riStrFiu Jockeys Owners O H C P S ill830 = CHERRY PIE WB G 10S 4 5 41 4 44 31 1 G Ellis Creentree Stable 3 31 3 1 25 01830GOLDEX SPIRE w 4 105 2 1 G G 51 43 21 G Fields Sunnylaml Sta 444 7035 111 111422 42i BLIXD PLAY PLAYW1271 wn 5 107 1 4 2s 21 24 I1 3 W HarveyLotr Cabin Sta 21 21 2 45 13 13W1271 W1271 GAMBLE GAMBLEO1421 WB 4 97 6 3 14 I1 I1 2 4 S Hebert AV Ziegler Jr 10 15 15 G 3 3O1421 O1421 CHILHOAVEE w 5 12rt 3 2 35 35 33 51 53 F Sharpe Chilhowee Sta 15 20 15 G 3 97322 SPOT CASH CASHC1830 5 G G G R Alblker A C Bostwick 30 30 20 10 5 C1830 QUATRAIX wn 4 113 7 AAhooloil loil E Sande F Johnson 2 165 135 1 2 25 25Time Time 23i 463i 112 137 Track fast AViuner B g l v Chicle Cherry Malotte by Orlando trained by A Powers bred by Greeutree Stable StableAVent AVent to p st at 42O At post 2 minutes Start good and slow for all but QUATRAIX Won driv ¬ ing second ami third the sain CHERRY PIE worked his way up steadily and responding gamely to hard riding outfinished GOLDEX SPIRE in the final strides The latter dropped back after the start lint worked his way up on tin outside and finishing fast would have won iu another stride BLIXD 1LAY forced the puce nearly throughout but tired at the end after taking the lead GAMBLE set u fat pace but tired in the stretch SPOT CASH began slowly QUATRAIX wheeled at the start OlSiS Martha AVashiugtoii JO Quatrain 1 iKiiind ffft t SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course May 27 1926 51i 2 117 Moon U vPJLJL m Pnrxe TXrse 1000 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O U C P 0175H OLIAE DEXTER w 112 fi G 5 11 1 F Sharpe J AAr Bean 3 3 1151 12 180 SUICY w 101 U I 4i 3l 2 J CallahnF Johnson 4 S 7 3 0172 GItEEN BACK wit V S 5 G 5l 3 A SchuperMirasol Stable 10 10 S 4 401510LENA 01510LENA RINEHARTw 101 12 1 1 41 4 k J MerglerJ P McGovern G S 8 3 85 85O18CO O18CO MEDLEY WB 107 7 2 31 21 5 A MtensnAA R Coe 10 12 12 5 21 01864 ARSACID w 109 10 9 7 71 G 1 G Ellis Greentreo Sta 15 15 12 5 21 01860 LOIS RINEHART w III 93 21 G 7 1 W HarveyP H Faulconer 3 4 1351 12 12111EPTEM 111EPTEM w 106 1 10 103 85 8 O Fields Oak Ridpe Sta 10 15 15 G 3 9952 BILL McCAHE w 115 4 8 9 91 E AmbrseF Marlow 30 40 30 15 G 1860 LADY COXA w 10S 2 7 Si 10 10k p CatroneD C Sands 15 15 10 4 2 2O1860 O1860 LOMONDO vn 110 311 11 11 11 J BrunnerAA Hogan 15 20 20 S 4 PARTNER w 102 5 12 12 12 12 G Powers S Rosa 30 40 40 15 G GTime Time 52 Track fast fastAViiiiir AViiiiir Ch f by Tin Wanderer Sister Marjorie by Jack Point trained by J 1 Smith bred bv Wr J AV BeaiO BeaiOVeiit Veiit to iHist at 445 At p t 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third thr ame OIIAE DEXTER raceij chse up from the start on the Inside and taking the lead in the trelVh outgamed StKY in the final Ktrhlrs The latter to k the leud when twentv yards from the rini li but tired right at the cud GREKX BACK finished gamely n the outside LKNA R1XEHART ran well for tlin eiglith MKIHEY Iliwl near Hie end UUS RIXKIIART ran well for threeeightlis threeeightlisScratched Scratched OlCOttiSolid Gihl 114 Ci78itltHffo lil 100 018tl Glcnning 115