Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-28


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesBELMONT BELMONT PARK FRIDAY MAY 28 28WEATHER WEATHER CIEAU TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of u t f T riictnri sincn January 1 1925 no matter whsre it finiihed In cae where record wa made on other than a fast show track con ¬ or good track abbreviations ditions 9ses is FIRST I ITDEX TDEX OF i 26 26011S6 011S6 IS FIRST IXBKX OF MAY MAYRaring Raring starts at 230 I m Chicago time 130 SiiH rinr mud runner y coo l mud runner I Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice n I Iowa nee neeThe The following nlibreriation il are used to designate tricks at which time records shown in entries wore made madeAkron Akron King Edward EdwardLagoon Aqueduct LagoonLatonia Lagoon Aurora Latonia LatoniaLaurel Belmont Park Laurel LaurelLexington Blue Bonnets Lexington LexingtonLex Blue Grass Lex Colored Fair FairLong Bowie Long Branch BranchMaple Brooklyn Maple Heights HeightsMarlboro Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg Marlboro MarlboroMiami Clarksburg Miami MiamiMobile Columbus MobileMount Mobile Col wood Park ParkConey Mount Royal RoyalNiagara Coney Island Niagara Falls FallsOrlando Connaiight Park ParkDado Orlando OrlandoOmaha Dado Park Omaha OmahaPhoenix Delorimier Park ParkDevonshire Phoenix PhoenixPimlico Devonshire Pimlico PimlicoRaceland Dorval Raceland RacelandReao Duf f erin Park Reao ReaoSalt Empire Salt Lake LakeSaratoga Erlanger Saratoga SaratogaTampa Fair Grounds Tampa TampaTanforan Fair mount Park ParkFort Tanforan TanforanThistledown Fort Erio Thistledown Hamilton Thorncliffa ThorncliffaTijuana Havre do Grace GraceHavana Tijuana TijuanaTimonium Havana Timonium TimoniumToledo Hawthorne Toledo ToledoUnited Huntington United Hunts HuntsWheeling Jamaica WheelingWillows Wheeling Jeffer on Park ParkJuarez Willows Park ParkWindsor Juarez Windsor WindsorWoodbine Kempton Park WoodbineYoungstown Woodbine Kenilworth Youngstown Belmont Park 1 12 Miles 6 14 Feet FeetFirst First Rice 4 12 Furlongs Widener Cours CoursTorn Torn Klowor Itirw Itirw1urs 1urs 100 j vfarolilK Maidens Mii TraiU record May 27 1920 r l IK IKTod Tod n nIml Iml TIor e WtRee AVt 01639 ISaiitifiil Kluw r 111 111018CO 018CO Ti Mrarv Maryltel 110 5iJ 115 01639 Sam Jowl 111 03931 ThrN l s 112 11201G09 01G09 I i l r low 01729 Atln1 li 01797 Griif I l 1 01895 Hrad IS11I1 rJ III 01330 Manwll 112 01585 Itiulily Tlark l 01510 Uanl Purple 01SC4 CUnnins l 1 lls 01323 Star Unlit 17 17DISC DISC tii iirNl U l 113 r 7X 10 01576 Uuiimuro 114 01864 Actaoon Hel 115 9 Tread Kay Anderson Menton Forbode Second Race 1 Mile Farmiugdalc Purse First Oivisu Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Track record Sept 3 19 01757 St John 3 111X735 01792 Hxihequer 3 100 730 97504 McAuliffe Kel 110 1334 5 114X7251 018263 Agnate 3 107 720 01732 Opperman Sar 112 l42h 7 117X715 01826 Korean 3 111X710 7 114703 01606 Zelda LelghtonM 3 100 700 99359 Laplander Uel 107 139 4 4110X700 4110X700Third 110X700 Third Race 1 Mile MileKarmiiiKdale DivisionPurse KarmiiiKdale Purse Second Division Purse ClaimingTrack 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Sept 3 1923 l35 = i 3 113 113SG371 SG371 Hisel Aqu lit l40 l40m m 5 110X735 01826 = Tea Kail How lit 145 3 107X730 01760 Watts Kel 102 l3S i 4 110 725 015733 Koseate II Tij 88 139 0 117X720 01792 0110X71501894s Peddler Lrl 103 141 i 0110X715 01894s Coolagh Boy M Bel 107 141 = 5 3 100 710 01607 llelphrizonia 0 100X705 01677 Hillside 3 104 TOO 1rl 110 142 4 112X700 112X700Fourth Fourth Race 6 12 Furlongt Main Course CourseDomino Domino Handicap 1200 Added 3vearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Sept 4 192O 117 1 11U 01730 XEUAXA Aju 1J5 llJa 4 123x745 013613 Single Foot 4 117x735 117x735Oil Oil 04 Th Vintner 5 103x730 103x730OlJSS OlJSS Little Asbestos 3104X725 01759 Titan 4 9U0720 01829 Kthereal 3 93 715 01898 Maitha Washing ¬ ton a J3X710 J3X710Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Milss MilssSandH SandH Point Purw PurwPiirs Piirs 1001 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 10 PJ21 l4S 5 t 4ifc Kusovia Jam 115 155 155tion 5 133X735 Devastation tion Jam 114 l5T5 108X730 Kcpuls Tij 125 154 154ie 4 114X725 Lockerbie ie lam 10911 54i 54ilght 5 KK5720 Cix l Xlght lght JP 115 153 0 10G715 10G715ft Dream of th the Val ¬ ley Mia 10S i3i ft 104X710 Delhi Boy 4 110X705 Stone Jug J 7 100 700 Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course CourseWoodmen Woodmen Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 2yearolds Claiming Track record May 27 11120 515 2 117 01609 Solid Gold 111 7 01860 Victrix II Bel 105 V 100 7 01860 = TipperaryMaryM Hel 110 5rt 103 7 018641 Kvader M Bel lit 5 1147 01860 Captain Jack Hel 118 50i 111 7 01639 = Black Agate M 111 7 018971 Knniii Bel S 5Hi 10K7 01729 Ijnka M HVJ7 HVJ7CO785 CO785 Bandoline M 105 7 01864 Axtacon MBcl 110 3l 3lr3 r3 1027M

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Local Identifier: drf1926052801_12_2
Library of Congress Record: